Member Reviews

While I enjoyed this book, it felt more YA than I expected. I requested it based on the title and cover. It was a quick read and I couldn’t put it down. The ending felt slightly rushed to me. Overall, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to people who enjoy YA and thrillers.

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This was an interesting YA mystery/thriller, with an unexpected twist.

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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I have been provided with a review copy of this title from NetGalley for an impartial review. I was just drawn into this wonderful story and I just couldn’t get enough of it. It was just so easy to get lost in this great story. I just didn’t want it to end. I just lost myself in and I just couldn’t get enough of these interesting characters. I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author.

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Summary: Paige Redmond has always felt lucky to spend her summers in Clearwater Ridge, with lazy days sunning at the waterfalls and nights partying at the sprawling houses of the rich families who vacation there. The Covingtons are one of these families, and beautiful, brilliant Audrey Covington is Paige’s best friend. And last year, when Audrey’s crush-worthy brother Dylan finally started noticing Paige, she was sure it would be the best summer ever.

Except Audrey didn’t seem quite like herself. Then one night, she didn’t come home. Though Audrey wasn’t the first girl to disappear in Clearwater Ridge, she left behind more lies than clues. Now, one summer later, her case has gone cold, and nobody, least of all Paige, can make sense of what happened.

When Paige stumbles across a secret hidden in Audrey’s room, however, it changes everything she thought she knew about last summer. She and Dylan set out on their own investigation, discovering things even the police don’t know about the people of Clearwater Ridge. But tracking down missing girls—girls who might be beyond saving by now—means entering a world far darker than Paige has ever imagined. And if she isn’t careful, she’ll become the next girl to vanish.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
My thoughts: Thank you @netgalley and @sourcebooks for the advanced copy, this YA thriller came out earlier this month! I loved the audio of this one, I thought the narrator was fantastic. Overall I thought the story was good but not great. It was a quick mystery. I like how it was divided into almost two books. I figured out who the villian was pretty easily and found the protagonist to be annoying at times. This one felt very YA to me in some parts. But this one would be a quick summer/spring thriller for me to read on the beach. Overall it was good but not great!

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Paige loved spending her summers in Clearwater Ridge with her best friend, Audrey and her crush Dylan. Her parents were best friends with their parents and the Covington's had a great beach house. Then Audrey goes missing and they can't find her. The next summer is the worst and Paige doesn't even want to go. But they have to be there for their friends so Paige's family goes back. Soon Dylan and Paige find something the cops missed.
I honestly didn't even realize this was a YA novel until I finished it and read the synopsis I usually don't read why however this was really good very fast paced and suspenseful without being scary. I was really surprised how much time had gone by when I finished the book. I loved every minute of it

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I loved this YA thriller. They kept me guessing throughout the whole book. It was really fast paced. The characters were terrific. I love the dynamic between Paige and Dylan. It was a weird situation and I liked how the book was split up. I think it added a nice weight (and wait hah) to the story.

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I finished this in one night because a) it was a fast read but also because b)I could not put it down! This is perfect for fans of “A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” or Veronica Mars. I never saw who did it coming, but at the same time it didn’t feel like it came out of left field which is sometimes the case with books like this. I cannot wait for the summer to read this again by the pool.

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Many thanks to Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire, Sourcebooks Fire for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book was slow to get into. Although, it had the twists and turns I liked throughout, it really didn't get "good" until the end. I think the pacing was just off. I felt like nothing was really happening. I think another thing is that I wasn't sold on the characters. I didn't feel like I really knew them. I am glad I stuck with it though because I did like the ending. It was a little unbelievable but I liked how it brought out the "thrilling" part of the thriller.

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The summer she went missing is an enjoyable YA read. An annual summer getaway for Paige Redmond and het family with the Covington family. There’s missing girls, romance and rich kids. A fun read for suspense YA readers who like to unravel mysteries.

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Title: The Summer She Went Missing
Author: Chelsea Ichaso
Genre: YA
Rating: 4 out of 5

Last summer, they searched for Audrey Covington.

This summer, they'll search for the truth.

Paige Redmond has always felt lucky to spend her summers in Clearwater Ridge, with lazy days sunning at the waterfalls and nights partying at the sprawling houses of the rich families who vacation there. The Covingtons are one of these families, and beautiful, brilliant Audrey Covington is Paige's best friend. And last year, when Audrey's crush-worthy brother Dylan finally started noticing Paige, she was sure it would be the best summer ever.

Except Audrey didn't seem quite like herself. Then one night, she didn't come home. Though Audrey wasn't the first girl to disappear in Clearwater Ridge, she left behind more lies than clues. Now, one summer later, her case has gone cold, and nobody, least of all Paige, can make sense of what happened.

When Paige stumbles across a secret hidden in Audrey's room, however, it changes everything she thought she knew about last summer. She and Dylan set out on their own investigation, discovering things even the police don't know about the people of Clearwater Ridge. But tracking down missing girls—girls who might be beyond saving by now—means entering a world far darker than Paige has ever imagined. And if she isn't careful, she'll become the next girl to vanish.

I was drawn into this story from the very beginning! I do love YA novels, so there’s that, and the whole crush-on-her-best-friend’s-brother trope is usually a good one, so I was there for it. I actually enjoyed how the rich/not-rich dichotomy played out---and how not all the rich kids were jerks. The mystery was well done, and I did not figure out what was really going on until the reveal, so extra points for that.

Chelsea Ichaso lives in California. The Summer She Went Missing is her newest novel.

(Galley courtesy of Sourcebooks Fire in exchange for an honest review.)

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Audrey goes missing last summer and her best friend and brother are determined to figure out where she went. This one was slow to get into. I thought about quitting a few times but I'm glad I didn't. The story wanted to be twisty and turny but just ended up being far fetched and not believable. The pace picked up about 3/4 into the book.

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4.5 stars

Ichaso delivers a twisty thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat! I finished this in one sitting because I absolutely had to know the end. Little by little I pieced together what was happening, but that didn’t make it any less thrilling or terrifying. Sometimes figuring out who the killer is beforehand can be kind of a bummer, but in this case I was excited as we still didn’t know what the full plan was. 😊

I also really enjoyed the main characters in this book. 🤍

Paige is shy, but very mature and helps ease tense moments with a wise crack or a quote from an old-timey crime film. Her determination and grit are definitely what makes her shine.

Dylan is the care-free one until his sister goes missing. Then he’s the responsible and level-headed kid just trying to make it till college. I found his protectiveness over Paige and clear love for her to be very sweet.

Audrey, the girl who goes missing, is wild and bossy. She’s the type of girl you don’t forget and want to impress upon meeting her. I loved her tenacity and appreciated her resilience throughout the book.

While this book involves murder, kidnapping, and assault, it’s really about the love we have for our people and what one friend is willing to do to find out the truth. I highly recommend this young adult thriller. I think it will pleasantly surprise you!

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I really enjoy Chelsea Ichaso's YA mystery novels and this was another great read. Paige is a great main character and she had a great connection with Dylan. The romance between the two was a great addition to the plot but didn't take center stage. I had a great time following the clues and trying to piece together the mystery of Audrey's disappearance alongside Paige and Dylan. Clearwater Ridge made a great setting for this story. I highly recommend Ichaso's books for young readers but adults as well! Thank you to Chelsea Ichaso, Sourcebooks Fire, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was good. I was very entertained by it and I enjoyed the twists in the story. It is a YA Mystery but I absolutely loved it and couldn't wait to find out the ending. So good!
I just reviewed The Summer She Went Missing by Chelsea Ichaso. #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Chelsea Ichaso is a YA thriller author whose books are always ones I’ll pick up. They are well plotted and filled to the brim with secrets, lies and danger. The Summer She Went Missing continues to hit those points with a dark and twisted story that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.

This was that sort of book that keeps you guessing, particularly when it is focused on manipulations and lies. The use of two timelines also helps exacerbate this, as reveals happen in either time that have far reaching consequences for the other. There’s also a central tension about what really happened last summer: a runaway case or something far worse?

You can feel that sinister presence throughout, but Ichaso has plenty of surprises in store for the final act. The twists in this are great and yet again, it is a solid and highly entertaining YA read. I enjoyed Paige as a protagonist with her conflicted feelings and torn loyalties. There is a sense of needing to absolve in her hunt for the truth. I also liked how the romantic aspect complicated the plot further, adding another layer to this tangled web. However, it never stayed as the primary focus. It was a fun addition to the focus on friendship as a pivotal relationship. In particular, it focuses on messy female friendships and how this sometimes spiralled into something more toxic and co-dependent. These summers are a gateway to another world for Paige. Ichaso also included a throughline about financial privilege and how class played a huge factor into which people were deemed as worthy victims of the limited investigations you saw play out. This social commentary was well thought out and again, added a new dimension to the book.

The Summer She Went Missing was another excellent read that fully immersed me and left me desperate to untangle the knot of events at its core.

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Forever Friends

Having delved into numerous thrillers over the years, my journey took an intriguing turn with Chelsea Ichaso's "The Summer She Went Missing." Swift-paced and brimming with potential, it leaves readers pondering a multitude of questions. What actions would you take if your closest companion vanished without a trace? How deeply would you delve into the mysteries surrounding her disappearance? For Paige, these quandaries manifest as tangible concerns intertwined with guilt, as she reflects on her distraction with summer romance during the fateful season her friend Audrey went missing.

Fond memories of summers spent at Clearwater Ridge with Audrey Covington and her family fade into a haunting uncertainty when Audrey inexplicably vanishes. Amidst the backdrop of budding romance with Audrey's brother Dylan, Paige finds herself thrust into a whirlwind of confusion and suspicion. A year passes with Audrey's absence looming large and unexplained. When another girl disappears under similar circumstances, Paige becomes convinced of a connection between the two incidents. What dark secrets lie beneath the surface of their idyllic summer retreat?

Drawing parallels to the captivating narrative style of "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder," Ichaso weaves a compelling tale of mystery and intrigue. The dynamics between the girls prove more engrossing than anticipated, yet Paige's portrayal lacks the depth desired for a truly compelling protagonist.

Paige's unwavering determination to uncover the truth, even if it means collaborating with her ex, underscores her commitment to unraveling Audrey's fate. However, the rationale behind her fervor feels somewhat underexplored, rendering her character somewhat one-dimensional.

Narrated predominantly from Paige's perspective, interspersed with intermittent glimpses from "The Girl's" viewpoint, the narrative offers tantalizing insights into the overarching mystery. These brief interludes inject a much-needed dose of suspense and speculation, enriching the storyline.

Despite its shortcomings in depth, "The Summer She Went Missing" delivers an enjoyable mystery with a youthful twist. Earning an easy four stars, it's a recommendation tailored for those seeking a brisk yet engaging thriller with a dash of YA allure.
Thank you to Sourcebooks Fire for providing the arc for an honest review.

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This is the second book by this author I have read. First of all let me start with saying the writing is good. I think overall my issue is with the pacing. It felt like nothing was happening. Most of the book was just Dylan and Paige talking about doing things and spending two second doing them and then talking about it some more.

I didn’t feel emotionally invested in any of these characters. I didn’t even care about the missing girls. It just didn’t hold my attention.

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Thrill ride of the summer! The Summer She Went Missing is a great YA thriller with a solid plot. This book kept me on my toes and will be the perfect summer escape.

A missing teen, a twisted love triangle, and the forgotten friends. A summer escape with long time family friends gone wrong.

I will definitely be recommending this to others!

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for this advanced coy in return for my honest review.

Pub date: 05 March 2024

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Audrey is missing. She had been acting dodgy lately and told a bunch of lies about her summer jobs and plans. Audrey's best friend and brother find a burner phone the following summer in Audrey's room. They are trying to figure out who the one phone number that is in the phone belongs to and if this person may know about Audrey's disappearing and perhaps the disappearing of another girl as well
Is Audrey involved in more than what is to be believed? Is she still alive? Is she hiding because perhaps she has done an unspeakable act that no one can know about

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This was a very good YA thriller. It kept me turning pages. An easy to follow quick read. There were twists and turns some very predictable, but still a good story. Thank you Sourcebooks Fire and Netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for my honest review.
3.5 stars

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