Member Reviews

Another great eARC has found it’s way to me and my Kindle. I really enjoyed The Second Chance Year. It was a bit of a slow start, but I quickly got into it and I found myself being drawn to read this more over my other current reads #moodreaderproblems

The Second Chance Year follows Sadie, an ex-ish pastry chef living the nightmare trifecta: losing her job, her boyfriend, and having to temporarily live with her brother’s best friend. She meets a fortune teller at a NYE party and gets the chance to re-do the last year of her life in hopes of everything working itself out. Sadie slowly realizes that by trying not to repeat the same mistakes, she loses a lot more than she bargained for, but also finds some much needed clarity.

The real star of this book is Jacob, Sadie’s brother’s best friend and the sweetest cinnamon roll I have ever read! He’s very shy, incredibly thoughtful, and loyal to those he really cares about. My heart absolutely loved the scenes where it was painfully obvious that Jacob has been crazy about Sadie 🤭 Also, reading this book made me realize that I really love the Brother’s Best Friend (or the Best Friend’s Brother) trope! I love how they always seem cold and standoffish to the main character, but thats only because they’ve been crazy about them for ages!

While TSCY is a romcom about second chances, it also depicts sexual harassment and its harmful effects on the individuals that it had happened to, and to others around them. It’s shameful that kind of behaviour is still happening in today’s society, but at least people who are perpetrating it are being called out on their gross behaviour and it is slowly but surely not being tolerated anymore.

Thank you so much @netgalley and @readforeverpub for the eARC! Definitely need a physical copy for my shelf once it comes out.

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Do you know what my FAVORITE romance trope is this year???

Second chances.

Yep, I am falling madly in love with romances that feature the trope, and The Second Chance Year, fits perfectly into the pantheon. We have Sadie Thatcher, a pastry chef who has had the worst year of her life. And on December 31, she decides, reluctantly, to go with her best friend to a New Years Eve party where a fortune teller gives her an opportunity of a lifetime: start her crappy year over.

Is she willing to take the risk and possibly have a worse outcome?

You’ll have to read it to see…😂😂😂

Book friends, without giving any spoilers, I loved how Sadie’s second chance was a reflection of what she did before. She’s walking cautiously this time around the land mines that detonated the first time and finding herself drawn to the man she only thought of as her brothers best friend.

Though Sadie becomes a slightly different version of her previous self, it’s the journey in finding that happy ending that makes this book a delectable treat.

Add this one to your TBR!

Happy Reading ~ Cece

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the second chance year by @melissawiesnerauthor
tropes: brother’s best friend, found family, do over (a tiny bit of magic), pining, strong women, boy obsessed, he falls first, SLOW BURN

omg i literally cannot wait for this book to officially come out so that i can buy a physical copy to annotate🫶 jacob and sadieeeeeee🩷🩷🩷🩷 i love them. this book. i literally read it in one day. the only time i stopped reading was to sleep and to eat and during dinner i told my parents i had to leave so i could finish the rest 😬 melissa wiesner wrote jacob for the girlies who in real life aren’t going for the jacked bad boy. jacob is a cutie patootie. he is a certified cinnamon roll. jacob gray holds the YA book boyfriend standard 😫 HES A MUSICIAN HE PLAYS PIANO AND IS SHY BUT HE SINGS FOR SADIE ARGXKEJSK 🫠 like he’s literally obsessed with her. ok and sadie???? she’s everything. she grows so so much throughout the book and i’m so proud of her. and she’s not even real😀 sadie is loud. she lets the people know what’s up. she’s a pastry chef and literally makes the yummiest treats. i feel like you didn’t take that in. SHES A PASTRY CHEF. outspoken pastry chef girlfriend x shy musician boyfriend???????? it’s perfect phenomenal stupendous. i cried. the book was simply adorable. not once did i think it needed spice. it was perfectly paced and written. the magic was well done and it didn’t feel cheesy at all. i’m so so happy i got to read it before it’s pub date (make sure to get it DECEMBER 5th)🫡 i cannot say enough about this book. it was so much more than a romance.

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Spice: None

This was a cute clean romance novel. Sadie is having the worst year ever and as a result of a magical wish wakes up on January 1st but the year before! She has a chance to fix everything she did wrong including her ex that left her. But then there’s Jacob. Her brothers best friend who she was living with during her worst year. They kissed on NYE and she can’t get him out of her head. Sadie is conflicted between trying to right the wrong of the past and live her perfect dream life or realize she is missing out on amazing love story with Jacob. I enjoyed how the book went through the important moments of Sadie’s very bad year. The year went by at a good pace and we saw her grow as a person and learn some valuable life lessons she missed the first time around. I would have loved to see more romance between her and Jacob as well as watching her find herself and her place in the world. I was not a fan of major sexism and feminism that was written into the book but that’s just me. I took off a star for that and no spice at all but otherwise it was a lovely book!

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This was such a cute novel about a woman named Sadie. On New Year’s Eve, she reflects on her horrible year- she and her boyfriend broke up, she lost her job as a pastry chef, she was living with her brother’s friend, and was working at a local coffee shop. At a NYE party, she comes across a fortune teller who lets her redo the last year as if it never happened. (Also, she kisses her brother’s friend/roommate at midnight). When Sadie wakes up, she remembers the last year, but it is starting over. The novel takes us through the months of the second chance year and compares what did or did not change.
I loved this story! I thought it was well-paced and was a unique storyline. The writing would occasionally be vague and some parts felt breezed over. Overall, I enjoyed this novel and the resolution at the end.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of The Second Chance Year. All views and thoughts are my own.

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This is the 5 star romance read I have been WAITING ON!! Massive thank you to NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

For starters.. I was SO excited about the groundhog day concept... and I absolutely ATE THIS BOOK UP! I love how the writer jumped right into the story at the beginning, and we were given just enough information early on to connect with the FMC on not only WHY they wanted to have a do over year, but also how the do over year came to fruition. You follow Sadie who dreams of one day opening her own bakery, but things don't exactly go as she planned. She lost her job and her relationship and she would do anything to get a second chance at her really bad year... when she runs into a fortune teller on New Years Eve, her wish comes true. Reading as this "do over year" unfolded... The pacing was immaculate! Even though the book took place in the span of a year, it never dragged or got stuck in one moment in time too long. There was never any info dumping that muddied out the story. The characters were written in such a way that it was so easy to connect with them fast and I was actually able to visualize the story as I was reading. I think the concept worked so well and was beautifully written. It really put into perspective how one decision can change the course of your life. Should you conform yourself to the version of you that others think you should be to keep the peace, or is it better to follow your heart and be the version of you that you feel most comfortable and confident in? Would a second chance give you a better result, or is it true that what is meant to be, will be? If you're looking for a heartwarming story with romance, some found family, and a FMC who breaks the mold and learns to embrace herself and her journey, this is the one for you!

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A clown, a fortune teller and a pastry chef walk into a party...

Sadie (said pastry chef) has had a terrible, horrible, no good year. A lost job, lost love, and lost apartment have kicked a girl when she's down! But when faced with a cosmic do-over, will Sadie rise to the occasion and land on her feet like a perfectly executed macaron, or will she crumble and fall flatter than a gingerbread house in an earthquake?

I love baking and romance so this read was a no brainer for me! I enjoyed the time travel aspect to the book, and found the treatment of workplace harassment handled sensitively. In this book, the story was about Sadie and her journey of knowing and loving herself, as well as being able to shift focus from herself to others. While romance was there, it was not the only main focus of the novel. Baking references abounded which I thoroughly enjoyed!

There were a few instances of plot points not making sense that really pulled me out of the story. One example: the MC has to go help with something on her day off because she says it can't be made ahead of time. Then she proceeds to make the same item ahead of time for a different event...? Plus the phrase "Very Bad Year" was a bit overused.

All in all a fun read, that I would recommend! 3.5 stars, rounded up to 4!

My thanks to NetGalley and Forever for the chance to read this book. All opinions here are strictly my own.

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Sadie is having a bad year she lost her job, her boyfriend and her apartment. She is crashing with her brother's best friend. Her parents kind of suck. They reminded me of Ross & Monica where Ross can do no wrong and Monica can do no right. The same with Sadie and Owen. She meets a fortune teller and wishes for a redo of last year.

This book was so good. I could not put the book down. It sucked me in and I finished it the same day. I love when books just flow so well. The writing is fantastic. I loved the characters and the premise. We all wonder what would happen if we got a redo.

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When Sadie asked for a do-over, she got more than she bargained for. The chance at a re-do always sounds good, but is it always. This book shows that second chances aren't always for the best. This book posed some questions about the road not taken and sexism in the workplace. It was a quick, interesting, and fun read. I love that she got a second chance, but I also loved how it turned out in the end.

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I typically shy away from contemporary romances unless I'm pulled in by the storyline and this book delivered. I enjoyed the character development of Sadie and how she goes from wanting to the course of her decisions to finally accepting that she will never fit into any other person's ideal image of her. The friends-to-lovers arc was fun to read and Jacob is adorable. Weisner does a fantastic job of laying out the plot in a cohesive manner and the pacing never lagged. I would read more from this author!

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DNF. I really liked the premise but the writing did not work for me at all. It wouldn't be fair to the book if I finished reading and gave it a low rating.

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Everyone wishes for a second chance at something, and for Sadie it’s for the past year of her life. After losing her job and her boyfriend, she desperately wants a do-over. And thanks to an encounter with a fortune teller, her wish comes true.

Getting a second chance at the last year of her life, Sadie is careful to do and say the opposite of everything the first time around. She’s determined to get the things she believes she wants. But sometimes no matter how hard you try to change your fate, you learn that what’s meant to be will always find a way.

I loved the messages in this book. First, no matter how hard we try, we can’t change fate. I’ve always been a firm believer of “everything happens for a reason” and this story really drives that home. Second, we should never suppress who we truly are. Sadie worked so hard to be the opposite of who she truly was and eventually she couldn’t even recognize herself anymore.

I adored Jacob. He was such a good-hearted man, and despite his inner struggles with admitting his feelings for Sadie, he continued to always be there for her in whatever way she needed.

There were a few points when it was hard to tell what was actually occurring and what she was recalling from the first time around. I also kept forgetting that the characters were in their 30’s. Their life circumstances, and even the way they acted at times, gave off younger vibes. I didn’t necessarily mind it, but I did struggle to relate to the characters at time.

Overall, this was a sweet yet meaningful story. I’m typically not one for supernatural plots, but this was one was well written in a way that left me struggling to put the book down.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley. Thank you to the publisher and author for a chance to read and review this book!

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This is a cute book with a "Big" feel! I wasn't sure about the 'back in time' aspect at first, because it can be overdone, but this combined a light-heartedness with tackling some big issues. Sadie has a terrible year and wishes, on New Year's Eve, to go back in time and get a do-over...and who hasn't wished for that at one point or another? She has chance, and learns that the grass isn't always greener on the other side, and sometimes the best stuff is right in front of you. There are elements of sexual harassment, though nothing truly terrible or graphic, which is one of the bigger topics the book addresses.

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Looooved this book. Such a cute premise...the FMC Sadie has been dumped and has lost her job. On New Year's Eve she wishes for a do over - and the next morning she wakes up and is able to change her fate. But is this what she really wants?

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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A great book by this author. The main female character, Sadie has had an awful year, her boyfriend dumped her and she also lost her job. At a NYE party she wishes she could redo everything in her life. She wakes up the next morning being able to - but is getting everything back the best for her? I loved the FMC Sadie....she's strong, bad ass, and a loyal friend. Will she find her 'ideal' life?

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The book was a solid three stars. The story centers around Sadie, a 30-something baker still trying to make it big in the upscale restaurant she works at. The story was simple and followed the usual rom-com pattern, but the plot kept me reading until the end, waiting for the happy ending.

My biggest wish/suggestion is the story dialed back the character's ages. In my opinion, the target audience for this book would be 17-26 years old. Yes, I understand that the fictional elements about going back in time are part of the story, but as a 30-something reader, I couldn't see myself relating the characters or their conversations and problems. After awhile the bakery-analogies were starting to wear me down. However, 19-year-old me would have gobbled this story up: it has all the right elements of cute and 'freedom' of being 'grownup' (these characters could easily still be in college) that works well with a younger audience.

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A sweet, tender, story and swoony romance! One of the best closed-door romances I’ve read and the MMC has resurrected #teamjacob for me. Set in NYC with restaurant/cafe backdrops, Sadie, a pastry chef, is presented with a chance to do over her Very Bad Year. I had my doubts about a “do-over” centered story but was pleasantly surprised with how well this element suited the story and wasn't used as a last-act cop-out. It gave reverse “13 going on 30” through the lens of a one-year time difference rather than 17.

Hands down the best part of the book was Jacob. He is a precious gem of a man to be protected at all costs. I cherished every scene he was included in and only wish there were more of them. A close second best part of this book is Sadie’s character arc. Even after a chance to re-do her Very Bad Year, she is still faced with awful parents, a horrific work environment, and a stifling relationship with a finance bro. Over the course of the year, you follow her very satisfying journey as she learns who she is and what really matters. Even though I was screaming at her to see the bigger picture, I was captivated by her growth and progression.

Also very enjoyable was the cast of characters that Sadie begins surrounding herself with. They were all very endearing and balanced the negativity of her parents, injecting joy, humor, hope, and positivity into the story.

A very satisfying read overall and the only thing I could have used a little more of would have been more of a resolution for her finance bro boyfriend and for the next-door neighbor, Paige. Seeing as how they were instrumental to Jacob and Sadie’s story I thought they deserved a little more redemption.

Keep in mind that if you have ever dealt with any form of sexism, workplace harassment, and/or sexual harassment this may be something to be wary of because it is a main feature in this book but in my opinion Melissa Wiesner does it justice.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an arc!

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Truly enjoyed this book by Melissa Wiesner. The characters and chemistry were strong and I loved the foundation of friendship and the theme of perception not always being reality. We've all thought about do overs and I'm so happy it worked out for these characters.

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Thanks so much to Forever(Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley.

Sadie is having a horrible year. Her boyfriend has dumped her and she lost her job. At a New Year's Eve party, she wishes she could redo everything. She wakes up the next day being able to. However, is what she wants back really right for her?

Sadie is a bad ass. I was a little sad reading about her trying to change herself to fit into certain norms because I cheered hard when she spoke up or spoke her mind. She is the hype woman you need. She is bold and fierce. She is loyal and loves her friends. Everyone else in the book is kind of a side character. I loved the pastries Sadie created and thought the book had a good message about letting people in who love you for who you are.

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Thank you, Net Galley!

I loved the FMC, Sadie! She's a badass and I loved her story of finding herself and navigating life. I feel like in real life she and I would be great friends!

Also, can I say that I'd love to hang out at the coffee shop Sadie works at, what a fantastic place along with the most amazing human beings!

This is a lovely, sweet, heartwarming romance that shows you how one decision can impact several turns of events in your life. I'm sure we all feel like we'd love a second chance or do over in our lives, I know that I can, and in that, it's completely relatable.

I definitely recommend this book for a great, quick, read! Also, Wiesner is now on my radar to read more of her novels!

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