Member Reviews

Rosie Lowan is an author. Her husband is an actor. They aren’t doing well financially when they get the news that they inherited a luxury apartment in the Windermere, a very exclusive building. Everyone is friendly and they are as happy as can be. Then, things change. They begin to learn about the horrific things that happened in the past at the Windermere. They wonder if they made the right decision to live there.

Strange things start to happen, and Rosie becomes more worried each day. She questions the odd events happening all around her. She’s not going to ignore this, and she’s determined to find out what’s really going on.

This one started off slowly for me as I was trying to keep all the different characters straight. There is a dual point of view between the present and 1963. It didn't take long for me to be enthralled with this book. I couldn’t put it down. It reminded me of TV shows like American Horror Story: Hotel and 666 Park Avenue.

This would have made an excellent movie. This story is under a dark cloud from page one and continues to the end. The reader never knows who to trust or what is going to happen next. It’s a gripping, edge-of-your seat novel. Just the way I like my thriller/suspense books.

FTC Disclosure: I voluntarily reviewed a free Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I have read many of Lisa Unger's books and they are a lot of fun! I had a couple ideas for who was the villain in this story but still loved seeing it play out along with the general mystery of this apartment.

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My Rating: 4.5

The Lowans, barely making ends meet in NYC, receive news that Chad’s late uncle has left them his luxury apartment at the historic Windermere. At first, the building and its eclectic tenants are welcoming. But then Rosie starts to suspect that there’s more than meets the eye. Why are there cameras everywhere? And why have so many gruesome crimes occurred there? When one of the neighbors turns up dead, Rosie must get to the truth before she, too, falls under its dangerous spell.

THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B is an unsettling story of a husband and wife who fall victim to Windermere’s haunting den of watchful eyes, greed, and hair-rising secrets. The Lowans, off the bat, aren't likable per se, or any character for that matter. I didn't mind Rosie as the narrator, but there was something about her stubbornness and gullibility that irked me. As for her husband, Chad, his “charm” that seemed off-putting. Nonetheless, Rosie still managed to pull me into this messy Windermere drama with its oddball tenants.

The eerieness behind Windermere’s deadly history and the whispers lurking in the halls chilled me to the bone. I mistakenly read before bedtime, which wasn't the best idea. That's the power of Unger’s writing; her words are factually impressive and hard-hitting. As the narrative unfolded in the past and present POVs, I encountered a few gasp-worthy twists that happily solidified my suspicion. Lisa masterfully mapped out the book's layout, leaving no room for uncertainty. Overall, THE NEW COUPLE IN 5B delivered a well-rounded plot and one spine-tingling journey I wasn't expecting!

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Rosie and Chad inherit his uncles apartment in a building with a gruesome history. What unfolds is several layers of deaths both past and present, which are all connected in a crazy way. At the moment when I expected the story was all tied up, another twist was thrown our way. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for an ARC read of this mystery that will keep you guessing

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Rosie and Chad are struggling financially when they find out Chad's late uncle has left them his apartment in the historic Windermere building in NYC. The building has a dark history but Rosie and Chad are trying to see the bright side of their new living arrangements. Things start to seem off immediately as the doorman is ever present, cameras are around every corner, and the neighbors are spreading gossip like wildfire. When death starts to follow Rosie and Chad everywhere they go, Rosie starts to wonder if their new apartment is more a curse than a stroke of good luck.

I enjoyed this one. The ending got a little more complicated than I think was necessary. My favorite part was that the building itself seemed to be a character in the book with it's history slowly revealing itself.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC of The New Couple in 5B.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for access to this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

Lisa Unger is one of the authors I met through NetGalley. She never falters and I am always reading her books in one giant gulp. Well, except that this was the last book I chose on Saturday night and at 71% my eyes were begging for a rest. But bright and early this morning( 7 a.m.) I was back at it.

The New Couple in 5B was deliciously good. When a true crime author(Rosie) and her handsome actor husband( Chad) inherit a beautiful apartment in a historic NYC building, it truly means all their dreams of a family can come true. But the other residents make Rosie unsettled and she begins to wonder if she truly wants to live at Windermere. As the story progresses we are given flashbacks of other characters that have lived in the 5B, a suffocating fear kept me on the edge of my seat.

Were there some predictable plot points? Well, I had the 1960s storyline with the dancer and her lover all figured out early on. But nothing could diminish my getting "into bed" with some of these characters until the wee hours of the morning.

Publication Date 05/03/24
Goodreads Review 24/03/24
#TheNewCouplein5B #NetGalley

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The New Couple in 5B is a unique take on a story we’ve read before. An inherited apartment in NYC, with a cast of characters you aren’t sure if you can trust, and a narrator who you aren’t sure if you can rely on. But this story weaves a genius level of supernatural occult and true crime that keeps you guessing until the very last page.

I absolutely loved this one - I enjoyed how it reminded me of other books and tv shows I’ve read with a similar premise, while also bringing a fresh take to this specific thriller type. I loved the flashbacks that play out a parallel story, and the overlapping characters that make you pause and question what you can and can’t trust from the narrators POV. There were so many fun and quirky characters in the cast that you had to really piece together every detail to grasp the big picture, but the reveal at the end was still incredibly shocking and stunning.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of “The New Couple in 5B” in exchange for an honest review. Unfortunately, this one fell extremely flat for me. ALL of the characters were unlikable, and I found myself spacing out throughout most of the story. The plot feels predictable, and the characters lack depth, making it difficult for readers to invest in their journey. Overall, a forgettable read that falls short of its potential.

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I really enjoyed this book!
It’s the 2nd Lisa Unger book I’ve read and I’m eager to read more of her work.
A little spooky/paranormal mixed with domestic suspense. I thought it was a bit predictable but still enjoyed the twists and turns along the way.
If you liked Riley Sager’s Lock Every Door, you’ll LOVE this book! I recommend it to anyone that loves a good domestic thriller with some paranormal aspects sprinkled into the mix.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy of this eARC!

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I’ve never read any Lisa Unger books, and this was a nice way to be introduced to her work. The cover is beautiful and immediately caught my attention. The New Couple In 5B is often a homage to Rosemary’s Baby. New York City is practically a character, as well as the fictional Murray Hill building The Windermere. Rosie and Chad inherit this apartment and rather than just selling it ($4000/month just for dues? For real? How lucrative ARE those off-off Broadway plays and like, 1 book published??) they decide to stay and try to start a family and their lives there. Of course there are many dark characters who have their reasons for wanting Rosie and Chad out and an even more sinister past to The Windermere that has never fully disappeared.

Solid plot, I was actually envisioning it as a movie while I read. Some predictable sequences but still an ultimately satisfying read. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 because I really did get a bit scared at times.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a quick paced thriller with surprises, from beginning to very end. The 5b apartment has so much history in the Windemere building. Generations of people have lived here. Some still hope to live here. Some never want to leave. The story ties everybody in the building together in a span of many years. What do the new couple who just moved in have to do with any of it?
I enjoyed this book very much. It was unique and interesting throughout with a touch of paranormal activity. #netgalley

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The New Couple in 5B was a 2 day read for me. I had a hard time putting the book down as I wanted to know what happened next, after each chapter. The novel tells the story of Rosie and her husband, Chad, as they struggle to make ends meet, are each waiting for their next big career boost, receive a surprising inheritance and face loss after loss together. Rosie is a writer exploring the history of the Windermere apartments for her new book, and what better way to do the research then by living there. Except things don't go as planned, and there end up being more tragic losses added to the dark history of the Windermere. Rosie has flashbacks to her past throughout the novel, where she continues to question her spiritual upbringing and the role it plays in her current life. We also get glimpses of a past residents' life at the Windermere and are left wondering how the stories will intertwine. Twist after twist left me guessing what was happening and who, or what, was behind all of the tragedies. With equal parts thriller and supernatural fiction, the novel was fast paced and kept me on my toes.
I would highly recommend to anyone that enjoys a good thriller and doesn't mind elements of the supernatural.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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3.5 rounded up to 4

Murder, a new home with a dark history, and psychics-sign me up! Rosie and Chad move into their new home that was willed to them by their uncle. The neighbors seem nice enough but Rosie has some reservations about the lack of privacy in the building with all of the cameras that are everywhere. Then Chad’s cousin is murdered and he becomes the prime suspect. Rosie’s devotion to her husband and his innocence is a testament to her strong character. This was a great story, fast-paced, and action packed. I love how engaging Unger’s writing style is for the characters. I thought I had the story figured out several times but then there was another twist to throw me off. Her attention to detail describing the old New York building had me wanting to know more about the old architecture. Great story! Definitely recommend!!

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This book was a good read. As far as thrillers go, it seems to hit about mid-pack for me. There were some plot points that made me excited to turn the page, others that made me want to DNF.

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This was my first of Lisa Unger’s books and it won’t be my last! “The New Couple in 5B” was a fun read with lots of surprises, twists and turns. I couldn’t put it down and was on the edge of my seat!

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I enjoyed this one and thought it was quite different from the other books I've read by this author. I loved the paranormal elements and that it gave me Rosemary's Baby vibes (which was an inspiration for this book as stated in the acknowledgments). I loved Rosie's character and that she was an author writing a true crime book. I did feel that this book was a bit too long as I found that it dragged a bit in parts. Overall, it was an enjoyable read!

Thank you, @netgalley and @htpbooks, for the #gifted e-arc!

3.5 stars rounded

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3.5 ⭐️

Starting off, this book had me hooked. It had all the makings of a spooky, gothic thriller set in an old New York City building. It was creepy enough that I couldn’t read it at night after reading one of the early chapters (dark basement… need I say more?). I enjoyed most of the book and it had me intrigued. However, the ending chapters fell flat for me. I finished the book wanting more and confused by some of the wrap-up. Ultimately, it felt like there were pieces of the puzzle still missing.

Thank you Harlequin Trade Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC.

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𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝟱𝗕 by Lisa Unger

Thank you to @htp_hive, @htpbooks, Netgalley and Lisa Unger for an ARC!

This was my first Lisa Unger book and I really enjoyed her writing. I love paranormal aspects in my Thrillers and this was done beautifully. I was invested in the story from the very beginning and definitely had a few moments where I had to stop reading because I was home alone at night and got freaked out. I've seen alot of other reviews reference Rosemary's baby but I've never seen or read that story, so i had nothing to compare this book to. I loved the twists and the cast of characters were very entertaining. I would definitely recommend this book if you like Thrillers, supernatural or the occult.

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This was my second book by this author and it was really interesting. I think a decent thriller is hard to come by now but I liked this.

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Definitely inspired by rosemarys baby and i freaking loved this! MY god read this. I was so sucked into this story from the beginning!

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