Member Reviews

I don't always buy into thrillers with supernatural elements, so I think that's why this one felt a little bit off for me. I did feel like the suspense was really palpable throughout, but I just didn't totally connect to the story and the characters the way I normally do with Unger's books. I do think this will be a fun ride for plenty of readers, though, so if this sounds good to you, I think you should still try it out.

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I made it 75% in and had to DNF. I found the narrator to be kind of annoying. I also didn’t really feel connected to any of the characters and didn’t particularly like them. I also felt like too many different things were going on. Normally I would’ve continued reading to just finish it but I’m trying to be better about reading what I enjoy and putting down what I don’t so I can pick something else up.

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I love a book that is centered around the history and personality of a building. Buildings can give off energy, good or bad. What happens if this building's history overtakes your daily life. Paranormal activity, feeling as though you are being watched, the supernatural, mediums, you name it. The Windermere on Park Avenue has it all. The spot in which it was built was previously home to a church, that burned down. The architect had a mysterious past with mediums and psychics. All this whirls together to make for one intense read. That will leave you spellbound, your heart thumping, mind spinning, and your guard up!

Rosie and Chad Lowan are shocked by the news that Chad's uncle left them his apartment in the Windermere building. It was supposed to go to his estranged daughter, who he had not seen in years. He decided since Rosie and Chad have been caring for him, that the apartment and all its history should go to them. Chad is beyond ecstatic; they live in a fifth-floor walkup that they can barely afford. Rosie is much more hesitant and rightfully so. The Windermere has had a history of murder, suicide, accidental deaths, and the list goes on. Rosie is writing her next book on these exact moments in history. She feels edgy, she has strange nightmares, and she is seeing the future again. Is she just stressed out by life, or is this new apartment edging into her thoughts?

This was such a fun book to read. I love a book that has just the right setting, the characters are perfectly written, and I was at the edge of my seat the entire time for this one. There are so many strings attached to different characters stories, and they weave seamlessly together to make for one explosive finale. Thank you to Lisa Unger and Park Row for my gifted copy.

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Rosie is surprised but excited when she and her husband, Chad, inherit Chad’s uncle’s apartment in a posh building after his death. However, once they move in, strange things start happening. Perhaps this great building is not everything it seemed.

I thought this one was pretty good! It seemed like it was going to be more supernatural based on some things, but the mystery (at least as far as I could tell) was more human based. There is a pretty good twist at the end after you feel like everything has been wrapped up. I didn’t like this one as much as Confessions on the 7:45 because that one felt a lot more fast-paced. However, this is a solid mystery by Unger that is more reminiscent of that one than some of her earlier works.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy. There was way too much going on this book: ghosts, murders, creepy apartment building, terrible husband, weird vibes with best friend, supernatural/mystical powers, etc. etc. etc. It felt like the author was throwing everything against the wall in the hopes something would stick. I did read the whole thing quickly, but I think I may be taking a break from Unger’s books in the future.

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Toggling somewhere between a 3.5 and a 4.

I’m a sucker for the creepy apartment trope so although a slower at times, I was consistently intrigued. It also took a few interesting twists and turns that I didn’t see coming.

Thank you to NetGalley and Killer Crime Club for an advanced copy of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

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★ 4.5 Stars ★ (rounding up)
Lisa Unger is an author known for her dark, eerie, and haunting novels. Although I haven't read all of her books, I am a big fan and eagerly anticipate the release of each new one.

Her latest novel, "The New Couple in 5B," is set in The Windermere, a historic apartment building in New York built in the 1920s. This elegant building, however, has a dark past, and research into its history reveals a number of strange deaths.

I am fascinated by the dark histories of old buildings and other places, including claims of hauntings and ghosts with their chilling tales. When I'm in the mood for this kind of read, Lisa Unger is at the top of my list. A must-read! A slow-building thriller with captivating characters that kept me on the edge until the author unveiled the sinister core of the Windermere. The author infused her signature paranormal elements.

Thanks to HTP Books and Park Row Books for providing a copy of this book through NetGalley. As always, all opinions are my own and left voluntarily.

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Thank you to Park Row / Harlequin Trade Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC!

This one was a like not a love. I don’t know, I feel like there was just a little oomph missing. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed it, loved the main character and her backstory it was just…., something. Maybe it was a titch too long?

3.5/5 ⭐️ rounded up

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Well written, suspenseful thriller. Very developed characters - very descriptive writing.

I've always loved the thought of living in one of New Yorks Grand old apartment buildings. With the ghosts and deaths that happened in the Windmere - I think I've changed my mind!

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This book was definitely suspenseful and entertaining. The setting of the creepy Windemere building and the cast of characters living there really added to the thriller feeling. I don't want to give too much away but the supernatural element in the story just isn't my reading style. It was very well written and I liked the slightly slower pace that allowed the mystery to unfold so I still enjoyed the read. Thanks to Lisa Unger, Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

I’m going to give this read a 3.75 📚

If you enjoy a good plot, engaging characters, and things that go bump in the night (in NYC, no less…), this may be the read for you. I was thinking it’d be more along the lines of a domestic thriller, but it was more of a spooky-ooky type of read. Still a good book, nonetheless!

Chad and Rosie have hit a big of a snag in their finances, and are left feeling destitute. Happy… but destitute. But, it seems luck is returning to their side when they inherit an apartment from a late uncle. The unit comes with charm, luxury, historic vibes, and… ghastly guests?

I’ll leave it there, lest I ruin it for you. Give it a read, let me know what you think. I hear another unit will be available soon…

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Lisa Unger comes highly recommended by a close friend who is an avid reader. I enjoyed the suspense and who-done-it style of the mystery of the Windermere. However, the supernatural parts were a bit much for me. Rosie can see ghosts and is haunted by former residents who have met their demise at the building, I would have enjoyed the story more without this piece,

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The couple in 5B is a slow burn thriller that is a blend of mystery, suspense, and paranormal activity that will keep you entertained until the end!

Newly weds Rosie and Chad Lowen inherit an apartment at the historic Windermere building after his uncle passes away. The building is known to have a dark past, but the charm and the tenants make it feel so welcoming it's easy to look past that.

However as they begin to settle in, Rosie starts to suspect there is more to the Windermere than meets the eye. Why have there been so many gruesome crimes? Why is there so many cameras and always the same doorman on duty? When a neighbour turns up dead Rosie must figure out what is going on before she ends up being next.

I really enjoyed the pacing of this novel. It's definitely a slower burn than most thrillers I have read. But I think for this book it really worked! The building feels like it has its own life source and with the paranormal activity I think the slower pace allowed her to explore that more than if it was a a quick thriller.

Now not everyone is going to like the little bit of paranormal activity. I'm not gonna go into too much detail to avoid spoilers!

I think it worked in some ways and didn't in others. I liked that it was added in as the building is old, and it plays into the fear of the reader and helps create a bit of suspense. What I didn't like was that that I felt like Rosie was always contradicting herself with her beliefs and how she felt about her family. I just found that a bit strange and didn't always seem consistent.

I liked that the story was only told through Rosie's perspective as it kept the characters easier to keep track of. I liked the dual timelines with Willa's perspective. I thought that was a cool way to do it.

With all the breadcrumbs she left I did guess the twist ending, but there were still some surprises that I enjoyed. I didn't love the way it ended. Without trying to spoil it I felt it was a very strange reaction and I was not expecting it.

Thanks to NetGalley and harlequin trade publishing for the e-ARC, all thoughts are my own!

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Thank you for the ARC Copy of The New Couple in 5b from Net Galley for a review. \
I'll be honest and say this one could have been cut down a bit shorter, I felt the story dragged a lot and felt like it was taking forever for something huge to happen. I did like the dual timelines used to go back in time and then the present with all of the characters involved. You definitely got that ghostly vibe feel along with the mysteriousness when reading this one but I was hoping more for some more thriller to the story. You never could quite guess which character was up to and if they were lying or telling the truth.

I will say though that Unger's use of describing things is on point and does a great job and detailing everything in her books.
Ill give this one a 3.5 stars.

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I normally am a big fan of Lisa Unger, however, this one did not work for me. I will chalk this up to a one-off and look forward to her next release with higher hopes.

Thank you to HTP for an advanced copy.

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THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B is Lisa Unger's next novel coming out March 5th and it was another fun read !

When Rosie finds out that her husband Chad's Uncle has left them his amazing apartment after his death, it feels like a gift! When they move in, however, the doorman seems to be everywhere, and the intercoms and cameras feel extreme to a very private Rosie. The neighbors seems great and the place is truly incredible which is why it is so hard to reconcile the unease she feels. When her paranormal gift of seeing the dead that she has tried to repress since her complicated childhood refuses to be ignored, Rosie has to figure out what she is going to do before this creepy building claims yet another soul.

I love Gothic, atmospheric reads, and this was a fantastic entry into that cannon. I was not sure how the apparition visions would work for me, but I ended up feeling like a good ghost story/mystery was a perfect book for this return to winter weather. The slow deteriorating of Rosie's confidence felt real and I appreciated the way Unger used some of the characters to ground her. I also just plain enjoyed the mystery!

I was able to pair the e-galley with the audiobook from and I truly loved getting to switch back and forth, or read and listen simultaneously. The narration was fantastic thanks to Vivienne Leheny. I was absolutely engaged in the story and could not figure out who the villains were exactly!

Thank you to @netgalley & @htpbooks for this digital book and letting me share my thoughts!

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I love Lisa Ungers twisty suspense books and I was hooked pretty early on with this one. The story is about a couple who inherits a beautiful New York apartment after their late Uncle passes. Rosie and Chad were taking care of Chad's Uncle before he passed and as a very generous thank you he left them his home. The problem is that his daughter expected it to go to her, and she is threatening legal action if they don't agree to hand it over. Rosie feels really bad but this was what Chad's Uncle wanted and she loves the apartment and the people in it. Very soon after moving in Rosie notices weird things happening at the apartment and starts hearing stories of past deaths that occurred. I mean it's a historic building so it's not a surprise that people died there right?
Things start to get weird when Rosie realizes her husband is lying to her and people around her are going missing. It appears that someone is trying to hide the facts from Rosie and this amazing apartment may have way to many strings attached.

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Read this if you like:
•lock every door by Riley Sager + Simone St James
•creepy vibes
•apartment setting

This book was so twisty and I kept reading because I wanted to know what was going to happen. The apartment setting made this so interesting too. You won’t want to miss this one!

Thank you NetGalley for eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I'm giving this all my love and stars. I love a book when it is atmospheric and the building is a character. The author's in-depth study of old buildings depicted the details, gargoyles and the tenants perfectly. Inspired by her aunt's apartment in NYC, the Windermere, even carries a mystical name, as a historic building in Murray Hill. When Rose and Chad inherit this 5 million dollar apartment, they didn't know their lives would never be the same. When Chad's Uncle Ivan dies in their care, his Will has been changed so that his daughter is left out of the inheritance. Dana threatens to sue considering her father was not himself when he changed it. Then Dana ends up dead.....
This carries some supernatural and chilling sightings within the building since it has been the scene of multiple murders and suicides. The doorman, a dry person of stature, works around the clock and even the intercom system in the apartment is easily accessible at all times by saying "Hey, Abi", so he is always listening. The tenants are always watching and when it was beginning to look like the book Rosemary's Baby, I was screaming for Rosie to get out of the building. When characters gave her warnings to leave and her husband is not who she thinks he is...she investigates because that what she does for a living....investigates historical buildings and writes about their history.
Well-done, Lisa! This is chilling and held me in suspense the whole time.
Thank you NetGalley and Park Row Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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What a story! I was was captivated from the start. I liked learning about the history of the Windermere and the people that lived there before Rosie and Chad. There were just enough mysterious layers that kept me on the edge of my seat. I found Rosie to be my favorite character, I thought it was really neat that she was a writer. The pacing of the story was good and I enjoyed the ending. Overall, I can easily recommend THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B, it's now one of my new favorite Lisa Unger books.

Many thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Libro and NetGalley for my gifted copy.

This review will shared to my Instagram account ( closer to the pub day.

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