Member Reviews

3.5 stars

This was a light hearted and quick listen!

The sentiment of the story was great. The characters had their moments but overall were fabulous and I absolutely adored the ending.

Thanks to NetGalley, Hatchette Audio & St Martin's Press for advance copies in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely adored and devoured this book. I binged this in 24 hours it was that good. I think the concept of getting a chance at a re-do year is so interesting and made me contemplate if there is a year I would do over. I don’t think so… but Sadie is an amazing woman and the found family in this one was everything. Jacob is a sweetheart and the other side characters were great.

Not only did this have two of my favorite tropes in one, but the author kept my attention the entire time and the book was very well written. Melissa did a very good job of incorporating extremely tough topics such as sexism and sexual harassment in a tasteful way. I will definitely be picking up more books by this author!

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I am obsessed with novels that play with time, time slips, or any kind of time travel - so The Second Chance Year immediately grabbed my attention. When Sadie has the opportunity on New Years Eve of a Very Bad Year to erase it all and redo it, she takes the chance, hoping to salvage her job, her relationship, and her whole life. The book moves month by month through the year, with Sadie trying to fix past mistakes and realizing that only leads to new different ones.

The book is a romance but the kind that is more focused on the growth of the main character Sadie. The sudden realization that she loves her brother's best friend Jacob was a little jarring, and I thought they lacked chemistry. But Sadie's friendships, her relationship with her parents and brother, and her beliefs about herself were truly the heart of the book, and easy to invest in. I loved the found family aspect at the coffee shop.

This book is great for readers who enjoy:
- food and the restaurant industry
- female main characters who stand up for themselves
- villain characters who are easy to root against
- heavier reads, that include societal issues like workplace harassment, bullying, and sexism

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Play it again, Jacob! The way that I just loved this book... It's like a 2000's romcom where the movie ends in a glorious built-up kiss, rather than some of the steamier things we're used to now. And honestly? It was refreshing!

I loved the concept of this book - a redo of the worst year of your life in the hopes that you can make it better. But of course, we all know that living in the past won't change the future. I enjoyed the focus on community and friendship, as well as the dialog on sexual harassment. Sadie the Cat Lady is my absolute favorite hot mess pastry chef and I absolutely need RECIPES!! I'd recommend this to fans of 13 Going on 30 and Love Again, but definitely read this one with some sweet snacks.

*Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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Sadie has had a Very Bad Year. Her boyfriend broke up with her, she lost her job, and she has felt like a disappointment to her family. She’s living with her brother Owen’s best friend Jacob in his spare room, and she’s feeling lost and sad. She goes to a NYE party and meets a fortune teller. She makes a wish to do her year over. Oh and she kisses Jacob. The wish… it comes true. When she wakes up, she’s back at the beginning of the year with her ex, and she given the chance to re-do her year.

Oh my gosh, this book was SO cute! Jacob was adorable. A lovely and steady presence in Sadie’s life. Her brother Owen was so sweet. I love the found family she made at Higher Ground. Her parents were actually the worst.

I really enjoyed this one and found it hard to put down once I started. Sadie and Jacob’s love story was incredibly believable. I love magical realism when it’s done right, and this was done so right!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book. While the romance was very good, I feel like it took a backseat to the personal growth of Sadie (which I loved). It was really cool to see how her character developed and was given even more depth throughout the book.

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Sadie is having a rough time - she's lost her boyfriend, her apartment, and her job in one fell swoop. Stumbling on an opportunity for a do-over, she jumps at the chance. As Sadie experiences her second chance year, she realizes that a do-over may not be the quick fix she thought it would be.

I tend to enjoy books with a time travel premise, and this one was nicely done. Initially, Sadie came across as a bit irritating, but she grew on me, and Jacob was such a cinnamon roll hero. I liked that the author explored some more substantial topics like family dynamics and expectations, workplace harassment, and personal development.

Thank you to Forever for gifting me with an ARC to review! All opinions are my own. I enjoyed it!

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Sadie lost her job, her boyfriend, and her apartment, and after being convinced to go to a New Year’s Eve party, she wishes she could repeat the year. Later, she ends up kissing her brother’s best friend, who she now lives with. But when Sadie wakes up in the morning ,she’s in her old apartment with her ex, and her old boss is calling. Sadie realizes she has gone back to the start of her terrible year and has the chance to fix her mistakes. But does she want to?

This is such a fun premise, and I always enjoy stories where the MC repeats the past or has a second chance at something and learns about themselves and what they want in their present and future. That’s exactly what happens to Sadie as she lives her do-over year. I thought this was a romance, but it really focuses more on Sadie’s growth and change as she repeats the last year of her life. I enjoyed her character. She’s authentic and outspoken, and she learns so much about herself. I think a lot of people wish they could turn back the clock and fix mistakes in their past, and Sadie gets the chance. Of course, she comes to some major realizations about herself, her work demands and the sexism she faces, her romantic relationship, and her family. She also can’t stop thinking about Jacob.

Ahhh, Jacob is the best love interest! Sadie and Jacob have a fabulous love story, though this part of the story takes a backburner to Sadie’s growth. These opposites have a slow-burning romance filled with chemistry and fun banter, and their tender moments are so special. I love how she starts to see this sweet and loyal man who has been in her life for years in a totally different light.

I really enjoyed this read! There are a few parts that I wish were fleshed out a bit more, but overall it is a fun and charming read with some great, heartfelt and introspective moments. The story also tackles some heavier issues, like workplace harassment, sexism, and toxic family relationship, but they are relatable and presented realistically. Special thanks to Forever Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.

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Second Chance Year will 100% give you the warm fuzzies.

Sadie has had a Very Bad Year in which she got broken up with and fired within a short period. When the opportunity arises for a do over, she is skeptical that something like that could happen. Until she wakes up January 1 in her old apartment with her ex.

This was so heartwarming. Sadie is such a wonderful character and I feel like her arc of trying to minimize herself is something most women can relate to. I loved her outspoken attitude and inability to settle for anything other than the best.

There is also a very strong story here of equality in the workplace and that feeling of not being able to speak out. I thought the conversation Sadie had with her mother was so heartbreaking and real. There were quite a few touching, emotional moments that so relatable.

At the heart of it all, Second Chance Year is a story of authenticity and found family. Loved it!

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Second chances aren’t always what you expect!

Sadie is one tough cookie who always stands up for what’s right for herself and others. She didn’t tolerate bullies when she was a kid and she certainly doesn’t tolerate them now as an adult. But sometimes her big mouth can get her into trouble. This year has been tough as she lost her job, apartment, and boyfriend. Fortunately, her brother’s best friend Jacob is letting her stay in his spare bedroom while she gets back up on her feet. But Sadie just keeps wishing she could have a do-over of her really bad year. And on New Year’s Eve, a fortune teller grants her just that. When she wakes up the next morning, it’s January 1 of the previous year.

Sadie does her best not to repeat what she thought were mistakes….but were they really? As times goes by, she begins to realize that maybe her old job and boyfriend aren’t quite as perfect as she thought. And she keeps running into Jacob too and just can’t get him out of her head.

This is a sparky rom com with a strong female lead who fights against bullying and sexism while trying to find herself….enjoy!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for my honest review.

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This book! I can't praise it enough, I have come to really love a time-slip trope, and this is one of my top picks.

Sadie had a very bad year, her relationship ended, and she lost her job and her beautiful flat.
When a fortune teller gives her a magical powder to make a wish for a do-over year, not everything goes according to plan.

She realises that things happen for a reason and that not everything should be done over.

There are a few Triggers, that the author mentions in a forward, and as a woman I now realise that so many actions and misdemeanours against us are dismissed and brushed aside because 'it's the way things are' 'he's just being funny/a man/ had a few drinks/ being a show off in front of his friends' etc. #metoo.

Jacob was such an amazing character and their story line was the sweetest thing ever😍.

I adore this author and will auto-read anything she writes.

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The Second Chance Year was a delightfully sweet romantic comedy that is just perfect for the holiday season.

After a Very Bad Year which sees her single, out of a job, and crashing at her brother's best friends place, Sadie decides to make a wish at a New Year's Eve party. She wishes that she had another chance to do this past year over and fix all the mistakes she made that led to her current situation. To her utter surprise, it worked! She is back with her Wall Street investor boyfriend, still employed as a pastry chef at a popular restaurant, and back in her old apartment, Determined to make the best of this second chance year, she adjusts her behaviors to fix her perceived mistakes. Unfortunately, she begins to miss the time spent with Jacob, her brother's lifelong best friend and temporary roommate in her old life, and she definitely can't forget about the kiss they shared on New Year's Eve before everything in her life reset a year. Soon, Sadie starts to wonder if she really should have been more careful for what she wished for....

I really enjoyed this sweet romance. I like the second chance type trope, and this book was basically Sadie's second chance not only in her relationship, but also for her career. I liked how over the course of her second chance year, she began to notice that what she previously considered mistakes, were actually her own strengths, liker her willingness to speak up and defend others. Where she was always seeking approval from others, she learned over the second chance year to appreciate what makes her happy, regardless of others' opinions. And I think she started to see how those in her life, including her ex/current boyfriend Alex may not be "the one", and to recognize how Jacob might actually be a better match after all.

I also really enjoyed how this book explored issues of sexism and sexual harassment in the workplace. From Wall Street, to restaurant workers, to college professors, sexism is rampant and many of the characters in this book suffered from it, often in silence. Sadie herself was harassed and the author, I felt, did a good job portraying Sadie's feelings and reaction to the incident in a sensitive way, exploring how victims often internalize feelings of shame, or that they are at fault. The book did a good job showing that this type of behavior is not acceptable and Sadie is eventually able to speak up about this behavior and make positive changes in her own life and in the lives of others.

Overall, I felt this was a cute rom-com and a fun story. I read it in one sitting, so it is a quick read. I think it would be a perfect book to read over the holidays with the themes of New Years and making resolutions to do better.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an electronic advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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In this captivating narrative, the protagonist's journey through adversity and second chances is both poignant and inspiring. The depth of emotion evoked by the challenges she faces is masterfully portrayed, and the resilience displayed is nothing short of commendable.

The narrative skillfully avoids the cliché time-travel trope, opting for a realistic exploration of overcoming hardships. The reader is compelled to empathize with the character's struggles and celebrate their well-deserved success. The portrayal of the protagonist's triumph over adversity serves as a powerful reminder of the human spirit's capacity for resilience.

While the story successfully delves into the darker aspects of the character's past, a touch more romance could have added another layer of complexity. The existing romantic elements are well-crafted, yet a slightly deeper exploration of this aspect could have enhanced the overall emotional depth of the narrative.

In conclusion, the story is a testament to the author's skill in crafting a compelling tale of redemption. The character's journey is relatable, and the themes of second chances resonate strongly. A small infusion of additional romance would have elevated the narrative even further, but overall, it remains a gripping and thought-provoking read.

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sadie's had a really bad year: she was fired from her job, broke up with her boyfriend, and lost her apartment. when at a new year's party, she is given the opportunity to redo that year of her life, she jumps at the chance. but maybe seeing the year from a fresh perspective makes her realize everything happens for a reason, and that better things come to those who deserve them. this was so fun & i flew thru it. i love a time travel trope, and seeing sadie's personal development, as well as her romantic developments, was great. highly recommend!

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Sadie has had a very bad year. So when, on New Year’s Eve, she encounters a fortune teller who grants her wish for a do-over, she begins a journey to fix her past mistakes. She hopes to save her failed relationship and keep her prestigious job, and sets about doing anything she can to keep her boyfriend and her boss happy.

But, is SHE happy?

Sometimes what you wish for isn’t really what you want. And sometimes, what you really did want is right there all along, you just weren’t ready to see that yet.

Sadie was a very relatable character. So much so, that I found myself quite frustrated in some of the early chapters, watching her make some painful mistakes, wishing we could move past that part of her journey a bit more quickly. But the payoff was lovely in the end.

Thank you Melissa Wiesner, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I usually don't like my romance laced with fantasy, but The Second Chance Year might have changed my mind. Sadie has found herself single, recently fired, and living in the guest room of her little brother's friend. When given the chance to re-do the last year of her life, she takes it. But is the ability to live a year over again as good as it seems?

While internally torn between the choice to be quiet and allow the patriarical to control her or to be loud and stand up for what is right, I found myself emotionally tangled in Sadie's second chance year to see if doing it over again leads to happiness.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy. I absolutely loved this book, a quick read and cute romcom. After having the worst year of her life she wishes for a do over and gets it, but along the way she discovers that all the things she longs for were not what she thought. After changing who she was to fit into everyone else’s view and how of how her parents think she should act, and starts sucking up to her boss all in hopes to keep the job that she lost, only to lose everything again. After some personal and discover what she needed in her life was already there if she just opened her eyes.

🔹He falls first
🔹Found family
🔹Second chance

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I always know that I’ve really enjoyed a book when I, a stringent TBR follower, decide one evening to abandon my entire monthly TBR in favor of rereading said book. That’s exactly what happened with The Second Chance Year, which easily puts it in my top 3 favorite romances of 2023.

What would you do if you knew you could have a do-over of the last year of your life?

In this book, you’re introduced to Sadie on New Year’s Eve after what she considers her Very Bad Year. Her boyfriend broke up with her (after getting a fancy tech-bro job), she lost her job (because she called out her boss for workplace harassment), she had to move in with her brother’s best friend (who can’t seem to stand being in the same room as her), her parents are disappointed in her (but aren’t they always?), and she’s not baking anymore (the one thing that has always brought her joy). She’s hurting and holding on to what she lost.

When I first read this book, I was in an incredibly vulnerable place in my life–much like Saide–questioning not only what came next, but what I had left behind. It immediately endeared me to this character and as I read, I wondered if I too would make the same choice she did to ask for a second chance year.

Once you start reading The Second Chance Year, it’s hard to put down. You’re desperate to know what will happen next, not only to Sadie but to the entire cast of characters that you’re sure to quickly fall head over heels for. It’s like Melissa Wiesner knew I was a sucker for a precious secondary cast because each and every one of these characters (Zoe, Kasumi, José Luis, Mrs. Kaminski, Owen, and obviously Jacob) are so special and add something really wonderful to the story. I was just as wrapped up in their individual threads of the tale as I was with Sadie and Jacob’s.

This book is also incredibly empowering. It handles topics like sexual harassment and the concept of women bowing to men in the workplace and while some of the passages are a little hard to read, they’re also really well-written and filled with hope and encouragement. I felt as if I gained newfound courage just from reading the experiences of the women in The Second Chance Year.

Of course, I can’t NOT talk about the absolutely adorable, swoony, kick-your-heels-and-giggle romance between Sadie and Jacob. It’s a brother’s best friend, he fell (okay, let’s be real, he launched himself off a cliff and nosedived) first, longing-filled whirlwind of a romance and I loved every single second of it. This book is closed-door, and you know what? I didn’t even notice that until after the second time I read it because I was too focused on the cutest freaking relationship ever unfolding before my eyes.

If you were to go through my Kindle, you’d notice that 85% of my (65 total) highlights are just Jacob doing the literal sweetest things ever for Sadie for no reason other than because he’s been in love with her since childhood. I’m feeling giddy all over again just writing about it! He’s definitely the epitome of a golden retriever, cinnamon roll and he’s absolute book boyfriend goals.

I could honestly talk about The Second Chance Year all day long, but instead, I’m just going to tell you to read it yourself! You can thank me later.

[CW: (Graphic) Sexual harassment and Toxic relationship, (Moderate) Sexism]

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After a "Very Bad Year" of losing her job, apartment, and boyfriend, Sadie Thatcher is granted her wish of a do-over. Waking up the next day one year in the past, she is determined to get it right this time!

Upon reading the synopsis, this sounded like all-time-favourite potential. I adore a story that uses magic, in this case time travel, to force a character to learn a crucial lesson about their life. This one was unique in that it spans an entire year, with every few chapters representing a new month.

I'd consider this a lighter read as a whole, but there were also heavy themes as Sadie navigates the consequences of suppressing her typically outspoken personality within her severely toxic, sexist work environment. Is gaining everything she ever wanted at the expense of her voice worth it? I was rooting so hard for Sadie to get it right.

I went back and forth on my rating for this one, to be honest. I liked it, but ultimately I was just not invested in the romance—at all. Jacob, the adorably shy friend of Sadie's brother, was a great guy, but their brewing relationship felt more like a filler in the background of the story. I don't need the romance to be the focus, but this one lacked an emotional connection for me.

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It is a fun and heartwarming time travel read. Where often you are in a time loop with these kinds of stories, where you are reading the same events over and over, that was not the case with this one! You get to meet Sadie, a sassy pastry chef, who has had a bad year and gets to do it all over again! While love is part of the equation, it's not the main theme and I loved that. You really get to watch Sadie grow and learn so many things about herself. You also get to explore what it means to really be careful of what you wish for! This was a quick read and perfect for fans of women’s fiction and time travel!

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