Member Reviews

I love this writers stories but I really felt like punching Raine for being stupid. I get there would be no story without the drama but dang.

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4.5 stars ⭐️

✿ I received a free eARC via Netgalley. All opinions are my own! Thank you ✿


𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫...

When I requested this book to ARC read via Netgalley it was becoz of 3 things; the cover,the title (it was giving selena gomez lose you to love me) and ofcourse the angsty blurb. I was in the mood to cry and not going to lie I came close at a specific part to tearing up.

It was a beautiful story, very emotionally packed. It dealt with serious issues and depressing ones.

13% into the book and I knew what Raine's secret was, all of it. So I was eager to read more and see how it all panned out.

Both of the main characters were tremendously strong and suffered a lot.

I felt so bad for Caleb and the pressure he was under. The writing was so real I felt my sympathy for him increasing further and further as I read. I literally wanted to jump into the book and help him or just tell the guy "it's okay,you can let it out" and give him a hug. However I wished he treated Emma a bit better as she was a wonderful character and I would love to see her story. She deserves an epic love.

This story delivered on the raw emotions,angst, unwavering love & what it means to go back to the person that hurt you because their love forever consumes you and you'll always care about them.

It was apparent Raine & Caleb never fell out of love with each other and their love indeed was so beautiful and so intact. It eventually could withstand it all.

I enjoyed it but one thing I'd say is that I know the miscommunication trope was required but however so, it did make me get a bit tired of it being dragged out. Again though it was a requirement to contribute to the story and overall it was a well written book with solid characters so I can let it slide.

There were plenty of moments and quotes I digitally highlighted as it spoke to me, which I liked.

🕊 @𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐚_𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐧
𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐤 🕊

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Raine and Caleb appear to have this perfect relationship— until Caleb proposes. This novel is saturated in emotion as the story unfolds and secrets and decisions come out of the woodwork.

The characters are very relatable from their decisions and secrets to how they navigate the problems and dilemmas behind the scenes in their rocky relationship. I loved the flashbacks into the past that added insight to the events as everything unravels.

This novel had me screaming, crying, and wanting to throw my kindle out the window. Already a fan of this author, I went in knowing what to expect and received way more.

Thank you to Bloom Books and B Celeste for the eARC!

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I love B Celeste books so I was so excited that this one was a read now option on NetGallery!

This is the third in a standalone series and there was sadly a lot of miscommunication between the two main characters, however, I still enjoyed it and the drama and tension had me eating it up! It was exactly what I needed to get me out of a slump!

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This was an emotionally charged novel that delved right into the complexities of love and loss. The story revolves around Raine and Caleb, a couple who seem to have a perfect relationship. Except that it takes an unexpected turn when Caleb's marriage proposal. As the story unfolds, secrets and painful decisions that led to their fractured romance.

The strength of the storytelling lies in the authenticity of the characters and the raw emotion that they experience. The decisions that are made adds a layer of realism to the story and makes the characters feel relatable.

The novel weaves together past and present, unraveling the reasons behind the decisions that were made and the consequences that follow. The unanswered questions between the characters adda layer of suspense, keeping me invested in uncovering the truth behind the relationship.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I want to start off by saying thank you for the arc.

I had trouble with this one. I'm not a huge fan of the cheating trope so when this was brought up I was like ehhh. I wasn't vibing with the characters or plot line.

I did like the writing style. I can absolutely see myself reading some of her other work.

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This was a beautiful read and certainly one of the most relatable plotlines I've consumed in a while. The real-life struggles, the angst of decisions made, and the push & pull of the relationship was very reminiscent of real-world romance without any outlandish plot twists. I enjoyed the strength of the FMC in terms of standing up to her family, managing her health, and recognizing her flaws. However, I wanted to shake the life out of her on several occasions. I needed her to recognize the absurdity of what she expected from other people, mainly Caleb, versus what she was willing to provide herself.

Overall, wonderful first read by this Author. I can't wait to start on other works to expand my knowledge of the Lindon U universe. 

*This was an ARC provided to me via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review*

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1 ⭐️
I got the arc for this book on net galley , and unfortunately I didn’t like it, which is sad because i’ve been anticipating this book since i read "beg you to trust me”. I didn’t feel chemistry between the fmc and the mmc, and i didn’t care if they were together or not, Raine the fmc was also insufferable and so incredibly dumb. Like I said I enjoyed the other books in this series, so overall this was a very disappointing read.

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This story spills the tea on Raine and Caleb's romance drama at Lindon University. When Raine turns down Caleb's proposal, secrets and guilt break hearts. The story dives into their messy struggles amid personal crises, highlighting Raine's hidden health issue. While the emotional rollercoaster keeps you hooked, some might side-eye Caleb not catching on to Raine's health struggles. It's still a juicy Lindon U series read, blending deep emotions, tangled relationships, and B. Celeste's knack for storytelling. I can't wait to see what drama unfolds in the next chapter!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC!

The angst in this book is so painful but in the best of ways! I loved this book so much! It had a bit of everything. Angst, romance, drama and more.

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I knew this one was going to hurt but jeez i didn’t know it would hurt so badly for their happy ending. Raine and Caleb fought to be together, while also fighting to figure out who they were without the other. I love this series and this book so much. I can’t wait to see what happens next in the series!

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i’m gonna have to give this one a solid 5 stars. while so much of the angst comes from not communicating (which given the reasons, part of me understands raine), it still served in the angst category. like insane angst. and not to rank books by their tropes, but second chance romances are so good. i adored raine and caleb and :’)

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OKAY so I finished this book several hours ago but I really needed time to process it. Make sure you’re ready to cry when you pick this one up because I wasn’t and when I finished at 5am ugly crying I really didn’t want those emotions thank you.

The Plot
So the first thing we learn is that Raine is rejecting Caleb’s proposal. While it doesn’t outright say why until pretty close to the end it’s hinted at pretty heavily. Caleb is, rightfully so in this instance, blindsided by her refusal seeing as they’ve been together 7 years. From there we watch them try to pick up the pieces of their lives and see them going back to each other time and time again.

The Characters
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love dual pov books. I always feel so much more invested when I get to be inside the head of all main characters and that’s especially true for this book. During Caleb’s pov parts you really can feel the struggle he’s going through. Having to juggle as much as he is while trying to come to terms with his breakup is gut wrenching in some places. I cried more from his pov than from Raine’s. Raine’s pov is not great either lol. Her family life is pretty freaking awful to be honest. Throughout most of the book she feels incredibly isolated and alone like she deserves all the pain she’s enduring. You really feel it though towards the end and trust me you’re going to cry there too.

Both the characters have a pretty good amount of growth. They learn how to be open and honest with someone, how to ask for help when you need it, and I think more importantly how to stand up for yourself (talking to you Raine.) These two are definitely my favorite from the series so far.

The Conclusion
If you liked the others in this series you’re going to love this one. In my opinion it has everything the others have and more. A really engaging plot line that grabs you pretty much from the very beginning, characters that grow and evolve throughout the story, and the feels. Will pick this up again for a reread when I need a good cry.

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I just couldn’t get into this book. I understand the characters in here are meant to be flawed, just like actual people are…but this was just hard to read. None of the characters (main or minor) were likable. I grimaced and shook my head throughout the entirety of the book.

You basically are reading about a couple once in love who breaks up in the prologue. Then you read about other people they are dating or seeing while the FMC and MMC lust after one another and randomly sleep with each other when they need to blow off emotional steam or stress. Yeah, it’s not a good trip.

I just couldn’t get into this when this happened, and it was just downhill from there. I normally love this author, but this book just wasn’t for me.

*An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.

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3.75/5 ⭐

I'm on the fence with this book.. I LOVED the first two books, so much so i finished them within 24 hours. This just fell short.. don't get me wrong it was an amazing book but i felt the whole time it was missing something. I honestly struggled with how to rate this book..

Going into this book i felt like this was going to be THE book based on how they were in the previous books. Caleb and Raine are know as the IT couple, they have been together for nearly a decade and are the people others run to for advice. It is made to believe that they are indestructible and have amazing communication.

This book showed the opposite, or rather how selfish Raine is. I get that she is going through something but the way she refuses to talk to anyone blows my mind considering in the first book she talks about how significate communication is. She is going to be a shrink or help people with the very same issues she refuses to acknowledge, how does that make any sense? Another thing that bothers me is why SEVEN years later she acts like her issues are new. I don't care what anyone says, she isn't needing to find herself before settling down. If anything she needs to find a way to not be so damn selfish.

That being said, Caleb is the same as he is in other books. He is always putting others first and as a result he is suffering both mentally and physically. He is thrown hurdles after hurdles and still finds time to help those around him. Lets take Raine for instant.. she is terrible to him. She is jealous that he is talking to another girl. She gets nasty with him even though its her idea to sleep with him. and lastly she leads him on just to keep breaking his heart. She wont talk to him, but when she is in trouble he goes running. I just wanted to reach in the book, smack him and tell him to wake up.

Usually with these books the title comes from something the main characters say, and technically that can be said about this. But i feel like this is far from accurate since in my eyes no one found themself by leaving them since they never really did leave each other. Rather the moment Caleb lost his dad, he found what really matters to himself and he finally put his happiness first.

The book does deal with some very heavy topics, so make sure to check the trigger warnings. The book is just as good as the others and i did enjoy it.

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Thank you to Bloom and B. Celeste for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Unfortunately, this book just wasn’t for me. I absolutely adored the first two books in this series. And when I found out Raine and Caleb would be the couple in this book, I was SO EXCITED. However, I honestly hated Raine the entire time. Which makes me so sad, because as someone who can relate so much to the struggles that Raine’s character was going through, I could not relate to how selfish she was. And the way she would have internal monologues about how she was wrong and she lied, but then out loud she would gaslight Caleb into thinking she was the victim and he was awful. And her waffling about whether she cheated (which I 100% believe that what she did was cheating) was ridiculous to me because if Caleb had done the same thing he would be brutalized (and in fact he was for what happened with Emma). I just honestly couldn’t handle it. Raine’s mom was the WORST. She was a liar, emotionally manipulative, and selfish to a fault. The fact that there was an attempted redemption of her when she barely apologized or tried to change was crazy to me. The best part of the story for me was Mr. Applebee. The story of his wife, his daughter, and his wise advice was beautiful to me. I’m really sad this one wasn’t for me, but I absolutely loved the first two books of this story. Also, I really missed Olive in this book and I’m still holding out hope that she gets the story she deserves!

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caleb and raine's book and love story delivered on all the angst, emotions and love!! i loved the way neither of them could resist each other in the end. raine is such a brave, strong girl and caleb is just perfect. the ow drama annoyed me for a little bit but what can i say. raine also got irritating by always hiding shit from caleb and then expecting him to wait for her. i adored the way they couldn't help coming back to each other after everything, however. true soulmates. the drama, angst, miscommunication, everything was done in a way that was so naturally. i cannot recommend this enough.

note: check trigger warnings before beginning this book!

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I've been waiting for Caleb and Raine's story since she turned down his proposal at the end of Beg You to Trust Me. It delivered on the angst, emotion, and heartbreak I love in second chance romances.

Lose You to Find Me picks up 3 months after Raine turned down Caleb's proposal. The two are struggling - Caleb with his dad, Raine with her secrets, and both with their breakup.

I loved both Raine and Caleb, but boy, did both frustrate me with their choices in this book. You have Raine, who refuses to be honest with Caleb for almost the entire book and then Caleb with his unnecessary (but not surprising) addition of OW drama that's also dragged on too long. Otherwise, I really felt for them and what they were going through. Despite my issues, you could always tell that they loved each other, but getting on the same page and getting back together was a struggle. There is a lot of pain on both sides!

This was my favorite book of the series and I'm excited for Matt/Rachel and Alex/Olive's stories!

Check trigger warnings!! I'll add the safety when the book is out in case that is something you are sensitive too (you'll probably want them).

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I love a book that has a title that means so much when the last words are read! Lose you to find me has more then one meaning when it comes to our two main characters! Raine and Caleb are a couple that has had so many highs in their 7 years together but when the future is in front of them Raine isn’t so sure if their love is strong enough!

I was an emotional wreck this whole book! My gosh my heart hurt so much for these two! I related to so much of what was going on that it only heightened what I was already feeling! Caleb and Raine are so freaking strong and their bond, my gosh it’s the stuff of legends! I couldn’t put this book down. When I had to, because…ugh life; I was still sitting at work thinking of these two!

This is my first book by this author and I think it was the perfect introduction into her beautiful and brutal words because let’s be honest my heart took a beating, but she definitely found a way to put it back together!

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This book will twist your heart. Raine and Caleb have been together for so long that their breakup made no sense. Raine has a secret, a painful one and she cannot master the courage to confront that. It was sad to se how Raine and Caleb cannot be happy because she is afraid of that conversation and Caleb is going through so much with his dad.
I hated Caleb and Emma, sure he wasn’t with Raine but that whole thing seemed unnecessary

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