Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and Europe Comics for the ARC!

- This is an incredibly unique book-I don't think I've ever read anything too similar to it! It's got some great general sci-fi concepts (getting trapped in the internet), but the combination with surfing was so cool!
- If I still taught middle school, I would absolutely buy this for my classroom. The general concept and art style would've been so popular, and I can absolutely see students loving this one.
- I loved the art style! The combination of the ocean/nature theme and the sci-fi/tech theme was so well realized in the artwork.
- Incorporating the playlist throughout as little cassette tapes was such a cool touch!

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The irony of reading this as a chronically online person...

I quite enjoyed the graphic novel. The art was fantastic and the story was interesting. I hope the creators have a chance to expand this world in the future!

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an arc.

So… I don’t know. I absolutely adore this art style. Stunning art works! The story was a bit meh for me. I feel like I still don’t completely get what’s going on and a longer first volume would have probably worked better…

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With a fun cast of characters and incredible art, this is a book everyone needs to read. A good all ages book about the internet and nature that will leave you wanting more. Which is perfect since this is a series. I'll be watching out for volume two.

Originally published in French. This is a review of the English version. Which I believe currently is only available digitally.

Great for all ages, and absolutely stunning!

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Thank-you to Netgalley for the ARC of the Graphic novel -- this is my honest review . I think the art work is really great -- it took me a bit to get into the story and understand the underlying depths of it -- as I am not really a teach savvy person. The concept is great to preteens/teens -- who use the internet a lot -- the metaphors where good as well -- such as surfing in the ocean -- representative of surfing the internet -- haters island everyone where's masks and gives out hate and the monster masks they wear making them look like demons -- representative of those online anonymous people who say anything and everything -- I liked these aspects of the book -- now that I have gotten into the story I would be interested to read the second installment and find out what will happen on Sofia`s adventure.

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3 stars. the art style was really beautiful, and made the reading experience so enjoyable. the plot had a brilliant core concept, but i wish it had been expanded on more. but to be honest, i didn't care about anything else, because the art style was so good.

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1.5 stars

After being provided this arc by NetGallery I was really looking forward to reading this graphic novel as the art style really caught my eye.
The story contrasts between Sofia and her sister in the real world and Sofia’s digital avatar navigating her way through the internet.
While the premise of a story about the fall of the internet, the plot became quickly unclear as many aspects such as background and actual direction for the story lacked. However, with further editions to “Sofia” I expect the story will become much more cohesive. At this point, there is very little information about anything.
While the story didn’t provide I absolutely love the art style, the character design and colour choices really popped out and was my favourite element of the novel.

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I was drawn to this graphic novel thanks to the beautiful cover and I was so happy to see that the entire book is absolutely stunning.
The book is short and entertaining, I flew through it and was surprised to see it was already the end. The references to our own real world and internet were like easter eggs I was pleased to find. I was however a bit confused for quite a while as to what was going on and what was really going on with the sisters. Some of my questions were answered by the end, but I imagine some of them were kept for the following book. I’ll read the next one with pleasure.

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The premise of Sofia is super interesting, looking at how the internet and the real world collide. The plot was incredibly unique and interesting.

This graphic novel has such a stunning art style that had me drawn in from the start, there were so many details that really added to the story. I adored the detail of having little tapes on some of the pages with suggested songs so you can listen to a playlist as you go through!

The plot did get a little confusing at times but overall I had a great time. I'd be very interested to see where the next volume goes!

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I really enjoyed this! The illustrations were beautiful, and I loved the way that the internet world was portrayed. It took me a second to catch onto the story and concept, but once it clicked I was really drawn into it. I think this would be great for kiddos with the creative spin on the internet.

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The art style of this graphic novel was breathtaking! I loved the storyline and how the form was used! It was such a great read.

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This was so good?!

First of all let's talk about the art style that I adored and that color palette that is perfect for the topic of ocean and waves.
Second, the way the internet is used is so creative and pleasant to read. I love how the author used the various web terms to create people and places. The story is set part in the real world and part in the virtual world and it's so intriguing and captivating.
I read this first chapter in less than 30 minutes and I already can't wait to continue.
Hopefully Europe Comics will continue with the series once it goes forward because I'm very looking forward to it.

Another smart aspect of this read was the playlist created. Yes, you can listen to actual music while reading that specific chapter. There's a little cassette drawing with the name of the song chosen for that moment in the book and I loved it.

The only thing I wished was described better was the actual plot of why eveything is happening and how these two worlds were created in the first place, like what's the purpose of all this and why... but there will hopefully be more explanation of it in the next chapter.

Definitely a favorite of this last period!

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I loved loved looooved the art style for this one.
The very soft colours were really pretty.
With certain scenes, the author also gives you a song to play alongside it, to give the correct vibe. This is an interesting add-on I have never before seen in a graphic novel. So props for that!
I don't know what to think about the story though. I was rather confused most of the time, and in other spots I thought it was trying to explain too much, or was too in your face about things.
I'm uncertain if I will be continuing this series, maybe if it isn't going to be very long.

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Wow, I’m impressed with this graphic novel, it was really great, I loved the illustrations, they were so vivid and colorful, they fitted the story perfectly, I also really loved the plot even if at times it felt a little bit confusing but overall it was a really solid graphic novel. I will definitely be recommending it.

Thank you Netgalley and Europe Comics for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I was provided an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

SOFIA is a great graphic novel! I would definitely recommend if you're looking for something short and sweet, but still entertaining.

SOFIA is about a future in which there is the real world and the Internet. In the real world, people spend all their time online, but the Internet is slowly breaking down, and soon, will not be able to support enough people. One girl, Sofia, before signing off of the Internet for good, created an avatar of herself with a consciousness.

Meanwhile, in the Internet, the Avatar Sofia wanders around, unsure of who she is or what she is supposed to do. But she meets a few people who save her from malicious beings that are looking to delete her. It is then that she learns about the Wave. The more Waves she surfs, the more she understands about her universe, and what she is supposed to do.

The concept overall is really interesting. I loved how there were Internet themed islands (Ebook Island was my favorite of course, but Hater Island was pretty funny!). I'm also just really intrigued to figure out what's going to happen next: this is the first graphic novel in a series, and I feel like I have pieces of the picture, but I can't quite put it together yet. It's definitely something that will keep readers guessing!

I also love the art style. The way the author draws water, in particular, is absolutely beautiful! It feels realistic, but still has that cartoon-feel that you love in a graphic novel. The author also does a great job of conveying emotion through the characters' eyes and facial expressions.

You could definitely argue that it's a little on the nose with its message (about how the internet/social media takes over our lives, etc.), but I didn't necessarily mind that too much. I mean, they’re literally catching waves (aka, surfing) the internet, so if it bothered me that much, I wouldn’t like the entire premise. However, if the obvious message/puns aren’t really your thing, then this probably isn’t for you.

That said, I would highly recommend this novel! It’s not super long, so it’s something that you can fit in easily in your busy everyday life. It’s intriguing, entertaining, and visually beautiful!

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First of all a huge Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book 💕💕
I really loved the illustrations
They were cute and fun
Sofia looked like the ocean and I found that we both adore it 🌊🩵💙
The idea of mixing the ocean waves with the Internet and making these waves the key to saving it was a unique and new idea
I loved the characters and the monkey was so cute 🙈
The fact that is contained some of our daily life topics like viruses and Internet pros and cons was so well done 💗
Aww such a light and cute read
I'm waiting for the next one so excited to meet them again and learn more about their lives 💕🥺

I really recommend it to help you out of a reading slump 💖

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So fun! Definitely my kind of graphic novel/comic. The art was beautiful, The story was unique and intriguing. The analogy of the ocean as data stored on the internet was interesting. Creating a new world to visualize it was cool.

The main thing I didn’t like was that there’s a part in the book where the monkey character isn’t with the three other characters on Haters Island, but he all of a sudden show up when the haters take their masks off. It seemed like a miss somewhere. Other than that, I really loved it! I’m looking forward to the next one.

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I stumbled upon the first episode of Sofia on NetGalley and I was quite impressed with the artwork, themes, and character dynamics, but I felt it was missing something that would have made this graphic novel amazing.

No matter what, the artwork is just beautiful! Vibrant with colors, unique character designs, and just has this chill feel, real world or internet. I like the anime-esque art style, though it is read from left to right as a western comic. I also did like the surfing theme of the book, and those surfing sessions were a visual treat.

As for the story, I liked the overall message and theme about not being obsessed with the internet and things like that. However, I felt the story was fragmented, like we’re thrown into this whole conflict of an internet reset being a wave, and something about making sure everything was ready? Some of the terminology was a bit over the top and I couldn’t connect a lot of things together. It’s got the components of a sci-fi action/adventure for sure, with threatening villains and a group of rag tag heroes. I’m getting that is avatar Sofia has to surf some big internet wave in order to make the internet better or something like that and she has to stay away from the people that want to delete her. But I was unsure about the nature of the conflict, and even motivations were not revealed until the very end of the book. Also, IRL Sofia just exiting the story early didn’t help. While I understand it’s more of an episodic story and wasn’t going to have a full conclusion, it felt incomplete, like it stopped before we were able to get started.

Either way, if you’re looking for a fun comic with great artwork, check out Sofia and I will try to check out more of the series!

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Thank to Netgallery for the ARC.

I dnfed the book. The art is gorgeous and the plot was interesting. However the story quickly becomes too confusing, there's not a clear division between the real word and internet. Also there was too many characters in my opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley for the review copy!

Sofia is a short graphic novel/comic about the real vs. the internet world. The art in this is incredible! The characters and overall arc however felt flat and rushed. I wished the comic would have been a bit longer to get more depth into the story.

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