Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc of this book.

Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me at 15% because I knew by then that I couldn’t go the distance with the MC. She was immature and unintelligent. Such a shame!

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If you enjoy books featuring paranormal creatures , witches , magic , with mysteries thrown in then this light hearted book is right for you ......... make a note there are no romantic entanglements
The book needed some time to draw me in ..........but I persevered and found it enjoyable overall
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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NetGalley ARC Educator 550974

Dionne is a half long. But she's not a Fae, she's a witch and a goblin. This an amazing start to the series. It is a fast read with romance, action and mystery elements. Can't wait for part 2.

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I’m a huge fan of Paranormal Detective books and this one was great. I love the easy mystery of the book and that it wasn’t super heavy. It’s a quick and cozy read and i was able to read it over two days.
It was well written and had an easy flow. I enjoyed the Paranormal aspect of the books and all the different characters.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a great paranormal romance suspense. I could not stop reading this! It was very addictive. I really enjoyed this.
I just reviewed Witchy Way to Murder by Adrienne Blake. #WitchyWaytoMurder #NetGalley

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I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was so much fun! This was a cute, cozy mystery with ex cop and paranormal twist. Dionne is a part witch/ part goblin, Dionne can do magic and has goblin traits. As she is no longer a cop, she’s now a private investigator. The mystery kicks off after her kettle does; when she, her partner, and the shop owner are blown up while picking out a new one. I liked the plot in this a lot, and I’m wondering about book 2 now- will we find out who wanted Dionne dead or why?

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This is an odd book. I'm very much into a good paranormal procedural however this one had a few off points for me. Most of the characters talked like they were out of a film noir movie but not in a well thought out way. It just didn't feel right with a modern US city sort of vibe. There was also the fact I could tell the author was a transplant from the UK before reading the bio. The language choices like with words like rasher, lead, etc. These aren't words someone from the city portrayed in the book would speak. And while the author may indeed speak that way the main character gave no reason why she talked and thought like a Brit. Having taught English for many a year that bugged me. The plot was pretty see through and the characters were so shallowly written that I really didn't see any reason why I should root for them. All in all it was an okay book, but not one of my favorites to date.

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Nice urban fantasy. The story revolves around a half goblin/half human female PI. I enjoyed the clever female lead. Can be read as a stand alone; there is a cliff hanger but this story line is complete. Thank you to City Owl Press and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine freely given.

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This book has magic and spells galore. Main character, Dionne, is a part witch part goblin private investigator whose PI partner goes missing. She teams up with her non-magic friend, Detective Liam, to find her abducted PI business partner. They quickly dive into a whole goblin-mafia-mob-boss crime world where you don’t know who to trust.

What this book does not have is romance. Unfortunately from the blurb and since it was categorized under romance, I was expecting a paranormal romance with adventure and magic. For the HEA crowd: I would describe this as a first person single POV urban fantasy/mystery paranormal buddy cop series. There are goblins, werewolves, witches, pixies, jinns, and more magical creatures, but there is no romantic counterpart.

There were many things that confused me. I found myself wondering about the age of the Dionne, and where & when the story was set. References Dionne used did not seem 20-something because on one hand she referenced “Kelly Garrett from the original Charlie’s Angels” and Betty Crocker, and having a phone landline in her apartment, and the business having an answering service but then on the other hand she had a MacBook and mentioned taking an Uber. The story is supposed to be set in Philadelphia but the characters used phrases that sounded not-American like “who do you fancy for it?” or “now I’m having a nice cup of tea and a natter” or “popped your clogs.”

At one point Dionne thought “I didn’t bother mentioning that he was as gay as a yellow silk handkerchief” and I googled it and I still don’t get it.

You might like this if you like a new paranormal crime solving series where there is urban fantasy and mayyyybe a potential romantic interest in the far far future. Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion. I won’t be posting this to my Instagram but reviews will be on BookBub, Goodreads, and Amazon. Linktree included.

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Moderately entertaining. I felt this was very juvenile dialog and a bland storyline because of that. I was put off in the first chapter when the author mentioned numerous times she was a half goblin. The interaction with Liam was cringe worthy at best. Goblin story's are usually a favorite, but I won't move on with the next book

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I don’t know, I felt like the story was a bit flat. The characters don’t have a lot of dimension, and doesn’t really utilize the different species aspect, and introduced characters that did nothing the whole story. . Otherwise it did move the plot along and I didn’t suspect the killer but that was because the important piece of information wasn’t given until the last part of the book. I wouldn’t read it again. #WitchyWaytoMurder #NetGalley

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Philadelphia is under the rule of the Goblin mafia, and they have kidnapped Dionne's detective partner. She will have to find a way to save him with the help of her on/off flirt and also cop, Liam.

Some of it might sound a little bit corny, I still can't believe I just wrote Goblin mafia, but it actually works when you read this book. Adrienne Blake effortlessly introduces us to a new world, not so far away from ours, but where goblins and witches are a common occurrence. This literary world is close enough to ours that it's believable and we just follow along the story like everything makes total sense. Even the goblin mafia. I mean, if goblins did exist, they would organize themselves along those lines, no?

I'm giving this book 4 out of 5. It was highly entertaining, but there were some moments that were a little less onpar. For instance, Patsy annoyed me a lot, I believe she was just an amalgame of too many clichés. That being said, as a lover of cozy mystery, this hit all the boxes. It's nice to find a good one that doesn't involved baking or cats 😉

I want to thanks NetGalley for offering a free copy of the ARC in return of my honest opinion.

I will be posting this review on Amazon and Goodreads when I'm allowed and on my Instagram.

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Goblin/Witch UF x Cozy Mystery? Count me in.

This book starts with a bang, literally. When Dionne, the FMC half-goblin/half-witch, is visiting a friends store, it's attacked and she better figure out what they're looking for before they do. Along the way we meet her human friend, and current detective Liam, her witch mother, and a supernatural cast, and you better watch out for the goblin mafia.

What brought me in to reading this book was that it is a cross between Urban Fantasy/Cozy mystery, and I particularly enjoyed that we see a half-goblin/half-witch mix which is really unusual. It combines some of my favorite types of book and especially in the second half of this book it was really easy to immerse yourself in this world. There are some areas where the pacing might feel a little off, but if you stick with it to the second half it picks up.

Overall I'd rate this a 3.5/5, but I would definitely pick up the next book in the series to see what happens next

Type: Urban Fantasy/Cozy Mystery
FMC:: Dionne - half goblin/half witch partner of The Goblin Dicks Paranormal Detective Agency (WHY THIS NAME?!), ex-police
What is being solved?: 1st half of book - Why a place was ransacked, 2nd half -Why the mob boss was killed
Clear Wrap up of Mystery: Mostly, it felt like there were some loose ends, some of which would set up for a sequel
Romance: None, potentially hinted at
Would I read the next book: Yes - there is enough in here that hooked me in, and the pacing got better in the second half.
Rating: 3.5/5

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