Member Reviews

I. Loved. This book. So much that I requested the second one right away. I love Morgan. I love Draven. I love that it’s a little fae, a little King Arthur. I am so glad I was given a chance to review this. I can’t wait to get into the second book!

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Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn is a beautiful first book that mixes romance, mythology, and magic into a world that is so real it's almost scary. Set in a beautifully imagined mediaeval world, the story takes readers on an exciting road trip full of twists and turns. A slow-burning romance adds depth and complexity to the story.

One of the best things about the book is how interesting the people are. Boleyn has put together a group of characters who are all different and have different stories and ties. Having LGBTQIA+ characters in the story gives it more realism and makes it more welcoming, which makes it even more charming.

Queen of Roses has a very magical feel to it. Boleyn's skilled use of vivid details and evocative language pulls readers into a world of wonder and mystery. The world-building is done with amazing care, leaving no stone left to make a rich and interesting setting for the story.

The way Boleyn writes is a real treat. The writing is easy to read and elegantly captures the core of feelings and events. The clever way the story is told keeps readers interested and involved in what happens to the characters, which makes it hard to put the book down.

A well-made and interesting story is at the heart of the book. The story moves forward with a treasure hunt that leads to mythical finds, dangerous creatures, and strange friendships that keep readers on the edge of their seats. Family relationships, trust, and betrayal add depth to the story and make it a fascinating and rewarding read.

Queen of Roses has the right amount of fast and slow parts. It lets the characters think about themselves and change, but keeps the story going forward with a steady pace. The author's skill at building up stress and drama throughout the book keeps readers eager to find out what happens next.

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Queen of Roses-⭐️🌶️

Fantasy Romance
King Arthur Reimagining
Guard and Princess
Princess Warrior
Hidden history
One horse
One bed
🏳️‍🌈 Side Character Rep
Self discovery
Slow burn
“Who did this to you?”

TW: domestic abuse, murder

This was the beginning to a different tale of Arthur and his knights. The twists in the tale were interesting and I found myself intrigued by where the story was going to go and how things would play out. The story focuses on Morgan Pendragon and her Fae heritage, casting Arthur in a bad light… to put it mildly. I’m interested to see how much the story stays along the lines of the classic tale.

I found the first half of the book to be a bit mundane, there was world building and character development. It wasn’t that there was a lot stuffed into the first half, but that the first half didn’t have the heroine stepping up and being bold. I found her disappointing in the castle.

I also wish there was a map… or that things were laid out a little clearer in regards to what the land looked like. For the longest time I thought they were traveling North in the second half… then all of a sudden the crew is going south?

The second half threw things into motion and that’s when the story really took off. Also, the MMC wasn’t suffocating and condescendingly always saving the FMC and rubbing her face in it. An interesting diversion from the typical guard/Princess relationship.

Plus, the cliffhanger was pretty good! A

Thank you NetGalley and Starwater Press for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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This was such a fun book! I love a good retelling and this was such a fun spin on the Camelot legend. This might be the first book related to this legend where Arthur is the villain and I really enjoyed that. It was so easy to hate him and I wasn't expecting that going in.

I really loved Morgan. I can't wait to see how her character develops in the rest of the series. She has such a good heart considering the horrible influences she grew up with and I hope that she grows into a stronger version of herself. She's such a great character and there is just so much opportunity for her to take control of her life and finally do what she wants.

Draven might be one of my new favourite characters in general. I love a mysterious grump, and he definitely fits the bill. I'm SO excited to see where his relationship with Morgan goes from here. That ending left me with so many questions.

Overall I had a great time reading this and I'm excited to continue the adventure.

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This was an amazing start to a fantasy series that is sure to become one of my favorites! This book really sets itself apart from other fantasy romances with similar tropes by being a slow burn that makes the enemies to lovers aspect believable. The relationship between Morgan and Draven was complicated and had so much tension but I’m really looking forward to seeing where it’ll go next. I also enjoyed this as an Arthurian retelling and I felt that it was a very unique and refreshing take on the story! Additionally I absolutely loved the world building and the fae aspect of the book. I’ve read a lot of fantasy books featuring fae but this was by far one of the more unique ones in terms of the actual descriptions of the fae. All of the characters were really enjoyable my favorites were Morgan, Draven, and of course Lancelet. I particularly enjoyed Morgan’s character because I liked that although she was strong and had the capabilities to fight and stand up for herself she was smart about it too and was conscious about when she needed help which I think is a trait I don’t see in fmcs as often as I would like. Draven was super mysterious and morally grey and I can’t wait to learn more about his character in the next book! The ending definitely had me shocked and I have so many questions about him. In addition to Draven, I have questions about all the other characters and the direction the plot is going in and I can’t wait to get the second book because I know I’ll absolutely devour it! Overall, I highly recommend this one for anyone looking for a fantasy book with a slow burn romance and an amazing plot.

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Queen of Roses is a dark fantasy romance with a loosely inspired by Camelot, Morgan le fey, and King Arthur, with a fae twist! Morgan is a half-fae and her half-brother Arthur is a brutal, bigoted despot.

I enjoy myth retellings, so I was quite happy to come across this one with fae thrown into the mix. There is a lot of potential in this book, but I was hoping for more character development (especially for our female main character, Morgan). There were times where Morgan quite annoyed me – she was too timid and naïve at times – I hope she grows in future books. Kairos Draven is everything <3

The story is a VERY SLOW burn romance with a bit of an enemies to lovers and forced proximity mixed it. I enjoyed the world building, mythical creatures, friendships/loyalty between friends, and witty banter between the FMC and MMC.

Overall, I was engaged in the story from start to finish, and with the cliffhanger ending I am ready to dive into the second book.

The story is dark – so please remember to read trigger warnings before deciding to read the book.

My thanks to Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for providing a complimentary digital ARC via NetGalley to reach in exchange for my honest, fair, and person review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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Thanks to Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book!

I did enjoy this book. It is split into two parts with the first section introducing the characters and the world and the second half beginning the adventure. I felt the introduction was long and drawn out and I was wondering when the action would start. Once it got to the second half, I was able to read much more quickly as I became more interested in the plot.

The ending had me a bit confused with the sudden switch to a third person. I feel like with more character development, it may have made more sense to me.

I do know there is a second book, which could explain some of these shortcomings. I am excited to continue the series and find out what happens next in the storyline.

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Spectacular world building full of hidden motives only discovered as everything comes to a head. Twisted reasonings and so much backstabbing.

This novel, though lacking a lot of spice as a slow burn romance, shines in terms of its plot and the unexpected twists and turns it took as it came to an end. The characters were well written and as magical as Morgan’s unknown history, being given medicine to suppress the fae that runs in her blood.

Once they start the mission at hand, the story ramped up substantially. But the first quarter or so was greatly devoted to world building and giving all the important information needed to understand the rapid unfolding of events that lead to the climax of this novel. The cliffhanger left me wanting more and honestly, i am diving right into the next one wildly magical novel in the world of Aercanum.

My review is LIVE now on all my usual platforms — Instagram, Amazon, bookbub AND Goodreads!

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Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn had me hooked from start to finish! I went into this book originally thinking it was going to be a classic fae romance and was delighted it wasn’t. Briar Boleyn has created an epic fantasy world with characters I wanted to learn more about and continue reading. I’m extremely pleased with how all the plot holes tied together in the end but also left more to find out in the next book. I will definitely be reading the second book very soon.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Briar Boleyn, and Starwater Press for sending me this arc for free in exchange for an honest review! Please check trigger warnings before you read!

I really enjoyed this retelling overall. I have to admit it was a bit of a slow start. The pacing was just dragging on a lot. It started to get better around 50-60 % in. It also would’ve been nice to see more character development with Morgan. I am looking forward to read the second book!!

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3.5 stars rounding up!

This was my absolute first foray into an Arthurian retelling and let me tell you, color me impressed. Not in my wildest dreams during my AP Arthurian Legends class in High School did I ever think I would see the beloved King Arthur of Camelot portrayed as depraved, petulant and downright sinister. Yes, this is not the King Arthur you might be used to and I am here for it!

Many of the characters, if you’re familiar with Arthur and his Round Table, are portrayed in Queen of Roses but with a twist. Lancelot is Lancelet, a female knight and best friend to our FMC Morgan, Arthur’s sister (both in the book and in legend). Sir Galahad is represented as an acolyte to The Three, not a knight of the Round Table. To be fair, I don’t even know if the round table even exists because the Arthur here is surrounded by some pretty bad dudes.

Morgan is entrusted by Arthur to go claim the sword of Perun, but you may know it as Excalibur. Arthur wants it for the power it would give him; however he needs someone with fae blood to retrieve it. YES!! We have fae, magic, lore, all sorts of creatures—the best parts of fantasy books. Morgan is the perfect specimen to retrieve the sword where it is believed to be hidden as she is part Fae.

Now where would we be without a little romance and spice…very mild here, but first up is Kairos Draven, a new member of the Royal Guard, and also dévastai fly handsome, who just happens to save Morgan’s life and also be chosen to accompany he on this journey to the forgotten Fae lands. During their travels, she encounters another part Fae like herself, Vesper, who she can’t help but be drawn to. Poor Morgan, who will she choose? If she has to choose any!

There were some definite twists and turns, plenty of world building, along with gruesome and grotesque scenes and plenty of action.

I enjoyed Morgan as our main character; she’s got a little spunk, knows how to handle herself but certainly is fine with being the damsel in distress, compassionate and caring albeit maybe a bit too trusting. However, she’s real and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes her — because talk about a cliff hanger!

Looking forward to reading the next one in the series to see where the author takes us—there’s oh so many places we can go. Read this is you’re a fan of From Blood and Ash, Throne of Glass and retellings.

Big thank you to NetGalley, Briar Boleyn, and Starwater Press for an electronic copy of this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and Starwater Press for this ARC in exchange for a review.

3.5⭐️ I enjoyed this book. I liked the King Arthur/Camelot spin. I did feel like there was a lack of character development in some aspects but I’m hoping that will happen more in Book 2. I did genuinely enjoy the characters and the story. It just got a little fuzzy at the end. Again, I’m hoping that Book 2 will clear things up. Also, the description made it seem like this was going to be a spicy romance, and I found that aspect very underwhelming. Again, hoping Book 2 makes up for it. Overall, an enjoyable read that made me want to continue with the series.

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This was a very entertaining read! I kinda went into this one blind. I liked the twist and differences on this retelling. I really liked Morgan but I found myself wishing she was a little more feisty. She kinda went back and forth on being quiet and being feisty. Draven was definitely my kind of morally grey MMC. I wish there had been more focus on him in this book. I was kinda confused a little at the ending but I'm hoping it will be explained in book 2. Overall, this book sucked me in from page one and I am definitely about to start the next one.

Thank you to the author and Starwater Press for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

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It took me a hot minute to get going in this book but when it did, oh boy! It was a little confusing at first, are they fae, are they humans, half? Something else? I think it’s supposed to leave you wondering a little since the MC doesn’t even know what she is and has been lied to about it her whole life. I’m excited to get some answers in Book 2! I plan to start it ASAP and that says a lot about this book. If you like fae fantasy, mythical creatures and an epic quest, this one is worth a read! Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you to the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

I found the change of narrative from the conventional Arthurian adventures refreshing to read. Morgan is a great main character. I found myself drawn into the story early on in the book. However as I reached the middle of the story I found it less gripping and felt it losts its way a little only to pick up again in the last few chapters. I will continue with the second book in the series as I am intruiged to see what happens to Morgan following the cliff hanger ending!

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First, thank you for the ARC.
I was hooked from the first chapter. I wasn’t expecting that, I haven’t read any reviews of this book before, and my expectations were exceeded in a most delicious way.
There were familial names like morgan, merlin and arthur, even lancelet (not lancelot). But make no mistake, the story is totally different. I loved Morgan from the first page. She had been through a lot. Her initial trauma was devastating, but for the sake of the book, I thought this will build her character. Then her brother, totally a villain. She was surrounded by them, but she also had friends. This was nice.
To confess, when Draven barked about Florian’s branding assault, I thought and hoped for a romance. Then suddenly and abruptly, Vesper showed up and Morgan has an unbelievably naive experience with him. It was unsettling. Draven did nothing to prevent her superficial attachment to Vesper and this costs her dearly.

I definitely loved the writing, the twists and turns, the world building, the side characters. I wish we had more romance but my hopes are still high for the sequel.

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Thank you Netgalley for this opportunity to read this books for an honest review!

If you enjoy historical fiction and romance novel then this books is for you. Please make sure to read the trigger warning as this is a dark romance fantasy novel. The charcters are so well developed, the story line will keep you engaged from the beginning to the end. Their was moments were I found myself struggling to move forward since their was a few spelling errors and definitely a slow burn but hey we it was worth to push! Really enjoy this book and I cant wait to start the second one!

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Thank you to the author and Netgalley for this ARC! Yesssssss YES. Briar Boleyn, I'm a fangirl. I had no idea what to expect with this book and when I realized at the start that it was set in the "Sword in the Stone" universe (like that 1963 Disney movie) I wasn't sure I was going to like it. But boyyyyyy did I love it! I was quite perturbed that life kept getting in the way of me continuing to read this book (even though I finished in 3 days). The spin that Briar puts on the characters (King Arthur sucks, to put it lightly) and being set in Camelot made it that much more enjoyable. I loved the progression of the storyline which kept me gasping at different intervals. It ended on QUITE the cliffhanger so I'm excited to keep reading!

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Thank you NetGalley for sending me this arc!

I have to admit going into this I was a bit skeptical, I am not typically one who likes stories of Camelot. However this loose retelling drew me in quickly, due to rich story building and a more high fantasy vibe than the fantasy romances I typically read.

We follow Morgan Pendrangon as she confronts the untenable reality of her life: her brother has her throne, and he is clearly a sociopath and ruining the country. She is also half-fae in a world where the fae no longer exist, and where humans are growing less tolerant. Sent on a journey by her brother to retrieve a magical object, she sets out to discover the world, and herself. At times, Morgan is overly trusting and downright naive. I hope she builds some more character later on, as it makes her appear pretty flat. However this isn’t something that bothered me much.

A note to romance fans: the book is a bit saucy but there is no spice. I anticipate that this will be a slow burn and the sequel will have 🌶️

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Book one in a new fantasy series with twisted Arthurian vibes. So glad I can go straight on to book two, because that ending had me!!!

This was such an enjoyable read! I loved the twists, An evil Arthur, Female Merlin and Lancelot and Morgan being the FMC of this great new fantasy series.

Some great world and character building at the start, my heart broke at times for Morgan. With Fae twists, this was a great story, that built slowly through out and threw some unexpected twists at you. Fae vibes, action, romance, friendship, conpiracy and magic this book had a little bit of everything.

I am so rooting for Draven, and cant wait to see where book two goes. Thanks to Netgalley for the chance to read this.

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