Member Reviews

This is the 17th book in the Seaside Knitters series by Sally Goldenbaum. Izzy Perry, the owner of Sea Harbor Yarn Studio seems like the very shop owner tourists and locals would love to see in their own town. Having been to a yarn shop or two, I know how close-knit (no pun intended) the local knitting community is, so this is a great backdrop for a cozy.

Living in a beach town myself, the end of season means summer visitors returning home and locals expecting a quiet change of season. With an approaching fashion benefit, the knitters are looking forward to creating items for the show. But instead of concentrating on creating new designs, a murder takes place and clues lead back to one of the Seaside Knitters. It's up to Izzy to unravel the mystery faster than a ball of yarn.

Goldenbaum provides the reader with the feel of a picturesque beach town, providing not only a summer beach read, but a pleasant escape to sea, sand and yarn. She also brings in some aspects of birdwatching in this tale.

I look forward to reading this author's backlist. Thanks to Net Galley and Kensington for an ARC of this book which is sure to become a favorite of cozy readers.

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I love visiting Sea Harbor, Nell, Birdie, Izzy, and Cass. Izzy’s store sounds like a dream come true, and the small businesses are all so neatly woven into the series. In A Twisted Skein we see more of the Anderson twins who worked at the yarn shop as teens. We also get to see the workings of Sea Harbor High School when a popular young teacher is murdered. Secrets are kept and the revealed, the four friends meet each Thursday to eat, knit, and talk. The murderer is found just in time for the first knitted fashion show.

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The ladies’ group knitting shop as usual. While enjoying each other’s company. Is going on in the town. Of particular interest is a fashion show, displaying their and others’ knitted garments that will occur in the near future. Birdie mentions her bird watching group, which will be out looking at birds the next day. During this bird watching session, Birdie unfortunately discovers a dead man in the general area where the group has gathered. The dead man is a well-known, beloved teacher at the local high school as well as well-known in the town. Everyone in the town soon learns of his death and becomes somewhat upset, as things like murders are not common in the town, not to mention the loss of one of their own. As the story progresses, the ladies become involved in the search for why the man was murdered and by whom. There are a number of clues they uncover, some of which are helpful and some of which, though good, are just not that helpful. The back story is definitely as convoluted as the story about what happened. However, they keep trudging along, hoping to uncover just the right clue to help solve this mystery.

The book was interesting, though I thought it moved rather slowly. There was a lot of time spent on things that, while interesting, did little or nothing to provide any information on mysterious death. There was a lot of time spent in the knitting arena that also took up time but did not provide any information related to the mystery. I guess the author felt it was necessary to include this to present a solid picture of the town and its citizens, though I found it sort of a distraction. In the end, I was left with a lot of questions such as how the man actually died and how the town reacted to what was revealed. I have read others in the series and felt this one is not a good representation. ‘It was okay, just not great. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.

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I did enjoy this book although I found myself getting impatient with the slow pace. It’s only at the very end that the evidence of the killer is looked at although it’s discovered earlier in the story. I do really like the detailed details of the lives of the characters. That practically takes up the whole book. #ATwistedSkein #NetGalley

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This is a world I love visiting with every new book. This is the 16th in the series so definitely start with the first to immerse yourself in cosy, fireside knitting/sleuthing sessions with good food and good friends. This murder really had me guessing and I did not figure it out successfully. Very well-crafted.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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A good cozy mystery. When a beloved teacher is found murdered in the woods, the knitting ladies get together to piece clues together to solve the crime. A bit unexpected ending, but that is fine. First I've read, so expect part of a series but overall wasn't lost. Hard to keep track of the many characters at times, but again, might just be me. Enjoyed this one and would recommend.

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I’ve happily followed this series since the beginning, and this latest book doesn’t disappoint.
When murder comes to bucolic Sea Harbor the group of knitters, the closest of friends, need to solve the mystery to lift the cloud that’s hanging over their town and their lives. Two sisters, newly returned to town from college and life away in New York City find themselves inexplicably split over the relationship one has formed with a local high school teacher, and when one of their sets of keys is found under his dead body Nell, Izzy, Birdie and the rest need to prove her innocence and heal the rift that pains them all. This lovely, interesting and intelligent group of friends living in a beautiful, art filled community is the perfect read when I need something that is a mystery, but is comfortable at the same time.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books, and especially the author for this lovely book I was able to read as an ARC.

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Back in Sea Harbor with the Seaside Knitters. At this point in the series it's like visiting with friends. A knitting fashion show, return of the twins, birding outings & a murder. Once again, a murder with a Seaside knitter being the prime suspect. The girls set out to find out who did it.
One thing that helps, but at the same time is a bit overwhelming, is the list of characters at the very beginning. The list has grown longer & longer with each series.
Interesting storyline that makes you feel like you are part of the story. Thanks to NetGalley, Kensington Books, & Ms Goldenbaum for the summer mystery read as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This entry in the series did not move as quickly as I had hoped. The first ten chapters set the scene and reintroduced characters, leaving me wanting to skim rather than read. Once the school teacher, loved by all, is found murdered, the story moves forward but still drags. I love the setting, the idea of women sharing their worlds, but I needed a bit more action in this one. Everything does finally unravel and we find the murderer and have the start of the next idea for the Seaside Knitters.

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knitting-pattern, knitting, cozy-mystery, twins, friends, friendship, family-drama, family-dynamics, amateur-sleuth, women-sleuths, murder, murder-investigation, secrets, birding, lies, community, greed, deception, Massachusetts, teacher, small-town, small-business*****

Welcome to the all inclusive small town of Sea Harbor, Massachusetts and the folks at the Sea Harbor Yarn Studio. They have been asked to do a fashion benefit show featuring hand-knit garments for the Knitting in Style Magazine.
Even if you don't knit and have not read any of the earlier books, you can feel the camaraderie and easily know that these are people you want to know (and maybe go birding with a few). It is not all sunshine and butterflies, however, because there are family issues, secrets, lies, deception, and a murder. So the sleuthing begins.
I loved this addition to a favorite series and will be knitting the pattern.
I requested and received an EARC from Kensington Books/Kensinton Cozies via NetGalley. Thank you!

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Sea Harbor is my mental vacation home. By book 17, the knitters and their friends feel like my friends as well, and it's been so lovely to watch the relationships bloom in this town, even though it's got a really high murder rate!

Izzy's yarn store has caught the eye of a major knitting magazine which is showcasing a knitwear fashion show - with the whole thing produced, knit, and modelled by Sea Harbor residents. Izzy is super stressed by it, but allows her friends and employees, including stalwart Mae, to handle everything.

Remember Mae's twin nieces who helped in the store? Rose and Jillian are all grown up and living back in Sea Harbor after going away to college, but are having weird dynamics since Rose is vehemently opposed to Jillian's co-worker/boyfriend/soul mate, Josh.

Rose's keys are found underneath Josh's body, so she's the number one suspect. It's up to Cass, Nell, Izzy, and Birdie (my fave) to discover who really murdered Josh, in order to clear Rose, repair her bond with Jillian, and once again put the residents of Sea Harbor at ease.

Sally Goldenbaum writes such soothing , and her world-building is near and dear.

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A Twisted Skein is a wonderful addition to this addictive series. I love the main characters and how they once again work together to solve a murder. There were lots of red herrings that kept me guessing until the end. This is a wholesome read with no bad language or gory details. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the next book in this series! 5/5 stars! *****

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Izzy along with her 3 best friends,their families and a few other town folks find it hard to believe that a well loved neighbor is dead - let alone murdered. Once again they use their deductive skills to untangle this web of lies and return their beloved small town to normal. A wonderful series!

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"A Twisted Skein" is supposedly a cozy mystery. At least in the Advanced Reader Copy, the mystery was never fully explained. It's the 17th novel in a series, but you can understand this story without reading the previous books.

There was so much that was never explained, like how the victim died. We're simply told that he was murdered. Near the end, they finally started asking people relevant questions, like who knew about the secret place where the murder happened and who might have known or guessed the victim would be there. But anything important that they learned wasn't told to the reader so that everyone in the story knew whodunit while the reader was left in the dark until after the arrest was made. And we never learn some of the 'hidden from the reader' things like the name of the mysterious hiker, which shocked our detectives.

Whodunit confessed to motive in general terms, but we never learned details about how (especially how someone could murder a healthy, relatively young man when whodunit must have made noise getting to the secret spot). So many details were glossed over, like how someone could so easily commit a series of financial crimes or what happened to the kid who was arrested.

Much of the story was knitting filler and about how the murder impacted the community. Though why people were terrified about possibly being the next victim baffles me since everyone knew it was a targeted killing, not a random one. The main characters got to know every detail about the victim's life, finding many people with possible motives. Then they simply dismissed many of them because they didn't feel like this person was lying and that person would have known they'd be a suspect, so of course they wouldn't do it. Hmm.

There was no sex or bad language. I'd recommend this book to fans of the characters--what's next in their lives?--but not mystery lovers.

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A Twisted Skein is the 6th book in the Seaside Knitters series. I have read this series from the beginning and love the main characters Birdie Favassa, Cass Halloran Brandley and her husband, Danny, Izzy Perry and her husband Sam, Nell Endicott who is Izzy's aunt, and her husband Ben. They live in the town of Sea Harbor, MA.

The ladies are having their weekly get together in Izzy's knitting shop. They get together for food, wine, knitting and just talking. Birdie is telling the ladies how much she is enjoying the Bird Watching group that she has joined. They will be meeting the next day at the Quarry. Izzy is telling them that she has been asked to do a fashion show of knitting for the Knitting in Style Magazine. While they are leaving Nell and Birdie hear a commotion of a car blocking the bar entrance to the parking lot. They go to check it out and find Rose Anderson who has come back to town having words with her twin sister, Jillian who is in the back seat of the car. Rose is upset that her sister is seeing Josh Elliot who is a teacher at the high school.

Birdie goes to the Quarry to meet the birdwatchers: Polly Farrell, leader of the group; Richard Brooks, Harper Mancini and her husband, Leon, Henry Staab and Josh Elliot. As they descend the trail Birdie is told that getting to the trail might not be safe so Birdie decides to take the path through the woods. When she comes to a clearing where the campers sit around a camp fire. She comes across a dead body. She calls the police.

At Nell and Ben's Friday night get together with friends Tommy Porter, a police detective comes and tells everyone that it was definitely Josh Elliot and that he had been murdered. Rose Anderson is a prime suspect as her keys had been found under the body. The police are looking for her. Jillian has been told of his death. The whole town is in shock as he was a much loved teacher.

There is so much going on in the story that I will leave it to the reader to enjoy and find out who and why Josh was killed. There are so many twists and turns that the reader is kept on their toes to the exciting ending.

Izzy's fashion show is held in Lucky's Bar owned by Birdie's godson. It goes off beautiful and is a great success

In this series the reader gets to know and love the main characters. I love how they are intertwined and a new character is added that becomes part of the town.

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Publishing Corp. for this ARC.

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#ATwistedSkein #NetGalley is by far one of the best cozy mysteries I've read this year.
The group of friends in Sea Harbor come together as one of their own becomes the victim of a senseless crime.
Izzy is the owner of Sea Harbor Yarn Studio, a wonderful place to gather, shop, and make lasting memories.
Izzy and her staff are gearing up for a fashion show, featuring the creations of many talented crafters. Birdie, long time friend of the group has been participating in the local birdwatchers group, and when one of the members is found by Birdie, it becomes the catalyst for secrets revealed, greed, deception and murder.
There were times I laughed,and times I cried, and when I finished, I found myself wrapped up in the characters, and processing the words I'd just read.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of this book.
I'm very eager to share and recommend this book and all the others to all readers.

This deserves 10 stars, but 5 is all I can give.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington for the opportunity to read A Twisted Skein by Sally Goldenbaum. I am a huge fan of Ms. Goldenbaum's work and look forward to my visits with the Seaside Knitters in the charming little town of Sea Harbor. This felt like coming home.

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