Member Reviews

Oooooh this book had lots of surprises and I loved it. Couldn’t put it down! I’m highly recommending this one for sure!!

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I first discovered Lisa Unger in 2006 when I read "Beautiful lies." I have read every one of her books since. This thriller has some of the usual tropes: a dual timeline, unreliable narrator, questionable characters, and a little toe dip in the supernatural. Great characters and a well paced plot had me reading late into the night. And as usual with her books, I didn't see the twist coming at all. Highly recommended

Thanks to NetGalley and Park Row publisher for an advanced reader copy.

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Something about an author complaining about capitalism and the traditional publishing industry, while taking our money via the traditional publishing industry, does not sit right with me. You don't sound edgy, Lisa. You sound ungrateful.

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I have really mixed feelings about this one. While it’s a 5-star read for what it was, I think I formed my own opinion about what I expected early on and felt disappointed when it didn’t turn out that way. I feel that this could’ve gone so many different directions and all would’ve been enjoyable, but the direction it took wasn’t the one I would’ve enjoyed the most. Still worth a read or listen!

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The New Couple in 5B is the first full novel I have read by LIsa Unger. I did read Christmas Presents last year and Now with this I can confidently say I am hooked!
Rosie is an author and lives with her aspiring actor husband Chad. They have been taking care of Chad’s uncle who has been going through a terminal Illiness. When he passes he ends up leaving them the apartment, that is worth $5 million. When his cousin ends up showing up on the same day the will is read. She is warned by her to get out now and that she should sign over the apartment to her as it should have been hers.
I felt kind of uneasy about the husband from the beginning. First I understood that he was more of an aspiring actor. That he took small parts and was hoping for bigger ones. And that they were struggling to get by.
I really ended up enjoying it over all. I felt some of the twists were predictable and some weren’t.. I will be going back and checking out the backlist Lisa Unger has written. I think “secluded cabin sleeps six” will be my next title.

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Ooooo this was a good one. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel! There was an occult element to it that I wasn't expecting, and I loved the flashbacks to prior tenants of the building. Some elements of this mystery were decently predictable, but there were plenty of surprises along the way. This was my first Lisa Unger, but it surely won't be my last!

Also, can anyone talk to me about that ending?? Still reeling!!

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3.5 stars. I read this book in two days, which was pretty quick for me. I reallyyy loved it until about 100 pages to go. The twists and turns kept me reading, and I enjoyed the paranormal aspect (which I don't always like). Disappointingly, I felt the end was predictable. I didn't really buy into the motive, and I wished it hadn't been the characters that were being set up the whole time. I also felt like it stopped being believable when the lawyer didn’t lock her cell phone, but that's a small thing that irrationally bothered me. Overall I’d recommend this is a good thriller, but wished it ended differently.

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A couple inherits a luxury New York City apartment with a grisly past, only to be drawn deep into its darkness.

Newlyweds Rosie and Chad Lowan inherit an apartment worth nearly $5 million at the Windermere—a building known for its sinister string of murders, suicides, and accidental deaths. Longing for a new start and cash strapped, however, this is exactly the boon they need. Chad, an actor, awaits his big break as Rosie, an author, toils at her next novel—an exploration into the deaths at this century-old building, and whether the building itself is cursed, personifying something more nefarious in its timeworn bones.

Immediately after moving in, they’re drawn into the residential fold, meeting the eccentric neighbors, tenants, and employees of the Windermere. Rosie, however, feels uneasy from the start—someone seems to always be watching and listening, visions question who really lurks in the shadows, and those who live there seem to be hiding secrets. As her research deepens, and a neighbor turns up dead, those feelings of dread reach a fever pitch. Worse yet, her husband disappears for spells, her neighbors meddle in suspicious ways and is the ever-present doorman lying to her?

Unger deftly blends mystery and horror in this taut haunted thriller. Its gothic atmosphere comes to life in the historic Windermere—an alluring incongruity of opulence and death. The characters—all with questionable reliability and intentions—add to the intrigue and as the narrative escalates, guesses will fall short of the surprising and satisfying end. I loved the vibes, loved the way truths unfurled so meticulously. I loved SECLUDED CABIN SLEEPS SIX, but think I loved this latest even more.

Perfectly paced, deliciously creepy and completely absorbing, this is already one of my favorite thrillers of the year.

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This was the most suspenseful Lisa Unger book I have read so far. I loved the paranormal element and the cast of characters. The dual timeline really added to the mystery, and I thought it was easy to follow. I really enjoyed the mystery and suspense throughout, and this book kept me reading and guessing till the very end. I definitely recommend reading the physical book over the audiobook.

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⭐️: 3.5/5

Married couple Rosie and Chad Lowan are barely making ends meet when they get the news that Chad’s recently deceased uncle Ivan has left them his luxury apartment in the historic Windermere building. What first seems like a lucky break turns sinister as Rosie starts to feel like there is something more to the Windermere than meets the eye, with the ever-present and all-knowing doorman, the cameras everywhere, and the gruesome history of many unexplained deaths surrounding the building.

I feel like I have to preface this by saying that I’m pretty picky when it comes to thriller books, especially those that have some sort of supernatural element/vibe to them. I find ghosts tiring, and a little bit of a crutch sometimes when it comes to plot twists. That being said, this book surprised me pleasantly. It didn’t start off very strong for me, since I hate the trope of the wife being mysteriously warned about her husband being sketchy, then sketchy stuff starts happening because she ignores the warning, all like “noooo I know him he would neverrrrr.” In this case, Rosie at least acknowledges that she is in some sense being gaslit instead of falling too far into the “I must just be a hysterical woman they must be right about me oh no.” The book kinda had me prepared for a disappointing ending, but I was also intrigued enough to keep reading to find out what the resolution was actually going to be, in the hopes that it would be less disappointing than I felt in my bones it would be. I can’t say it was entirely un-disappointing, but it definitely did exceed my (relatively low) expectations. The mood of the book was definitely dark and spooky, befitting of a creepy, old money NYC apartment building themed book.

Thank you to @netgalley and @harlequinbooks for this free eARC!

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I was hooked from the very beginning. Great thriller that had lots of twists and turns. Not super predictable to me like I would know something wasn’t quite right or a character seemed suspicious but not to what extent. Getting to follow along with Rosie as she had moved into the Windermere and meeting all the residents. I enjoyed following along in real time as well as getting a look into the history of the building and its past residents. Really enjoyed the added paranormal element. Trying to determine if the building was haunted or not. This book intrigued me from start to finish. My first book from this author and will be reading more.

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This is the story of Rosie (true crime writer) and Chad (actor), a couple struggling to succeed in New York. Their fortunes take an unexpected turn when Chad’s uncle passes away and leaves them a luxury apartment in the historic Windermere. But this apartment comes with a history: grisly murders, suicides, terrible accidents, and ghosts from past occupants who still have their hold on the present… Luckily for Rosie, they will become the subjects of her new true crime novel. Soon she meets their seemingly great new neighbors, as well as Adi, the doorman who seems to be everywhere and always on duty. But why are there so many cameras and intercoms that follow her every move? Then Rosie starts to see a young boy who disappears when she turns her back, and a woman who tells her to run.

The story presents dual timelines, seamlessly interwoven with excerpts from the past, which added a thrilling complexity to the narrative. Overall the book was an OK read, it was well written, with a slow pace, and a touch of paranormal events. A few mysteries were obvious, and a couple came as unexpected twists. To me the book had too many side stories that had to come together at the end, and not all were tied up in a rewarding manner. The ending of the book, although obvious, left an empty feeling.

Many thanks to NetGalley for the advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I love everything Lisa Unger writes, and The New Couple in 5B was no exception! Paranormal thrillers tend to be hit or miss for me, but this one hit the sweet spot for me, I could not put it down!

Rosie and Chad inherit an NYC apartment from Chad’s uncle in a creepy building (think Haunting of Hill House vibes), and the setting and atmosphere in this book are everything! Rosie is an author, working on her newest book about the mysterious history of the building, and weird/horrible things keep happening around them.

This was a 5⭐️ read for me, I loved the creepy vibes of the building (and the doorman!) and the first book this year that was unputdownable for me!

Many thanks to Netgalley and Harlequin for the ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts!

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You can rely on Lisa Unger for non-stop suspense that will keep you turning pages as fast as you can. When Rosie and Chad inherit his uncle's New York apartment, they could never have guessed the strings that come with this gift!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy. I really enjoyed this book! A great suspenseful read with quite the cast of interesting characters. I loved the creepy haunted house (apartment) vibes and the dual timelines. The twists and turns kept me interested and engaged throughout and even had a few gasp out loud moments!

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The New Couple in 5B is an exciting thriller by Lisa Unger with a few paranormal elements.

Rosie and her husband Chad, have just unexpectedly inherited an apartment in a historic, and reputedly haunted, building in New York. It's reputation isn't the only thing that is creepy about this building though. From the ever present mysterious elevator operator slash doorman, to the residents themselves, something about this building is just not right.

Written mostly in first person, present tense, from Rosie's point of view, we follow her as she researches the building's history and reputation in order to write a book about it. Occasionally the story is also told from the point of view of Ella, a dancer living in the same apartment in the 1960s, and her story gives us a better understanding of some of the strange occurrences in Rosie's timeline.

From the shocking opening scene to the very end of the book, the author kept me turning the pages to find out what would happen next. Some of the mysteries were pretty obvious early on, but that did not ruin my enjoyment of the story, because there were so many other, unexpected reveals.

This was a good read, I would recommend it to lovers of thrillers, or light horror due to the paranormal elements.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was the first book that I’ve read by Lisa Unger and It will definitely not be my last! I love her writing style. As for this book in particula, I enjoyed every page, especially the paranormal aspects. Haunted apartment with a ghost child in the basement, where do I sign?

I’ve rated this 4/5⭐️ only because of Chad’s red flags in the beginning, but that’s a personal peeve of mine.

Overall, a really freaking good book!!

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Lisa Unger

A new couple has just moved into the building. It’s impossible to tell who holds more secrets, the building or its new tenants.

In THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B we are following the new couple, Rosie and Chad. Rosie is a writer and spends her time coming up with fictional stories with her editor, Max. Chad is an actor who spends his time practicing lines and acting in plays, looking for his next big break.

They have just inherited a beautiful apartment in Windermere. Windermere has a long history and has lived many lives. At first everything is great, and the couple are overwhelmed by the beautiful apartment. But then over time things start happening at the Windermere that has Rosie asking a lot of questions.

Will she get the answers she is looking for before it’s too late?

This is not my first Unger, and it won’t be my last. Although, I didn’t enjoy the book as much as I wanted too, I still consider it a success.

A few pages in and I had already named the culprit. The aha was a little too basic and much too soon in the book. Much of the time spent reading was in anticipation of finding out why, not who. The why was unfortunately a paragraph long and extremely anticlimactic.

At some point I got frustrated and then it got ridiculous. There were a lot of tangents and Unger had a lot to tie together and make sense of by the end. It all wrapped up, but I was left with an empty feeling. There isn’t much to the story and it felt that way.

Because of that I gave THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B three stars and although it wasn’t my favorite of hers I still think it was a success.

Thanks to, Netgalley, and Harlequin Trade Publishing, and Park Row for the advanced copies and the opportunity to provide feedback!


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The New Couple in 5B by Lisa Unger was absolutely unputdownable! I read it in one day and highly recommend it to fans of Lisa Unger's other books as well as avid readers of Ruth Ware. In this new Unger novel we have dual timelines of 1963 and present day, both set in the same building in New York City, but the present day action takes up much more of the narrative than the 1963 timeline. Unger is a master at psychological warfare, creating doubt in the mind of the reader (as well as the main character) about whether something truly sinister is occurring or if the character is mentally unstable. Great connections were made between the two timelines, and much like Stephen King's recent HOLLY, there were some seriously unlikely villains in this tale. I felt there some definite THE SHINING vibes as well, here, especially since the main character is a writer who may or may not be losing touch with reality. This is my second Lisa Unger novel (the first was CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, which I found equally entertaining) and I will be reading everything she writes from here on out!

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me to read the e-galley of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Rosie and Chad Lowan are struggling to make ends meet in New York City. Rosie is a true crime author, with one book under her name that did okay, while Chad is an aspiring actor trying out for literally anything in hopes of landing a role. Their luck turns around when they inherit an apartment worth five million dollars in the historic Windermere building after Chad's Uncle Ivan passes away. The Windermere has a dark past of its own, as there have been many deaths, murders, and suicides that have occurred among its residents. But that is all in the past, right? Upon their arrival, they receive a warm welcome from their new neighbors, and even though the apartment exceeds their expectations, Rosie never feels at ease in Apartment 5B. There are security cameras everywhere, and Rosie becomes convinced she is being watched. When individuals associated with the building are found murdered, Rosie is left feeling more and more paranoid. Along the way, secrets are exposed, and the suspense builds.

I gave this 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4! ⭐️ There were a lot of twists and turns, which kept my attention, and I thought the pacing was good. I liked that Lisa Unger added more mystery by taking the reader back in time to the previous tenant, Willa, and telling her story. One thing I was not expecting is that this would read like a creepy ghost story. Rosie was able to see the ghosts of residents who had been murdered in the past, creating an eerie feel. The New Couple in 5B reminded me a bit of Lock Every Door by Riley Sager, but with spooky and supernatural elements added in. Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to fans of thrillers that keep you engaged until the end and to readers who aren't afraid of a few ghosts!

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