Member Reviews

This was such a fun read! Three investigators open an office together. They take on an unsolved disappearance, which leads to lots if twists and turns. The different personalities of each are great and make for an interesting book. An NYPD detective is watching them, and it may be that some are against them. The chapters are short, which always makes for a quick read, and I can’t wait for everyone to read this and find out if they solve the case!
Thanks, Little Brown, for the free book! #JamesPattersonStreetTeam

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I think this was one of the most surprisingly fun reads I have come across. I enjoyed pretty much everything about this book. The characters were quirky and unique. The plots (yes plots) in the book had me turning the pages faster than usual. Overall, this was a very enjoyable read. I hope this is the beginning of a series!

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Holmes, Marple, & Poe are high profile PIs with the characteristics of their namesakes. They are complex, smart, and funny. The book moves quickly and the cases may overlap, but James Patterson and Brian Sitts have created an amazing read. Our team of three solve a series of seemingly impossible crimes which expose the dark underbelly of the city. They are being watched closely by NYPD detective. Helene Grey. They also seem to have made some enemies along the way.

I cannot wait until the 2nd book - I love this new series. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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This was such a fun read!! I love having this trio together and seeing how their different detective styles and backgrounds came together.

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What can I say!! Probably the best Patterson book in the last few years. I can't wait for the next book

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The fast pace and the overlapping cases was intriguing and fun. The author kept true to the foible’s and strengths of the original characters.

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The newest investigators in town are Brendan Holmes, Margaret Marple and Auguste Poe. Where have they come from and are they really related to the famous ancestors they claim? Regardless of their back story, they are effective and solve cases that have the police running circles.

Currently, they have three cases they are working. One is a locked room mystery where rare books were stolen somehow. Another is a kidnapping case where a young girl and her stepfather have been taken and there is a ransom demand. A third case starts when they uncover a mass grave under the subway system that has scores of young women's bodies. Can they solve the cases?

This is the start of a fun series. Poe is a womanizer who loves cars. Miss Marple has a checkered history and many secrets while Holmes is a computer hacker whose penchant for drugs can place any investigation in peril. The three live together and work together and solve the cases they are given. This book is recommended for mystery readers.

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I thought this was really well written and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future. I think it will find readers at our library, so we will definitely be purchasing for the collection.

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Gretchen, real estate agent is trying to unload a residential building when three people walked in. Auguste Poe, Margaret Marple & Brendan Holmes.
I loved all the cases with their twists and turns. I loved Margaret Marple and all her idiosyncrasies. I loved Poe’s relationship with Helene Grey. Mr. Patterson is a master of surprises and twists.
I can't wait to read book 2

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With twists I wasn't expecting, inside jokes between some of the most recognized names in thriller history, and some of the best banter in the industry, Patterson has knocked it out of the park again. 10 out of 5 stars. Highly recommend!

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For someone who is a big old-time fan of the classical celebrities in the genre of detective fiction, this was a gem- a sweet melancholic surprise to meet these incredible characters reimagined. To see them in a different light altered by time and perspectives on life.

The plot lines were good, multiple and tangles.

The writing is a great comfort zone prose for me who loves a great tangled mystery woven in between interlaced characters studies.
I LOVED Grey and Poe. They were my favorite plot twist in this story.

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I have always enjoyed James Patterson book and this book is no exception. From the beginning it captured my attention and i love the idea of combining three great detectives into one book.

I feel like the combo made the Holmes we know and love a little more relatable, though these are supposed to be descendants from the sounds of it. I always enjoy the short chapters as they make the 100 something chapters go by very quickly.

I definitely think if you’re having trouble getting into it or pushing through, keep pushing because the end is worth it.

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I didnt get a chance to leave a full review before the publication date, however I did read this one and gave it 4 stars

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Holmes, Marple and Poe , by James Patterson and Brian Sites, is the first novel in what appears to be a new series coming from these authors. The new PI firm of Holmes, Marple and Poe has just opened for business in New York City. Their new headquarters is housed in what used to be an old bakery and next door to a now closed tattoo shop. Let the mischief begin as the team of three sets about solving crimes from art theft to kidnapping to murder (both new and decades old).

This quick easy read is fast paced with fun characters and entertaining plots, a mystery that is not too dark and heavy. Very little is known about the past lives of the three main characters leaving room for further character development in future novels. I have read several Patterson novels including the Women's Murder Club series and would definitely continue with Holmes, Marple and Poe if more is to come.

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I am, in general, a James Patterson fan. This book about three mysterious PIs was good, but not great, and there are other novels by Patterson I enjoy more.

My largest hangup with this one is that there was too much going on. They end up working on four different cases in this one book, and I found myself occasionally getting lost in how many characters there were. As the reader, we also don’t get to know any of the three main characters very well.

This one was fine. Fans of Patterson will get something out of it.

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Holmes, Marple, & Poe is the tale of three private investigators looking into some high profile cases. Told from all three perspectives (each with their own backstory). Multiple mysteries were solved and they were expertly woven together. I think this was just a really great read and is set up for the perfect sequel. Recommended.

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It has been so long since I've picked up a James Patterson book and this felt like coming home. One of my all time favorite stories is Sherlock Holmes and all its media adaptations. I just knew this one would be one of a kind. I was pulled into this story from the first chapter. The suspense and mystery just had me having a hard time putting the book down. I was standing at my stove cooking, brushing my teeth and taking every spare moment at work with this book stuck to my face. I loved the trio and the adventure they went on throughout the book. One of the main characters having a drug addiction was fascinating. I need to know more about the secretive past and how these 3 individuals seem to have popped out of thin air. I cannot wait for future installments of this.

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I like the concept of these characters meeting and coming together to solve crimes and start their own business. The setting was great, it felt like it was missing that “attention grabber” piece to make it a page turner. A solid read.

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This is absolutely one of the best series lines that James Patterson has started. I was absolutely captivated by this story. I loved this book and read it very quickly. 5 out of 5 stars!
I just reviewed Holmes, Marple & Poe by James Patterson; Brian Sitts. #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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I LOVED THIS BOOK! What a trio! Interesting characters, suspenseful plot, and so much fun! I cannot wait to read upcoming titles in this series. A definite read for mystery lovers.

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