Member Reviews

I did not originally realise that I was joining this series late, as this is the 4th book. However, it was still enjoyable and I felt I only missed out on relationship building, the story was straightforward.

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I had to dnf this one. I didn‘t know it was a part of a series and I really couldn’t get into the story. Maybe I‘ll try again at some point if I read the whole series

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dragons dragons dragons
Give me alllll the dragons.

"A mysterious sickness ravages the land, causing dragons and their riders to fall into a never-ending sleep. Cora and her dragon steed Alaric are determined to find a cure… Especially as the sickness begins to claim the lives of their fellow dragon riders."

Before even deep diving into anything else, I just wanted to say I LOVE the names Cora and Alaric. Anyway.
I had to cram to read the first 3 books before this because I hadn't realized initially that it was book 4 in the series.
As I read through the books, they just seemed to get better and better as they progressed. I love how each book ended leaving me feel hopeful for whatever would come next.

The romance aspect is a bit young for me - I don't normally read YA anymore - but I did enjoy the characters and I loved Cora's relationship with her father.
I look forward to reading books 5 and 6

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This book continues with our protagonist, Cora Hart, who is renowned as the strongest dragon rider since their near extinction over a century ago.

This fourth installment, overall, improves from the first three. I am more interested in this antagonist and their motives than I was of the previous. I believe the author handled the antagonist's show of power much better, and they actually appear to be a foreboding force for Cora and her friends. With that said, the antagonist's reveal was a bit too predictable from the unnecessary amount of foreshadowing. I also hope this character steers clear of the cliche villain who's only goal is to take over the world. However, I appreciate that the stakes are higher and the consequences more dire, which I commented that the previous books lack.

Overall, this book follows a similar format as its predecessors with some engaging turn of events here and there. The characters could still use some more depth and variety in their personalities and dialogue, and the world building would benefit from more showing than telling.

I still enjoyed the book for its fantastical themes and positive message.

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