Member Reviews

I could not make it past 13% in the E-Book. I did not like the characters, I was struggling with the atmosphere of the book, and I did not like how the book is pretty much based around miss communication. If the main female character had just express her feelings about marriage or had told the main male about that one night (If you know you know) then like 90% o the conflict would have been resolved. Instead the main female decides not to communicate with her long term boyfriend and then breaks up with him when he proposes. I also felt like the setting was all over the place and I was struggling to figure out where we were in terms of locations. I also didn't like that after the main female's guy best friend learns she broke up with her ex, he goes and kisses her. I just think this book could have been better written and had a better conflict and reasoning for why the main female refuses the marriage proposal.

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I got the massive feels while reading this book, IT WAS GUT WRENCHING. physically sobbed and felt so so much pain during this book, but I adore these two characters with my whole heart as well. raine you know what you did girl, its on sight.

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I decided to DNF this at 15% but with an unusual case of planning to come back to it. I realized it was the third book of the series and since I was actually enjoying the writing, I wanted to go back and read the first two books in the series to get the most out of it. Unfortunately I lost interest along the way and while I may go back to this eventually, right now this isn’t at the top of my list.

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Lose You to Find Me by B. Celeste is the third installment in the Lindon U series, and it offers a mix of emotional highs and lows. The story follows Raine Copelin and Caleb Anders, who are navigating the complexities of their relationship after Raine turns down Caleb's marriage proposal. This decision sets off a chain of events that forces both characters to confront their pasts, secrets, and the true nature of their feelings for each other.

- Character Development: Raine and Caleb are well-developed characters with relatable struggles. Their journey of self-discovery and growth is engaging and heartfelt. There was really nothing I didn't like about them or the relatonship.
- Emotional Depth: The book delves into themes of love, loss, and forgiveness, which made it a poignant read for me as a person who enjoys emotional romances.
- Writing Style: B. Celeste's writing is smooth and evocative, which captured my attention from the start.

- Pacing Issues: At times, the story feels a bit slow, especially in the middle sections. I found myself at times wishing for a quicker progression.
- Predictability: While the emotional journey is compelling, the plot can be somewhat predictable, with familiar tropes and outcomes. Which is to be expected is such a cliche genre such as romance but it didnt take away fromthe overal story for me.
- Secondary Characters: Some secondary characters feel underdeveloped, which can make certain subplots less impactful.

Overall, Lose You to Find Me was a solid read for me as a fan of contemporary romance, especially as someone who absolutely enjoys second-chance love stories. While it has its flaws, the emotional depth and character growth make it worth the read. A three-star rating which reflects its strengths and areas where it could improve.

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Lose you to find me by B. Celeste is the third book in the Lindon U series where each book focuses on a different couple. In this one, the couple is one that readers have seen previously in the first two books. They are the consistent and in love couple. Caleb is a sweetheart and is a great friend not only to his teammates but also the female main characters. In his book he is going through a terrible time. After his girlfriend for over a decade refuses his proposal and breaks up with him, he is left reeling whilst dealing with his terminally ill father who has an incurable brain tumour. While managing heartbreak, the stress from managing his father’s business and awaiting the terrible news of his fathers impending death the conflict between himself and Raine is one issue he’s not prepared to deal with.
Raine is also going through a rough time on her own. After breaking Caleb’s heart and being left uncertain on what the future holds, Raine is trying to find a new routine. The two keep coming back to one another but as soon as they try and have a productive conversation things, get tense once again.
This was my least favourite book out of the three. There was a lot of miscommunications between the two and although there was time to resolve all of their issues, it felt especially rushed towards the end. It discussed some personal issues such as fertility issues and pregnancy loss as well as a parent’s death and coping with grief.
Thank you for the eARC! It took ages for me to review as it wanted to read the first two books and I’m glad I did as it provided a lot of context on the couple.

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I love this series and this book was perfect. I was highly anticipating this one and it was one I've been wanting to read! Go go go!

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Excellent! Thank you for allowing me to read. Your writing is perfection. Excellent engagement and building of the characters.

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This book was a bit of a miss for me. This isn't.y first book by the author, but everytime I read it I hope for a different book than what I've read. Something just always seems to be missing. While I enjoyed this book something just wasn't there for me unfortunately. I really liked the second chance romance and the synopsis made it seem good but something just missed the mark for me.

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for the copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Another awesome sports romance by B. Celeste!

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This is one of the football books that got me to like football romance books and I enjoyed it alot and had a blast reading it

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This book was very emotional. I loved the story and the 2 characters they had an interesting relationship. This book was great and I would recommend reading it if you're looking for a cute little romance.

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I have to say this book was a slow burn for sure, but it also tackled many tough topics and made me cry just a little at the end. It was worth the read and made me want to read all of the other books in the series! Raine was a beautifully written character dealing with not only endometriosis, but also the potential of never having kids which is truly devastating on its own, however when you add in the fact that she thought that's all the boy she loved wanted was kids, it's a life changing realization to have to deal with, and truly crippling. You take into consideration her leaving Caleb to give him the best chance of having the life he wants, but then you add in his father dying from an aggressive form of cancer and struggling to keep his family business alive while also trying to obtain his master's degree, it's back breaking work, and stressful. I just finished a degree while working full time, and having a kid, truly finding time is already hard, and no one is dying in my life. The emotions addressed in this book, and the pull that was nearly palpable between the characters was lovely in my opinion. Although marketed somewhat as a sports romance, I would say sports is talked about in maybe 5% of the book.

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Lose You to Find Me is the third book in the Lindon U series by B. Celeste. This is a contemporary sports romance that deals with some angst, loss, grief, second chances and soulmates. Raine and Caleb had to endure so much, and while she kept secrets from him, in the end their love prevailed.
Get ready to have your heartstrings pulled because this story will have you feeling an array of emotions.

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Absolutely loved this book. Caleb and Raine's love story was so beautiful! They seem so happy in the beginning and then the obvious next step in their relationship is marriage. However, when Caleb decides to propose to Raine and she turns him down. There is more to the story to why Raine said no and you learn more about this throughout the book. Overall, for my first book by B Celeste I really enjoyed it. 4 stars from me :)

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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3.75 stars = I enjoyed reading this book more than the other two books in the series. I had been waiting to read about Raine and Caleb since the first book. Lose You to Find Me is a romantic novel about Raine and Caleb, who were each other's first love. Caleb proposes to Raine, but she declines without giving him any reason. This story is a second-chance romance that is full of love, loss, grief, family, friends, secrets, and forgiveness.

Although it is an interconnected standalone novel, you would feel more connected to the characters if you have read the other two books in the series. The miscommunication aspect of the story was necessary for the plot, but it dragged on for too long, in my opinion.

This book deals with heavy topics, so it may not be suitable for those looking for a light, fluffy story.

Thanks to SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Caleb and Raine were in love and happy. Until Caleb decided to propose. Raine had some secrets that she couldn't tell Caleb and sacrificed her happiness for his.
Caleb was having such heartbreak over family matters and adding Raine's rejection into the mix made everything worse.

How they came back together through trouble, grief and exhaustion made this book very emotionally charged.

Have fun reading for yourself!

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First things first, I really wanted to give this book a chance. I try so hard to like this but just could not. The characters are just so bland for my liking and I can't and was not really convinced with the chemistry.

Overall this was a mess for me.

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This one was a miss for me, in the end. I couldn’t really get excited about the characters or the plot. Some thing in the writing was just missing for me. It may be an issue of personal taste.

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I love this book! B Celeste has quickly become one of my go to authors. And Lose You To Find Me is just another gem in this author's catalogue.
I love Raine and Caleb's romance. Me met them earlier in the series and loved them then. At the start of their book, they aren't together anymore. The problems between them all come down to secrets, shame, lack of communication, but is ultimately about sacrifice. I loved it all.
Be sure to check out the trigger warnings before jumping in.

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