Member Reviews

I was just absolutely captivated by this book.
Paige spends every summer with her family and the Covington family at Clearwater Ridge.
This summer Audrey goes missing, and by the next summer she’s still nowhere to be found.
Paige and Audrey’s brother, Dylan do a little investigating of their own, but what other secrets do they uncover? And will they survive the summer?

This book was absolutely brilliant. It really had me questioning what was going on and who really was the bad guy. I really enjoyed the relationship between Paige and Dylan blossoming alongside them trying to find Audrey. It didn’t draw away from the main point of the book but it was a nice add on to have a cute romance included.
It had me hooked and I did not want to put this book down!

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Reviewed for NetGalley:

Paige and her family visit Clearwater Ridge every summer to spend with their close family friends. Paige gets to catch up with her summer bestie, Audrey and her long time crush, Audrey’s older brother, Dylan.

This year is different. Things progress with Dylan and Paige’s friendship with Audrey starts to take a nose dive.

So when Audrey goes missing and is still not found a year later, Paige and Dylan begin their own investigation into Audrey’s disappearance.

Lots of twists and turns made for a fun and thrilling read.

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This one was OK. I love a good "who done it" YA thriller, but I wasn't a fan of the characters in this one. While I understand Paige's desire to find her best friend, she was a little annoying and her quirky old time-y catch phrases felt weird and random - I thought they would have a larger role later in the story but I was wrong. Her romance with Dylan was abrupt and undeveloped, as well as the other character relationships - I think the twist at the end would have been much more believable had there been more character progression. I think my students will enjoy this one, but it wasn't for me.

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I’m a sucker for a good YA thriller and, while the plot was a little convoluted, this latest book by Chelsea Ichaso is a solid one. It’s filled with twists that had me constantly guessing what was going to happen next and there’s even a little romance thrown in to the mix, which is never a bad thing. Overall, this was an entertaining quick read that held my interest throughout. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Every summer Paige spends no ravish household with her best friend and his brother, the boy she loves. This summer, though some thing is different about her best friend Aubrey, she’s being shady, not spending time with anyone, and just generally not acting like the girl Paige has known all these years , so when Aubrey goes missing, she begins to wonder what exactly she was up to. The following summer as she and Dylan begin to investigate her disappearance they find out more and more about the people that are both friends and family. This was a great quick fun read, and a definite twist at the end.

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This was a fantastic read that reminded me how much I love YA thrillers. The story is primarily written from our MC’s (Paige) perspective and spans across two summers. There were a few short chapters of the story written from the POV of someone identified as “girl”, which I thought were cleverly added in a way that heightened intrigue and suspense. Paige and Dylan’s will they, won’t they relationship throughout the book was a big focus so if you aren’t into romance maybe give this one a miss. I was rooting for Paige and Dylan to figure out what happened, but I was definitely shocked by the multiple twists and plot reveals. I absolutely didn’t see the ending coming. Overall this was a lot of fun and makes me want to pick up more YA thriller and mystery.

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Solid mystery! I loved this one and felt like it kept me guessing. I thought the ending wrapped up nicely and felt satisfying overall.

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Honestly. I just don't know how to feel. This book feels so unreal in a way. I found it compelling and I wanted to read it more but the more I did the more I just felt unnerved. Really good and I definitely plan to pick up a physical copy.

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The Summer She Went Missing is an intriguing young adult thriller. I was hooked from the very beginning. There were so many possible suspects and motives that it was impossible for me to guess any of it. I enjoyed the characters and I think the author did a great job at portraying teenage years. It brought me back to my teenage summers of hanging out at the lake, although thankfully no one ever went missing. If you are hesitant to read because it's labeled for young adults, I would encourage to not let that deter you. While the characters are teenagers, the plot is intricate and the storyline is very well done.

Thanks to Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire, Sourcebooks Fire for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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"The Summer She Went Missing" is a suspenseful and dark read. The narrative starts out slow but gets better as the story builds with a strong ending. I would recommend this for fans of "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder." Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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While certain sections of the novel were initially sluggish, my interest heightened as the narrative progressed.

I eagerly supported the protagonist's quest for answers, and the gripping, somewhat ominous conclusion effectively tied up the storyline.

If you enjoy suspense, unexpected turns, and the mischievous antics of affluent youths, this young adult thriller is worth your time.

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The Summer She Went Missing by Chelsea Ichaso

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5

“Wolves travel in packs. They’re as fiercely protective of their family unit as they are wild and predatory. All the girl had managed to do was run from one wolf, straight into the jaws of another.”

Thank you Chelsea, NetGalley, and Sourcebooks Fire for allowing me to read this ARC prior to release.
I haven’t read too many thriller/mystery books lately, mainly sticking with romance or fantasy. I thought this YA mystery/thriller would be a good one to jump into. I enjoyed each clue, plot twist, and character throughout the story, and while at some points I felt like it was a little bit unrealistic, it was still a very engaging story. I did spend most of the story just saying to myself ‘Please call the police, or even just your parents!’ But in the nature of YA and teenagers there’s always this idea that everything is punishable and not worth the risk.
Still really enjoyed this book!

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Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for the copy of The Summer She Went Missing by Chelsea Ichaso. The premise isn’t the most original, but the writing and pacing made the book stand out, making it hard to put down. There were a lot of characters, and the only ones we really get to know are Paige and Dylan, but it made the reveal a real surprise. I didn’t really understand the reason for the chapters about “The Girl” because they didn’t really add to the suspense. If you’re looking for a fast and well-written read with a little romance, this is the book for you!

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This was an interesting YA thriller with a minor romance plot. The main plot in this is the missing teen girls, and the main character, Paige, is very inquisitive and trying to figure out what happened to these girls she used to hang out with. There are many twists and connecting parts to this, and it reminded me a bit of a good girl's guide to murder with the ya vibes. Though some parts of the book were a bit slow, especially in the beginning, as the book went on, I found myself more invested in finding out what happened. I was rooting for the main character to figure out stuff, and the ending was very suspenseful and a little dark, but it wrapped up the story well. Read this YA thriller if you like suspense, twists, and rich kids' shenanigans.

Thank you, Sourcebooks Fire, for this arc for an honest review.

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The Summer She Went Missing is a fast-paced, gripping YA thriller. Paige spends her summers in Clearwater Ridge with her family and their close friends the Covingtons. Audrey and Paige have been best friends since the first grade, and Paige has had a crush on Audrey's older brother Dylan for almost as long. Now, as teenagers, Dylan may be returning those feelings. While Paige believes this will be the ultimate summer, Audrey begins acting out-of-character and shunning Paige. Then, at the end of summer, Audrey goes missing. A year later, Audrey is still missing. While their relationship may not have lasted, Paige and Dylan decide to team-up to try to discover what happened to Audrey.

The Summer She Went Missing is packed full of twists and red herrings. I kept thinking I knew what had happened to be totally surprised by a new twist. With that said, the author does tie everything together nicely in the end. The characters are interesting, and there is a bit of romance throughout the book. The story also highlights the ups and downs of teenage friendships. The setting was perfect for this type of book and added to the story. Overall, I found The Summer She Went Missing to be an intriguing, quick read. I'll definitely be reading more by Chelsea Ichaso in the future.

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I wanted to love this, but I just couldn’t get past a few structural snags.

Another reviewer mentioned the introduction of too many characters as an issue, which I really agree with. It was difficult to connect with anyone beyond Paige and Dylan, and even those connections were somewhat disingenuous. Maybe it’s just me, but it felt as if Paige’s focus was less on her missing best friend and more on the will-they-won’t-they romance brewing with said best friend’s brother, which was a little bizarre to follow given the circumstances. I think I would have appreciated that storyline if it was more of a subplot. The big reveal at the end could also use some work — everything was too easily resolved and all loose ends quickly wrapped up in an epilogue-like time jump.

Still, I enjoyed the mystery at the center of THE SUMMER SHE WENT MISSING and would recommend Chelsea Ichaso’s latest for fans of Karen McManus and Victoria Wlosok.

Thanks to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions my own.

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A quick read full of unexpected twists and gripping moments. Now I want to read more from this author. I'd recommend this to young adults especially.

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This book had me hooked and I didn't want to put it down! With plenty of intrigue and twists and turns it was a very exciting read.

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A really great read with some good twists and turns. This book definitely kept me on my toes, and I did not see the ending coming.

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The Summer She Went Missing was a fun, suspenseful YA read. I easily finished it in a weekend. For its subject material (rich kids, missing teenage girls), it had a surprisingly happy ending, and it turned out to be both a feel-good and satisfying novel from beginning to end. This is a great beach read, or a good choice to read on a cozy fall night in.

On the whole, I really enjoyed this book. If I could change or improve one thing, I’d have liked to see just a little more character depth in Paige, Audrey, and Dylan.

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