Member Reviews

I loved every bit of this book. The ideas of this book and new and different from other graphic novels I've read.

It follows Sofia a girl in the real world who only wants to feel the fresh air and surf and then it also follows her online persona who is trying to save the internet but can't remember who she is and what exactly is going on.

The graphics to this book were super vibrant and eye catching. I can't wait to read the next book to see what happens next.

This book highlights the importance of not always being on the internet because it can be an addiction. It also highlights the issues of haters, virus and other important issues we deal with everyday.

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First at all, thanks to NetGalley and Europe Comics for give me this huge opportunity to read 'Sofia' by Davide Tosello ❤️


🌊Illustrations of this books are INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL. I love the artwork and it's the highlight of this story. It's a lovely graphic novel.

🌊The concept of the book is really interesting, it is the kind of stories that have a strong critical plot. This novel is important to share it with kids, they have to know about the addiction of internet. Sofia wants feel the ocean, the air... She wants feel everything, doesn't want to keep in a room for the rest of her life. Talks about haters, virus... Freedom, in the end. And the next book talks about filters too, for example.

🌊First part of the story is confusing, I didn't know what was going on. And what happend with Sofia isn't clear. I imagined it and I hope it will be explained in the next part. But it is a creative book with a sci-fi elements and it has a huge potential.

🌊Definitely, I'm going to read the second part because I'm intrigued with Sofia, Thea, Candy and Emo.

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I really loved the art style of this, it was very cute.
The idea/premise of the book itself is also very interesting and had many creative aspects, such as characters being a virus or an emoji.
The plot is less clear though. As it was mentioned in the beginning that all data from dead people is deleted from the internet, I assume that at some point in the graphic novel, real life Sofia must have died. I wish this had been made clearer, it confused me for quite a bit as we didn’t see her die nor a funeral or anything else specific telling us she was dead.
The characters were very interesting and cool, I’d love to get to know them better in the sequels.

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Quick read comic. Explores a world made by the internet and how the real world is having issues with bandwidth. I liked it and and would like to see it continue.

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Short and entertaining graphic novel. It's a very interesting and unique concept. The art style is very vibrant and beautiful. It was a bit confusing as to what exactly was going on. Liked it but not likely to continue the series.

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This graphic novel is beautifully illustrated. I love the concept and can't wait to see what happens in the next volume. The characters are unique and quirky. Perfect for YA readers who are also gamers.

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Thank you NetGalley and Europe Comics for the copy of Sofia!

"After a morning of surfing, Sofia rides her skateboard home to work on a new computer program. Suddenly, she finds herself propelled into a strange world, populated by creatures from the internet. Has she done the impossible, and succeeded in projecting herself into cyberspace?"

As usual, beautiful art from Europe Comics and Davide Tosello! The story is a bit hard to follow with 96 pages, but the artwork makes up for it.

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2.5 stars

I don't know what it was about this, but it was confusing and a chore to read. I didn't even enjoy the art style that much because the story was so meh. It was just weird and pointless.

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It's a story full of imagination, and I think it's fantastic how they turned around a theme that consumes us today.
We gradually get to know the characters that are part of the story, and it's so easy to like them.
We deal more with Sofia AI, who goes with us to discover what is happening in the Internet, and with a group that wants to save her so they can take advantage of the big wave. In the Real World, we deal with Sofia, who started to see that she has to experience life and put the internet aside, with Sofia's sister and who wants to delete her from the internet for good.

The drawings are beautiful and you can easily distinguish the Real World from the Internet with the details given to the drawings. It shows the care given to each drawing. I really appreciated the visual aesthetic, with the vivid colors that complement the story.

And each chapter comes with a song, I thought it was a fantastic touch.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the comic's art style and theme. For me it had strong Matrix vibes. At times I found myself a bit confused, as the comic left me with more questions than answers. However, I think the story would work better as a longer, more serialized narrative. I'm looking forward to reading more of the story as it unfolds.

thank you Netgalley, Davide Tosello and Europe Comic for this arc

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Sofia is a short and entertaining graphic novel about a girl named Sofia and her daily life, composed of friends, work, and surfing. The story also follows Sofia’s digital persona, who has no memory of her identity and must piece together the clues and find her purpose.

This book was unique and intriguing; filled with fresh characters and new ideas. It is fast-paced and the story alternates between the Real World and the Internet, where two different situations are unfolding.

The art was very colorful and well-done; it was probably the highlight of the book in my opinion.

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This was... conceptually interesting, but also a bit confusing. It´s an opening to something larger, but the hook didn´t work for me and I don´t feel like I want to continue with the next parts
But the art was great and conveyed what was going on quite well

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This review of Sofia by Davide Tosello is courtesy of NetGalley.
#EuropeComics #NetGalley
Rating 2/5
First off, I'll say that if I was just rating the artwork, it'd get a 4/5. I had no issues with the art and it was the cover that pulled me in to pick the comic for review. It's got the large eyed characters that are quite common in anime but without as much of the overly cutesy look.

The story flows between the real world and the internet. It starts with Sofia surfing in the real world and works writing software, including an antivirus for Delete It. She has a sister Thea who is chatting with friends online from which we learn about the web running out of space and thus people being limited on data usage and their data getting deleted after death. It mixes in scenes of Sofia's echo in the internet world trying to avoid being deleted.

Overall, I think the author is trying to do commentary on the internet with the comic but does it in a way that may not be the easiest to understand for all audiences. Other things that may not work for their likely audience, cassette tape images in some panels representing a playlist (that's fully listed on page 89).

As someone in the software industry though, the misunderstanding about the web and the "limit on space" premise drive me nuts. It's not like tv where "hacking" is shown to take a few minutes max for instance (time compression in the interest of drama), the concept of "freeing a virus". So, while the art is generally good, I won't be continuing the series even if a subsequent volume shows up on NetGalley.

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The artwork was absolutely incredible and this was such a creative story. Too short though I need more!!

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🌊 Society has run out of room on the internet. A group of teenagers are working furiously to create more room before The Wave hits cyberspace. What is the wave? No one really knows, so the group asks for the help of digital, conscious beings called Echos. One Echo could hold the answers everyone is searching for, but can she remember?

🌊Catch a wave and surf the web through gorgeous illustrations of a world both familiar and unknown. Filled with a ragtag group of characters who explore the internet searching for answers, they learn that not everything, or one, is as they seem. Tosello’s stunning illustrations will draw readers in, and the unique adventure will keep them trapped until the very end. In the end there will only be one question worth asking, when does the next installment come out?!

🌊Thank you Davide Tosello, Europe Comics, and NetGalley for early access to this book in exchange for an honest review.🤍

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The artwork for this book is was drew me in, and it was just as beautiful al the way through.
The story was super interesting with sci fi elements.
would love to read more.

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Appena ho visto l'autore di questo fumetto, sapevo di volerlo assolutamente leggerlo!
Dopo aver letto la serie di Blue nella terra dei sogni, speravo davvero tanto che realizzasse qualcosa di nuovo.
E anche qui la realtà si interseca ad un altro mondo, questa volta quello della realtà digitale.
Molte tematiche importanti vengono tirate in ballo anche in questa serie, e quella che ho più apprezzato in questo volume è come siano stati raffigurati gli Haters e come i personaggi li abbiano affrontati.
Davvero una lezione importante che dovrebbe essere mostrata di più!
Sono ancora un po' confusa sulla storia di fondo, ma credo sia una caratteristica dell'autore perchè anche in Blue non riuscivo a capire metà di quello che stavo leggendo. Si riesce a capire solo una volta che la serie è conclusa...e son certa che succederà anche qui così.
I disegni ovviamente sono spettacolari e il tocco di inserire una playlist nelle varie scene della storia compare anche qui, come in Blue. Peccato che non ci siano dei QRcode per poterle ascoltare sul momento. Purtroppo non conosco nessuna di quelle canzoni e non ho idea durante la lettura di che atmosfera possano dare. E' l'unica pecca che trovo alle sue serie. Dovrebbero trovare un modo per rendere ascoltabili le canzoni sul momento.
Probabilmente è una questione di diritti d'autore e utilizzo della musica...

Comunque lo sto già adorando e spero arrivi presto anche in Italia!

Grazie grazie grazie Netgalley per avermi permesso di leggerlo!


As soon as I saw the author of this comic, I knew I definitely wanted to read it!
After reading Blue nella Terra dei sogni series, I was really hoping for him to make something new.
And here too, reality intersects with another world, this time that of a digital world.
Many important themes are also brought up in this series, and the one I most appreciated in this volume is how the Haters were depicted and how the characters dealt with them.
Truly an important lesson that should be shown more!
I'm still a little confused about the background story, but I think it's the author's characteristic because even in Blue I couldn't understand half of what I was reading. You can understand only once the series is over ... and I'm sure it will happen here as well.
The drawings are obviously spectacular and the touch of inserting a playlist in the various scenes of the story also appears here, as in Blue. Too bad there are no QRcodes to be able to listen to them on the spot. Unfortunately I don't know any of those songs and I have no idea when reading what atmosphere they can give. It's the only flaw I find to his work. They should find a way to make the songs listenable on the fly.
It's probably a matter of copyright and usage of the music...

Anyway I'm already adoring it and I hope it arrives soon in Italy too!

Thanks thanks thanks Netgalley for letting me read this!

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I agree with the others that the story is a bit difficult to understand at times but it is exactly those "What's going on?" thoughts in my head that drive me into reading it again. There are bits that I still think can be read as metaphors. That makes the book even more intriguing.

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✨E-Arc provided via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review✨

Sofia is a graphic novel with something very new and fresh about it. I loved the art style, it’s whimsical and stylish but doesn’t feel out of place in a comic.
Along the way there are tapes with songs written on them to play for the scene ahead, they really added a fun layer to the experience!
My only downside was that I wish we were going slower, it feels a little rushed at the moment.
Can’t wait to see where Sofia ends up, in her journey through the internet.

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This was a fun first tome on a series! Really young and with a fun personalisation of internet aspects and concepts. Would love to read the continuation and see how it follows!

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