Member Reviews

I feel terrible, but I am DNF-ing this second graphic novel as well. A big thank you to Europe Comics for allowing me to read these graphic novels and sorry that I am DNF-ing them.

But this one just didn't click. I am so confused. So there are two sisters who look almost exactly alike? But one is a grandma in how she acts (BOOHOOOO THE INTERNET, MAKE REAL EXPERIENCES!!!) whereas the other acts like a teen? And then the granny sister disappears magically into the ether and??? I just was so lost. It didn't help that there was a mix of virtual x real along with that the sisters REALLY looked alike and for the first part I thought that the silver-haired girl was just an avatar of her sister. But no... I gave it 1/3 (38 pages) before I just had to stop reading. I mean, the art is absolutely stunning and I love love the style so much. But the story is all over the place and I just don't care about the characters nor do I know what is going on, I mean at the point I ended three "bad" guys appear???????? 2 stars for the art and that it took place near a beach + that there was surfing.

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The protagonist is Sofia, who’s starts off in the real world at Red Chair beach enjoying surfing the waves. She then comes back home and walks into her sister’s room to see her sister and friends talking about a Legend the “Big Wave”.

She then heads out on her skateboard to catch some waves but unexpectedly she gets propelled into the digital world and meets creatures who are from the internet.

Her sister and friends are trying to find out how to delete her from the internet world. Will they be able to save her from herself?

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rating: 3.85
I was really confused about the storyline of the novel. But after reading it a second time I started to understand.

My favourite part of the novel were the illustrations! They were gorgeous and really made you be able to picture what was happening and to be able to picture yourself with Sofia.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced copy of this book. The artwork is hands-down gorgeous in the first volume of this new graphic novel but I feel like the story wasn't' developed enough for me to truly understand what was going on before the plot actually began.

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I loved the magic and whimsy vibes in this! The world was so captivating, Sofia was so sweet, and her adventure was a joy to read. I loved the blues throughout and the illustrations were beautiful.

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Sofia is a graphic novel that tells you story about the reality when internet becomes so full of information that there’s no more space on it. We follow sofia, someone that create a clone of herself virtually and her online avatar needs to find the ‘great wave’ to save the internet before she’s deleted from internet all at once.

The story is light and has pretty illustration on it, the plot itself were quite confusing at first because it goes straight to the problem without any prompts or opening or introduction of somewhat. But, i still enjoy it. Interesting plot too because it’s talking about ‘the internet’ and of what would happen if the internet has no more space to store data.

Thank you Netgalley, Author and Publishers for this E-ARC.

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Algorithm, virus and emoji😭✋ loved every part of this, loved the concept and the illustrations. But it was too short i want more!!!!

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I really enjoyed reading this book. The art was pretty and it gave its readers a glimpse into the world of the internet and virtuality. Especially aabout cyber security. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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I love the art in this so much but the story leaves a lot to be desired. It's been done better so many times, the mixing of internet and real life. But the art is so amazing in it and vibrant that that is the only thing I came out loving.

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The artwork for this comic was beautiful. The color palette was really aesthetically pleasing and the detail work in the art was nice!

I like the premise but the execution was a bit lacking. I understand the idea that the artist was going for but a lot of the story seemed a little too ‘on the nose’ for me. I prefer when stories have values that are more subtly woven in to the story, instead of blatantly stated by the characters.

The story also had a random continuity error with one of the characters.

I really love the art and I think this comic has the potential to really be interesting. It just didn’t quite hit the mark for me.

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Sofia is a graphic novel that takes place in a world where virtual space on the internet has suddenly become super limited. One girl, Sofia, has decided she would rather delete her social media presence and be present in real life, while her sister and her friends have decided that they would like to try to save the internet. They are waiting for a "big wave" to come, which would free up a ton of space on the internet. When Sofia tried to delete her social media presence, that part of her became sentient on the internet and is now trying to help some other social media beings find the "big wave".

Honestly I was quite confused as to what was going on. It seems like the real Sofia is helping create technology that will destroy the internet, but the virus she created looks like her sister. I'm not so sure how much either sister knows of what is going on. I also did not realize that this was going to be a series, so the graphic novel just ended suddenly with me not understanding the story. I personally wouldn't continue on with this series because I didn't really understand the plot. I think because it was so short, the author could have tried to finish the story in one book, or at least kept going until the reader was able to make more sense of what was happening.

However, I do have to say that the artwork is gorgeous. That was my favorite part of the novel, and I think the illustrator is very talented. 3/5 stars

Thank you to netgalley for providing me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Firstly I want to thank NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this graphic novel about Sofia and her adventures in the internet. The Friendship she made between the 3 other characters that saved her . Sofia is one of the few people left in the story who isn’t obsessed with the internet as she feels that having the internet makes the human connection disappear. She is then transported to the net where she needs to surf a wave . Interesting story and very beautifully drawn art , very colourful.

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