Member Reviews

This book took me on a ride! There were lots of moving parts, and everyone appears to be a suspect. It takes place in a mysterious apartment complex with a very dark murdery history.

New owners come to move into this haunted apartment, and one of these owners is conveniently writing a book about the apartments. She feels spirits. She gets warnings, and yet continues to do everything in her power to ignore all of that and write this book!

The twists and turns are great. My only issue is that some perspectives and details need more development. Then other ones need a lot less development.

I would recommend this book to my friends, and I did stay up later than I usually do to finish reading it.

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Better than I thought it would be. Kind of strange, but a quick read. ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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Lisa Unger does it again! "The New Couple in 5B" is going to be a fan favorite. Thrilling, dark, and full of jaw-dropping twists, this is a must read.

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Another engaging thriller by Lisa Unger. This one kept me up late to finish but it was worth it. Great pacing, and plenty of twists and turns. Highly recommended for Unger fans and lovers of thrillers with a touch of the supernatural. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The New Couple in 5B is the book for you if you enjoy contemporary gothic literature. It's like Rebecca crossed with Rosemary's Baby.
Rosie and Chad, a struggling New York couple, inherited a lovely Park Avenue flat.
Rosie senses something is odd almost immediately. Here is where you, the reader, get to weigh in on why she isn't following her instincts. This book is for you if you're okay with this typical ensemble.
I liked the book, and some of the twists and turns shocked me.

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Another excellent book by Lisa Unger. As expected her characters are well developed and the storyline is engrossing. I finished this book in one evening.

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This was a highly addicting story of Rosie, who has just inherited a luxury apartment in the prestigious Windermere building of New York City after her husband's uncle passed away. Rosie just happens to be a crime writer who is currently writing a story about the ghosts of Windermere and the unsettling deaths that have occurred there since its construction. Rosie has escaped from her family in the Ozarks and their supernatural beliefs only to find herself having visions while surrounded by believers and her own horror story in the Windermere. Rosie's story alternates with Willa's story set in the 1960s, which were my favorite chapters of the book. Although the ending kept me up reading until almost 1 am, I found that I was left slightly confused and disappointed because some things about the final twists and the plot itself just did not make sense which is why my rating is four stars instead of five.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Excellent thriller with a dash of supernatural. Loved the cult detail and constant twists and turns in this fast paced thriller. Well developed characters. Finished in two days.

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What a creepy thrill ride this one was! Starts off as a simple tale…couple inherits mega expensive apartment, couple meets slightly creepy but seemingly harmless neighbors. And then it goes completely off track. There’s a lot of mystery along with a good dose of psychological thriller mixed in with just enough of the paranormal to make it all work out. Lisa Unger has done it again. A solid five-star read that I couldn’t put down.

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Lisa Unger never lets me down, and neither does Rosie in this thrilling can’t-put-it-down novel filled with twists and turns!

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You will not be able to put this book down! Lisa Unger once again weaves a tangled web of suspense and delivers a good old fashion "ghost" story. From page one to the's a real page turner! Thanks for the advanced copy.

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I adore Lisa Unger's books so knew I would love this one! It's a convoluted and complicated story that has so many elements that I was breathless all the way through! Rosie and Chad move into an apartment left to them by Chad's uncle who recently passed, leaving Chad's sister, Dana with nothing. And from there on, nothing is as it appears to be! Blending past and present, Unger delves into the spirit world replete with creepy basements, nude photos, tarot cards, gothic pendants, suicides, and empty elevator shafts. What more could you want? Reminiscent of Rosemary's Baby, this novel may keep you up at night...but it's SO worth it!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This feels like a rare miss for Unger. For me, it had serious identity issues that were never really resolved and the conclusion felt...kinda gaslighty? But not in a clever way.

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The New Couple in 5B is my 8th Lisa Unger book and it is a page-turner! It is reminiscent of Rosemary’s Baby, it is mysterious and ghostly, and there are several murders. Rosie and Chad have moved into the historic and gothic Windermere apartment building in NYC, after Chad’s uncle leaves them his apartment. Rosie is a true crime author writing about the Windermere, and Chad is a struggling actor. The building has a history of murder and suicides going back generations, and naturally those living there are just a bit odd. There isn’t any privacy. Willa is a story within the story, taking place in the 1960s. The many characters are well developed and unique, as well as the backstories of Rosie and Chad. To say much more would give away the excitement of the book. Stories with eerie occurrences are not my usual go-to books, however I knew Lisa Unger would deliver! I loved it. With thanks to Netgalley, Park Row, and Harlequin Publishing for this ARC. My opinions are my own.

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If you are a fan of modern gothic literature The New Couple in 5B is for you. It’s a mix of Rebecca meets Rosemary’s Baby.
Rosie and her husband Chad are a struggling New York couple who inherit a beautiful apartment on Park Ave.
Almost immediately things feel off to Rosie. As a reader here is where you decide … why isn’t she listening to her gut and acting in it. If you are ok with this common troupe …then this is a book for you.
I enjoyed the book and was surprised in a few of the twists and turns.
Thanks net galley for allowing me to read this book for an honest review.

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Lisa Unger knocks this one out of the park hardcore - but it’s definitely a mix of thriller and ghost story. Author Rosie and her actor husband Chad have just inherited an incredible apartment on Park Avenue from his late uncle Ivan and almost from the minute they move in, Rosie starts to experience unexplainable things.

Aside from the overly involved neighbors on their floor and their almost nightly themed events (astrology night?) to the 80+ years of suicides, murders and strange deaths in the building - was moving to the Windermere the right idea for them? Or are they next?

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Rosie and her husband suddenly get an unexpected inheritance - a very expensive apartment in an old building. Things are looking up for them. But suddenly, lots of weird things start happening and Rosie must fight for her family. I enjoyed reading this book, but was left with some unanswered questions!

I received an early copy though Netgalley, but all thoughts are my own.

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i will read anything that Lisa Unger writes! I really enjoyed this book - such a quick read with lots of suspense. I'm not really into ghosts and the supernatural but even though that was weaved in through the book, it was a great read. Looking forward to erecommending this in March. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advacced copy.

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Ok, so I loved almost all of this book. The interplay between real and imagined, our world and the next, the creepy neighbours and doorman and the telecoms in the apartments. The shadiness of characters. I was hooked for the ride! I did guess all of the twists about 1/2 way through so that took a little bit from it but Rosie’s character voice was so engaging that I still enjoyed it! The premise of the story gave me Lock Every Door vibes.

I just wish that the ending was more twisty! I kept seeing the kindle percentage ticking closer to 100% and was like what…there better be some twists coming up fast! There were so many possible avenues that this could go, yet it did not seem to take those off ramps.

Still a worthwhile read!

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This book has a good balance of the creepy factor with just enough mystery to keep me engaged the entire time. The story was well balanced with interesting secondary characters and intriguing plot points woven throughout. The prologue was confusing but when I finished the book, I went back and reread it and it was...WOW. Great read!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC of this book. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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