Member Reviews

I unfortunately dnfed this title pretty early on. I could not get into the story as it felt disconnected from the first book and life is too short to read books that you don't like. Thank you for the opportunity!

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This Cursed Light is the second installment within The Last Finestra series. Just like the first one, I absolutely loved everything about Dante and Alessa. Well, when they were communicating or flirting with one another. I'll admit that if they didn't keep things secretive or hidden most of the time, they would've had less problems to solve. Especially with the whole battle hanging over their heads.

Still, I was pretty excited to finally meet more of Dante's people. The ghiotte's didn't disappoint one bit. Sure, some were a bit harder to convince that they were all on the same side. When things were finally getting better, I was really happy because it seemed like hearts were mending for everyone involved. Alessa couldn't be held accountable for how they were all treated before she became the Finestra. It just didn't make sense to me.

Other than that, I went through a mini emotional roller coaster ride towards the end of this book. I wasn't prepared for what was coming even though I had a feeling it was going to come. It was hard to accept but I was pleasantly surprised with what happened next. In the end, I'm really happy I got the chance to read this, and I can't wait for everyone else to fall in love with this series.

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While it was wonderful being back in Emily's world. I feel like this book was just meh. Everything wrapped up nicely, but it was just OK. I wouldn't NOT recommend it but I am not going nuts to recommend it.

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Thank you St. Martin's Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

There's so much I want to say about this book but need to think some more. For now, I'm just thankful I could gush over Dante and the writing directly to the author during our chat! chat! The story was sweet, amusing, vulnerable. Emily Thiede has found her flow in YA in it's amazing! I can't praise this romantic fantasy enough.

I hope more people pick up this duo, it really is a hidden gem and super underrated. Her prose and humor is the best and I had the best time watching Dante and Alessa's love bloom. I will return to update my review!

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This was a great sequel! I love these characters and this unique story and can’t wait to read more from this author.

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I did not realize that this book was a sequel. I will come back to do a proper review on this one after I read the first book.

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This one was a decent sequel to This Vicious Grace. A very atmospheric read, like the first one, but it did leave me wanting more. You go through a WILD RIDE of ups and downs as relationships crumble and thrive at times. I did prefer the first one, but still a good read to finish the series.

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{3.5 stars}

The first book of this series was pretty by the book light fantasy, I enjoyed it but wasn't wow-ed. That said, I was interested in seeing it through. I'm glad that I did. I liked Alessa a lot more than book one. There was a lot more character work than there was plot.

The ending brought this one down for me. I did not need the last chapter or epilogue. Not every book needs that kind of resolution.

Thanks to Wednesday Books for gifted access via Netgalley. All opinions above are my own.

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I will not be reviewing as SMP has failed to speak out against the racist actions of their employee.

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After saving their city from scarabei hordes, Alessa and Dante travel to search for others like him who can win the next war.

The change in setting was refreshing - seeing such a different culture in this world kept things interesting.

The dynamic between Alessa and Dante evolved nicely after the will-they-won't-they in the first book. So many times I find relationships get boring after they finally get together, but that doesn't happen here. Their banter and tension stay golden.

In this reading landscape of so many romantasy trilogies, this duology was a breath of fresh air. The story didn't need another book, and I'm glad the author brought it to a satisfying end.

We need more duologies in the world.

4/5 stars

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This series was ok for me. I did have a slightly hard time following along with this book. I think if you like a slower paced book this would be for you! I wasn't fully connected with all the new characters but this may be for you!

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This was one of my most anticipated books last year, and it did NOT disappoint! This Cursed Light by Emily Thiede is the follow up book in The Last Finestra duology. Dante and Alessa have been apart for several months while he recovers from his injuries at the end of book one, and she tours the continent seeing the damage wrought by their war. Both Alessa and Dante are battling their own inner demons and have forgotten what made them so strong in the first book: working together.

I love that this book is dual POV. While we spend a majority of time in Alessa’s, Dante’s is an added bonus. We learn so much about him, his life as a ghiotte, and the struggles he feels after the events of This Vicious Grace. Dante’s powers of healing are gone, used up in saving Alessa and then her turning around to save him from death. Death haunts his movements. Little injuries seem big to him as he copes with living a normal life. But a normal life also means giving up the person he loves.

Alessa is oblivious to Dante’s inner turmoil at first as she deals with her own. Her mind is preoccupied with all the death and destruction that occurred at the end of book one and nightmares of Dante’s death, even though he is now living and breathing next to her. Learning of his predicament is heartbreaking for her. She has been alone, no one allowed to touch her for so long, and now her powers are just as strong as before and have not disappeared as promised. How can she live with herself if she causes Dante pain?

While they both are keeping these thoughts to themselves, not sharing with each other or their friends, Alessa and Dante heed the warning both have received from the gods: a new threat is coming and if they are to stop it, they will need the help of the ghiotte. The only problem is no one has seen a ghiotte in years. They were thought extinct or exiled until Dante showed up. The plot of this story follows Alessa, Dante, and their friends as they track down the ghiotte and hopefully find a solution to Dante’s problem and by extension Alessa’s. And maybe save the realm again too.

Overall, I really loved This Cursed Light! I read it in just a few days. Alessa and Dante are fantastic MCs to follow and root for. I wanted to reach through the pages and hug them as they lived heartbreak alone, refusing to share it with each other or their friends. Miscommunication plays a big role in the conflict between them in this book, which to be honest kind of sucks considering how well they communicated and worked together in This Vicious Grace. If you are a fan of YA fantasy, I highly recommend this one. Exciting and heartbreaking with a satisfying ending!

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Thank you so much Wednesday Books/St. Martin's Publishing and Netgalley for sending me an eARC of This Cursed Light to read and review!

*3.75 stars, rounded up*

As a romance book, this book was top-tier. If you're into blushing and heart-wrenching romance, then this is the book for you. However, if you're looking for a fantasy book, this is . . . meh. While I loved the introduction of the ghiotte and the gods warring once again (though Dea and Crollo are NEVER really fleshed out, despite the world expanding), it seemed like the romance was what the story centered around rather than saving the world. While I liked the continued romance between Dante and Alessa, I missed the witt, sass, and humor that made me fall in love with them in the first book (it didn't help that they fell into my second most-hated trope: miscommunication).

That being said, as a romance lover, I enjoyed this book! I loved that it talked about many themes like the nuances of love, believing in yourself, finding who you are outside of your abilities, struggling with trauma after a life-changing event, and the importance of friendship and loyalty.

I also really liked that Thiede included Dante's POV in this (it was refreshing, and I liked to see him working through his mental/physical trauma along with Alessa after Divorando). I want to clarify, this was VERY much Dante's book.

However, as a fantasy book, this one was dull. The "villains" aren't introduced until the very end (just like in the first book) and the rest of the time, the characters are preparing for the "Final Battle" if you will. And the "Final Battle" was too short to even make me hate the villain. Additionally, the characters didn't grow; they just fell into their written roles and lacked the dimension that they had in the first book (except for Kaleb and Adrick; they grew a little).

Favorite interactions:
- Argument over who has the most tragic love story
- Groveling
- Round 1 of self-control (ft. a dagger)
- "How to be a true leader" - A TedEd by Alessa
- Lemonade war (not actual lemonade, but you'll see lol)

Favorite Quotes:
- "'Not even death can stop a guy from being a dumb*ss on occasion.'"
- "'And I finally accepted that I can't change who I am, but I can be kinder to myself and change how I feel about who I am.'"
- "'You can't be a hero without being scared. Courage doesn't mean you aren't afraid, it means you are and do it anyway.'"

One last thing, get your tissues ready y'all. One of those 4 stars is just because it made me cry.

Overall, if you liked the first book, you probably should read this to see how Alessa and Dante's story ends, BUT don't go expecting the same whirlwind romance from the first book. DO expect the lack of a true enemy until the VERY end though. That being said, I would really like to see a spin-off for Kamaria and maybe even Kaleb.

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I really enjoyed this. Not quite as much as book one but still a decent amount. I think it was the relationship between our main couple and how everyone felt so paired up. A few plot points felt too easy I think because we’re fitting a lot over a few locations and there couldn’t be too much conflict or the book would be too long.

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Alessa and Dante are back in the second half of Emily Thiede's The Last Finestra Duology.

This book picks pack up only 6 months after TVG's Diverando, and I am happy to report that we get much more from Dante in this book (from his POV *heart eyes*).

We follow Alessa, Dante, and a few of the other Fonti as they journey to find whomever may remain of Dante's people. Like the first book, this book is full of angst, cute scenes, and lovely friendships/found family (my FAV). I still love all of the characters and still swoon each time I read about Dante.

I'm so sad to leave these characters and their stories behind!

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Such a perfect ending to the series! I love that we got to see more of Dante and Alessa as they deal with the aftermath and can’t wait for more of Emily Thiede’s work!

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This book dragged a lot for me, especially in the beginning. I’m not sure there should have been a sequel, and I didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as the first which was a massive disappointment for me. I will be posting my review to good reads with my full thoughts after St Martins Press responds to the boycott. Thank you very much for the ARC.

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This was such a good wrap up to the duology.

I loved that it doesn’t have solely romantic themes but that those are centered around exploring and coping with self identity; and show strong character growth and solid development arcs.

I think I would have screamed and thrown up if what almost happened happened. But I think I would have liked that as the ending. Although I wasn’t unhappy with the ending.

I’m glad we got all of the side characters also. They’re hilarious and I’m going to need more Kaleb and Adrick and I’m so sad the duology is over.

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Yepp everything I ever wanted in the sequel to This Vicious Grace 😭 the banter and the angst were very top level and the hea was everything >>>>>

-- ty to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy!

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I would like to say that the current boycott on SMP is preventing me from leaving a review on this book on my social media pages. I would love to support Emily Thiede, so I would appreciate if SMP would speak up and address concerns so that I can rave about how much I enjoyed this book!

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