Member Reviews

Wow! This book is so good and I can not give enough stars for it. The storyline is something completely different in such a good way. It left me guessing at every turn what was going to happen. Can not recommend enough.

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This book starts out with Anna recovering from a controlling relationship with her ex, Clayton. She is now happy with her fiance, Joel. He is a veterinarian, who's dream has always been to work in Africa on a game reserve. When he receives an offer to interview for a job, he's overjoyed and asks Anna to accompany him on the trip. It's all expenses paid. Anna has reservations, but wants to make Joel happy. When she gets there she is shocked to see Clayton there with his new girlfriend. This can't possibly be a coincidence. Is there something more sinister going on? This book had me up all night reading until the end. The twists and turns kept me turning page after page to get to the shocking conclusion.

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Fairly predictable thriller set mostly in a game lodge in South Africa. Good characters were nice,bad characters were creepy and horrible..

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If you've never been on an African Safari, then this book is your chance. The descriptions of life on a nature reserve puts you front and center. The tents they put visitors in, the game drives they take people on, the up close and personal with the wild beasts and even a lion kill. This book had it all.
The story is one of obsession and true love. It is intense with many surprising twists along the way. It will cause your heart to beat faster as Anna attempts to flee and return to London. There is a missing person, an attack by poachers and quite a bit of gunfire. It becomes hard to tell who is safe and who is really in danger. I absolutely loved it cover to cover.

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I have read books from this author before so was looking forward to reading this,I like that it takes place in Africa!
The book to me was slow and had a hard time finishing it,not her best!
Thank you Net Galley for allowing me to read and review book!

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Anna and Joel have been together for a year. They are engaged and living in a cottage in Sussex. Joel is a veterinarian who just receive great news. Him and his fiancé have been invited to a luxury lodge in Africa. The lodge houses eight guests, but only six guests are present. It turns out one of guests is Anna’s ex boyfriend Clayton. The relationship with Clayton was toxic and she’s worried this isn’t a coincidence.

The reserve is a dangerous place. There are wild animals and venomous insects. It’s not a place Anna desires to live, but this is her fiancés dream. Anna constantly frets over the dangerous situation of traveling with guns and checking her shoes for insects. She’s worn herself down with worry. Trapped by the animals with no cell service and only the vehicles of the employees Anna fears for her life.

Miranda Rijks’s recent book The Lodge was about Clayton and Anna contained in a dangerous reserve in Africa. Anna and Joel were invited by the new owner Nancy. So far it’s been a wonderful experience learning about the safari. Anna’s character is very conscientious about the wild animals and insects. Her reaction to seeing and being near her ex Clayton is a bit jarring. She’s over sensitive and stressful everytime she’s near him. Anna is a festering worry wart that alters the mood of the story.

For the most part I’m not finding this book to be very thrilling. It leans more towards a great research book for those interested in visiting Africa and staying at a safari reserve.

Anna’s character wasn’t convincing in swaying my mind about Clayton. I remained skeptical about her ability to convey Clayton’s actions as anything but overprotective and smothering.

This is my fifth read by Miranda Rijks and I’ve come to the conclusion her writing style doesn’t match my reading style. Her writing style doesn’t compel me to read. None of the characters did anything to draw me in. My mind wandering everytime I picked the book up to read. This is the type of thriller that subtly announces something with the reader still questioning it because it seems too obvious.

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Anna’s fiancé gets a job offer he would be daft to refuse - rehabilitating injured animals in a game reserve in South Africa. He shows Anna a pamphlet for the game reserve where he needs to go for an interview, and she hesitantly agrees. So, off they go to an isolated lodge. What’s the worst that can happen?

As a fellow South African I was so excited to get this ARC and get stuck in. While my expectations were not met in the end, I don’t think that would have been possible.
The lodge has a great twist and a lot of suspense throughout.
The anxiety I felt reading this was not healthy at all. Miranda Rijks is so good at creating tension and then turning the screws, I was absolutely riveted throughout.
Thanks to the publisher, author and NetGalley for the opportunity to review

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Anna has rebuilt her life after a toxic relationship with her obsessive, controlling ex, Clayton. She finally found happiness with er fiancé, Joel, a veterinarian in the running for a dream job on a game reserve in South Africa. When Joel is asked to interview at the luxurious safari lodge, Anna is delighted to be invited too. But her exotic holiday takes a sinister turn when she discovers that her toxic ex Clayton is also a guest at the lodge. Clayton seems happy with his new girlfriend, but Anna isn't buying it. She doesn't believe in coincidences, and her gut tells her that Clayton is here for all the wrong reasons.

Anna had been in a controlling relationship two years ago, Now, she is happily engaged to Joel, Joel is going to South Africa fir a job interview and takes Anna with him. But when something feels too good to be true.... When they get to the reserve, Clayton is there. Is this just a coincidence that they're there at the same time? Or is there something more sinister going on.

At first, I wasn't sure where this story was taking me, but I certainly enjoyed getting there. I love a Miranda Rijks book. They're always fast paced, filled with twists and turns and I'm always quickly pulled into the story, I loved the setting, the well-developed characters and the authors writing style, I was second guessing myself trying to figure it out. Loved this book.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #InkubatorBooks and the author #MirandaRijks for my ARC of #TheLodge in exchange for an honest review.

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I flew through this one in less than a day and while it was entertaining, I slowly started to lose interest about halfway through. While the protagonist was excellent and not the weak minded damsel in distress we often see, her ex was so blatantly childlike and pathetic I couldn't take it. How many times can someone say "I don't love you, go away" and the person being told say's "we are soulmates" in response. I get the whole stalker thing but this was verging on annoying to me. I get that a stalker can be like that in real life but it just didn't work for me in this, especially seeing the level it was taken to. The verbal responses didn't add up to the physical actions if I'm making any sense here. The ending was a little outlandish as well. I love this author, just not this book. Three generous Stars.

Thank you Netgalley and Inkubator Books for this ARC.

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This was my first read from Miranda Rijks. I thought she did a great job of getting the reader to feel the tension and I loved the setting of Africa. However the character development felt a little flat and I found Anna to be a bit frustrating to follow at points. Overall it was a decent read but not one I will likely revisit.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in advance of publication.

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Rijks has an uncanny ability to write one dimensional characters. These people are like the human equivalent of mist, but with painfully stilted dialogue.

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This book was a great read. If a reader likes animals and the African safari.. This is a different kind of black ok that I generally read but it did have action and a beginning that sucks you right in to the story. The twist ending was great. I would recommend to all readers who love thriller books..

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Although a bit worried about the trip, Anna was looking forward to spending some time with her fiancée Joel in his favorite place - the African bush. After being invited for a job interview, the two of them take the long journey to South Africa to enjoy a stay at the Twivali lodge.

Anna’s enthusiasm for the stay disappears when she realizes that her strange ex happens to be staying at the lodge too. How is it just a coincidence that he’s there at the same time? Her suspicion increases as it starts to look like maybe he’s not and something more sinister is going on.

This was a unique read for me. I loved the setting in South Africa. It added so much to the atmosphere of the story. It would have been creepy enough even without the threat of wild animals in the dark!

The characters were developed well while still allowing for some mystery about them. It definitely kept me hooked until the very end. I look forward to checking out more books by this author.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Release Date: July 26, 2023

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Name of Book: The Lodge
Author: Miranda Rijks
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publisher: Inkubator Books
Pub Date: July 26, 2023
My Rating: 4 Stars!
Pages: 320

The Twivali Safari Reserve and Lodge’
Set in ten thousand hectares (metric units) of unspoiled African bushland.
Story starts when Joel a vet specializing in large animals is invited for an interview as a vet to assist in the rehabilitation of injured animals. The interview will take place at the new safari lodge in South Africa. Anna his soon to-be wife (wedding date not yet set) is also invited as Joel’s assistant.
Joel is super excited so accepted the invitation.

Anna has no idea what is in store for her~ the lodge is amazing and South Africa lives up to everything Joel hoped.
When they arrive at the lodge Anna sees Clayton the man to whom she was once engaged; she broke it off and later heard he died in Australia,
When Anna and Joel are giving a special beautiful romantic room under the stars it turns into a nightmare.

Why is Clayton, the jerk there? He is so obvious the bad guy ~ right?
You must read on and find out. . . . .

I enjoyed reading “A Letter from Miranda’. She tells us that she has visited South Africa multiple times and loves it. In this story she was able to tell us firsthand about the country and yes she was able to paint us a picture via her words of the scenery and extraordinary wildlife!
She also tells us that she personally never felt unsafe.
Her letter to readers is definitely an extension to this story!

This in only my third Miranda Rijks story when I read "The Second Wife" which was my first and was a GREAT read - I made the comment ~This is my first [author: Miranda Rijka] ~ she writes psychological thrillers – my fav genre! ~ How have I missed her?

She did not disappoint with this story!!!

Want to thank NetGalley and Inkubatpr Books for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Day scheduled for: July 26, 2023.

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Wow, what a book! "The Lodge" by Miranda Rijks is an absorbing thriller that grabs you from the first page to the last. I was pleasantly surprised by it. It exceeds my expectations.

The book follows Anna, a woman who escaped a controlling ex and is now engaged to Joel, a veterinarian. When Joe is invited for an interview at the luxurious safari lodge in South Africa, all expenses paid, he eagerly accepts. Anna is invited too, but she isn't thrilled with the idea of moving to South Africa.

When they reach the reserve, Anna is shocked to see her toxic ex, a man she believed to be dead, there. He is accompanied by a new girlfriend, but it doesn't alleviate her concerns. Is it just a coincidence, or there is more to it than meets the eye?? The plot thickens when disturbing events unfold, leading Anna to suspect that her ex has something to do with them.

I enjoyed the book very much. The story managed to surprise me in more ways than one. Although I had my suspicions, I was still surprised by some of the twists. The book jumps between past and present and is written in the first person from Anna's and another character's perspective, which I liked. The writing was fluent, and the author expertly built the tension and atmosphere throughout the book. I also enjoyed the unique settings and could envision myself being there.

The book explores themes of toxic relationships, animal rights, love, and obsession. The behavior of the control freak ex felt very realistic and scary to boot. The book is loaded with surprises, dark twists, and creepy moments that kept me on edge. The cast of characters was well-portrayed, and their interactions felt authentic. I liked Anna and admired her gutsiness. While she may have been a bit naive, she handled herself well.

This is the first book I've read by Miranda Rijks, but it certainly won't be the last. This book was a great read, and I wholeheartedly recommend it. It kept me engaged and captivated throughout, never once leaving me bored. It is definitely a book you wouldn't want to miss.

* Thank you NetGalley and (publisher) for the opportunity to read this arc. All opinions are my own.

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An engaged couple are invited to a lodge in South Africa. Joel, a veterinarian, is being interviewed for his dream job on a wildlife preserve. His fiancée, Anna, accompanies him for his interview. Shortly after arrival she sees that her ex, Clayton, is there. What a coincidence to be on a wildlife preserve with your current fiancée and ex fiancée with his new girlfriend. The well written characters, each sharing their point of view captured my attention. This book definitely delivered on the suspense.

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Just WOW! Miranda Rijks is fabulous and delivers yet again! This book hooked me from the very beginning and kept me flipping pages way past my bedtime. The characters were just fantastic! The love, hate, secrets, passions and darkness just jumped off the page. Deliciously dark and captivating! Highly recommend
Thank you Miranda Rijks, NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the opportunity to read and review this amazing book

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Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the copy of The Lodge by Miranda Rijks. This is the first book I have read by this author but it won’t be my last! This was such a great story and while I wasn't completely shocked by most of the reveals they were still good. I loved the setting and the scenes in the wild. The past Anna chapters broke up the narrative and could probably have been at the start of the book instead of being interspersed. If you’re looking for a well-paced and fast read with diabolical villains, this is the perfect book for you!

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I think this is the best setting for a book yet. South Africa out in the bush in a remote lodge surrounded by wild safari animals. I thoroughly enjoyed the setting. The Lodge is full of suspense, intensity, and thrills with one major twist you'll never see coming. I wanted to scream at Anna and throw my kindle multiple times. While Anna's extreme naiveness kept me engaged in the story, there also came a point where it got to be a tad too much- minus 1 star for that. One thing I loved about the way this was written is you cannot be sure if Clayton planned the whole thing or if it's all in Anna's head. It leaves you questioning yourself the entire time. The ending wraps things up nicely, but also may leave you wondering. I highly recommend picking this book up, set to release July 26!

Thanks to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for a digital ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator books for an ARC of this book, in exchange for my honest opinion.

Wow, this book was such a riveting and suspenseful thriller. I’m talking heart pounding, toes curling, rapidly reading to see how it all ends. This is my second book by Miranda, and she just does this genre so well!
Buckle up, and set aside a couple hours because you’re going to want to read this in one sitting, because it is that good!

4 stars

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