Member Reviews

Loved this book! After having a Very Bad Year Sadie gets a redo. She gets to the person who will get the ending she wants … or does she. Be prepared for some fun quirky romance bits and for some serious topics that relate to woman. I definitely recommend this and will watch for the next book in 2024.

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I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE this book! I couldn’t put it down, it was so good!

After having a Very Bad Year, Sadie meets a fortune teller at a New Year’s Eve party and wishes for a do-over. She thinks that if she just stops being so loud and assertive, she’ll be able to save her career and her relationship and set everything right. But what she learns is that things don’t always go the way you plan even when you think you have it all figured out. And sometimes what you think you want isn’t what’s right for you.

This is definitely a romance story but also a story about friendship, acceptance and learning to be true to yourself regardless of what other people think. It’s funny, heartwarming, and at times heartbreaking. Resetting a year means you might not have the same bad memories but you also probably won’t have the same good ones, so how do you determine which year is really better? Sadie’s struggle to get what she thinks she wants out of life without compromising who she is at her core will be relatable and engaging for anyone who reads this book. Her friends, family and coworkers are all really well developed and you find yourself wanting to just climb into the pages and be a part of her found family! I loved Sadie even when I was frustrated with her, and Jacob is the perfect cinnamon roll love interest: he’s shy but supportive and so talented. The story takes place for the duration of Sadie’s second chance year and the chapters tell you which month we’re up to which makes the story flow smoothly and allows us to compare where Sadie was this time “last year” and where she is the second time around. The ending gives the reader closure and brings the story full circle. While the ending definitely made sense the way it was, I’d be happy to have an extra chapter on how everyone’s doing in the real new year because I just love all the characters and always want more.

100% a 5 star read and I would recommend it to everyone!

Content warning: sexual harassment in the workplace.

Thank you NetGalley & Forever/Grand Central Publishing for the eARC in exchange for an honest review! This review is posted on Goodreads, Instagram and Amazon.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

I found this to be quite a slow pace and didn’t hold my interest or attention for long periods so I had to take breaks and come back to it. I picked it up because the description and premise of making a wish and repeating a year to make big changes because that year had been so bad had appealed to me, but sadly it didn’t live up to my expectations. It was fine, but nothing like I was hoping for it to be.

Sadie re-lives an entire year, going back from New Year’s Eve to January 1st, hoping to fix everything that went wrong with her old job and with her ex boyfriend in her “Very Bad Year.” We go through the entire do-over year with her as she makes changes and realizes the lessons she learned and is learning again… and what she wishes had stayed the same from her future.

I received an advance copy from NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing), and this is my honest feedback and opinion.

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This was a very cute one-year time loop brother's best friend romance from Melissa Weisner!!

After a terrible year where loudmouth Sadie loses both her finance bro boyfriend and her job as a pastry chef at a high-end NYC restaurant, a fortune teller grants her a little bit of real life magic. Sadie wakes up one year in the past--and in the process of trying to save it all, she wonders if true happiness was right in front of her all along (maybe since childhood?).

Read if you love:
- single POV
- brother's best friend
- time loop
- s l o w b u r n
- closed door
- forced proximity (shared apartment)
- a dash of #MeToo redemption (CW for sexual harassment)
- delicious food puns

I usually find myself leaning towards dual POV romance novels, but Weisner pulled off a single POV that I flew through in two days. She wrote Jacob in a way where his intentions were pretty clear to the reader even if Sadie was a bit oblivious at times ;)

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Absolutely adorable and charming!! I enjoyed every single moment of this book!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for a chance to read and review an advanced copy of this book!

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This one was cute but not one that will stay with me. Would I read more by this author? Yes, and I would even recommend this book. That aside, I had a hard time believing Sadie was over 30 as she acted much younger. Also, the baking puns/similies were a bit much. Yes, she’s a baker but no one thinks like that (ex: Something about that leaves me as hollow as a cannoli without any filling. or Look, the last year of my life sucked like a straw in a milkshake.)
I did like Jacob, Owen, and the coffee shop gang and the idea of a do-over. Overall, a cute read.

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I loved this book! Sadie wants to redo her horrible year so she makes that her one wish from a fortune teller on New Year’s Eve. Of course Sadie quickly realizes maybe this wasn’t the best idea but she soon begins to understand what she really wants in life with her career, personal relationships, and her own personality. Sadie had a lot of personal growth throughout the story. The characters are wonderful and the dialogue is entertaining. Jacob will become your new favourite book boyfriend! Check this one out if you want an upbeat story with romance and a little magic.

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Sadie is having a Very Bad Year. She has lost her job, her boyfriend, and her apartment—all because of her big mouth. Despite her lack of belief in magic, when a fortune teller offers her chance at a redo, Sadie follows the instructions and…nothing happens. Dejected, she finds solace in sharing a kiss with her brother’s best friend Jacob. When she wakes up the next morning, she finds herself in her old apartment next to her old boyfriend and late to work at her old job. It’s January 1st of the year before and Sadie has a chance to salvage the life she lost. But as she navigates her new reality, she finds herself lingering on her kiss with Jacob and wondering if her only mistake was asking for a redo.

I literally could not put this book down! This story is filled with all kinds of amazing goodness—love, laughs, loss, and lots of pastries. Sadie is an incredibly relatable character as she recounts the worst year of her life—who among us hasn’t wished for a do over once or twice? Even through her disbelief, she manages to take advantage of her second chance year, whether it’s what she expected or not.

From the moment, and I mean the literal second, Jacob was introduced, I was in love. I love me a good morally gray, shadow daddy, slightly villainous book boyfriend as much as the next girl, but there is just something so sweet about a cinnamon roll book boyfriend that steals my heart and Jacob is just that. Despite the (very skewed) lens that Sadie sees him through, his personality and feelings shine right through. When someone says “not all men,” they are absolutely right because Jacob Gray would never. Absolute top tier book boyfriend.

In addition to the god-level book boyfriend that is Jacob, Sadie also unexpectedly builds herself a found family full of big personalities and all the love and support that she never got from her parents—a reminder to readers that family is not just blood. Each character brings something different to the table and they are all dynamic enough that I wouldn’t mind reading a book that centers each of them. (Hi, Melissa, if you want to make this happen, I'll be first in line to read, thanks.)

This story plays with the sayings “be careful what you wish for” and “the grass is always greener on the other side” so well. Sadie has been given a chance we normally don’t get and she is able to fix all the “mistakes” that she made during her Very Bad Year—but she’s also able to see situations from a different angle that she wasn’t able to the first time around. It’s a bit heartbreaking at times to watch her shrink and change the powerhouse of a person she is to fit what others what her to be, but it makes it that much more satisfying when she comes back into herself at the end. Wiesner masterfully tugs at all the emotions throughout the story and I really can’t say anything but “thank you, can I have some more please?”

My only gripe about this book is that there were no recipes for any of the deliciousness that Sadie makes throughout the story! I read an advanced copy so it may be different in the finished version (and I am crossing all the things that it is!)

And, of course, content warnings for those who need it: this story includes scenes of sexual harassment (specifically in the workplace), misogyny and sexism, bullying, strained parental relationship, and abuse of power/power imbalance in the workplace.

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher for free and have voluntarily written this review.

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The Second Chance Year is a charming romantic comedy that is a perfect holiday season read. Sadie, the protagonist, has a Very Bad Year that leaves her jobless, single, and staying with her brother's best friend. At a New Year's Eve party, Sadie makes a wish to go back in time and fix her mistakes. To her surprise, it works! She is back with her investor boyfriend and employed as a pastry chef at a popular restaurant. However, she begins to miss the time spent with Jacob, her brother's best friend, and starts to question if she should have wished for a second chance.
I enjoyed the second chance trope in this book. Sadie's second chance year helps her appreciate her strengths and learn to prioritize her own happiness over the opinions of others. The book also explores the pervasiveness of sexism and sexual harassment in various workplaces. Sadie's experience with harassment is portrayed sensitively and highlights the devastating effects it has on victims. The book shows how victims often blame themselves, and encourages speaking up and making positive changes.
Overall, this book is a delightful rom-com with a quick pace and relatable themes. The New Year's Eve setting makes it a perfect holiday read.

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This story was fun and cute! I enjoyed our character, Sadie, and her strong personality. I loved the message in this story.

It touches on heavy themes, and I thought the author did a great job writing it.

The romance was so good. I found myself connected to both Sadie and Jacob. Owen had me cracking up on Christmas night! I think that was my favorite part, aside from the ending, of course.

I would recommend this book!

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4.5 out of 5 stars!

I told myself I was going to make it a point to dive into new genres and tropes this year and this book delivered. A second chance to do over a craptastic year?!??! Why not! Sadie was all for it, especially because hindsight gave her the opportunity to see where she could have done better. Would a do-over right all the wrongs and she'd still be in a relationship with Alex and working as a pastry chef? I guess Sadie didn't realized that changing what she did in the previous life would change the outcome of the year she wanted to make perfect. I do think that the do-over year gave her the opportunity to be more observant, but it made her less Sadie (at least in her friends' eyes). Then there was Jacob. He was her brother's best friend, but he was just in her periphery. If she hadn't lived with him, would she have noticed him in the do-over? Why was it any different?

This book was a great way to be a little nostalgic about the things in the past I'd want to change up, but then again I probably wouldn't have the life I live now.

I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher and voluntarily left this review.

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This was okay. I simply wasn't invested in the romantic relationship. It felt like it was merely a filler for the backdrop of the story. I was disappointed because the synopsis sounded so promising.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the E-ARC

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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Overall this was a good book! The premise was intriguing. The writing was great. I was very invested in Sadie’s relationships and life. Would recommend!

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i couldn’t really get into this, i wanted more from it and from the characters, i liked the. concept, i just needed a little more from the story and the characters

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Sadie's had a hell of a year. In an instant she lost her job, her boyfriend and her apartment. Her brother's best friend has been kind enough to let her live with him. She's lost and takes a chance on making a wish. A wish that will allow her to repeat her very bad year. Much to Sadie's surprise she wakes up on Jan 1st with an opportunity to repeat the year.

Things initially seem perfect but as the days and weeks pass on Sadie is able to the major ramifications of wish. Not only has her life changed but so has that of others. You'll fall in love with some of the characters and this rom-com story. The Second Change Year has well developed characters and fantastic side characters making this book extra charming.

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Sadie has been having an epically bad year. She's lost her job, her boyfriend, and her apartment and she's currently living rent free with her little brother's best friend Jacob. She just wants a chance to do everything all over and just keep her big mouth shut. On a whim she makes a wish to the New Year's party fortune teller and when nothing happens, she returns home where she makes possibly the worst mistake by kissing Jacob. Especially when she wakes up the next morning in her old apartment next to her ex and the date is last year... and she can't stop thinking about that kiss. A kiss that now never even happened. As Sadie navigates the year all over again she sees the red flags where her life changed so drastically and does her best to just go along and not make drama. And she seems to be seeing Jacob around more and more often. As time goes on, she realizes that maybe what happened last year only left room for better things... if only she hadn't asked for a do over.
I loved shy, sweet, brilliant Jacob who wears his big heart on his sleeve and Sadie is too clueless to see it. I liked how she fights for what she believes in and I wish she'd stood up to her parents in the end too. This book has strong themes against inequality in the workplace in all types of jobs and I loved the scene where Sadie finally stands up to her boss. This is a clean romance with all the feels and a great book to cuddle up with and ring in the new year... just be careful what you wish for!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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What if you were given a second chance to redo a bad year in the hopes of turning things right, would you do it? Sadie has had a bad year and she hopes for a second try at living it again, but this time she promised herself she'll be less outspoken. It's what led to her original year going so bad. She just couldn't keep her mouth shut. Now, in her second chance year, she's doing things differently! I really enjoyed this quick, fun read. It felt like an original storyline that I hadn't read before and I really appreciated that!

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This was a well-written, entertaining book. It was fun, sweet and kept me reading. I enjoyed this book and will look for more books by this author.

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The premise of this book is about the heroine having a second chance to experience the worst year of her life. Basically, the heroine lost her home, career, and boyfriend during this year. So when a fortune teller offered her a wish, the heroine wanted to retake the whole year. And it happened. As the heroine experienced the year, she began to notice signs that she had ignored and also kept meeting with the hero, her brother's best friend. With this new lease in life, the heroine must learn the lessons that having her wish fulfilled has made her notice as well as trying to find her own happy ending.

This is a nice book with an interesting premise. It showed how having a second chance in life may bring consequences that shows a different view of the world that one may had missed the first time around. With that goal of the story, the book showed it in quite an entertaining way. As for the romance, it may have been overshadowed by the other important topic of the book, it does shine in the story. It would have been nice to add more details in the book in certain areas of the story, and the future of certain secondary characters could have been dealt a bit more forceful in my opinion. Overall, the book was still an enjoyable read even if I wanted a bit more of the story.

** Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own. **

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I knew in chapter one or two that I was going to enjoy this one. I started reading on the elliptical, and even though I was tired, I wanted to keep reading after chapter 5 (when I stopped, lol).

Sadie is in a funk. She's lost her job, apartment and her boyfriend in one year. She's living with her brothers best friend, who shes known for years, but they're not exactly friends. After going to a party where she talks to a fortune teller, she kisses her brothers best friend and thinks it can't get worse than this.

When she wakes up... it's not the new year. It's January 1st of the year she just finished. This is her second chance. To not repeat what she lost (job, boyfriend,apartment). She's having to navigate what she did so the same things won't happen to her again. Which is super hard. Some of her relationships are suffering, and she's having to bite her tongue... But that doesn't matter, does it?

This also dives into parent/child relationships. Oh, poor Sadie. Ya'll just wait until you meet her parents.

It's a great story about "fixing" your mistakes (which honestly did she have any). And what happens if you actually get what you want. Our main guy is really surprising. To her, I mean, lol! This is a very sweet boom.

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