Member Reviews

First things first, the art is really captivating to me. It really helped my enjoyment in this comic. Other than that, the concent is somehow timely which I also appreciated. Overall, this was a good read.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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Firstly, the illustrations of this book were so vibrant and gorgeous!

This follows Sofia, who loves surfing, but has an online persona

This graphic novel described how addicting the internet can be.

I did find the first bits quite confusing at first, but once I got into it, I thoroughly enjoyed it

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I got this on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!

This was a really fun graphic novel! 😍 I loved the art style and the story was fun and unique! I was a bit confused in the beginning, but soon caught up and enjoyed it! I also LOVED the fact that it included songs throughout so you could listen to it and get the intended vibe! 😎

Will definitely check out the next volume!

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had so much fun reading this book, the story was so amazing and the illustrations were so well done and charming, there’s so many little details in every page that I couldn’t stop but be mesmerized by it all. I will definitely be recommending it! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

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Genuinely one of the most interesting in terms of illustration graphic novels I've seen in a while!

The art in this was so charming, with vibrant colours that kept me engaged through the whole book! It's definitely a book that holds up for older and younger readers alke!

Onto the actual contents of the story, I think it does really well to showcase different danger sides of internet usage, be it cyber bullying, addiction to the internet ect.

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Let’s save the internet. Our story revolves around Sofia, a girl who loves being outside and surfing as well as her internet personality. Where one wants to be free the other has forgotten herself and is trying to learn who she is and what she wants. There is also a cast of characters who are trying to save the internet by looking for “the wave”.

The beginning of this graphic novel was confusing. We’re thrown into a world in the midst of a dialogue and a huge event. We’re not given much details or background which adds to the mystery but also causes confusion on what’s going on and who’s who. The premise is unique and interesting, and slowly builds as the story goes on. I had a better understanding of this story once I finished this volume.

For this graphic novel I found that I had to pay attention to all the details in each panel carefully. Somehow I missed when the story went from the ‘Real World’ and into the ‘Internet World’ and had to backtrack. There are also small details within the story such as the detailed background and expressions that add to the story and understanding.

I loved how this graphic novel came with a playlist. I wish there was an audiobook slash animated storybook of this graphic novel so I could listen to the music in time with the story. Some of the music was new to me but they were a welcomed addition and I found they provided the overall ambiance of the scene.

The artwork is lovely and follows quite a blue theme with muted colors throughout. I enjoyed the details that went into each panel and scene but I wish the font was a little bigger and thicker. I found it hard to read at times and I’m usually good with small fonts. The character designs felt pretty generic to graphic novels and the dialogues were quite vague and mysterious.

Overall, this was a good story. Although the beginning was confusing, I did end up enjoying it by the end and was curious to know what’ll happen in the next volume.

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Clean and fresh illustrations and an original story that I would have given 4 stars if it didn’t feel like it was cut in half. I don’t get why it ended in the middle of the adventure. I didn’t feel like this is worth the money.

We follow Sofia, a surfer who unplugged from the internet but left a virtual echo behind which she gave a consciousness.

We soon follow that virtual echo on an adventure with a monkey emoji, a virus and an algorithm who actually just look like a monkey, a guy and a girl. The internet is running out of space and they’re not only running from someone who is trying to delete Sofia’s virtual echo but every one of them searches for their own kind of freedom. And they’re going from island to island (I wonder if Goodreads lives on e-book island) to surf and get ready for when they find the big wave, which carries a huge amount of data. It can save the internet and set them free.

Too bad the story was cut off too soon, when I was getting into it. The beginning of the story was a bit confusing but it got clearer and less out-there, the more I read.

I didn’t download this graphic novel in time from NetGalley and I really wanted to read it so I decided to buy my own copy and review it anyway. Too bad we didn’t get more.

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I thought this was an interesting story about a girl, finding herself on about Online Internet, and it was more of a sort of cyber comic. It was a little mix a matter of everything so I was interested as it kept twisting and turning. Also love the characters in this and the colouring theme of this book is absolutely amazing. I would definitely read more from this author in the future as personally I adore her style and her art

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First of all I want to thank netgalley for providing me with this graphic novel.

After a morning of surfing, Sofia rides her skateboard home to work on a new computer program. Suddenly, she finds herself propelled into a strange world, populated by creatures from the internet. Has she done the impossible, and succeeded in projecting herself into cyberspace?

In a world where a virus has corrupted society, the solution is to immerse yourself in the network and in order to save humanity you must infect the network with a new virus.

Here it presents the characters as "humans", however as it progresses we realize that they are things from the internet, emojis, algorithms, etc.

that they must go through various places to save the world.
It is the first part of this story, therefore it is introductory, where we are introduced to the protagonist Sofia and her allies in these adventures, in turn they introduce us to the villains who will seek to have their dreams.

It was a bit confusing but in the end it is a short and entertaining story.

I give it 4 out of 5

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I really liked this. It was a strong start to a graphic novel series. I loved the art style and color way, too. I’m excited to read the next one when it comes out!

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Really enjoyed this first volume! The artwork was beautiful, with vibrant colours, a cute art style and extra texture to some of the panels to demarcate parts of the story that take place in the virtual world. The inclusion of songs was also a nice touch and I thought it was a great playlist. With regard to the story, I loved the concept of 'the internet falling apart' and the idea of living in a virtual sphere versus reality continues to fascinate me. However, there were definitely moments where I was quite confused as to what was going on. Some of my questions where eventually answered, but I'm asuming future volumes will address the others. Initially I also felt like I had to suspend my disbelief quite a bit (it almost seemed like the author was unaware that data in the cloud isn't something abstract but rather stored on physical servers), but pretty soon I was immersed in the story and it didn't bother me anymore. I'm definitely interested to see where this story will go.

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Thank you so much for letting me read this graphic novel. This is an entertaining and thought provoking take on the possibilities of the internet. I also like the artstyle very much. The only flaw really is its shortness.

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The cover for this graphic novel is STUNNING! I really loved the art style. I loved how this story combined surfing with surfing the internet. I found it to be creative and imaginative. I especially liked ebook island! The plot was a little confusing to follow, but the gist is: Sofia was hired to fix a glitch online. However, she also made a copy of herself as an avatar online to help save the internet. It's a little hard to follow that line of reasoning, but I think Sofia is trying to make a living, but also doesn't want to see the internet taken down subconsciously.

The real life Sofia loves nature and surfing and her avatar is surfing the web with an algorithm and a virus and an emoji to catch the "big wave".

There are jumps between real life and virtual life. And there are song titles for the different chapters. I did like that the graphic novel came with a song list!

I loved the art and I loved the turtle waves. While it was hard to follow at times, these two things made up for it!

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Blending reality and VR, Sofia struggles to hang on to her identity under a regime of censorship that is overtaking the internet.

I loved the art in this book! The colours are bright and the ocean scenes leap off the page. I look forward to reading more of this series.

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I received this book as an arc via @netgalley. The story is written by Davide Tosello. Thanks for providing the arc!

I initially was attracted tot his book because of te beautiful cover and artwork. But when I read the story I was blown away by it. It is so well thought out and relatable. I really enjoyed reading this graphic novel and can’t wait to read and see more of it! Just look at those beautiful pieces of art!

After a sunny afternoon surfing the waves at Red Chair Beach Sofia heads home to work on an assignment she got but finds herself pulled in the digital world of the worldwide Internet. She travels through the Web and comes across certain characters that want to help her, warning her for people that actually don’t want to help them. In a world where everyone has a certain capacity to upload data, data gets removed regularly but so do the memories. How can Sofia make sure this won’t happen? Meanwhile her sister is working on her own assignment, without knowing each others assignment they might just cross paths. How will this unfold? The story sends strong messages about how to work with the Internet and it is really relatable. I also really liked the metaphore of surfing in this story.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you can’t get lost.” – Candy
“What lies ahead of us, what lies behind us. None of that matters, what matters is what’s inside of us.” – The Wave

#book76 #readingchallenge #graphicnovel #artwork #digitalworld #redchairbeach #surfing #metaphoric #secretmessages #relatable #arc #internet #worldwideweb #digitalhazard #thewave

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The artwork is so beautiful and the colours are bright vivid and attractive. Unfortunately, the story is very confusing. I needed more backstory.

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By Davide Tosello
Thanks you to Netgally for a copy for an honest review
I really enjoyed this graphic novel, the artwork was really beautiful and the story was entertaining it was a really good read.
Rating 4

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This captivated me with two things - the title being Sofia, which is an english version of my name (I know, very deep), and the artstyle reminded me of the WITCH comics, which made it very nostalgic. The art is hauntingly beautiful, I love it. The story havent found me well, though.

As someone who works in IT, I got a little bit confused over the story. I enjoy the concept that fiction covers the topic that stuff we store in the internet indeed takes up real-life space and energy, but this story took it to a whole different level. The visualisation of the real life and the internet space was too close in my opinion, which made it kinda hard for distinguishing where are we at certain moments. Having a protagonist with amnesia is also a cliche I dont enjoy, but having a protagonist with amnesia WHEN she pre-amnesia explains her plan to the reader was a whole new level of making this trope unlikable. Some of the side-characters in the internet space were also not making any sense.

I dont think I'll continue with the series, sadly.

Thank you to NetGalley and Europe Comics for providing the ARC.

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Sofia is a wonderful use of visuals to explore characters and worlds. I loved the visual style, as established from the cover image and on through, and the otherworldly journey is enjoyable in the comics form, as well.

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