Member Reviews

This is one of my new favorites! An overall very good and thought provoking story. It makes you question what you would change about your life given the chance.. and by the end, what you may not want to change. The romance followed in the book was sweet and thoughtful and feel good! The whole story was enjoyable and easy to read. The topics of women in the work place and the sexual harassment endured by the characters was handled so well, and respectfully and it was refreshing to read a book who handled it as such. This was such a good book!

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Wow wow wow this book is amazing! Do you ever wonder what would happen if you had a second chance and could redo something in your life? Well, Sadie had that chance and got to redo a whole year of her life. After losing her job and long-term boyfriend in the same year, Sadie is down badly. When she comes across a fortune teller who gives her the chance to redo her whole year, she takes it.

Sadie is the type of character who will not back down from a fight and stays true to herself no matter what. She has that confidence that people admire but that others see as a threat. Some think that she’s “too outspoken” and that leads her to lose things in her life. Now with her second chance, she sees it as a way to change the things that went wrong but along the way, she loses herself. Surprisingly this book made me very emotional. Seeing how Sadie didn’t realize she was becoming a person she didn’t recognize because she was trying to fit into what society deems acceptable. I feel that everyone goes through a time where they question their actions and just maybe if they did things differently, life would be easier. What I learned and Sadie did as well by the end of the book is that staying true to yourself and not caring what people say is the way to live. Everything will get figured out eventually and sometimes we just need to let life happen.

THE ROMANCE!!! The author did a great job of making sure the romance between Jacob and Sadie didn’t interfere with Sadie’s growth but helped it. I think it allowed Sadie to reflect on her past actions and mature. JACOB IS SADIE’S PERFECT MATCH!! There’s just something about a couple where one of them is shy and the other is outgoing. Sadie needed someone to see and love her for the person she was, and that was Jacob. He was there for her no matter what. One of my favorite things was seeing Sadie gradually fall in love with Jacob.

I HIGHLY recommend and everyone NEEDS to read it when it comes out on December 3rd, 2023! Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this eARC!

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The main character frustrated me so much. I was screaming at her to open her eyes and just see what was in front of her. To see that she actually has everything she wanted.

But through that frustration I grew to love her and all the other characters in the book. I loved the journey the main character takes and it’s a book I will return to in the future just to see that journey again.

Thanks to NetGallery and the Publisher for this eArc in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for an advance copy of The Second Chance Year in return for an honest review.
"I can't speak highly enough of 'The Second Chance Year'. From the moment I started reading, I was immediately drawn into Sadie's journey. The concept of going back in time to fix mistakes is explored in a refreshing and thought-provoking way. The story flowed seamlessly, with well-fleshed-out characters that I couldn't help but root for. The author's ability to keep me hooked from start to finish made it difficult to put the book down. 'The Second Chance Year' is an absolute must-read for anyone who loves a captivating and inspiring story."

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This gave very Groundhog Day vibes. It's about Sadie who wished to have a redo of her "very bad year," only to wake up on New Year's day to find out that her wish came true. but she soon realizes, that maybe this isn't what she wants after all.

The writing was lighthearted which definitely fit the vibes of the book. It sometimes felt like whatever events were happening I had already read about, which made sense since Sadie was experiencing everything again, however, it got boring sometimes. I really liked the topic of sexism though, and what women have to go through, whatever industry they work in.

I really liked Jacob and the sibling relationship between Owen and Sadie <3 very cute and enjoyable. the last 40% of the book definitely picked up, in my opinion, and tied the whole book together.

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The Second Chance Year is an alternate universe, brothers bestfrind, cute romance. Sadie has been giving the chance to redo her Very Bad Year and of course she takes it, because what could go wrong? She'll make everything right and she won't have the stress of no longer having an apartment or dream job. This book stood out to me because not only did it have a great plot line, funny banter, an adorable romance, and a cute black kitten, but it also touched on the hardships of being a woman in the workplace. It shows readers the sexism and sexual harassment us women face on a daily basis, not just in the workforce but in our everyday lives. I love how Melissa Wiesner can still create a wonderfully written story but still try to spread the word about hardships in the world.
Perfect for fans of Rebecca Serle and Emily Henry.

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Cute rom-com with a fun premise. The characters were interesting and I found myself invested in the FMC and how she plan to redo her year. It was a bit heartbreaking to watch her be so unaware of her personal strengths and how much people cared about her, but I’m glad that she eventually realized it in the end.

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I loved loved loved this book.
I was excited to read the book after reading the description of it.
I was sucked in to the story and the characters.
I was cheering for the main character and I wanted to finish the book so I could find out what happens but at the same time I didn’t want the book to end!
Highly recommend!

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Sadie has had a Very Bad Year, she lost her job, her boyfriend and her apartment. At a New Year’s Eve party, she meets a fortune teller and wishes she could have a do-over and change her ways to prevent the Very Bad Year from happening. Sadie reminded me so much of myself in the beginning, a loud moth who speaks her mind and doesn’t like bullies so she stands up to them.

Each month of the year has its own few chapters as we watch Sadie learn and grow during the book, realizing that her life wasn’t really as great as she thought it was and that sometimes having a big mouth can be a good thing. As a woman who speaks her mind my family has never had to worry about me being taken advantage of or being abused in a relationship. I am fiercely independent and I saw these qualities in Sadie.

There is romance in this book but it isn’t front and center. The story mostly focuses on Sadie being true to herself and her happiness. She goes through a career change, and friendship change and even takes a different approach with her parents and others, I particularly loved her friend Kasumi and the descriptions of the baking but be careful you will get hungry!

My final thoughts: This is not your typical time loop story as Sadie is re-doing a year to change things up so it was refreshing not to live the same things over again. With themes of sexism, bullying and sexual harassment this wasn’t a light easy read, but Sadie was a girl after my own heart, she is a fighter for sure and I am glad she realizes how special that can be. The book is also a caution…Be careful what you wish for.

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The Second Chance Year by Melissa Wiesner

I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley for review. My opinions are my own.

5/5 stars

I had never read anything by this author before but I have a feeling this won’t be the last!

Melissa’s take on Groundhogs Day, this novel shows us how one decision can have a ripple effect on other areas of our lives, and other people’s lives.

Read this book if you’re a fan of strong female characters, feminism storylines, and second chance romances.

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Oh how I love Jacob so much. The fact that he’s been in love with Sadie since they were in elementary school. I really enjoyed how Sadie realized that what she originally had wanted wasn’t really what she wanted in the end. And how she slowly started to realize just how much Jacob loves her and how much she loves Jacob. Honestly the whole SA and SH scenes had me so mad.

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The “Second Chance Year” by Melissa Wiesner is the type of romance I usually enjoy – a time-travel / do-over tale in which past regrets are considered when one has the opportunity to correct previous decisions made.

This novel was a slow start for me. I was worried I was not going to like it as Sadie was initially the type of FMCs I strongly dislike: the rambling-when-nervous woman. Thankfully, the nervous-talk was limited, and I came to like the complexity of Sadie. She is a woman who is told she is too loud, too confrontational, too abrasive – she blames these qualities on events in her life (losing her job and her boyfriend) and wishes she could be less voluble is the same opportunities presented themselves again. And, like all good stories, Sadie gets what she most desires. During her second chance year, Sadie decides to play it safe, to ignore instinct, to keep quiet and play the game. The obvious, unintended consequences of these decisions form the enjoyment a reader has in these types of tales.

I think many readers, especially women, will instantly recognize the conditioning and comments so many face to be polite, the bide one’s time, to play the game. I’m not sure the moral of the story – that the worst elements of toxic masculinity will be overcome – is realistic, but it is hopeful and aspirational, which is the best part of romantic comedies.

The love story is a sweet, closed-door tale (i.e., no on-page sex). Jacob is the best friend of Sadie’s younger brother, Owen. Their love story develops slowly. Sadie is unexpectedly flippant and oblivious to Jacob in her recollection of their interactions since childhood. That she comes to regret her behaviour does help save Sadie from being a character I disliked, but I would have liked even more reflection beyond “why was a such an idiot?!”

This is an entertaining story, perfect for celebrating the start of a new year.

I received an ARC of this story from NetGalley and the publisher, but the review is my own.

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This was a very sweet, swooned and thoughtful romance read. All of the side characters were amazing! The development and depth of all the characters in this book was great as well. I’ve never read a book with a Groundhog Day concept and I had to admit I was a bit worried about in this book but it was done so well. Trigger warnings though, this book does deal with workplace sexual harassment. However, that being said this was a wonderful, quick and fun read.

Thank you Negalley for the ARC!

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Something I’ve learned about myself is that I love a good time loop/time jump/time travel romance novel. I enjoy seeing how authors come up with their own unique take on the idea and this book was a good one.

Sadie had a terrible few months to end her year. At a New Year’s Eve party, a talk with a psychic and a bag of magic leads her to making a wish for a do-over of the entire previous year. She wakes up on New Year’s Day and finds herself on Day 1 of her do-over. One thing she hadn’t planned on was a midnight kiss with her brother’s best friend, and now she’s noticing him in ways she didn’t the first time around.

I liked the way the time jump was handled. Instead of having seen the initial year and then jumping into the do-over, key moments are shared by Sadie remember how she reacted in the situation and then actually living it the second time with her new path of action. I didn’t love that Sadie’s choices were to make herself more docile and muted as she held back speaking her mind, but I understood it. Making a scene was what she believed cost her both her job and relationship in the ‘bad’ year, and she was determined to save both this time around. It showed a lot of growth as she came to the realization that sometimes what we think we want and what we actually want and need are not the same.

The romance between Sadie and Jacob, her younger brother’s best friend, was sweet but the implications/involvement of another woman in the mix in the do-over year was not to my taste, even as minimal as it really was. Before that came into play, I was really loving it. Jacob was adorable shy but obviously nursing a crush on Sadie, even if she couldn’t see it. Her finally noticing Jacob in a new light made me really happy, but I didn’t feel it was necessary to make her believe she might have started to see him too late. The woman had been through enough, one thing being sorted without an extra challenge would’ve been perfectly ok with me.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and all the things Sadie was able to learn about herself in her do-over year. It was a different and engaging take on a time travel romance.

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The Second chance year is by Melissa Wiesner
QoTD: what would you do if you got a second chance?

At the end of a Very Bad Year, Sadie asks a fortune teller for the chance to live the last year again. She figures she’s learned from her mistakes and will do things differently so she keeps her job, apartment, and boyfriend.

It’s fiction and we love it because Sadie gets exactly that. When she wakes up the next day, the clock has turned back one year. She has her old life back. But as the year progresses she finds that it wasn’t as rosy as she hoped.

The author discusses sexual harassment and gender bias in the workplace. I think that there was a missed opportunity to bring these topics back into the story and really expand on the characters and relationships.

For me, a great read.

Thanks to the author Melissa Wiesner, Forever & Grand Central Publishing, and NetGalley

IG post in in next 2 weeks

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Thank you to Forever for the advanced eARC of this book! This is a book that is all about trusting the process. It's like getting to the technical challenge portion of bakeoff. You know you are going to arrive at something good, even if you want to scream in frustration at some points. And frustration isn't bad, frustration means that I was so engaged with this main character and cared about her outcome so much, that watching her stumble made me want to reach into the book and shake her shoulders until she understood. She had to make those mistakes, she had to say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing so she could SEE. I also really enjoyed this book breaking the "time travel rules" mold of learning your lesson and getting reset back to do it all over again at the end. No you learned your lesson, now go be better because of it right here and right now. I do also love the sibling dynamic here, constantly competing and comparing with one another but knowing you can call at 2am crying and that other person will pick up and be there for you. And the romance happens so naturally that it's so satisfying to see it all come together. What a lovely surprise of a book that I positively inhaled. I never wanted to put it down.

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As Sadie lives in her second chance year it's not exactly what she planned and there is lots of emotion as Sadie deals with the unfair expectations from those around her, the awful working conditions at Xaviers, the loss of friendships, and her boyfiend Alex trying to shape her into someone she's not. Not to mention her growing realisation that Jacob means alot more to her than she ever imagined possible. But there is also alot of good to come from that second chance year in ways that Sadie didn't expect. I read this in one night as Sadie, Jacob, Owen, Zoe, Jose Luis, and Kasumi were such a great bunch of characters that I just wanted to read everything and anything they were doing and to see how things would work out for them all. There were so many heart breaking moments (Jacobs beautiful piano song and the CD Sadie never listened to 😭) that had me really hoping everyone would get the ending they deserved. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it.

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I couldn't put this one down once I started it! Such a clever concept with such fun writing. A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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•The Second Chance Year 🎊•

📚Genre: rom-com
🤔Rating: 🍺🍺🍺.5(3.5/5)
#️⃣ of pages:336
👯‍♀️ read if you like: “Maybe in Another Life”, “In Five Years”, Groundhog Day type of plot, all the bakery vibes & stories about strong FMC
⚠️TW: sexual assault
🗓️Publishing Date: December 5, 2023

•cute & fun read . Pretty easy to fly through!
•always LOVE alternating timelines/universes in books
•this is definitely a “girl power” book! Great, independent FMC & the author does an awesome job portraying her in a positive light

•it took a while for me to become fully invested. I was bored for the first little bit & then felt like it finally picked up
•this turned out to be more of a character driven rather than plot driven book. I think I had my mind set on it being plot driven so I wanted more from that.

This was a cute little read! While it had all the vibes of Groundhog Day & had hilarious one liners stuck in everywhere, it also did a great job touching important subjects, like sexual assault in the workplace. I really enjoyed reading about Sadie & was pulling for her in her redo of her “very bad year”. The love interest played out in an interesting way & it was a happy ending. I just wish there would’ve been a *little* more detail with this earlier on; I wanted more by the ending! All in all, great read & would be a fun one to read around NYE

Special thanks to NetGalley for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for an honest review!

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Sadie has had a terrible year. At a New Year's Eve party, she visits a fortuneteller and has the opportunity to go back in time a year, and she's sure that she'll fix all her mistakes. But this time around, she can see all the red flags, and in trying to "fix" her mistakes, will she make even more mistakes?

Really enjoyable story about getting exactly what you want, only to realize that maybe it isn't what's best for you. The story flowed well, the characters were likeable, and well fleshed out, and I didn't want to stop reading.

Thank you Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever for the ARC!

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