Member Reviews

In Don’t Touch That, Oscar, the reader can feel Oscar’s anxiety as he tries with everything in his power to keep his hands (all 8 of them!) to himself. An exceptional concept, as it is challenging enough for a child to keep 2 hands to themselves. The colors and illustrations are eye-catching and fun, and visually reflect the text perfectly. An excellent way to exhibit the importance of teamwork, as Oscar’s friends help him learn how to keep his hands to himself. A fantastic book!

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Perfect story for our kids who just can’t wait to get their hands on everything before the party starts. A good read for teachers before Halloween, holiday, and end of school year parties! Oscar is so cute my kids laughed at his antics.

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This is a really cute picture book. I loved the colors and the over all story. It will make a great addition to the collection.

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This book was so adorable, I loved everything about it, the illustrations were so well done, they suited the book perfectly, the story was amazing as well, even thought is very short I could really connect with the characters and feel theirs struggles.
I’m sure the kids are going to be just as enthralled with this amazing book as I was.
I will definitely recommend!

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

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My kids loved this book!! It is so cute, and the illustrations were very bold and eye catching. It kept my toddlers’ interest from start to finish.

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Adorable story and illustrations, my kid would love this. Marine life in children's books is always a hit.

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I read this story to my 2 and 4 year olds tonight before bed and they really enjoyed it. The colors and graphics in this book were fantastic and definitely kept my kids interested!

My 2 year old wasn’t able to pay attention for the length of the book, however my 4 year old was.

Would definitely read more by this author!

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Don't Touch That, Oscar! by Lois Hoffman - 5/5
Children's Fiction

Don't Touch That, Oscar! is cute story, fun characters and catchy illustrations. On the last day of school Oscar is having a hard to waiting for the party to start. I love this story and the conversation about having patience when there is excitement going on. That is something we struggle with at home, so it was nice to find a story that talked about that.

I enjoyed this story filled with friendships and acceptance and as did my children, ages 5 and 7 years old.

Thank you Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for the eARC.

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All children can relate to Oscar who just can't wait for the party to begin! It is challenge to keep your hands to yourself, imagine if you had 8 of them! Oscar and his friend are a delightful class and will be sure to delight your class at school reading time or at home!

My thanks to NetGalley and Lois Hoffman for the ARC of this book.

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Cute! I’m always looking for fun, new end of the year books for my students. This checks that box but also is a fun way of talking about how everyone is different and unique. The illustrations are great. The vocabulary is easy to act out and understand. get students involved.

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Don't Touch That Oscar is a wonderful, engaging book for young children!

Oscar the Octopus just can't sit still, and he constantly has trouble controlling his behavior! Just like my youngest grandson, who really loved reading this story with me.

I want to thank NetGalley, and the publisher for allowing me to read the ARC!

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My 4 year old daughter loved this book, she thought Oscar was hilarious and very much like herself but with 6 extra limbs.
Great story for young children!

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I read this book with my son, who absolutely loved Oscar the octopus. We thought it was such a great book and shared many giggles as we read the book. It led us to talk about how hard it is to wait and the feelings that happen when we are waiting. I would love to read this to my class during the school year to teach the importance of waiting and how to handle being so excited for something fun!

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Such a wonderful and fun story to read together as a family. It was very much enjoyed by son and the whole family.

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This is a good story that shows how some have trouble sitting still and paying attention. Cute characters and illustrations.

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What a cute book! So great to help teach great and important skills for kids such as patience, waiting, and self control. Perfect read for young kids at home or in a classroom. The fun characers and great colors in the illustrations really keep you interested in the story.

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The illustrations are so well done and fit the book perfectly. I loved all the characters. I also enjoyed seeing Oscar’s friends trying to help him. Sometimes we all need help. I was happy to see Oscar did save the party at the end! Working at a preschool this is a great topic to discuss.

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I want to start off by thanking the author and publisher for giving me an advanced copy of the book. I read this book to my two year old. My child loved the pictures as we read. While I feel that the message of the story is a good one, I feel like it may have been a little too difficult for my child to keep up. The story appeared to jump around a little bit and not flow quite as nicely for my child to keep up. I would recommend for an audience around 4 years old.

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Oscar is so excited for the last day of school party. He can't be still. He and his eight arms are constantly getting into trouble and making a mess. His teacher keeps reminding him to not touch that. He keeps reminding himself that he isn't suppose to touch things but he just can't help himself. But in the end Oscar ends up saving the day.

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This was a cute book about an Octopus who just can't hold in his wiggles because he's too excited for a party. He's touching all of the things he shouldn't and getting into trouble, but luckily, the same way his wiggly arms got him in trouble, they were also what saved the day! A lot of lessons can be taught to kids from this little story

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