Member Reviews

I'm not a big fan of romances with time loops and jumps, but I thought this was really cute and didn't overdo it like some books do. The book follows Sadie as she gets to do over her "very bad year", which ended with her kissing her brother's bff Jacob. I did like how sweet Jacob and their relationship was. I was not a fan of the OW drama in her do-over year and was confused by the timeline of it. I though it took away from him supposedly being so into her (and is probably why I won't rate this 4 stars...).

For a light hearted book, there are some heavy topics (sexism + sexual harassment in the work place). Also, there is a lot of baking talk in this book.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This book is like a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed it so much and would absolutely recommend it!!

Sadie's year has not been good. So many things have gone wrong and she's not sure what to do next. Luckily her brother's best friend, Jacob, let's get crash in his empty room until she gets on her feet again, if she ever does.

She talks to a fortune teller (as you do) and asks for a redo. The fortune teller cautions her against it but she thinks it's the only way.

Her second chance year starts off great. Everything is going according to plan until it isn't anymore.

Imagine all the things you'd do differently. Imagine you know what's coming and you're prepared this time. Imagine it all goes spectacularly wrong, again.
I love how Sadie works through it all, good and bad and comes out better in the end!!

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This was a charming book with lots of heart and a little dash of quirk. I will say that if you don't like cooking and baking metaphors and similes, this book is going to make you go bananas. It is impossible to forget that the main character is a cooking professional. That aside, there are some really wonderful things, including:
-An adorable love interest with a long history of unrequited love
-A badass best friend
-Demonstrating the importance of speaking up against patriarchal and sexist actions
-A scary clown used for comedic purposes
-A cat!

This will be a great recommendation for Jolabokaflod.

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We all dream of having a second chance at life but sometimes that isn't always a good idea! Sadie is a bold and outspoken lady and when she speaks her mind sometimes it doesn't always turn out well for her. All the characters were well developed and Sadie's love for dessert made my mouth drool!

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The Second Chance Year by Melissa Wiesner
eARC review
Pub date: December 5, 2023

4/5 ⭐️

<b>Fans of the time-loop trope will not be disappointed in <i>The Second Chance Year</i> by Melissa Wiesner! </b>

Sadie has had a Very Bad Year. Her boyfriend of three years dumped her. She was fired from her job as a pastry chef. And to top it all off, she is currently eating ice cream on her little brother’s best friend’s couch because she lost her apartment. As Sadie examines the reason behind her Very Bad Year, she realizes she lost all of these things because of her outspoken, and sometimes confrontational, attitude. When she meets a fortune teller at a blowout New Year’s Eve party, she has just one wish: to redo the year and correct her previous mistakes, and live the life she lost. <i>But, and there’s always a but, is the life she lost worth keeping if it means losing herself? </i>

Sadie and Jacob’s romance is swoon-worthy without being too over the top. Of course, it *is* a romance, but I think the absence of spicy scenes allows Wiesner to explore the other relationships in Sadie’s life, most importantly the one with herself.

<b>Things I liked/tropes: </b>

-Main character wakes up in a time-loop/parallel universe
-Brother’s best friend trope
-He fell first
-strong female characters and relationships
-self love and acceptance at center of plot

Why the rating? Spoilers below!

I really did love this book, but there were a few things I didn’t love.
* I needed *more* Mrs. Kaminski. She is mentioned a lot, and there is even a passing comparison to the fortune teller from the NYE party, so I would have liked a bit more background on her.
* I didn’t get closure with Sadie’s parents. I was so hoping Sadie would just unleash on them. To be perfectly honest, her parents sound like awful people. We see a change in her mother’s attitude at Thanksgiving when she asks Sadie about work. I *assume* it was because Jacob talked to them after the disastrous dinner, but we never get clarification on it. I would have loved for Sadie’s brother to tell Sadie that Jacob scolded her parents for being so awful.
* I grew a tad tired of the use of baking analogies. We get it, Sadie is a gourmet pastry chef!

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Cute enough, I’ve read too many Groundhog Day, time rewind romances I think and this one just was very meh. Nothing particular to make it stand out but I know there will be a sweet little niche audience that hits the sweet spot for.

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This was a really well done time loop story. There was a great balance of being a fun read while also tackling heavy topics. I think the author did a great job at making the story not feel overly repetitive and allowed it to feel fresh throughout. Great read!

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Thank you to @netgalley and @grandcentralpub for this ARC. It’s a great introduction to new-to-me author @melissawiesnerauthor — this book super fun and though it does involve time travel, it does not feel like it’s been done before. It answers the very real question of what happens if we ask for a do-over and it comes true?

Sadie (love a Sadie, IYKYK) has hit rock bottom. She’s been dumped for mouthing off to a sexist friend of her social-climbing and career-climbing ex Alex, and fired from her pastry chef job for telling her creeper boss Xavier to go fudge himself (lol sorry, I did write that, I should be flambéed).

She can’t afford rent for the apartment she loves, so she’s couch crashing on her older brother Owen’s best friend Jacob’s couch. There are weird vibes between her and Jacob but we all know where these vibes are going right? 👀 On NYE, her best friend Kasumi drags her out to a circus themed warehouse party where she meets a fortune teller, and she asks for a do over. After fleeing the party, she and Jacob unexpectedly kiss, and when calmer minds and tongues prevail, Jacob apologizes profusely. Feeling worse than she thought possible, Sadie goes to sleep.

She wakes up January 1 a year ago in bed with her ex Alex and the do-over she requested. But everybody knows the best laid plans fall apart…

This book is so much fun, a little bit sad, a lot hopeful, as Sadie tries to right the wrongs she believes she made before the do-over. But now, she finds herself missing Jacob, and has to figure out how he fits into her life.

This book made me feel like there was a little space heater in my chest, it’s so warm. While it’s not super sexy (and not really all that open door, even), the sexual tension between Sadie and Jacob is absolutely there. And it’s really delicious. It’s a quick read, and because it comes out December 6, seasonally appropriate!

CW: sexual harassment from several sources, verbally abusive parents.

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Sadie has had a really bad year, so when she’s presented with the opportunity for a do-over she jumps at the chance! As she relives her year she learns that a second chance isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.

The Second Chance Year was an enjoyable read that focused more so on Sadie’s journey to be true to herself than the romantic plot. Well written and handles sensitive topics with respect (tw: sexual harassment, sexism, and workplace bullying).

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced reader copy.

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Cute time-travel rom-com - great beach read (or when you wish you were on the beach)! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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The Second Chance Year is a cute, feel-good, slow burn romance that touches on some bigger issues. Despite any positive attributes the book had (and it does have them), I couldn’t get past the cringey food similes that littered the book (often several in each chapter). I rolled my eyes at the first couple, but it didn’t take long before they kept me from being able to take the story seriously. I think the book would be much better without them. On the plus side, I really liked the reserved and reliable MMC and camaraderie of the female characters, especially toward the end.

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This is my third what if / alternate timeline type romance this year and I think it was my favourite. Sadie had me hooked from the start and the premise of getting a ‘do over’ of a rubbish year was great. Sadie’s redo of her “ Very Bad Year” was entertaining, random, funny, sad and rage making at times. I found myself eagerly reading this to see where she would end up. I enjoyed the journey she went on,with all the good and bad elements, and what she ultimately took away from her second chance. I also really liked Jacob, he was so lovely and sweet and had good chemistry with Sadie. Also liked the other supporting characters in Owen, Zoe, Jose, Mrs Kaminski and Gio. An enjoyable and engaging read. 3.75 ⭐️ rounded up.

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This was such a fun and easy read! I could not put it down! Who wouldn’t want a second chance year? The story, the characters, the romance.. *swoon* 🤍

Thank you to NetGallery for an DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Second Chance Year is every trope I LOVE in one book. Friends to lovers, magic/supernatural, fate, and of course he-falls-first. I love the theme of time travel with the main character having the knowledge of how to fix what went wrong and having to decide what’s worth saving and what’s worth letting go. Whenever I see a book with this theme, I pick it up every time because it’s such a great theme, and of course Melissa Wiesner crafted a beautiful story of self discovery through it. The worst thing about the book is I really wanted another 100 pages. I really wanted more of Jacob and Sadie, I could have read a whole book of just them figuring it out. Their relationship was so sweet and tentative and sizzling when they ever did let anything happen. I just wanted more! Not a terrible criticism really, just a feeling of wishing there was more story development.

The best thing is that it was a fast read that just went by so quickly—a true one day read. I was so stunned by how the second chance year was turning out at around 40% I couldn’t put the book down and just didn’t until it was finished. I was so nervous about Sadie’s journey I literally chose to keep reading over sleep. So the trade off of wishing there was more story/relationship development between Jacob and Sadie is that at least it is a quick, high quality “beach read”

Spoilers beyond this part because this is an ARC review and I want to be more specific about my favorite and least favorite elements.

If I could change one thing, I would change how Alex proposed. Either he had changed or he hadn’t and the story was easier to stomach with him having the “finance bro” mentality so when he shows up in the sweatshirt hoodie in the rain and seeming much like his pre-finance self I felt really devastated for his character and almost hated how lost and out of place he was. I get why the author did it, it showed Sadie’s commitment to making the choice that was right for her, even if it seemed like it wouldn’t be returned. It gave substance to her love for Jacob even if he wasn’t available, but I really wish Alex hadn’t been included there since it was just so sad and perhaps the same effect could have been created without that. It was just a disturbance in the flow for me.

I was really glad the author wrapped up the loose ends with fate guiding the missed connections and recreated the correct paths in the end. I really loved that Jacob and Sadie got their second chance but actually knew each other on a deeper level and it was set up for a much healthier start to their relationship. (I will remove this spoiler from my social media review but wanted to add it for feedback to the author/editor).

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First things first - thanks to Melissa Wisener and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest feedback and review!

If you're looking for....

✨Relatable characters
✨An outspoken and opinionated FMC
✨A redemptive storyline full of second chances
✨A feel good, time loop romance're in the right place! I really enjoyed this book. It's the second book I've been able to read by Melissa Wisener and it did not disappoint. Melissa's writing is easy to follow, enjoyable, and keeps your interest.

Sadie has had a Very Bad Year. She lost her job, and has been blackballed from the industry. Her boyfriend broke up with her, and she lost her apartment. Things are dismal, to say the least. Enter a fortune teller at a New Year's Eve party Sadie apprehensively attended, and a spell she skeptically took part in. What did she have to lose, after all? And then....time rewinds. Sadie wakes up on New Year's Day in bed with her no longer ex boyfriend, in her former apartment, late for work at her former job. This is her second chance and she's ready to do it right this time...but what if what Sadie things is right, is really entirely wrong?

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My honest review is being given in exchange for an ARC.

I absolutely loved this book. I read it almost completely in one sitting. Sadie is such a relatable character. She makes some mistakes and feels like her life is crumbling around her and just wants a do-over. She winds up asking a fortune teller for a do-over of the last year. Sadie quickly learns that there are consequences to changing things and the outcome you think you want isn’t always the one you really want.

I really loved the life lessons in this book, I loved the characters she met along the way (even if there were some pretty terrible people along the way, too). I loved the 13 going on 30 vibe of the book. All in all it was a great read with a fantastic ending.

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My Second Chance Year

On the New Year’s Eve of Sadie’s Very Bad Year, she meets a fortune teller and wishes for a do over. When she wakes the next morning, she’s stunned to find her wish came true and she’s getting a second chance to live the year over again. Armed with the knowledge of what went wrong the first time around, Sadie is determined to avoid the mistakes and misfires of her first time living this year.

This was a really fun take on the time loop trope and a really enjoyable magical realism read. I empathized deeply with Sadie when she wished for a chance to redo her worst year, and cheered alongside her at the parts that she felt she got right the second time around.

The romance was threaded throughout both the worst year and the second chance year, though I would’ve been happy to have seen even more of Jacob. I’m a total sucker for a long term crush paying off, and Jacob was a sweet, loyal friend to Sadie even when he didn’t think his feelings for her would ever be reciprocated. His high school grand gesture that Sadie brushed off at the time was swoon worthy and I loved seeing it play into their happily ever after.

There is a large plot line throughout centered around the #metoo movement as it relates to Sadie’s life and the fact that she feels that she needs to accept sexual harassment to keep her job and to advance in it. There are also a number of sexist and misogynistic comments made to Sadie. A large element in her personal growth is how she becomes a better advocate for herself throughout the second chance year, but if these topics are triggering for you it may not be a read you would enjoy.

Recommended for readers who enjoy:
🪄Magical realism
2️⃣Second chances
🌲 long term pining
🤩 cosmic intervention
🐱 brother’s best friend love stories
🥰 happily ever after after all

Thank you to Netgalley and Forever for the advanced copy to read and review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the e-ARC of THE SECOND CHANCE YEAR by Melissa Wiesner in exchange for my review. This novel will be released on Dec. 5th!

CW: sexism, gaslighting, sexual harassment

THE GOOD: I've loved Melissa's first two women's fiction novels and I was excited when I learned she had written a romance, and even more excited when I was granted an e-ARC of this book. While this book does focus more on the romance than HER FAMILY SECRET and THE GIRL IN THE PICTURE, there is still a strong sense of women's fiction in this book. Melissa weaved both genres together beautifully to create this story with a strong FMC who learns who she is. I also appreciated the important conversations around sexism and sexual harrassment in the workplace and thought Melissa handled those issues with sensitivity. And Jacob is the perfect cinnamon roll!

THE BAD: Sadie's boss and parents are insufferable. But that's not even a negative about the book because they are supposed to be!

Favourite quote: "Anyway, as I was saying," she continues. "If you need to be anything other than exactly who you are--for anyone--then the problem is with them, and not with you."

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Time loop romances are my favourite underrated romance trope! We need more of these books! THE SECOND CHANCE YEAR was a great addition to the limited list of time loop romances and I had such a blast reading it. The book had strong vibes of a British rom-com; think Mhairi McFarlane, Sophie Kinsella, Lindsey Kelk, Lucy Vine - aka all the best in Brit romance. And I've not yet found that in an American author!

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-brother’s best friend, strong fmc, time loop, closed door romance 🎇
-the last year has been rough on Sadie, she’s lost her job, her boyfriend and basically at wits end
-a fortune teller offers her a wish and Sadie wants a redo of the last year 🔮 she makes the wish and nothing happens, but she does ends up kissing her brother’s best friend
-Jacob melts my heart, the way the story unfolds and shows everything he’s done for Sadie, what a cutie!! ☕️
-swoon worthy romance and what a way to unravel to Sadie what’s really been in front of her this whole time
-thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this fun ARC! 💫


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