Member Reviews

"Snow Place for Murder" by Diane Kelly is the third installment in the Mountain Lodge mystery series, and I'm absolutely hooked. Building on the success of the previous book, this installment delves deeper into the captivating world of Misty and Rocky, offering readers an even more immersive experience.

The story begins with international resort developer Nigel Goodwin's arrival in Misty Murphy's quaint corner of North Carolina, setting the stage for an intriguing tale. The author does a remarkable job describing the atmosphere and the lodge itself, so vividly that I found myself almost tempted to look up reservations for the Mountaintop Lodge. The setting is so well-crafted that it becomes a character in its own right, adding to the book's charm.

Once again, the peace and tranquility are shattered when a body is discovered, and the local police enlist Misty's help to unravel the mystery. The engaging plot keeps you guessing and turning pages, eager to uncover the truth behind the murder.

One of the highlights of this series is the development of Misty and Rocky's family story. It's heartwarming to see their journey as a family coming together, and it adds depth and relatability to the characters. You can't help but root for them.

And then there's Yeti, the lovable cat with an internal monologue that not only provides comic relief but also gives us a unique perspective on the events unfolding. Yeti's chapters add an extra layer of enjoyment to the story.

I would like to express my gratitude to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with a gifted copy in exchange for my honest review. "Snow Place for Murder" is a delightful addition to the Mountain Lodge mystery series, offering a blend of mystery, family dynamics, and a touch of whimsy with Yeti. If you're a fan of cozy mysteries with engaging characters and an inviting setting, this book is a must-read.

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This book is the third book in the well-written Mountain Lodge Mystery series. It's possible to enjoy this book without reading the other two, but the first book gives the detailed backstory about main character Misty Murphy and how she first opened Mountaintop Lodge.

In addition to showing Misty's excellent sleuthing skills when a guest of the lodge is found murdered, this book also shows plenty of scenes with Misty and her family as they celebrate Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Her twin sons add humor to the story and their teasing banter with their mom is funny and realistic. Adding to the charm of this cozy mystery are the few chapters that are narrated by Misty's cat Yeti. I don't always like this type of thing, but it works well in this series and sometimes Yeti sees things going on that Misty doesn't.

I like the growing romance between Misty and Rocky, but also appreciate that Misty's and her ex-husband have remained friends. One negative to this book is there were a couple of things that came across as a little bit preachy, but overall it's a great story.

The murder investigation is interesting with plenty of people with a motive to eliminate the victim, a land developer who plans to build an upscale resort not far from Misty's lodge. Misty is able to get several important clues that help solve the case. As much as I enjoyed the investigation, it's the setting and great characters that keep me coming back to this delightful series.

I received an advance copy of this ebook at no cost from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.

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Snow Place for Murder is the 3rd Mountain Lodge Mysteries Book where Misty the owner of The Mountain Lodge will be hosting Nigel Goodwin, the porject planner for a new Resort with his investors. Things seem to be going smoothly until three of the locals come to protest the Resort! Then Niegil ends up frozen to death! Misty, Rocky, and the Highcloud and Officere Hardy must figure out who killed him before the guests decide to leave. What a great books! Lots of interaction with each of guests and great characters. I love that we even get Yedi, the cats inputs!

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This book is third in a series. I hadn’t read the other two, but I did not feel lost at all. I really enjoyed the setting. I visited the North Carolina mountains for the first time this summer and really enjoyed it. We wondered what it is like in the winter, so this was fun for me to read. Misty’s inn was described so nicely, I’d love to visit, but hold the murder while I’m there. Misty investigates the murder of a real estate developer who had booked her lodge while wooing investors. The story was a bit slow, but I did enjoy it.

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Interesting and well-written cozy mystery. Between the characters, the mystery, the twists and turns, and the descriptions of the gorgeous scenery, I was kept fully engaged and entertained from the first page until the last. Plenty of red herrings kept me guessing as to whodunit. Plus there's a cat named Yeti who gets her own chapters.
Definitely recommend.

Many thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. My thoughts and opinions are my own and without bias or favor or expectation.

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Part of series.
A good easy quick read.
Drama,suspense,mystery good characters..
Love the mountain snow setting.
Enjoyed reading. Had to read the others.

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This was another well written book in this series. It’s very descriptive, I could feel the cold. It has a nice little mystery to solve and keeps you guessing to the end.
Definitely recommend

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This was a fun and delightful cozy mystery set in the mountains of North Carolina during the holiday season. Misty Murphy, owner of the Mountaintop Lodge prides herself on fine and friendly service. She is conflicted in booking the lodge to a resort developer as he pitches his plans to a group of investors. Many of the locals are not happy about the development, but business is business. That is until the developer is found buried under a mound of snow at the bottom of the lodge's hill. That's definitely not good for business. Misty is known to the local constabulary as being observant and helpful on previous investigations and welcomes her assistance. With so many possible suspects, will the right one be found before the potential investors head homeward?

Diane Kelly has a real knack for mystery writing. Her timing is spot on and the red herrings are plentiful. Her writing is engaging and her main characters are likeable. The settings are well laid out and the characters' banter charming and oftentimes amusing. This was definitely a fun and quick read. I look forward to reading the earlier two books and future books in this series.

I am grateful to St. Martin's Press for having provided a complimentary uncorrected digital galley of this book through NetGalley. Their generosity, however, has not influenced this review - the words of which are mine alone.

Anticipated Publication Date: 10/24/2023
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
ISBN: 978-1250816016
No. of pages: 304

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This is #3 in the Mountain Lodge Mystery series, and though it was the first that I've read, I felt comfortable right from the very beginning. It has a perfect cozy wintry vibe, and an interesting mystery that kept me guessing right up until the end. I will read more from this series, both earlier and later books in the series. Looking forward to what comes next! Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the advance digital copy!

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The third book in Diane Kelly's Mountain Lodge mystery series, set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, takes place between Thanksgiving and New Years, so I'd classify it as a holiday treat. Misty Murphy, the lodge's owner, is thrilled to have all her rooms booked by a man who is pitching a new resort concept to wealthy investors. When one of the participants is found frozen to death in the snow, no one can believe it is murder at first but unfortunately it is. Misty is determined to help solve the crime before her guests leave to return to their homes.

This is a well-plotted cozy mystery, with good characterizations and a charming setting. There is enough humor mixed in to keep things light. Very enjoyable! This can definitely be read as a standalone if you are new to the series.

I received an arc of this new mystery from the author and publisher via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and the opinions expressed are my own.

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Misty Murphy is turning a new page in her life. After a recent friendly divorce, Misty has bought a lodge in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina where she lives with her cat, Yeti, and a live in handyman Rocky.

It starts with her ex-husband and college aged sons arriving for Thanksgiving. The boys are going to be coming back and spending their winter break working at the lodge. Misty will need the extra help, especially with developer Nigel Goodwin arriving with a party of potential investors in a resort he wants to build nearby. Goodwin and his party arrive but not all the residents of Beach Mountain, NC, are excited about the prospect. Several locals are quite upset about the prospect of a resort being built and ruining the landscape and being a danger to local wildlife. Nigel Goodwin is found dead under a snowbank, and it ends up not being natural causes. There is no shortage of suspects, both local and lodge guests. Misty is thrown in to sleuthing mode to find the sheriff asks for her help.

It was nice to see that Misty is an independent 50-year-old woman who is building a successful business. I also liked that her ex and her are friends and continue to share family gatherings.

I had not read the previous two installments of this series but that did not hinder my enjoyment of this book. I also have to say this is one of the best crafted mysteries I have read in a long time! I read late into the night to finish so I could find out who had killed Nigel and why.

Thank you, St. Martins, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book and give my honest opinion.

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A winter time visit to the mountains of North Carolina has me wanting to curl up by a warm fire. The murder is chilling, pun intended.
This is the third book in the Mountain Lodge mystery series. I have enjoyed each one. Snow Place for Murder takes place in ski season and we get to meet Misty’s sons. I really like Mitch and JJ.
Misty plays a big role in helping the police solve this murder. Rocky is a great support and handyman.
I encourage readers of cozy mysteries to pick up this series, it’s a new favorite for me.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Publishing Group for the opportunity to read this book.

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I really enjoyed the last in this series that I read, so I was really excited to get invited to read this one!

Misty’s idyllic lodge is once again disturbed. First by a realtor mogul’s plans to build a high luxury resort near enough to compete with Misty’s own lodge, then the death of that same mogul! With multiple secrets coming out about his business, there’s no shortage of people who wanted him out of the way.

There was a lot to like about this installment in this series. Misty’s character is once again really enjoyable to read, and I love the depth given to her relationships both romantic and familial. We get to see Misty’s healthy relationship with her ex-husband as well as the rapport she has with her sons.

But the story just loses its steam all the way throughout. With every single action Misty does described, as well as the chapters from the cat’s point of view that don’t really add anything to the story, this book was a lot of pick it up and put it back down. I’d be interested in reading the next one because I love how Kelly paints the scene, and I’m really enjoying the lack of love triangle, but they are slow paced for cozy mysteries.

Thanks NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Returning to Misty's mountain lodge was a nice stay. This mystery worked well for me. Misty is playing hostess to Nigel Goodwin and his investors. He's looking to turn some nearby land into a mega-resort complete with waterpark. Not everyone is thrilled including a local real estate person, a wildlife rehabber and avid hunter/gun nut/anger control issue dude. Even Nigel's investors don't all seem happy, like the pro hockey player there more for the free vacation than anything else.

Hoping she hasn't made an error in allowing them to book out her lodge, Misty tries to keep in the upcoming Christmas spirit with her new boyfriend and handyman Rocky and her two sons home from school and ditto Rocky's daughter.

When Nigel turns up under the sledding hill, frozen to death, the local sheriff asks for Misty's cooperation in solving the case. I like that they're friends (because adversarial law enforcement is a deal breaker for me in cozy mysteries) . Misty's involvement in this doesn't feel like overreach nor does she go around assuming people owe her explanations (because how many times have we seen that in cozies?)

I thought the red herrings were sprinkled in well and I liked the ending. Misty is a fun character as is Rocky. It's a nice setting and I enjoyed the mystery. Thank you to the publisher for making an arc available to me via Netgalley.

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The third Mountain Lodge cozy mystery finds Misty hosting a property developer and his potential clients. The property developer winds up dead and now Misty is yet again hosting suspects.

I really liked the first one in this series, but I thought this one didn't have enough sleuthing. It really felt like most of the sleuthing was in the last third, which is pretty late for a cozy. I also am still unclear about why we have chapters from Yeti the cat's perspective. It doesn't hurt anything or detract, but it doesn't really add either.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I had read one of the earlier books in the Mountain Lodge trilogy by Diane Kelly. Upon starting to read Snow Place for Murder, it's like coming back to a comfortable old friend, which is exactly the ambiance that Misty Murphy, the lodge proprietor, wants to create. Rocky and Patty round out the regulars as Brynn is off on vacation.

Nigel Goodwin books the resort to entice investors to his proposed resort in the North Carolina hills. Nigel, his wife, and the investors present a colorful array of characters with corresponding personalities. And let's not forget the town's folk too.

Toss together all of the personalities along with an inconvenient murder, and Misty is in the middle again. Yet, she maintains a sense of ... ultimate customer service despite all of the events. This is a good interesting read that will want you wanting to know more about Misty. Ms. Kelly, when will we see the next installment?

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Loved this return trip to the mountains! Misty is hosting her sons and ex husband for Thanksgiving. Rocky and his daughter, Pebble are also around the table. The paying guests arrive a week later for an investment seminar. When the leader is found frozen in the snow pile, Misty tries to figure out who wanted him dead. Well written, good mystery and an interesting ending. Yeti provides her perspective throughout th book.
I received an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for a review.

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Snow Place for Murder is the third book in the Mountain Lodge Mystery series. I enjoyed the first two in the series and the third book kept me guessing what had happened.
Misty Murphy owns Mountain Lodge in North Carolina. She has two sons who were home for their winter break. She was so glad they were there with and could enjoy the skiing but when they found a dead man in the snow things got interesting. The body was the realtor who had come to check out the area to put in a resort in the nearby area. This is not something that was wanted by people in the area.
I enjoyed this book as much as the first two. I especially like Yeti – Misty’s cat in the story! The location and all the characters were all a great fit for the story. I liked all the twists and turns – I thought I had figured out who did it, but I was wrong!
Thank you NetGalley, Diane Kelly and St. Martin's Press for the ARC of the book Snow Place for Murder. This is my personal review.

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The third book in the Mountain Lodge Mysteries did not disappoint!

Misty Murphy runs a cozy lodge in a picturesque corner of North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains. When an international developer rents out her lodge to woo investors for a huge, flashy resort in the area, controversy ensues as locals are at odds over it. Misty jumps into action when the investor is found dead, as many of the suspects are staying under her roof!

I love this series! Descriptive and atmospheric, Kelly makes me feel like I can see and feel the snow, the mountains, and every aspect of the charming world she has created!

These books have a great cast of characters, too. Misty is relatable and intelligent, and I like her a lot--a single mother to two sons, a businesswoman, and a highly competent sleuth. Misty thinks things through, which is enjoyable to read. She works alongside law enforcement, and her romance with Rocky is sweet. The secondary characters are memorable, too, and even though there are several suspects, Kelly ensures all of the characters stand out. Misty's sons are home for the Thanksgiving holidays and bring some lighthearted humor.

The mystery was fun and well-paced, with a few red herrings that kept me guessing. And the way the victim's body was discovered is a crime scene I won't soon forget! I enjoyed this! It's an entertaining, snowy, cozy mystery for your winter tbr. It works as a stand-alone, and I recommend this delightful series!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to review this ARC.

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Misty is fiftyish and has started a new life ... she recently bought a mountain lodge which she'd visited many times with her now ex-husband and their two sons and has fond memories of. Brynn is her assistant, the restaurant across the street provides a buffet breakfast in the mornings and Rocky, a local handyman, lives at the lodge and does maintenance in return for a room. Her sons have a break from college so are working at the lodge while Brynn takes some time holiday time off.

Nigel is a resort developer from England and has invited some potential investors to learn about a property in North Carolina he would like to develop. He invites them to stay nearby at Misty's mountain lodge to learn more and to get to know and enjoy the area. Though Misty is happy to lodge is filled for the week (Nigel is paying for everything), she's not sure she's happy with his plans to knock down the trees to build his resort and is concerned about what will happen to the wildlife that currently lives there. Local people aren't pleased with this either and aren't shy about letting Nigel know. So when Nigel turns up dead and the police determine it's murder, there are a number of people, both local and in his investors' group, who could have wanted him dead.

I've read many books (and series) by this author and I liked this one ... it's the third in the Mountain Lodge Mystery series. I liked the writing style. It is written in first person perspective from Misty's point of view and occasional third person perspective from Yeti, Misty's cat's point of view (the author has done this in other series ... had dogs and cats share their point of view, which as an animal lover I find cute).

It was a quick light read and is a "cozy mystery" so there is no swearing, violence or adult activity. I liked the characters and look forward to reading others in this series. And I liked that Misty is a more mature age (so closer to mine) than a younger woman.

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