Member Reviews

WOW, what a read! The plot was intense, powerful and thrilling and held me captive all the way through! The characters fairly leaped off the page, and the tension was palpable. If you are looking for a twisted read that you just CAN’T put down, then this is DEFINITELY the book for you!

*I received a complimentary ARC of this book in order to read and provide a voluntary, unbiased and honest review, should I choose to do so.

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Where do I start with this franchise? Well, how about we start with one of the greatest Irish detectives of all time is back. That's right, DS Jack Body is back with a vengeance. This time, he is out to stop a bunch of bank robbers or thieves, or murderers. Literally take your pick.

Let's start with what you are not going to like, shall we? Most people don't like cookie cutter books and this is as smooth as a cookie cutter book gets. There are bad guys, there are good guys chasing bad guys, and then there are the twists and turns to get you to one of the greatest chapters of all time, but we will get to that chapter in a moment. The problem people will have is that it all feels too familiar until it gets to that brilliant chapter. If they may have sprinkled that chapter throughout the book, it would feel completely different and I am on the fence of how I would feel about that.

Now, if you are okay with cookie cutter books and cop procedurals, then this book will be for you. It builds a massive world that comes to the edge when you reach the massive second or third last chapter. In that chapter, we get everything you want or need from a book of this magnitude. We get violence, rape, bad guys caught, good guys somewhat happy and some character growth that will set up more of this franchise to come, I hope. Honestly, every new writer should just read that chapter because that is what you want to be able to do in everything you write. Draw you in and drop the reader's jaw.

Overall, you are going to love this book and will not be let down by some potholes because it may be talked about in books to come. At least I hope so.

Happy reading, but remember to stay out of trouble!

Love Always Chris Humphrey.

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Really engrossing, thrilling read which I recommend to anyone who loves this genre. Really great new author for me to add to my must reads.

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Another excellent novel set in Dublin and featuring Detective Jack Brody. Well plotted, twisty, fast paced, and gripping.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Thank you to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for an advance copy of Bad Blood, the fourth novel to feature DS Jack Brody of An Gárda Síochána’s Major Crimes Unit.
I really enjoyed this book, it is fast moving and easy to pick up even though I haven’t read the first three books in the series.
I will be reading the next ones.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. I found this book to be very fast paced and I will be tracking down the other books in this series to read.

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This is the fourth book in the series featuring Detective Jack Brody but the first one I have read. Murder, robbery and plenty of twists, make this an exciting read. The guilty party is revealed quite early on in the book, so the main focus of the police operation is the apprehension of the perpetrator. I liked the character of Jack Brody but felt the supporting characters weren't that well defined. It was an interesting and original plot but there were some points that weren't fully explained, and felt like loose ends.
Overall this is an entertaining and well-paced read.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Inkubator Books for an advance copy of Bad Blood, the fourth novel to feature DS Jack Brody of An Gárda Síochána’s Major Crimes Unit.

A woman is found shot to death in a Dublin Hotel room. It is an unusual killing so the team consult Interpol and find five similar killings have happened in major European cities and coincidentally or not major bank heists have occurred a few days later. Brody is now trying to prevent a heist and perhaps catch a killer.

I thoroughly enjoyed Bad Blood, which is an exciting tale of murder and mayhem with more than one twist. It is told mostly from Jack’s point of view, with the killer giving his side of the story at strategic moments. This latter has both positives and negatives with the positives being an explanation of the heist methodology while the negatives are exposure to his character and muddled thinking around his personal life, which is a cesspit of deviancy.

I’ll be upfront and say that I do not think that this is the best novel in the series. It is still an attention holding read with good twists and an interesting premise, but it seems to lack a vital clarity, gets bogged down by internal politics and there is no clear explanation about how the gang know where the money is when the police don’t. I also think that the ending is a bit farcical although it probably fits the killer’s personality.

Jack Brody is a very likeable protagonist. He is dedicated to his work and sees further than most of his superiors, but labels him anti-authoritarian, when really it’s all about him not rating their decision making. This is on full display in this novel, and once again he is proved correct. At the same time he’s having problems in his personal life and the novel ends with a bombshell. What’s next for the intrepid Jack?

Bad Blood is a good read that I can recommend.

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This series, featuring Dublin based Detective Jack Brody, just keeps improving. The developing characterisation is excellent and the plotting is very good. Jack has no care for internal politics and is very driven in his search for a murderer. It's a fast paced thriller with plenty action right to the last page. I would recommend the series to fans of the genre. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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Bad Blood is the fourth novel featuring Dublin based detective Jack Brody - and is the best yet. The dedicated detective is an intriguing lead character, driven and resourceful, and contemptuous of police politics and those at the top of his organisation who play it.

This novel starts with a murder in an upmarket Dublin hotel. The clues lead Brody and his team to believe there are international links to the crime - and that another, much larger, crime is coming soon. But can they stop it? Brody is chasing a difficult opponent - cunning and amoral, perhaps even psychotic.

There are moments of violence and darkness in this novel, but also real character development and hope. The ending is a difficult one for a member of Brody's team - and he receives some personal news at the climax that leaves the reader longing for book five.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. I finished it in a day but I needed a couple of days to decide if I even liked it. The story has so much potential, but to me, it fell flat.

While reading there were many times I had to stop and check to make sure I didn't accidentally go back several chapters - the scenes were identical. It was confusing and unoriginal. I could skip those scenes and feel like I didn't miss a thing since I had already read scenes similar in the previous chapters.

As a reader, I found the usage of Irish slang detracted from my overall reading experience. While I don't advocate for its complete removal, I would suggest using it more sparingly. Removing it entirely would diminish the already limited character personalities, but for those unfamiliar with Irish slang (like myself), it can be perplexing to grasp the intended meaning of their conversations.

In the book, there were numerous scenes and characters that seemed unnecessary and served no purpose for the overall story. Two blaring examples that come to mind are the journalist from a previous book and the boxing scenes.

The journalist had no purpose to be in the novel - her POV scenes were all about how she wants to get back into the "journaling game" and how she is constantly following Jack to get "the big story". Her brief backstory was she took a sabbatical after her terrifying experience at the hands of a serial killer (this happens in one of the previous 3 books). She had zero use or relevancy until the VERY end of the novel where she tells Jack where the bad guy took his coworker. THAT'S IT. Anybody on the scene could have told Jack where his coworker was taken, it didn't need to be the journalist.

The boxing scenes I feel were word filler so the author could have a long enough novel. The scenes were mostly showing this white power racist kid that he's not better than the black athlete. The racist kid had to end up hiding rocks in his boxing gloves so his punches would hurt more. The two scenes were to show people that we're not better than anybody else and that most kids are a product of their environments. Once again these had NOTHING to do with the overall plot.

What I did like about this book were the scenes from the killer's POV. In the beginning you think he's a fairly normal criminal, a little weird, but not strange. The farther along in the novel, the more unhinged his scenes become.

One aspect of the book that I truly enjoyed were the scenes from the killer's point of view. Initially, he appeared to be a somewhat ordinary criminal, albeit with some peculiarities. However, as the story progressed, his perspectives grew increasingly unhinged and unsettling, which to me, is the only reason this novel didn't get below a 2-star review.

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Great book! A bit of gore to it but still a great book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action packed, intrigue, a great bank robbery, murder, mystery, lots of blood shed, a great who done it and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle! I definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me

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