Member Reviews

Rosie is a struggling author who lives in New York City with her husband Chad, an aspiring actor. The couple are struggling to meet ends meet when luckily, their lives take an unexpected turn when Chad’s uncle passes away and unexpectedly leaves his upscale apartment to Chad and Rosie. The apartment is located in the historic Windermere and comes with an elevator and a doorman. The couple decides to take advantage of this life changing opportunity and move. Shortly after moving into the apartment, Rosie begins to feel as if she is being watched and begins to feel unsafe and questions why she and Chad were given the apartment instead of his daughter. The longer they stay in the building, Rosie begins to see ghosts and begins to question whether there is more to the history of this upscale building in which they have moved into.

If you are looking for a book complete with mystery, ghosts, and murder than this is the book for you.

Thank you NetGalley for the early access to read this wonderful story by Lisa Unger.

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Over the past year I have become a huge fan of Lisa Unger! I found this author through a reading challenge at my local public library and I have not been disappointed by her books!

After inheriting an apartment in New York City, The New Couple in 5B tells the story of Rosie and Chad Lowan and the mysterious happenings in their new building. With nosy neighbors, a creepy doorman, and paranormal beings lurking in the hallways, this mystery/thriller will keep you intrigued till the very last page of the book. I highly recommend this title!

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this title!

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I had a feeling about half way through the book who the "bad person" was, just not sure the how. There were definitely plot-twists that I did not see coming and that kept my interest further piqued.

I am not a fan of super-natural beings but overall I enjoyed the story line of this book and will definitely seek out more Lisa Unger books.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC.

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Wow! This story was a wild ride from start to finish and another great book from Lisa Unger!

Rosie (an author) and her husband, Chad (an actor), were taking care of Chad's uncle until his death. In his will he leaves Chad and Rosie his apartment in Murray Hill, with some people not happy about this. The apartment building is known for dark things happening including several accidental deaths, most Rosie is researching for her new book. In the story's flashbacks of these events, we see that several of the accidents were actually murders. The people that were murdered tend to show up in Rosie's life as visions, since she has the ability to see people and see things that have yet to happen. Soon, she realizes that her neighbors and others in the apartment are not who they seem, including her husband. All she wants was a quiet life and she's not sure if she'll ever have it.

This story was an easy read that hooked you from the beginning and was full of suspense! The story and the background were written well, the past events folded in the current story seamlessly to give understanding to Rosie's research and what the characters experienced in the past. Towards the end there was a little bit of a twist that was unexpected and it tied together the story well. I would definitely recommend if you like a good mystery/thriller!

Thanks to NetGalley, Lisa Unger, and Harlequin Trade Publishing Park Row for allowing me to review this ARC!

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I’m late in leaving feedback and for that I apologize because I have forgotten many of the details of the book. That said, I do think it speaks highly of a story when you’re left several weeks later with just an overall good memory of the reading experience. I really did enjoy this story and it’s my favorite from the author so far. I liked the uncertainty I felt throughout—there were strong supernatural vibes yet a sense that perhaps we didn’t have the complete picture of what was happening. Highly recommend for those who enjoy this genre.

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Lisa Unger does it again…I LOVE books about NYC and life there and especially about the older apartment buildings and their histories and she nailed it with this one. There were so many twists and turns and surprises that I couldn’t put it down! If you like mysteries based in/around NYC then you will LOVE this book!!

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A good thriller that I would recommend to other thriller lovers. It's a little slow at first but gets going as the chapter goes on. A bit predicatable but there's only so many thriller formulas that haven't been done already. Format on Kindle was very scrambled.

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What an entertaining, eerie, and suspenseful read! This had a dash of everything, horror, mystery, and even some romance. I found it hard to put this book down, and I loved how it kept me guessing till the end. I also loved how there were a lot of twists and turns, which made the book fun to read. Overall it was fantastic and I would highly recommend it.

Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC!

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Rosie and Chad Lowan are barely making ends meet in New York City; he is an actor between jobs while she is an author hard at work on her second book. They are just about able to afford the rent on their little apartment. But when Chad’s uncle passes away, they are delightfully surprised to hear that he left them his apartment in the beautiful Windermere building. With its classic design and complex history, the Windermere is both luxurious and timeless. The other tenants in the building are so welcoming and the doorman, Abi, is so helpful. But as Rosie and Chad settle into their new life in the apartment, Rosie becomes increasingly uncomfortable. Why are there cameras and intercoms everywhere? And why does Abi never seem to leave? When a tenant ends up dead, Rosie begins looking into the sordid past of the building and people in it.

I am a huge fan of Lisa Unger’s books so I was thrilled to get an early copy of this! From the first few pages, there was this feeling of impending doom; you could just feel that something was going to happen in that building. With its history and the constant presence of Abi, I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was going on here but I knew I was in for a wild ride! Though mostly told from Rosie’s perspective, there are bits and pieces of the past history of the building and its tenants weaved throughout. That was such a fun way to add some extra creepiness into this book! Part ghost story and part thriller, “The New Couple in 5B” had me fully invested and I couldn’t wait to see how it would turn out!

Thank you to Lisa Unger, Harlequin Trade Publishing, Netgalley and Edelweiss for the ARC! This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)

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The new couple in 5B is actually my favourite Lisa Unger book to date!!! I’m obsessed with the thriller genre, but particularly when it features spooky, potentially supernatural elements, along with historical counterparts and classic dated architecture giving the setting a beautifully unique and interesting vibe. This book is packed with ALL that, so buckle your seatbelts for this wild ride!!

The story follows Rosie and Chad, who are a young couple embarking on their mission towards building a family alongside hopefully successful careers. Chad is a theatre actor trying to become a big movie star, and Rosie is a one time published author working on her next best selling book.

The inspiration for Rosie’s next book stems from the apartment they just inherited from their recently passed Uncle, a historical goldmine in the heart of NYC, worth millions of dollars and featuring a mix of old school services, like an ominous doorman who suspiciously seems to be there at all hours of the day and somehow is always first to know everything.

Everything is going well if you don’t consider the fact that death seems to be following Rosie everywhere she goes. But some things aren’t adding up, and we keep hearing things about Chad that, although well explained, don’t seem to sit well with us.

The building itself seems to harbour secrets and has somewhat of a dark past. A lot of murders, suicides and unfortunate accidents seem to follow this place like a lost puppy. But who cares about all that when you just inherited a home worth up to 5million.

I absolutely adored this book I stayed up all night reading it, I could not put it down. I loved the plot and all the side elements. I loved the small chapters set in the past that could either be history itself or Rosie’s interpretation into her work of fiction.

If you are a fan of “Lock every door” by Riley Sager, the setting absolutely reminded me of this book and I am sure you will love this one just as much, if not more!

Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Lisa Unger for a copy of this book!

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"The New Couple in 5B" by Lisa Unger is a tour de force in contemporary psychological suspense, where the brilliance lies not just in the pulse-quickening plot but in the intricately layered characters that inhabit its pages. Unger deftly transcends the conventional thriller, presenting readers with characters so finely drawn that they become living, breathing entities, each carrying their burdens, secrets, and desires. The suspense is not merely a sequence of events; it's a carefully orchestrated dance of revelations and twists, unfolding with an almost musical precision.

What sets this book apart is Unger's ability to delve into the psychological intricacies of her characters. The narrative isn't just about what happens but why it happens, and this exploration adds a profound depth that lingers in the reader's mind. The emotional landscape is richly textured, allowing readers to connect with the characters on an intimate level.

Unger's descriptive prowess creates a vivid tapestry of the story's setting, immersing readers in the atmospheric details of the surroundings. The scenes come to life with cinematic clarity, enhancing the overall reading experience.

In the realm of psychological thrillers, "The New Couple in 5B" is a standout, not just for its gripping suspense but for its literary richness. Lisa Unger's storytelling mastery, character complexity, and atmospheric prose converge to create a reading experience that transcends genre conventions. This book is undoubtedly deserving of its 5-star rating, a testament to its narrative brilliance and the depth of its exploration into the intricacies of the human psyche.

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Book: The New Couple In 5B
Author: Lisa Unger
Publisher: Harlequin Trade Publishing
Pub Date: March 5, 2024

This is a must read. It’s creepy, atmospheric, and has that one “oh my gosh are you kidding me jaw dropping moment!” I’m not sure why but it felt a little bit like Murders In The Building. I can’t say it’s really even comparable because the book is darker but maybe the building I envisioned is like the one in the show. I really enjoyed the timeline switch between present day and the Windermere in 1963. The subplots were just as interesting as the main plot. I might have tweaked the ending a little which is why it was only four stars for me. I enjoyed the supernatural aspect and would like to have seen that developed more. Lisa Unger is a go to author for me and I anxiously await new books from her!

Thank you Harlequin Trade Publishing and NetGalley for this sneak peak! Publication date is March 5, 2024.

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FANTASTIC book. This book is part horror, part mystery/thriller, with a little romance and suspense thrown in. It’s a gripping story with just enough suspense to keep you guessing. As the story unwinds, there are many surprises, twists and turns that make this an enjoyable read. My thanks to Netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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It's suspenseful and entertaining - another good release from Unger. I was guessing until the end. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Unger is a must-read author!

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Thank you to Netgalley for the early read!
The New Couple In 5B was a fast paced thriller. I could not put the book down! It had an eerie feeling throughout the book with some paranormal feels throughout the story.
This was my first time reading this author and I loved her writing style.

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This was a captivating thrill ride for sure. Every single time I thought I had this story figured out, boom, there's a new wrench thrown in. I couldn't figure out if this was real people or hauntings going on. And I found that really worked for the storyline. You have no idea who you can trust in this and I loved that journey for me. I haven't found a book this author has written that I didn't love. This one is no different.

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I couldn’t put this down. I read in every free second and loved it. Highly recommend. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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A fun, creepy thriller. My patrons will love this… it’s a slow burn and build but overall very well done and written.

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Really this was probably a 4.5 ⭐️ for me. I was captivated from the first chapter and ate it up in 2 days.. The building and its residents are creepy and as more people die, it gets harder to figure out who is friend and who is foe. The only reason I knocked it down half a star is I can get pretty picky about endings and felt like more attention should have been given to the building in the last chapter. But otherwise it was great and look forward to it being another best seller in March 2024.

For more reviews follow me on TikTok @jillandjackets

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Rosie and Chad's luck takes a turn for the better when they inherit Chad's uncle apartment. Moving away from their dingey apartment into the Windermere, they think their luck has changed. Rosie is a writer and spends a lot of time at home, over time she begins to notice the creepy cameras and the doorman that is always present. She starts to see ghosts. The Windermere has a troubled past with a lot of deaths within the building. Rosie can't seem to escape as more continue to pile up right in front of her. She vows to get to the bottom of the crimes, no matter what.

This book was a hit. Creepy, ghost vibes and beautiful apartment buildings leave a chilling setting. The cast of characters kind of give it a locked room vibe because it's mostly inside the building. Lisa Unger did a wonderful job. Pick this book up when it releases. Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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