Member Reviews

This was cute, but unfortunately, I don't think it's all that memorable.

I liked the characters and the different representation we get, with a deeper look on how some cultures can affect how children are raised. I liked the banter between the leads, and I could genuinely feel they hated each other, yet slowly fell in love.

The pacing, however, was a little off. It was all good and fine until the last quarter, when everything neatly fell into place. It read like crossing things off a checklist - Toggle (check), Nami's mom (check), the main couple (check), etc. And I get it - Toggle is family, Nami has no other friends outside of it, and so on and so forth. It's constantly brought up and after a while it just felt repetitive and too much.

Sometimes, the book felt like it was trying to be serious and then shifting into something lighthearted, but there wasn't much of a transition so it went from serious conversation A to kind of weird, "funny" moment B. I still don't get the point of Chair Gate and - maybe because it's not really my humor - didn't quite care for the last couple of chapters. Plus, Nami's whole personality is developed on her Hall Monitor job in high school. First of all, what high school had a hall monitor? It's mentioned she volunteered for the job but does that mean she created a whole new job for herself? And throughout the book, this volunteer work she did in high school is used as her defining character trait: Hall Monitor Nami, no fun, stick-in-the-mud Hall Monitor.

The Takeover was an okay read, and I'm glad to have read it.

thank you Netgalley for the free ARC

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I was not able to finish the book and therefore do not feel that I can give an unbiased review about the book, its plot, characters, or the author's work. I might revisit this book at a later time and finish it then, but not right now.

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This book is the perfect friends to lovers story, Nami is a workaholic who loves her company and wants nothing more than to save her “family” from going under. Although the company doesn’t appear to have another way out Nami is hoping to find a way to save them. Enter Jae, the valedictorian who made Nami’s high school experience a nightmare. Jae and Nami are no strangers to battle each other however this is not what Nami expected. She wants to save her company but is Jae the only person who can help? Nami isn’t willing to give up her life long battle with Jae so easily. Will Jae be enough to save her company? Will Nami be able to able to find a way to work with Jae or will it be too late to rewrite the past?

I absolutely loved this book! It has a little bit of everything, enemies to lovers, forced proximity and I love the modern aspect of the tech company. It is easy to read and even easier to fall in love with. I blew through this book because I just couldn’t put it down. Also I could not get over the office chair being taken for ransom and the ramen eating scene. I reread that chapter twice because it was so believable and I loved how relatable the characters were. Highly recommend, I’ll be buying the authors other books!

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Pick this one up when you are craving an early 2000s rom com fix! I mean this in the best way possible know exactly what you're getting, you'll leave happy and satisfied and you'll laugh along the way!

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3.5 stars = I liked it. I thought that The Takeover was a fun enemies to lovers romance. There's aways a fine line with enemies to lovers - the rivalry can't get too nasty or it doesn't work for me. Here, I liked the transition from enemies to 'more' began when the couple was forced to pair up for tennis and used all the competiveness cooperatively, instead of against each other. I also liked the tech elements of the story - though I can't believe it took me so long to clue into the fact that the leading man's company Rainforest was a stand in for Amazon - the author had to hit me over the head with a shipping box. I really liked the winning solution to the no win scenario for the leading lady's company and that the gray leading man does actually find his soul by the end.

ARC courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley. Expected publication January 30, 2024. This is an unpaid review

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This read like any of your favorite rom-coms. Cara did a great job of intertwining laughter with her angsty story. Loved the banter and dialogue between all characters. You can feel the family love and how each of the sister's plays there role in the family, loved that the secondary characters found their footing and made their way. Great, fun, and quick read!

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I was privileged to receive this book to read through NetGalley and it may be my most favorite book so far. I was so vested in this book from the get go, Nami and Jae are both Asian (so am I!) and it centers around Nami’s company she started, Toggle, and their families. I loved all the characters, especially the people who work at Toggle, even more the Toggle Chat and the chair adventures! I couldn’t stop smiling and giggling throughout and I devoured the book in 2 days (only because I work and have a 16 year old learning to drive, otherwise I probably could’ve read it in one sitting). A fun must read! Stay away from Hot Ramen!

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I was so excited to read this one, but I felt let down by what to me seems like too much emphasis on the company culture. It’s all such obvious stand-ins for Amazon, etc. that it’s actually distracting, and I felt like I couldn’t get to know the characters.

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I like it! Didn't blow my mind but it was a fun time.

The only trouble I had with this book was that I felt like they suddenly were in love. The transition was not smooth but aside from that Jae and Nami were nice to read.

Also, love the workers and that office is my dream workplace.

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Just what I needed, a cute Rom-Com set in the tech industry. This was a fun read, but I think it bogged down a little bit because it was a little too much enemies and not enough lovers, in my opinion. Jae was just a little too extra with this cockiness and attitude, and Nani was just a little too flowers, rainbows, and "I'm not a regular boss. I'm a cool boss". I would definitely recommend this to my friends because I know a lot of them are going to love it when it comes out.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me to read this in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this book even more than I thought i would! I was looking for a fun, quick easy read and this was a great find! I was drawn in easily by the characters, a cute enemies to lovers romance where high school rivals meet up years later. Insert insanely hot ramen, and maybe feelings can change.. Cute, fun read. Definitely recommend!

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I thought the cover was really cute and like when rom-com protagonists are in their 30s or 40s, so I was pretty excited about this book and it didn't completely let me down. It was awesome for a quick romance read, and I got through it quickly. I liked the characters and enjoyed the plot.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with an eARC of The Takeover in exchange for my honest review!

Enemies-to-lovers is one of my favorite romance tropes, so I was all for this book right from the start. Nami and Jae share banter that offers up a good amount of sharp humor, which kept things lighthearted, even during the relatively solemn beats. I'll admit that I don't think some of the drama is necessary, e.g. the material involving Nami's well-intentioned and overbearing mom, but I still had fun with the rest of the narrative. I was definitely skeptical at first in regard to how I'd feel toward Jae and his choice to take on a ruthless job for an Amazon-esque company. But his morally gray character ends up being a compelling and likable type who we can get onboard for when it comes to his and the workaholic Nami's love story. The office setting that it takes place in and the narrative's critique of greedy corporations are neat, too.

Overall, I'm officially rating The Takeover 3.25 out of 5 stars, which I'm rounding down to 3 stars. If you're looking for a solidly touching and funny romance read, you could go and pick this.

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A cute tech-y enemies-to-lovers romance. Fun side characters too! I loved the banter between the main characters.

I received an ARC from Netgalley and the publisher!

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Thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for an E-Copy of The Takeover by Cara Tanamachi in exchange of an honest review.

"The Takeover by Cara Tanamachi is a captivating and delightful romance that will have you hooked from the first page. This book seamlessly combines great banter, a rivals-to-lovers trope, and engaging storytelling to create an immersive reading experience. The chemistry between the two main characters, with their intense competition and undeniable attraction, is palpable and keeps you invested in their journey. What sets this book apart is the depth and complexity of the story beyond just the romance. Cara Tanamachi brilliantly explores family dynamics, offering a realistic and nuanced portrayal of relationships. The workplace setting in the tech industry adds an intriguing backdrop and a refreshing element to the story. The side characters are well-developed and add depth to the narrative, making you invested in their outcomes. I highly recommend The Takeover to anyone who enjoys the rivals-to-lovers trope, clever dialogue, dual point of view storytelling, authentic family dynamics, and a captivating workplace setting."

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I absolutely loved 'The Takeover' by Cara Tanamachi. The story unfolds in a delightful clash of wits and hearts as Nami and Jae, former academic rivals, find themselves embroiled in a battle of a different kind. Nami, facing a life that hasn't quite gone according to plan, is fiercely protective of her tech company, Toggle, and wary of the impending takeover that threatens it. Jae, her old high school nemesis, reenters her life as an unexpected adversary, reigniting old rivalries and sparking an irresistible chemistry.

Tanamachi's writing captures the essence of their dynamic, infusing it with playful banter that is genuinely enjoyable to read. The employees at Toggle add another layer of charm, injecting humor and camaraderie into the narrative, especially with their amusing antics involving an office chair.

The exploration of jealousy, growth, and self-discovery is expertly woven into the plot, making the characters relatable and endearing. Nami's journey, her frustrations, and her internal battles create a character arc that resonates, showcasing the author's skill in character development.

In 'The Takeover,' Tanamachi creates a narrative that's engaging and heartwarming, proving that sometimes, what you think you hate can surprise you in the most unexpected ways. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a contemporary romance with a dash of rivalry, a sprinkle of humor, and a whole lot of heart.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. Overall I enjoyed this rivals-to-lovers romance. Nami and Jae had believable chemistry and funny banter. This is more me than the book but there were definitely some references to pop culture events/things that went over my head (I am also not as knowledgeable about Star Wars and Star Trek).

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This was a hilarious and fun rom-com! I loved Jae and Namy’s love-hate chemistry, and loved that it was such a long-standing feud (not feud). They were absolutely perfect complements to each other.

As someone peripheral to startup world in a niche industry, the corporate buyout component of this book was all too familiar. I loved seeing it come together from both sides, and loved the end result.

Highly recommend if you’re looking for an enemies-to-lovers rom-com. This one left me equal parts cracking up and grinning.

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's press for the ARC!

Overall an okay read. A little frustrating that the author has set up the third act conflict at the 50% mark, so the reader is just waiting the whole second half of the book for the other shoe to drop. An understandable third act conflict, but frustrating nonetheless.

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This book was so delightful! Nami and Jae were academic rivals in high school and the two haven’t seen each other in years. Until one day, Jae says he’ll be seeing her soon. Turns out, he works for a big business corporation (*coughAmazoncough*) and handles acquisitions of smaller businesses. Nami loves her company Toggle and doesn’t want it to be sold.

These two had some serious chemistry. The banter was so fun to read, and it wasn’t annoying like I’ve read in some other books. I especially enjoyed the various employees at Toggle and their antics involving an office chair.

Thanks as always to NetGalley for the ARC.

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