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I WILL FIND YOU by Cole Baxter ⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Maria loves her husband. She really, really doesn’t want to kill him”

First of all, the cover, title, and first line of the description reeled me in! I enjoy paperbacks most of the time and this book got me back into ebooks, so that says that! While this book had a great start, I feel it slowed down during the body of the book and picked up towards the end again. If you like a slow burn, this book is for you. I am one that enjoys it when a book keeps me on the edge of my seat. Aside from that, the overall story was great aside from how much the main character gushes over her new partner.

Trigger warning(s): sexual assault, domestic violence, mental/physical abuse, miscarriage, ending another’s life

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This psychological thriller by Cole Baxter, the renowned creator of the genre, is no different. The story has well-developed characters and is suspenseful and intriguing, putting readers on the edge of their seats. I like reading Cole Baxter's works because I know he can produce a terrific psychological thriller book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I Will Find You by Cole Baxter was a great read.
This book was definitely suspenseful. It is also paced so the story moves along at a good pace.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. This book was really good and kept me turning the pages all evening long.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Inkubator Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Unfortunately, this book was not a hit for me. I did not feel like it delivered on what was promised in the blurb and it did not live up to the genre of being a psychological thriller. I felt like too much time was spent on unnecessary details especially in the first half of the book. The female character was insufferable and the storyline which had major potential fell super flat for me. I do believe in second chances though and will in the future be checking out more of this authors work. I can understand how others would like this type of thriller but it was not for me as I like mine a little more fast paced and filled with more suspense and less romance.
I did not request this title and volunteered to read it in exchange for my honest review.

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Cole Baxter is the master of psych thrillers and this one is no exception. Moral dilemmas, lies, and complicated pasts are perfectly woven throughout. Maria and Jackson are equally formidable. This is definitely an on the edge of your seat thriller! Highly recommend!

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Maria, only trying to move on from some brutally abusive times in her life, thought she was finally good and far away from the dark past. Married now to a famous architect, life seems perfect and finally able to let her guard down.

However when her past catches up with her when Jackson Drake makes his presence known, he blackmails her with a dangerous task of killing her husband. In this tension-filled novel, we really see what these characters can handle as well as to what extent, especially with Maria who simply wants to move on.

The moral dilemmas that come up make the story significantly deeper and give the characters the depth that they desperately need. The web of lies is ever so messy and the twists and turns throughout this novel keep you hooked in as the pacing never seems to wane at any point. I could have read this novel in a single sitting should I have had the time.

Cole Baxter absolutely delivered a tension filled psychological thriller sure to keep you on the edge of your seats. A tale heavily doused in love and betrayal. And a reminder that those past actions have a way of coming back to haunt us later on in life, when we might not expect it.

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I like reading about smart women, not stupid ones. And in this case, the whole book is rather stupid, with a total of one "normal" leading character, and a plot that could have been much more. The story is told with a lot of boring details, and the entertainment value is close to zero.

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I was truly disappointed in this latest book by Cole Baxter-I have enjoyed many of his other books and was surprised that this one just seemed to fall flat. The main characters Marie and Cooper were boring to read about. If she gushed about wonderful Coop one more time I was going to lose my mind. It just didn’t flow well and the storyline was just not there. . A lot of the dialogue was very repetitive especially how wonderful Cooper was and how lucky Marie was to have him. I honestly couldn’t wait to get to the end which was also blah. Hoping that his next book is better! Thank you to NetGalley, Inkubator Books and Cole Baxter for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I Will Find You by Cole Baxter is a gripping and intense psychological thriller that explores the dark past and present dangers faced by Maria, a woman desperately trying to leave her troubled history behind. Married to a wealthy architect, Maria believes she has finally found happiness, but her abusive past catches up with her when Jackson Drake, a dangerous figure from her previous life, resurfaces and blackmails her into a deadly task: killing her own husband.

Baxter skilfully creates a tension-filled narrative, as Maria grapples with her harrowing choices and the lengths she is willing to go to protect her newfound life. The author delves into the complexities of human nature, highlighting the moral dilemmas faced by the protagonist. Readers will be engrossed as they navigate the twists and turns of the story, wondering who will ultimately pay the price.

I Will Find You is a thrilling and atmospheric novel that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. With its well-drawn characters, a web of secrets, and a relentless pace, Baxter delivers a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and the haunting consequences of one's past actions.

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There is a lot to digest in the opening chapter and it feels a little full on, but it does set the scene for plenty of future action and drama. We are also confronted with some quote graphic images within the opening few pages and one not for the faint of heart.

The writing style isn’t my favourite and I found it a little over detailed in places, and stilted especially in some of the conversational pieces where it just didn’t feel natural. There is also a lot of repetition in terms of the narrative and dialogue that becomes fairly predictable and boring at times.

As a main character, Maria has obviously had a lot of trauma in her life but she still doesn’t come across as particularly likeable, and I found her whiney and spoilt. Both her and Cooper come across as high maintenance and obnoxious, constantly going on about money and status and looks, and it is very difficult to warm to either of them at all. For example, when they’re apparently on the run from a stalker, their priority is finding a designer shop and buying cute pyjamas and swimwear?! And when they’re backyard is set aflame her first thought is whether the pool can still go in? As a couple they are also incredibly nauseating and cheesy which makes them even more unlikeable.

Overall the narrative is a little underwhelming. The premise is strong and has potential, but sadly the execution just feels lacking, and I found myself bored and skimming pages rather than enthralled and not being able to put the book down. I would say this is due to the story being rather far fetched, and more importantly, really unlikeable characters I just didn’t get on board with. Sadly not for me.

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I loathed what I read, the writing right from the first few pages was vulgar and offensive, I won't be reaching this author again.

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This author has done it yet again. Produced a thrilling and captivating read that left me on the edge of my seat right till the very last page. Highly recommend.

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Great book! This book had a bit of everything! It had great suspense, action, murder, mystery, abuse, Revenge, gas lighting, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my Kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me! Can't wait for more!!!

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Typically I will indulge myself in a book very quickly. I found myself wincing several times over the very graphic physical abuse, rape, miscarriage and other vivid descriptions. This unfortunately isn't a book I would pick up due to the graphic nature of what happened to the lead role. I will however give it 5 stars for the graphic description and the emotions it made me feel. I felt as if I was going through all that Maria went through and it was enough to pull my life experience and emotions out. I sobbed as I read through some of the graphic scenes and decided I couldn't finish. Again, I really was pulled into the book and it was a little too real for me. If someone can make it beyond these triggers, this is an amazing book for you!

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Maria just wants to put her troubled past behind her and move on with her new husband Cooper. She finally has the perfect life she’s always dreamed of. Things weren’t always easy for her, she had to escape an abusive marriage. She did so with the help of Jackson, but then she realized he was more dangerous than she thought. Now Jackson is using Maria’s secrets to blackmail her and saying that Cooper must die so she can get his life insurance payout and the house they share. Maria knows Jackson is ruthless, will she be able to stop him before he kills the love of her life?

I was excited to dive into this psychological thriller from new to me author Cole Baxter. The premise of this one was rather interesting; I always love a good domestic thriller. I liked Maria and her character as a whole. She wasn’t entirely likeable, but she was so real and flawed that I did like her. The writing was good, and I enjoyed how captivated I was by the story line. I couldn’t wait to find out how this one worked out and I didn’t want to put the book down. This ended up being a very bingeable read overall.

If you are looking for a psychological thriller this summer, then check this one out!

Thank you so much to Inkubator Books, and Netgalley @Netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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