Member Reviews

Although a surprise inheritance sounds like good luck, it turns out to be anything but in a tense, twisty thriller. There was so many twists and turns it kept me wanting more. Definitely a must read!

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I’m a big Lisa Unger fan and I really enjoyed this book. I loved the premise and I wanted to stay up to finish it which for me is the mark of a good mystery.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the opportunity to review The New Couple in 5B. It is hard not to give spoilers, so here I go, not giving it away. I am the best reader and the worst reader. Having read most of my life, I can usually predict plot answers. This story had me wrong for most of the book! I liked the antagonist! It pulled me along to figure out how it was going to end. It kept me guessing the whole time! It's a great and dark read that could be a movie! Thank you. Lisa!

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The Couple In 5B by Lisa Unger was everything I needed in a book! I absolutely love all her work and this one was no different. Definitely one of my top 10 books of 2024 and it’s only February.

I literally finished the book in one sitting - I could not put in down! I don’t want to give too much away but I absolutely did not see some of the twists coming!

We meet Rosie and Chad Lowan, newlyweds who are both creatives and trying to make ends meet. Desperate for a book advance, they find out they inherit a very expensive apartment from Chad’s uncle. The building that the apartment is in is wrought with a creepy history & perfect subject for her next book. You can imagine how things go once they move in….. Do not miss this book!

Thank you so much to Lisa Unger and NetGalley for sending me an ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Unger has done it again. An unsettling thriller with sprinkles of supernatural that leave you questioning what is real. Clear vibes of Rosemary's Baby. I think my favorite element of this novel is the character development of Rosie. She knows she struggles with her mental health and has trauma from her past. She never denies it and reaches out to get help. I'm glad she stays confident in her truth, even though she questions herself from time to time. This makes her an endearing, human, relatable female character.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book—as someone who has only set foot in Manhattan once in her 35 years—and discovered a new author whose other work I now want to read. 👌

The story is about a newlywed couple, Sophie and Chad, both creatives, who inherit an iconic Manhattan apartment situated on Park Avenue, with its very own doorman who seems to never leave his post, and eccentric neighbours who get together for astrology night. And before you know it, the warm and cozy welcoming is replaced by supernatural elements and suspicious deaths, wherein Sophie finds herself questioning reality.

It was an absolute slow burn, and though I cannot truthfully say that I didn’t expect the ending to be what it was, there were still some small surprises. I appreciate how all the loose ends were tied in the end.

I’d recommend this book to anyone wanting a suspense novel with a good ghost story about a haunted house. There was little to no gore or any TWs that some readers may find off putting. But, it is a slow burner that takes some dedication plowing through, at times.

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was the right kind of thriller for me. I didn’t want to put it down and was always excited when I could sneak a few pages in during the day.

Right from the beginning things seemed off and it only went from there. And even when I thought I had some things figured out there was always something else. Something just around the corner. Which I love in a thriller! I want to not know what’s going on and how things will end. Also, this is why you can’t trust anyone.

Read if you enjoyed: The Paris Apartment, The Last Houseguest or Something in the Water

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This is a fun thriller that kept me engaged, although it didn't blow me away. Some of the foreshadowing was a little bit too heavy headed, making the twists less surprising. I very much enjoyed the New York setting and the way it fit into the story.

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Lisa Unger’s latest is a creepy, gothic ghost story that left me feeling unsettled. Rosie and Chad Lowan inherit an apartment from Chad’s uncle in the prestigious Windermere apartment building. At first their luck seems to be changing as they both make career advancements and are welcomed by their neighbors. But as Rosie works to uncover the secrets of the building and the horrors that happened within it, she begins to questions everything about her life and her husband. The New Couple in 5B is a solid ghost story with character that you can never quite get a handle on. I do think it would have benefited from more editing in the middle. I also think Rosie’s naïveté and blunders about her husband were too unrealistic. Overall this was a solid ghost story/mystery that fans of gothic novels or zingers previous books will enjoy.

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Double, double toil and trouble: Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. ~ From Macbeth

The Windermere casts a shadow over all who dwell there. Rosie and Chad move in hoping for good things. The other residents see them as fresh blood. Anyone else feeling that 'Rosemary's Baby' vibe? My GR friends know I am a fan of books where a building is a main character. This one delivered above and beyond my expectations. Lisa Under has delivered a thriller with a pinch of the paranormal and kept me riveted. Loved all the Shakespeare bits, too.

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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A spooky 4 star book to add to your TBR!

One sentence summary: Rosie and Chad inherit a gorgeous apartment in a building with some sinister history.

This story was quite the ride and had quite a lot going on- domestic thriller aspects, the paranormal, past/present timeline, I really enjoyed how Unger included the 60's timeline with the present day timeline. It added extra intrigue throughout the story!

While the story is a slow burn mystery, I really wanted to know how it would all play out and there was just enough to suspense to keep me interested in wanting more.

This was my first of Unger's work but will not be my last! I recommend this for anyone who likes:

- slow burn mystery
- historical spooky locations
- paranormal elements
- fans of Simone St. James
- true crime (the main character is a true crime writer!)

Huge thank you to the author, Netgalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row for my ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thanks to the publisher for the gifted copy! I really enjoyed this one for 60% of the story, however, started to get lost when things took some turns that were a bit strange. I kept feeling like the story was ending & then it kept going as well. I love Lisa Unger, but this one wasn’t my favorite of her unfortunately! I have seen some great reviews for this one though so definitely worth checking out! 3⭐️

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First off, I loved the fact that this book takes place in a creepy old building in New York and has some supernatural elements weaved throughout! This one gave me vibes of a cross between Simone St. James books and Riley Sager (think Lock Every Door), and I was all here for it🙌🏻 This is a definite slow burn, but the pacing worked as the supernatural elements and gothic atmospheric vibes sucked me in. Unger did a fantastic job with the detailed and descriptive writing throughout this as it painted the perfect picture in my head of the eerie and creepy Windermere building and creating an unsettling vibe and atmosphere. Although I was able to guess the ending early on, I still felt satisfied after finishing this one and thoroughly enjoyed it.

𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗜𝗳 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗘𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆:
✦Supernatural elements
✦Creepy and eerie old buildings
✦Riley Sager’s Lock Every Door
✦Simone St. James’ books
✦A good slow burn
✦A book that would make for a perfect book club read and discussion

𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠:

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced readers copy! I enjoyed this story. The ghost and haunted elements mixed with all the surprises and twists. Kept my attention the whole time!

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Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing (HTP), Lisa Unger, and NetGalley for early access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

I went into this book 95% blind only knowing the author and that it was about an apartment building in NYC. While unique from other things I have read nothing in this book really stood out to me in a way that will make me remember or think about this book. The plot did have a few solid twists and I did not expect the ending, overall I wasn’t invested and towards the end it started to feel long. Many of the characters have suspicions undertones which was fun but I never found myself that connected to them. I was a bit surprised by the supernatural elements that came up within the story and understand why the author added that in but it didn’t add to the story in a positive or negative way. It’s hard to say if I’d recommend this because while I see the appeal for some just wasn’t the book for me.

3.5/5 Stars

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The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger

The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger is a thriller about a couple moving into a new apartment where everyone in the building seems to hide something.

This book reminded me often of Rosemary's Baby in a lot of ways - especially the occult bits.

The book is a thriller centered around a building - and that focus brings a lot of good suspenseful elements.

I loved that the characters had good back stories but some of the decisions they were making seemed a bit rushed.

All in all this is a good thriller for anybody that loves New York and occult thrillers.

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This was not my favorite book by Lisa Unger. First of all, it started off kind of slow, and I felt some of it was drug out a little too much. I also had a hard time with the supernatural aspect of the book because that normally isn’t my period.

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3.5 stars! Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin trade publishing for the ARC ebook. The New Couple in 5B was a fun thriller with a touch of ghosts and paranormal activity. It follows Rosie, a true crime author writing her next book about the haunting and crimes that have occurred in a history New York City building. The same building she and her husband Chad just moved into. Tragedy strikes close to the couple and crimes continue to strike in the building.

I really enjoyed the characters and couldn’t put the book down while reading the last third of the book. The storyline kept me guessing until the very end. I did find the beginning to be a little more slow paced but it definitely picked up!

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New Couple in 5B is my new favorite Lisa Unger book. There is something about creepy apartment buildings and sketchy residents that peak my interest.
Chad and Rosie have recently inherited apartment 5B in an upscale apartment building in New York. But after moving in, they find that this wonderful gift may have its drawbacks. For starters, it has a dark history. But then there’s cameras everyone and a weird intercom system. When more people start dying, Rosie goes searching for answers.
I loved all the elements of this story - the mysterious residents, an apartment with a history, the big brother vibe. Despite how much I enjoyed the ride, I felt that the book got a bit busy. There were a lot of elements going on at once.
I really enjoyed how the author did the ending. I wouldn't say I was surprised at the conclusion, but I still felt that it was interesting and well done.
This book includes a dual timeline with a previous guest, and I really like how that was included. It is one of my favorite formats.

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Rosie and her husband inherit an amazing apartment. When they move in unexpected things begin. I really enjoyed this book. This book kept me guessing about what was really happening to Rosie. I enjoyed the supernatural twist on the story. The story had a little bit of a Rosemary’s Baby feel to it but it was also unique.

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