Member Reviews

King Arthur retelling. Amazing story, retold in a new way that keeps you hooked from the beginning. Amazing character development, plots you don't see coming, and a shocking twist at the end that will leave you racing to grab the next in the series. Highly recommend for any fantasy lover.

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This book was so good, it had me hooked from the beginning and I was never bored (even during the world building)

I absolutely love the two main characters Morgan and Draven, they were imperfect and Morgan was working through stuff but that made me like them more because they felt more real. Also Draven was the classic ultimate love interest in a book which I’m a sucker for lol. I can’t wait to continue the series, I had so much fun reading about their journey through Eskira:)

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Interesting take on the Arthurian legend. I enjoyed the setting, the plot, and the characters. I can see this becoming a great fantasy series!

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What did I even just read? I was so sucked in by everything happening (and there was a lot going on) and that ending! I am very glad that I already have access to the second book because… I must know where we are going with this story.

It’s fae royalty, courts and politics. There’s quests to go on across dangerous new lands. Enemies who might not be so bad and friends who are bound to betray you. There’s also super cute, fantastical creatures that I’m wishing I could see in real life. The story moved along quickly most of the time and I was always trying to stay one step ahead, working out the twists and turns.

Anyway, it was fun for me and now I’m off to start book two.

CN for drugging, abuse, DV. It’s got quite a bit of darker elements and there is a list of triggers in the book, but I personally didn’t feel like they were a huge part or focus of the book, but you might want to check them out if you’re worried about it.

Thanks to #NetGallery and the publisher. I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Format: Digital
POV: Single
Spice: 🌶️.5 /5
Age suggestion: 18+

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Rated 4.5⭐️

Thank you to Briar Boleyn, NetGalley , and Starwater Press for this free Ebook. This review is 100% my own.

First, I want to start off by saying I don't have much experience with the fantasy genre, but this book may have me hooked. The way this book has been written, it's hard to believe this was her debut novel.

There are trigger warnings for this book but readers are warned prior to reading. These include sexual assault, drinking, drugging, violence, domestic violence, and child abuse.

The world building in this book was so good that I could visualize each place as the characters were walking through them. This is a Camelot / King Authur retelling with a fae twist, I could see the similarities through the book.

I appreciated that most of the main characters were women, Merlin, Morgan, and Lancelet. I also appreciated that there were characters interested in the same sex. While this book feels like it's supposed to end up being spicy, it feels more like steamy than spicy. Unless this is just setting everyone up for spicy in the second book.

The first part of the book is mostly world building and character introduction, but it's not slow or boring. By the second part of the book, more action happens, and the pace picks up. I literally couldn't stop reading this book. If it wasn't having to work for a living, I would've finished this book way sooner.

The book ends unfinished, and on a cliffhanger, I can't wait to dive into the second book. Would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy, story retellings, and family betrayals.

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Love all the characters.

Morgan's life was never hers, especially when she is under the rule of the king especially being in his shadow

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Arthurian lore but make it fae? Say less! The synopsis promised so much and I truly thought this had the potential to be a five star read for me. However, I’m not sure it entirely lived up to my expectations. I liked the writing style and the tone. I enjoyed the world building, even though the connections to Arthurian lore felt a little off to me. I really struggled to connect with the main character. But I did enjoy the witty banter and some of the tropes. The plot was solid enough and kept me engaged. It was still a fun read for me and I enjoyed it enough to continue reading the series. A solid three stars for me. I’d probably recommend it to a more niche audience and I would be interested in checking out other books by this author in the future.

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Wow a fantastic book. An interesting retelling of king Arthur that focuses on his sister Morgan. It has mythical creatures and some great twists which had me turning the pages effortlessly.

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World Building-★★★★★
Spice- 🌶️
POV- Morgan

I was born to be a queen. But even queens could be set aside and forgotten.

An amazing retelling of the Arthurian legend and Camelot, with a fae twist. I’ve had this book on my wish list for months, so when I got the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a review I practically jumped with joy and anticipation. And this book did not disappoint. It was a rollercoaster and so many twists and turns, and no matter how hard I tried I could not predict what was going to happen.
Morgan was only 5 when her father killed her Fae mother in front of her. Before her father died he announced that Morgan would not inherit the throne because of her being part-fae, instead her younger half brother would be the king. Her brother King Arthur despises all fae, and sends Morgan on a quest to retrieve the legendary sword Excalibur together with a royal guard and another guard.

There are secrets, magic, steamy romance that keeps you on your toes wondering will they or wont they? And of course there is betrayal. If you enjoy a FMC that can fight, take care of herself and is not afraid to say what’s on her mind? This book is for you!

Thank you so much NetGalley and Briar Boelyn for giving me the opportunity to read this book! All these opinions are my own and unbiased.

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A Camelot retelling where Lancelot and Merlin are both female? Sign me up!

We follow Morgan La Fae (Morgana Pendragon) who is forced to suppress her fay traits and was cast out of the succession because of her "tainted" blood. The throne was instead given to her brother Arthur who is becoming more evil by the minute. He sends her on a dangerous mission to find Excalibur. Along the way a host of characters join her causing her to question who she can truly trust while she is also under going serious self-discovery.

There is court intrigue, unaliving people, enemies to lovers with forced proximity, and a half of a chili-pepper spicy slow burn romance

I am giving this 4 stars because spice was alluded to as being a prominent theme of this book and it just was not there and because this story leaves you on a very abrupt cliff hanger. I don't mean a good cliffhanger where you are on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen, but one that was so out of the blue and abrupt, that I wanted to throw my Kindle. This book is clearly meant to lay the ground work as the beginning of a series as the first half of the book gives a lot of backstory/history/world building that gives it a pretty slow pace. The pace picks up in the 2nd half and there was more action and twists and turns.

Overall, I enjoyed this book (despite the lack of spice and the questionable cliffhanger). It grabbed my attention enough that I will read the next book in the series once it is released.

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✨Thank you to Netgalley and the author for an ARC of this book in exchange for my review✨
This book is an interesting retelling of the legend of King Arthur and his quest for Excalibur with a magical twist and added fantasy. I really enjoyed this book and was GLUED to the pages the entire time. I finished it in 1 day because I really couldn’t put it down. I felt so immersed in the story the whole time! I loved that the author described the characters and environments so well that they were easy to picture and just so well written. I felt like the main character could have used a little bit more substance and character development but with this being a series, I’m sure that’s to come in later books. I love a good slow burn romance and this was giving it! The added mystery and deceit from multiple characters built up so much suspense and made the plot twists shocking.
One of my only disappointments was the end. It ended with so many unanswered questions and like 7 cliffhangers that left it feeling rushed/unresolved despite a pretty good stopping point in the plot. I’m sure this was intentional to add suspense for book 2 and, though I appreciated the POV switch, I was hoping for a little more character development and was left with a lot of confusion. I’m looking forward to seeing how the main character develops as well as other characters as the story continues in the next book! Overall I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good fantasy quest/journey with some slow burn romance, friendship, and magic.

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I was immediately hooked on this story for two reasons: Camelot retelling and the inclusion of fae. As I continued to read, Morgan swept me further in with her courage and the details of the mission that she is sent on by her brother. I enjoyed the details of the world building and the magic system. I couldn't put it down as I rooted for Morgan! Thank you to NetGalley and Starwater Press for a gifted copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

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I was to check out this book after reading the description. Who doesn’t love a story with fae, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, and touch her and 💀. I will be honest, though, I’m not very knowledgeable of King Arthur/Camelot (I knew there was something with a sword and a round table 🤣) but I still loved this book!

Morgan Pendragon’s life has been anything but easy. Even after witnessing her mother’s death and having her birthright stolen, she never lets anything keep her down. When she is forced by her tyrant brother, King Arthur, to go on a quest to find a magical fae weapon, she is determined to succeed no matter what so she can have some power in her future.

I think Boleyn did a good job with the world building! It was so well written and easy to become immersed in this story. The first part was a little slow but that’s understandable since it does take time to explain the setting, characters, and world. I can tell this book is laying the foundation for the next book in the series and I’m excited to see what happens. The ending left me with so many unanswered questions and I will be picking up the sequel ASAP.

This was my first read by Boleyn but it definitely won’t be my last! I highly recommend if you’re looking for a book with
-enemies to lovers
-slow burn
-forced proximity
-grumpy MMC

Thank you NetGalley and Starwater Press for the opportunity to read Queen of Roses.

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A fresh retelling of the legend of Camelot that is deliciously dark, sexy, and magical. Briar managed to take the classic Arthurian tale and turn it into an action-packed new series brimming with imagination, danger, and spellbinding slow-burn spicy romance with all the feels plus Fae. This reader is now enthralled with this kingdom and all its characters.
If you like danger, temptation, fantasy, and royalty, you will love this Imaginative tale. The story comes alive in rich detail.
I read this in the kindle version through ARC Netgalley and will be purchasing the physical book to have and hold in my hands forever. Run, don't walk, to your favorite book retailer and join the court.
I give this 5 stars for action-packed enchantment and immersive realm building. Honestly, this is the best fantasy retelling of Arthur and Camelot I've ever read.

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Queen of Roses by B. Boleyn, published by Starwater Press, is the first book in the Blood of a Fae trilogy.
It's the introduction to a new world where Fae are unwelcome, set like a reverse Camelot/ leaned on King Arthur Saga.
Morgan is a 20 year old half fae with brothers Kaye 11, and Arthur, King.
I just wanted to take a peek in the book, but soon I was intrigued enough to rea the whole book, cover to cover, in one sitting.
It's a dark fantasy romance that deals withe sensitive subject, consider you warned. Next up is Court of Claws. Both books are currently in KU.

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I will be honest, all of the Camelot references when over my head as I had no idea this was supposed to be a retelling until all the familiar names started to annoy me and I looked up more about the book. That aside, I enjoyed the story told on Queen of Roses a lot. Enemies to lovers is a favorite trope of mine and I wish it was developed more in this book. This book is really establishing the ground work for book two (definitely read both) in regards to that trope as well as the romance in general and world building. There is enough in Queen of Roses to enjoy it on it’s own but it very much felt like it was mostly setting up Court of Claws (book 2) after finishing both. Both books could have been combined into one larger book and it would have still felt like an appropriate length. Recommend reading both if you enjoyed ACOTR or the Blood and Ash series.

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for the opportunity to read Queen of Roses.

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I would definitely recommend this book if you love an enemies to lovers, grumpy/sunshine and spice!!! Definitely gave me GOT vibes

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Queen of Roses by Briar Boleyn is a captivating and enchanting fantasy novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey into the magical realm of the Fae. With its rich world-building, compelling characters, and immersive storytelling, this book deserves a solid 4-star rating.

Briar Boleyn weaves a vivid and intricate world in Queen of Roses, immersing readers in a realm where magic and mystery intertwine. The attention to detail and the descriptions of the fantastical elements create a vibrant and captivating backdrop for the story.

The protagonist, the Queen of Roses, is a complex and strong-willed character who embarks on a perilous quest, filled with twists and turns. Her journey of self-discovery and the challenges she faces along the way add depth and intrigue to the narrative. The supporting cast of characters is equally compelling, each with their own motivations and secrets that enhance the overall storyline.

The writing style in Queen of Roses is evocative and atmospheric, capturing the essence of the magical realm and the emotions of the characters. Boleyn's prose flows smoothly, making it easy to become fully immersed in the story and the lives of the characters.

The book offers a delightful blend of action, adventure, and romance, as the Queen of Roses navigates treacherous landscapes and encounters allies and enemies alike. The pacing is well-balanced, keeping the reader engaged and eager to uncover the mysteries that unfold.

While Queen of Roses offers an immersive reading experience, there were moments when certain plot developments felt a bit predictable and the spelling errors though minor should have been fixed. Some aspects of the world-building could have been further explored. However, these minor flaws do not detract from the overall enjoyment and enchantment of the story.

In conclusion, Queen of Roses is a captivating and enchanting fantasy novel that transports readers to a magical realm filled with adventure, romance, and captivating characters. Briar Boleyn's talent for world-building and storytelling shines through, making this book an engaging read for fans of fantasy and those who crave immersive and magical tales.

#QueenOfRoses #BloodOfAFae #BriarBoleyn #FantasyNovel #EnchantingStory #BookReview

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3.5 ⭐️ If ACOTAR and FBAA had a baby, and it was slightly unhinged.

So, I'm not the biggest ACOTAR fan. Everyone knows... I'll shut up about it someday. But I couldn't make it pass the awful first introduction to a series that book continues to be. It's a through away- a waste of paper and time. Again, I have strong feelings about it. But the absolute betrayal of a plotline that book made me experience feels similar to how I think this series will unfold when it comes to timing and pacing.

I don't have that much issue with this one, though, because the author made it make sense within the characters and their arch. It also reminded me of FBAA, with the whole 'fmc is the chose one, it's just her, no one else will do', and the fact that her court given protector ends up trying to protect her over the court, which in my opinion is always fun to read. There's betrayal, heartbreak, abuse and death... It's, again, a dark and hinged version of other more popular fantasy romances. And also somehow a retelling of the stories of King Arthur of Camelot, and Merlin, and Morgan... It was a lot. Fun, but a lot.

I kind of think that there were times where the (TW:) SA and abuse that she suffers at the hands of Florian was kind of gratuitous, as well as the homophobic remarks the King uses to threaten her friends. I understand that the author was trying to make the villains out as obviously evil as possible, but it felt like a cheap shot at times. Then again, this is a dark fantasy romance, so I was expecting some things to go down.

The ending was sort of expected, and although I'm excited to continue reading the series, I don't know if I'll enjoy book #2 very much, unless the fmc actually starts fighting for herself a bit, and not just wishing she could and letting others do it for her. There's a lot of potential here.

⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 / 5
🌶 / 5

This review has already been uploaded to Goodreads :)

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3.5 stars but I finished it in a day so rounding up to 4

An Arthurian retelling but with fae, Queen of Roses was a fun read. There were some similarities to FBAA, but I really appreciated the fact that this was a lot shorter at 350 pages.
I feel like this book is setting up a lot for future ones, with deities and fae races kind of being introduced but not fully explained, and with romance being more of a sub-plot/slow burn. But I'm definitely curious to see what happens next and that ending has left me with a lot of questions.

It would've been more of a solid 4 stars if it had just given a bit more of everything, particularly more of the ongoing politics and more depth to the MCs.

Overall, I'd recommend to anyone interested in YA/NA fantasy romance, and I'm definitely going to continue the series.

Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for this review copy

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