Member Reviews

3.5 Stars

The Revelation of Light and Dark by Sawyer Bennett is a captivating first book that sets the scene for an intriguing new series. The story follows protagonist Finley, who discovers she has magical abilities and is thrust into a world filled with mystery and danger, making her question her entire previous life.

The world building in this book is well done, with vivid descriptions that bring the setting to life. From the mystical creatures to the intricate magic system, the author has created a complex and immersive world that takes its time being built and resulting in the story itself moving at a much slower pace than I’ve come to anticipate with Ms. Bennett’s books.

While there is only a touch of romance in this first installment, Finley and Carrick have managed to capture my interest and I’m excited where their journey will lead them.

Lucy Rivers’ and Aiden Snow’s narration is exceptional, giving each character their own distinct voice and personality. Their performance adds an extra layer of depth and emotion to the story, making it even more enjoyable to listen to.

Overall, The Revelation of Light and Dark is a promising start to what looks to be an exciting new series. Fans of fantasy and magic will enjoy this audio book, as it sets the stage for future books to come.

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I adore Sawyer Bennett, and I have been super excited to read a fantasy series of hers! I really like Finley and enjoyed learning about this world with her. The world is urban fantasy and isn't overly complicated, which I enjoy. There is a bit of mystery surrounding Finley and what her powers mean. Enter Carrick, broody powerful man full of mystery. He holds his cards very close to his chest, which not surprisingly doesn't make Finley all that happy. I enjoyed their mentor type relationship and can see how their relationship could evolve. There is a particular plot twist that really makes me need to jump into book 2. Overall , I very much enjoyed the start of this new series!

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I'm a big fan of romance, so it's nice to see a romance fantasy mix. Also the setting of Seattle coffee shop was a bonus since I love the pacific northwest. Besides the solid story, setting and genre the book was left on a cliffhanger. You have been warned because you will want to read book two!

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Thank you, Tantor Audio and NetGalley for this ALC in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Revelation of Light and Dark is the first book in a new series called the Chronicles of the Stone Veil. In The Revelation of Light and Dark we meet Finley who feels like she has always been different from everyone else and especially with her family. Ever since she was a young child, she could see things no one else could see which somethings were beautiful and others were terrifying. She never knew if they were real or hallucinations but once she meets Carrick Byrne, she learns that she can see through the veil.

I really enjoyed this book and found it to be for the most fast paced and intriguing. I did find it hard to get into at first and that could be because I listened to this on audio.

The characters were written well and were great to follow as the story unfolded and I enjoyed how Sawyer Bennett crafted this world.

I am really loving all these romantasy books that are coming out and if you are a romantasy fan and/or paranormal romance fan then pick this one up since it will not disappoint. I look forward to reading the next books in this series.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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The Revelation of Light and Dark (Chronicles of the Stone Veil #1) was a great read by Sawyer Bennett. Finley knew she was different from a young age. Her mind has been plagued with things that only she could see. Unfortunately though some are beautiful while some are terrifying. She has learned how to lock them down and ignore them. Her life completely changes when she finds out that her entire existence has been a lie.Her new reality is filled with realms and veils, light and dark. Carrick Byrne is teaching her about her unique gifts. He is handsome and one of Seattle’s richest and most powerful men. I enjoyed reading this book and can’t wait to read more by the author.

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I listened to the audiobook which wasn't my favorite but the story was interesting enough to keep me engaged. The premise is very unique and the story definitely leaves you wanting more!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review!

Rating: 3.5 stars

Cover: 🌟🌟
Although the simple illustration and sweeping font make the genre of this book clear, the design conveys very little about the story it represents and is somewhat underwhelming.

Writing: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
From the start, a palpable atmosphere of foreboding and mystery kept the story engaging. Equally intriguing was the concealed paranormal world gradually established throughout the story. However, I struggled slightly with the overly descriptive writing style, especially since there is lots of filler information, and much is told, not shown.

"you never know what you are capable of, until you are faced with it"

Storyline: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
The story begins with a captivating prologue that raises many questions before leisurely introducing the characters and mysterious world. With even more questions raised throughout the story and a cliffhanger ending just as a significant event occurs, I am eager to see how this series progresses.

Main character(s): 🌟🌟🌟
Finley Porter is initially presented as an overly sweet and self-deprecating protagonist, which does little to make her engaging. However, like readers, Finley is thrown into the mystical world hidden within ours, and the witty side of her personality that emerges makes her relatable and realistic.

"There’s empowerment in being able to defend myself if the need were to arise."

Secondary characters: 🌟🌟
While there are only a handful of secondary characters, these generally have minor roles and little depth. One exception is Zaid, who got my attention because of his amusing interactions with Finley. Carrick is another notable character due to his role, but he is yet another super attractive, arrogant, and mysterious stereotype.

Romance: 🌟🌟🌟
The touch of romance in this story consists of little more than an emerging attraction between the characters. Still, there are some cute moments, and I am eager to see how this romance plays out during the series.

Narration & Audio: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Lucy Rivers and Aiden Snow do a great job with the story's dual points of view. Different voices are done for the various characters, and vocal effects are brilliantly used to enrich the listening experience.

All things considered, 'The Revelation of Light and Dark' is an entertaining start to a new series! Although the story leaves readers with more questions than answers, I am eager to see how the rest of the series plays out.

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Finley is happy in her life as she has a job she enjoys and a great group of friends, but she is troubled by her ability to see things that other don’t. She has decided her best course of action is to pretend they don’t exist and that seems to be working until Carrik comes into her life.

Carrik is successful, powerful and has secrets of his own. From the first time that he met Finley he knew that she had a special gift and he wants to be the man to release her untapped potential and teach her about all the other worlds that only a few privileged humans know about.

Finley is inspiring as she faces all the upheaval in her life with grace and determination while Carrik is an enigma that leaves us wanting to know more about him. The characters are captivating, the storyline unique and I am very intrigued to see what the future holds. The narrators did a great job of bringing the characters and their story to life.

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This is the first book in the Chronicles of the Stone Veil Series, an urban fantasy romance series. The characters are amazing! Finley is beautiful, smart, and strong. Carrick is handsome, enigmatic, and supportive. Finley's twin, Fallon, is intriguing. The world building is fascinating, filled with creatures, mystery, and twists and turns. The plot is well crafted, and captivating. The story ends with an unpredictable cliffhanger, and I am looking forward to listening to A Discovery of Secrets and Fate, the next book in the series. Aiden Snow and Lucy Rivers did an outstanding job bringing this story to life.

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Book one of the series and it’s a grand slam. The narrators are spot on and I was inthralled in seconds. Finley has always known she’s different. She can see angelic creatures and monster, but she also knew people wouldn’t believe her, why would they her own family didn’t. So she learned to block it. Then she meets the very rich and handsome and very mysterious Carrick. It’s fun, it’s steamy, it’s edge of the seat good.

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Narrators do a great job! Good quality for the recording! An entertaining listen!

Entertaining and fun! Lots of interesting ideas; love demons, angels and the Fae! Cool magical elements too! A little slow in the beginning; plus, there’s a cliffy, but still an enjoyable read. I liked main character, Finley; she can be a little annoying, but she’s dealing with a lot of new things in her life. She’s been able to see some pretty unique things for awhile, but she’s about to be thrust into a crazy world she never knew about. She has some cool powers that she needs to learn how to use because she’s needed to help the world. She has some help from Carrick, but there’s still lots of mystery all around her. Excited to see where the story is going to go! I would’ve liked more romantic type of scenarios, but overall, I enjoyed this read!

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I was slow to take to Revelation of Light and Dark. The story finally caught hold for me and I was in love with Finley. I was routing for her and there for each upheaval. This is definitely one of those stories where if you’re going to listen, you need to be prepared for the entire series. Lucy Rivers and Aiden Snow were great as the narrators and bringing to life the story. This is the first in the series.

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I was a little nervous to see how this fantasy would play out but I have been pulled into a wonderful story and world of fae’s and daemons, gods and so much more. Sawyer Bennett has made me want so much more and diving into this series!

Finley and Carrick are different but the masses are unaware of what happens behind their eyes. Finley has always felt somewhat different and just telling someone has her medicated and placed in the care of doctors. It took her some time to come to the realization that there is more of the unknown in the world and she special in ways no one knows.

Carrick is the ultimate. He is rich, gorgeous and all around mysterious but there is something intriguing about him that has Finley more interested than ever. Carrick is someone who draws everyone to him but he also has sides that you have to know. There is something strange that has drawn Finley in and she can’t wait to know more.

This story will leave you on pins and needles the entire time! The questions that form in your brain will not be answered and you will continue to guess what’s next. I loved how Sawyer Bennett was able to pull me in slowly and methodically. The depth of the characters and the story is slowly revealed so rushing to know what happens will only destroy the slow and needed burn!!

The narrators were superb and I can't wait to see what happens next!

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The Revelation of Light and Dark, the first book in the Chronicles of the Stone Veil series, is a great introduction to the world of romance and fantasy, with glimmers of dark and mysterious woven into the plot. Finley, the main character of this story, always knew she was different from others. While treated as a child for hallucinations and a mental health disorder, Finley knew she had to pretend she no longer saw the creatures that haunted her each day. Fast forward to her life as an adult, Finley and her twin sister, Fallon, lead different lives, but still try and spend time together. Fallon introduces Finley to Carrick Byrne, one of the most powerful men in Seattle. Carrick knows things that Finley thought was only known to her. He is able to explain the horrors she sees, yet something still pulls at her, not allowing Finley to put her full trust into him.

This was my first introduction to the work of Sawyer Bennett, and I regret not starting this series earlier! I was fortunate to receive an advanced copy of this audiobook from NetGalley and the Publisher for my honest review. I am so grateful I was offered a chance to listen to the book and enjoyed listening to the narration by Aiden Snow and Lucy Rivers. I will definitely be listening to the rest of this series, especially after the cliffhanger of book 1!

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Absolutely amazing! This author is wonderful and every story of hers is page turning and can’t put down, must finish because they are so good!

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I got a little confused in the world building and was not a fan of the male narrator

This book was given in exchange for an honest review

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I Really enjoyed this book it was a lot of fun and i can't wait to go deeper into this world in the next book.

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Finley is your average every day girl. She is making her way through life. Successfully managing a great coffee shop. She has a high flying sister who owns and manages an art gallery in town. Finley has had some mental health issues in the past but that's all in the past. When Rich offers to sell the coffee shop to Finely, she must find investors to cover the cost. Enter Carrick and Olympic Dreams. But does everything fall apart when Finley thinks she is having a mental breakdown and her hallucinations start up again?

Carrick recognises Finley's gift straight away. Carrick is a very successful business owner, who also owns Olympic Dreams. When Carrick realises that Finley's gift is going to be important for him, he quickly ensures Olympic Dreams and he, himself become investors in Finley's purchase of the coffee shop.

But what does this all mean? Why does she have this gift? And what does the gift and Finely mean to Carrick?

This is the first in a long series of books so you aren't going to get most of those answers in this book. You probably need to read another two or three. However, I listened to this book and it was wonderful to listen to. There is a lot of world building and so I found it a little slow to get into. I think if I had been reading it I might have given up. I'm glad I didn't. I think I will continue to listen to the series.

Big thanks to Netgalley, Tantor Audio and Sawyer Bennett.

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I've read Sawyer Bennett's hockey book and loved them and this fantasy is just as good. The story was intriguing and the narrator did a great job. I can't wait to continue this series.

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