Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book.

Our heroine, Emily, take she sister's place as a governess, intending to steal from her wealthy employers and leave as soon as possible. However, things soon get complicated.

I enjoyed that the children Emily is charged with taking care of are older and have defined personalities. I find that often young children are written so saccharinely sweet that it puts me off, but Aster and Grace were fully realized and interesting as foils for Emily's relationship with her own sister.

The dialogue and Emily's commentary and observations were sharp and funny. I thought it was refreshing that both male and female leads were "grumpy." I would have liked to see more interaction between them, however, to show the development of the relationship. The third act conclusion felt a bit chaotic and rushed.

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I love Croucher’s previous titles, Reputation was an excellent debut but Trouble by Lex Croucher is a really wonderful story.
Trouble is an expertly written regency novel. The gripping plot makes you feel so invested in the characters, along with their struggles and adventures. The sense of humour used is dry and witty and provided so many laugh out loud moments for me.
The writing style was great. The author did a superb job creating a funny, witty and entertaining characters. Lex Croucher has once again delivered a wonderfully enjoyable period piece story! I really loved this one and loved Emily and Captain Edwards as a pair.
A regency-era romantic comedy with a delightful feminist and queer twist

I would like to thank NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book the characters were lively and original, and I love the direction each of their stories took them. It was comfortingly predictable but also had some great twists.

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Lex Croucher is to me what Emily Henry is to the rest of society.
I will read anything and everything she writes. I will sell my children that don’t exist for an early copy of her next book. I love her more than I love anything else in this world

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Trouble by Lex Croucher is an exuberant Regency-era friends-to-lovers romance brimming with zany wit, infectious joie de vivre, and a distinctive literary flair.

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Rating: 5 Stars
Release Date: March 5, 2024

I want, need and will read anything by the incredibly witty Lex Croucher. They are one of the best authors I have read and will read anything they write. I devoured this book and loved it. Trouble is a book that makes you chuckle and smile, which I found hard to put down. If I could, I'd give this book six stars just for making me laugh so hard I snorted tea out of my nose (not recommended, by the way).

Lex's unique voice shines through from the very first page, like that one friend who always has the perfect comeback in every situation. The protagonist, Emily, is the epitome of a lovable mess, you can't help but root for her as she stumbles through life making some of the worst decisions a person could make. Lex has crafted a character who feels like your long-lost, chaotic BFF, and you'll want to join her on her adventures (and misadventures) every step of the way.

Trouble isn't just a laugh-a-minute romp; it's also a heartfelt exploration of friendship, family, and the chaos that comes with life in the Regency era. Lex weaves deeper themes of loss, being accepted for who you and class disparities seamlessly into the narrative, adding layers of emotion to the story without ever losing that infectious humor.

🌶️ Spice Meter 🌶️ : 2 out of 5 Peppers

Final Thoughts: Trouble was the light-hearted romp I needed. I would recommend this to anyone who loves regency-romcom and needs a kick in the pants to get out of that reading slump. Yes, I'm talking about you, the person reading this review right now. You're in Trouble!

TW: Chronic illness, Homophobia, Death of parent, Ableism, Cursing, Grief, Outing, Vomit

Disclaimer: Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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Trouble is the first MF romance pairing from Lex Croucher, and I felt that the romance wasn't as strong as her other books. While I liked the characters, I didn't see why they liked each other. However, I still enjoyed Croucher's signature humor and the ensemble of interesting side-characters.
“Of course, I could not ask you to do so without compensation. I have . . . hmmm. Three shillings and some lint. I am partial to the lint, but the three shillings are yours.”

Finally, I've noticed her writing has become much stronger since her debut in 2021.
"Amy’s limbs were starting to look like birds’ legs, startlingly thin and not at all plausible as a means for staying upright. She shivered on summer days and wore her veins like blue lace at the surface of her skin."

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When I found out I had access to this arc, I can't stress enough how quickly I downloaded my copy. Lex Croucher is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors, and Trouble is just the latest reason why, YES!, we can have it all in a Regency novel.

This novel is basically The Sound of Music with a refreshingly feminist, queer take. It has all the Regency vibes you love, with plenty of angst, a found family that is oh so endearing, and so much love and humor woven throughout. I think what makes this novel, and all of Croucher's work, stand out is that it's like a comforting escape that still feels so real, earnest, and grounded with a lot of heart.

As a side-note: those who like a lot of spice are not going to get a ton of it here, but there is plenty of tension that keeps you glued to each page. I consumed this is just a couple of days.

All in all, this may be my favorite of Croucher's yet, but I can't tell if it's because I just have a soft spot for a SoM retelling, or if Croucher just simply gets better with every book they write! I think it's probably a mix of both - it's a 5 star read for me!

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God, Lex Croucher kills it again. Beautiful storytelling, laugh out loud funny moments, and the dynamic characters that I've come to expect and am never disappointed by. Will def be recommending to friends on release!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

Another entertaining Regency-esque romance from Lex Croucher. I absolutely love this series and this newest book did not disappoint.
When her sister Amy falls ill, Emily has no choice but to take her place and become the governess at Fairmont House in order to earn an income for her family. However, unlike Amy, Emily does not like children, has no training whatsoever, and tends to get irritated very easily..! But she is committed to her role and needs to play her part to support her family. Her objective is to get in, earn money, maybe steal a thing or two, and return home with her winnings. However, this becomes increasingly difficult as she grows closer to the children, the staff, and even the widowed Captain Edwards.

This was such a fun and unusual read! Captain Edwards and Emily are both very grumpy individuals, set in their ways, who warm up to each other and to life as they grow closer together. As always, the side characters are hilarious and a great addition to the story. This book features both BIPOC. LGBTQ+, and chronic illness representation.

I definitely recommend this book to fans of The Nanny, She's The Man, and Bridgerton!

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I always enjoy reading a Regency-era romantic comedy from Lex Croucher. Each story has worked with the genre and the time-period. I enjoyed getting into Trouble and thought it worked well. I enjoyed the characters and thought they were perfectly written. I’m excited to read more from Lex Croucher.

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Another stunning book from Lex Croucher! I would read anything and everything by Croucher. This book, like their other books, is heartfelt, emotionally wrenching, laugh out loud funny, and exquisitely written. The characters are relatable, interesting, engaging, and so easy to care about.

Trouble is a Regency-era take on the Sound of Music, except this version of Maria doesn't like kids. Or employers. Or people in general. The book draws you in and keeps your attention as the story progresses. The characters are well-rounded, three-dimensional, live and breathe on the page. The themes of social status, class, disability, chronic illness, and queerness are all touched upon with seriousness and respect, with no shying away from the realities that are encountered by the individuals with regard to those themes.

Emily is such a splendid character. She's grumpy and hard edged, deceitful and determined. She does her best to resist letting anyone get to close, letting anyone affect her or derail her from her purpose, which is to do everything in her power to help her beloved sister Amy.

Captain Edwards is a man of few words, brooding and distant. His children both have their own secrets and their own ways of coping with them, ones that Emily would like to ignore but can't quite manage to.

And the servants-each one unique and interesting in their own right-well, they're bound and determined to be a family, no matter what Emily and the Captain think about that.

This book feels like is like. a warm hug--the kind of hug you think you don't need, certainly would never ask for, and don't let yourself long for--and it hugs you anyway. And you've never savored a hug more.

Highly recommended. A must read.

my thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC. This is my unbiased review.

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I was thrilled to once again be sent an ARC of Lex Croucher's latest novel. They are an author with a seemingly inexhaustible imagination and this is yet another example, though, admittedly, not one that I entirely got on with. I definitely saw its nods to The Sound of Music, though Emily is certainly no Maria von Trapp. In fact, as a teacher who was never particularly outspoken or tomboyish (for lack of a better term), I couldn't really connect much to Emily, admirable though her motivations may be. The plot took many twists and turns, but they all seemed wrapped up unrealistically quickly. I did like the way the LGBTQ+ elements were incorporated into and handled within the plot. A warning to some readers: this book (I think) was a little bit spicier than their others (though certainly written well), in case that matters to you. Croucher's hallmark pithy wit is also present in every single sentence, though it leaves little room for historical accuracy in language and certain dress customs or mannerisms. Overall, a fun escapist read and I look forward to seeing what they write next.

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Are you a fan of the Sound of Music!? I am and I ate this up! This is probably my favorite Croucher novel I’ve read and I truly think she’s improving with every book she writes. The characters are delightfully queer but if you’ve read Lex Croucher before, this should not surprise you. I love when I love the side characters as much as the main characters and I just loved everyone in this book! This is turning more into a rave rather than a review but I enjoyed this reading experience so much I truly can’t contain myself! If you love queer regency romances with charming children and the Sound of Music you will definitely enjoy this novel. Highly recommend!

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Another Lex Croucher historical romance that is really charming. It's humorous and cute with characters representing a range of queer identities, this series should be on everyone book shelves.Trouble was the light-hearted romp that I was desperately needing in my life. I am excited to read Croucher's next book.

A special thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press & Wednesday Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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when I say I FLEW through this book. It came to me at just the right time -- when I really needed a pallet cleanser/fun read. Lex Croucher always delivers and I get so excited whenever a new book comes out!! This one gave me hints of Jane Eyre but with a much better household and romance you actually hope pans out. Definitely recommend!

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I got this ARC from @stmartinspress and @smpromance. I want to read anything and everything by @lexcanroar ! I loved, loved, loved Infamous and Reputation. So needless to say, I was pumped for this. And this hit the spot. I loved Emily and the Captain. I loved the whole found family in the household. Cannot say enough good things.

Reading one of Croucher’s books is like reading a warm hug. This publishes in 2024 and I can’t wait to own my physical copy.

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The worst thing about reading a really good book is that sometimes it’s hard to know when to start when talking about it. This is one of those cases– this book is not only by my favorite romance author, but it’s based on my favorite childhood movie– the Sound of Music (yes, I would sit down for three hours to watch this movie about once a week from the age of four to the age of eight– it’s also the reason I learned how to work a DVD player).
This book, a Regency-era, queerer spin on the story, takes place in England, and also has a much more diverse cast of characters. I loved everything about this book, most of all the characters, who were all very well-rounded and very distinct in terms of personality, as well as very lovable and fun to read about, even if some of them considered themselves or each other unlikeable or terrible. The found family was certainly found-familying, even if our main character wanted them to or not.
The way that queerness is talked about in the book also deserves to be talked about, because it is taken seriously without really changing the tone of the book itself too much.
Overall, I would just say to read this book if you can, it drove me insane in a good way that I did not know historical romcoms were capable of.
Also one of the characters is literally me. Like name and everything. Some of the particular relatable traits are spoilers for the book itself, so I am not going to share, but I did relate so much that I cried a little bit. For the same exact reason I cried over a different Regency-era romance novel literally last week. I am very mentally stable

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