Member Reviews

This was a little bit different than the Lisa Unger stories I have read and loved in the past. There is some supernatural and haunted happenings going on here. What else would you expect in a story about inheriting an historic building with several mysterious deaths having happened there in the past? There are some elements of a typical thriller, horror and murder mystery but the supernatural elements did not interest me. It is a good story and I think it will appeal to many. I like this author but did not expect the supernatural theme to be that disinteresting to me. Thank you NetGalley for an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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So happy to have a new Lisa Unger book all to myself for a few days!! This one had many details I loved.
1. Haunted house
2. Main character from a weirdo family
3. Mystery of all these people getting offed but no one knowing who/how/why.
4. Name-dropping of Jones Cooper and The Hollows.

Just when you think it's all over, there's one last twist that you kind of knew was coming but it's still a whammy when it does. I was pretty surprised that Lisa Unger chose to end with that event. There were some very sad moments in this book, which made Rosie seem real and relatable (even if she frustrated me at times.) I would love to read a story about her sister Sarah and the Ozark clan!

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There was so much that is good in this book. I frequently became uneasy as I generally sit and read at night, and the ghostly aspects were so well-written. The intertwining of characters was well done, and there was definitely intrigue. Murder, suicide- it has it all.

That being said, there were some details that ran through the book that I found unnecessary and undeveloped (the evil eye necklaces for instance), The revelation regarding Chad was also a bit anti-climactic.

Overall, the book was a solid read.

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I did not love this book. It had some supernatural parts that were not my favorite. I was, however, surprised by the ending. I

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Rosie and Chad Lowan are hustling to stay above water in New York. Rosie has written a true-crime book that did well, but not great and Chad tries out for plays, advertisements, or TV shows, anything to earn a buck. They inherit an apartment in the Windermere, a venerable NYC building, after Chad's uncle dies. Rosie and Chad took care of Uncle Ivan during his illness, while his daughter, Dana, ignored him. Dana, however, is not at all happy about their inheritance. She thinks she should have gotten the apartment, worth over $5 million. The next thing you know, Dana is dead. Then, another resident of the Windermere falls off the roof after telling Rosie he had something to tell her. Meanwhile, the older couple next door seems to spend a lot of time currying favor with the Lowans, as does the omnipresent doorman, Abi. More deaths ensue. Who is killing the residents of the Windermere? Chad has a shady past that Rosie does not know about. Are previous residents of the Windermere still haunting the building? I usually like Lisa Unger's books, but this one seemed to me to be a complete rip-off of Rosemary's Baby -- creepy old apartment building, solicitous older couple, a young couple trying to get pregnant. The ending is not quite what i expected, so there is that.

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Stayed up late into the night to finish reading this one. Reminded me a bit of Rosemary's Baby and I later learned that the author was inspired by that book. This story is un-put-downable!

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Lisa Unger's "The New Couple in 5B" is the perfect book to read around Halloween. It's a thriller and a ghost story with surprising twists and turns. Than you to #NetGalley for the ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book. There were so many twists and turns. It was a little slow moving for me, but other than that I would recommend it to friends.

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This book caught my attention from the very first page. The idea of a haunted apartment complex is exactly up my ally of interesting books. It kept me on the edge of my seat From the very beginning when Rosie saw the cyclist get killed to the ghost sightings in the Windermere basement and the funeral. The plot twists were crazy and I never expected them throughout the book. I love this author and this is one of my favorites of hers. She never disappoints. Thank you so much for the opportunity to early read this incredible novel.

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I usually love this author's work but this book was just ok to me. I pretty much figured out the storyline and there wasn't much of a twist.

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"The New Couple in 5B" was an enjoyable read giving off "Rosemary's Baby" vibes.
One of the book's strengths lies in its ability to generate an atmosphere of paranoia and impending doom. The author excels in creating an unsettling ambiance, making the reader feel as though something sinister is lurking just around the corner. This feeling of impending dread keeps you on the edge of your seat, ensuring that you're never quite comfortable as you read. It's a masterful way to engage the reader's emotions and keep them invested in the story. However, while the book excels in building tension and atmosphere, some readers may be left with mixed feelings about the resolution. The ultimate reason for everything that transpires in the story might feel somewhat flimsy or lacking in depth. This could be seen as a minor letdown after the well-crafted buildup. The supernatural elements introduced throughout the story might also leave some readers wanting more in terms of explanation or resolution.
"The New Couple in 5B" is a gripping, easy-to-read thriller with a strong atmosphere of paranoia and dread. It pays homage to classic horror themes. However, the novel may leave some readers with a sense of ambiguity or wanting more closure in the end. Despite this, the book is a worthwhile read for those who enjoy tales of suspense, the supernatural, and psychological intrigue.

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I adore Lisa Unger's books so knew I would love this one! It's a convoluted and complicated story that has so many elements that I was breathless all the way through! This thriller is a little bit ghost and a whole lot of murder. A true crime author is writing a book about the crimes and haunting that have occurred in their historic New York building. Certainly Dark and twisted, this book had me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going on and I literally thought everyone was a murderer at some point.

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Lisa Unger always includes cameras in the houses of her books. Her books are always average for me and this book reminds me of plenty of other books. It was an ok read and I will always read Lisa Unger but it was very predictable if you've read her other books.

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Who is the new couple in 5B? Lisa is a writer who has had a successful book and is working on another. Chad is an actor, still waiting for his big break in New York. He has small parts in plays and has done a commercial or two. He’s handsome and charismatic and the couple couldn’t be more in love!

The couple is called to the reading of the will of Chad’s uncle Ivan. He has just passed away after a lingering illness. They are SHOCKED when they hear that Ivan has left his apartment at the Windermere on Murray Hill to Chad. Although it was Chad and Lisa who cared for him in his last months.

But wait just a minute – he has a daughter, Dana, who is not very happy that she didn’t inherit the apartment!

This historic building has a dark history. There have been quite a few questionable deaths in the past years? Did they commit suicide? Did they accidentally fall to their death? What exactly is going on in the Windermere?

I’m conflicted about this book. I think it was better than her last one but this trope has been used a lot. On the other hand it did keep me turning the pages so here are my pros and cons!

+The historic and beautiful Windermere, complete with a doorman was a great setting
*The cast of characters was diverse and quite an interesting group.
*The ancillary characters played a large part in the past and present history and I didn’t guess all of the connections
*I liked the ghostly supernatural elements

*This felt a lot like several other books that I’ve read
*I guessed the major twist almost immediately
*The beginning and ending were good but the middle slowed down a bit

This was a quick and fun read for the Fall/Halloween season. I still enjoy this author but am hoping for something a bit more original from this talented author.

I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to read and review this title.

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For fans of Rosemary's Baby who want the story that goes bump in the night as they delve into a murder mystery. Lisa Unger provides fans with a suspenseful thriller with several twists that take you into old New York. A slow burn that is perfect for the month of October or chilly fall days, grab a blanket to cover up as you wind through the supernatural with Rosie as she tries to uncover the truth of Windermere.

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This book definitely had a lot of creepy suspense! I'm not a big fan of supernatural elements, but fortunately that didn't overwhelm the story. I did feel that it dragged a bit in some places, but maybe that was just me wanting to find out what was going on. Overall, this was a solidly entertaining book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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If Rosemary's Baby and 666 Park Avenue had a child, it would be this novel. While it didn't feel like a typical Lisa Unger book, I did enjoy it for what it was, and I appreciate that she tried to do something different. Not a huge fan of supernatural elements in psychological thrillers, but that's just personal preference. I felt this was a quick read with a fast plot, and it definitely had the spooky New York old bones apartment vibes.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

A young couple inherits an apartment from the husband's uncle, and the inheritance opens up a portal to a murderous past and present. Multiple storylines merge at the conclusion.

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This was a very quick, enjoyable read, with clear Rosemary's Baby inspiration. I was also reminded, a bit, of Only Murders in the Building. Rosie and Chad inherit an apartment in a prewar NY city building with a history of suicides, tragic deaths, even murder. Both Rosie and Chad have difficult pasts; Rosie's family is from the Ozarks and given to superstition/tarot reading/psychic premonitions. She's trying to leave all that behind and focus on her new life with Chad, but the building they move into doesn't allow for that to happen.

Part possible ghost story, part murder mystery, part suspense. Rosie is a bit unbelievable as a character, but this was a fun read of you like spooky suspense murder mysteries.

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This thriller kept me enthralled to the very end. The twists were good, but slightly predictable. I appreciated the breadcrumbs that Unger left and the connections that were made. I always like when we learn information as our narrator does.

And speaking of narrator, I liked Rosie’s voice. Her background added an interesting layer to the story.

My biggest problem is that there were two unbelievable things in this story and that makes it lose a star for me. I can accept one unbelievable thing, but two puts me too far outside the story. I won’t say what they are because of spoilers.

Overall, The New Couple in Apartment 5B gets a 4/5. Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this title. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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