Member Reviews

This is a really interesting collection of poetic retellings, taking a look at the Greek Myths through a queer lens. There’s a lot covered here, in just a few (64, to be exact) pages, and I got through this in just an afternoon. It’s one of those books that easy enough to get swept away by, lured in by the poetic prose and the images crafted so carefully by Gold.
You can feel the intention behind every word, and the care that has gone into each poem. Some of it is definitely more intended for those very familiar with the myths Gold is using here, and I found it really interesting how most of the focus is on the afterlife element – Hades, Thanatos, etc.
It’s a beautiful collection, where each poem flows into the next, and one, I think, that’ll require a reread later down the line, which I definitely look forward to!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review of anOther Mythology. Unfortunately I did not get to this before it was archived. I'm looking forward to checking it out at my local library or independent bookstore!

It was hard to read. I almost DNFed it, and this is a 65 pages book.
The poems felt flat, and emotionless.

Maxwell I. Gold’s *anOther Mythology* is a thought-provoking exploration of myth and identity, woven with imaginative storytelling and rich, evocative prose. Gold’s innovative take on classical themes and complex character dynamics create a compelling and immersive reading experience. The novel’s fresh perspective and intricate narrative make it a standout in contemporary fiction.

This is a great collection of poetry. Any lover of mythology will find this a great read! Love the queen perspective of the writing.

Thank you to Interstellar Flight Press and Netgalley for the ebook.
I'm a Greek myth nerd, I love queer lit, and I love a good poetry collection, so I was incredibly excited to dive into this collection. Unfortunately, I struggled to finish it. It was not at all what I expected it to be -- the poetic form used was not to my taste, and I don't feel like it really added anything. Choosing Greek mythology as the mythos you decide to make more queer is also a choice, given how queer the Greek mythos already is, especially in comparison to other mythologies. I was sadly left disappointed.

thank you to netgalley and maxwell i. gold for the advanced reader copy. "anOther mythology" is a queer horror poetry retelling of well-known greek mythology. i'm always inclined to pick up retellings of greek myths, because oftentimes the author takes the alluring concepts of the myths and replaces the toxic and problematic elements from the time in which it was written. something interesting gold did is use the myths to explore his own sexuality. i could absolutely see "anOther mythology" coming to be a cult classic in the future.

Die Art und Weise, wie Gold schreibt, war fesselnd und schön; jedes der Gedichte war leicht zu lesen und zu verstehen und gleichzeitig voller Emotionen.
Ich habe diese Lektüre genossen - es war ein schnelles Buch, das man in einem Zug lesen kann und das ich gerne wieder lesen werde!

"anOther Mythology" by Maxwell I. Gold is a captivating collection of horror prose poetry that breathes new life into ancient myths from a queer perspective.
Gold's unique voice and imaginative storytelling shine through as he reimagines iconic figures such as Thanatos and Hades in a fresh and compelling way. Through his poetry, Gold seamlessly merges camp sensibility with cosmic horror, creating a mesmerising blend of beauty, blood, and wit.
Each poem in the collection is a masterful exploration of gods and monsters, weaving together elements of mythology, horror, and queer identity. Gold's prose is both evocative and thought-provoking, inviting readers into a world where familiar myths are transformed into something altogether new and haunting.
"anOther Mythology" is a poetic soap opera that delves into the depths of the human psyche, challenging readers to confront their own perceptions of identity, power, and desire. With its rich imagery and lyrical language, this collection is a must-read for anyone who enjoys poetry that pushes boundaries and explores the darker aspects of the human experience.

Glorious! Clever and queer and fun and horrifying, and clearly written with a huge amount of love for the mythology. Brilliant

I personally just did not enjoy this book. Towards the end, I found myself skimming just so I could finally finish it (because I had been reading it for months at that point and my galley was about to expire) towards the end, and I really just was not interested. This book clearly didn't stick very well for me, as I literally forgot to even include it in my monthly wrap up or any of my spreadsheets. I genuinely forgot I even read it, even though I finished it 11 days ago.
The premise of this collection had really intrigued me, but ultimately I was disappointed by the execution. There were a couple poems I did like, but for the most part I really just did not care and the way it was written did nothing for me. Could be for someone else, but definitely wasn't for me. Overall, I just feel meh about this collection.

I'm afraid I'm one of the people that this just didn't gel with. It seems to have worked for some others, so ymmv!
I received an advance copy for free from NetGalley, on the expectation that I would provide an honest review.

Hmm, this was not at all what I expected. It was a reinvention of mythology stories, however very short and in poem form.
It was not my thing.

After sitting on this read for a while, I unfortunately have to say that it's one of the few mythology reads I've disliked. This is not to say that the content doesn't have merit or that the writing is inherently bad, but the prose poetry didn't seem to do what I think the author wanted it to. As a queer person who is fairly well-versed in (especially Greek) mythology, I didn't really see how these poems were "turning traditional myth on its head" or "adding queerness to myth." I think the idea of reshaping how we view myth is an ambitious goal and it just was not achieved here. I think one would also have to subscribe to the idea that all gods, mortals, and characters in mythology are terrible, oppressive, heteronormative people and I don't believe that. Perhaps this just went over my head, and perhaps it just isn't for me, but I really wanted to love this and it fell short.
Thanks to the publisher for the e-ARC.

This collection of poetry is not quite what I expected. I see reviews raving about the depth of these poems and how beautiful they are, but I can't reconcile the retelling with the original myths. Maybe I'm just not looking deep enough or maybe I'm not familiar enough with the mythology so it's over my head. But it seemed to me to be mostly run-on sentences and random babble that required a dictionary every few words, like the author was trying way too hard to be impressive and profound. I don't consider myself to have a simple vocabulary by any means, but this just seemed overdone. A lot of things didn't make sense and I had to read them multiple times, which I suppose you're meant to do with poetry, but it just wasn't working for me. I usually enjoy the flow of poetry, but this didn't flow well. I don't know, I guess I'm in the minority here. Maybe it just wasn't for me.
Thanks anyway to Interstellar Flight Press and NetGalley for the eARC, but I won't be recommending this to anyone, unless they are queer and deeply interested in mythology.

Maxwell I. Gold has taken mythology and transformed it into something new and exciting. He takes myths that are well-known and spins them into queer, horror poetry that is terrifying, as well as it is touching.

This was a very quick, light read that took a unique turn on mythology stories. It had lyrical, beautiful writing included on every page that made the story easy to read. As someone who loves mythology and lyrical writing, this was a perfect book for me to read during the school year since it didn't take long and I was engaged the whole time. It was a nice change of pace from textbooks.

I love mythology and especially retelling in any format so I was so keen to read this and it didn't disappoint. I really enjoyed it

If you say Greek Mythology (pretty sure it wasn’t only Greek mythology though), you know I’m in, especially if it’s poetry and queer.
I enjoyed reading this, especially as it focused on many Gods that aren’t usually the focus of retellings and stories.
Often, I felt out of the loop though and found it hard to connect.
Still, overall an enjoyable read.

As someone who doesn't really read poetry, this surprised me. It was amazing and I would recommend this the everyone who liked greek myth and wants a short and fast read.