Member Reviews

Okay this was adorable, I'm so happy for Abbie and Carson - my heart was a mix of sad, happy and then overjoyed for them. It's a perfect summer read.

'I can't move. I can't breathe. I can't tear my eyes away from the guy in the backward hat'.

On a ranch in Florida, Abbie adores her horses, caring for them, training them and loving them, alongside her equestrian boyfriend. Everything changes when Carson, the usual farriers son, takes over jobs in his father's place for a while.. meaning he'll be around Abbie's ranch for quite some time.

Carson was never meant to stay in Florida, and will return to Tennessee. But feelings and sparks fly between them.. knowing they'll have to inevitably say goodbye. Sometimes the heart wants, what the heart wants - and Carson shows Abbie what it's like to be treated right.

I've never actually read an equestrian romance before and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The tension between Carson and Abbie throughout was great, even if some scenes tore my heart in two. The mature scenes were well done and didn't go overboard or tear away from the storyline as well.

This is a lovely coming of age story with a summer romance. Abbie realising that how her ex-boyfriend treated her was not the normality in relationships, and Carson showing her what she deserves.

'I told him Tennessee is my home, but there's a girl in Florida who feels a lot like home, too'.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tuskan Publishing for this copy. This review is voluntary.

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We flew through this book! We absolutely loved the summer, Florida setting! It made for a perfect summer romance. We highly recommend this book if you're looking for a sweet, summer read. There is some steam, ex-boyfriend drama, and a lovely romance that you'll be rooting for the whole way through! Be sure to put this on your summer to be read list!

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