Member Reviews

Great resource for working moms. Excellent tips for managing work/life balance.
Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for early access to this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

Practical advise and strategies for successfully balancing family, self, and business for Moms. While aimed at Moms the strategies are adaptable for anyone looking to change their approach to work and find balance in all parts of life.
The narrator felt like a trusted friend or mentor.

I had high hopes for this one as a new mom but I felt like it wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be but still a good audiobook.

Wow! I loved this book so much more than I expected! The platinum rule is something I look forward to using in my daily life.
The author writes in a way that is so relatable to a working mom - highly recommend.

This review is for the *audio* version of Clara Capano's book, due for release July 25th, 2023. At 4-hours long, Ms. Capano puts together a good how-to for Mom-preneurs, who are fighting to have a business identify in addition to their identity as a mom. She offers pragmatic advice on how to juggle the conflicting demands of raising children with having a professional life. There are a lot of personal stories from her own life and she often quotes from well-known books or personalities to drive home a message.
I think this would make a good audiobook for any mom looking to start or revisit a business opportunity. It provides helpful guidance on how to manage your life and expectations. 4-stars. Pub date 7/25/23. 4-hours (audio); 192 pages (hardcover).
Thank you, Greenleaf Audio Books, and NetGalley, for providing an eARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.
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