Member Reviews

This second chance romance was one that I felt could have been better. The story just lacked to grip me as a readers. I think that it was just trying too hard to mesh with certain readers. And that made the story just kind of meh.

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Hannah Tate, Beyond repair was a fun read. This second chance romance with the added touch of finding your place again and prioritizing your happiness. Hannah Tate was in a horrible relationship with a man child who she always gave way too much credit too. So when the the man child/ also baby daddy did not propose to her, and breaks up with her.

She moves out of her apartment with her little one to be closer to her mom and step dad, it was the best decision. She meets River, their neighbor. who likes her for who she is. In the end she found her own, this was a laugh out loud and sweet romance.

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This was a really fun book! I pretty much knew from the first page that I was going to enjoy the writing style. The characters were really well developed, the plot was paced perfectly, and the romance was swoon-worthy. The humour sprinkled throughout the book to was *chefs kiss*, this had me cackling: 'We are in a client-contractor relationship now, and I want him to respect me. But I also want him to think I'm hot. Respectfully.' The only 'issue' of sorts I had with this book, which isn't really an issue at all, was how cringey the 'Big Daddy' and 'G-Ma' thing was. It gave me wicked second-hand embarrassment every time I came across it. But each to their own, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but people might find the quirkiness cute - I just found it a little TOO quirky. But overall, I really enjoyed this book and definitely would consider picking it up in-store, and picking up any others I come across by this author. And I would 100% recommend this book, if someone is looking for something and I think this would be right up their alley.
Thankyou to Netgalley & the publisher for supplying me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions in this review are my own.

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This book would be great for those that aren't looking for a romance... it was way too light on the romance given the synopsis and the cover. I was disappointed in that. However, the plot was interesting and fun to read. Lots of great character development.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
This was a great romance.

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More general fiction than typical romance book, Hannah Tate & the romance plot weren’t particularly memorable for me, unfortunately.

It’s an enjoyable story about a single mum forging a new path, but the romance fell a bit flat & I was hoping for a bit more depth from the small town, home renovation/ new business plot.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Hannah and Killian just had a baby, when he asks her out for a romantic dinner Hannah knows he is going to propose, mainly because she found the ring.
But instead of asking her to marry him, he breaks up with her.
Moving home with her mom and step dad Hannah takes on the task of redecorating their cabin with the help of the handyman next door.

I found Hannah to be very immature, Killian was not a good partner, but I didn't think Hannah was all that great either.
And the Handyman River was all kinds of unavailable.
This is the kind of book couple that I am convinced breaks up a few chapters after the book ends.

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Cute, but forgettable. I actually think it would have been a better story if the third-act break-up had stayed a break-up. The FMC and MMC were sweet characters, but I think this would have been better if it wasn't a romance. Hannah's growth might have felt more complete. The AirBnB drama was pretty entertaining.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an eARC.

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Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, wie ich dieses Buch bewerten soll, da ich es aufgrund relativ kurzer Ausleihdauer (ohne Verlängerung) nicht lesen konnte.

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This book was such an interesting experience because it managed to be completely ridiculous yet extremely relatable at the same time.

The story follows a 30-ish year old woman named Hannah who is struggling to put her life back together after her boyfriend unexpectedly breaks up with her at what she thought was her proposal dinner. Freshly fired from her job and left without a place to stay, Hannah packs her bags and moves in with her parents. Can she find romance again with the boy next door?

Judging by how much I died laughing at certain parts of this story, I don’t think it’s a book meant to be taken too seriously. Some of the scenes are so completely absurd that you can help but look around like, “is anyone else seeing this??”. I even showed a particularly hilarious excerpt of the book to my fiancé because I needed someone to experience it with me.

That being said, Laura Piper Lee still managed to touch on some topics that are real issues for a lot of people, including child neglect, emotional abuse, pregnancy complications, homophobia, and workplace trauma. Both Hannah and her love interest, River, have faced many hard trials in their lives, and they’ve been deeply affected by them, for better and for worse. Watching these two struggle to figure out what’s best for them was a wild ride, but it was also an enjoyable one.

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I feel like this book wanted to be so many things it ended up being none of them. There was just to much going on from co-parenting to an Airbnb fraud uncover, while trying to set up a romantic relationship between the characters.

Marketed as a rom-com while touching on topics that would've fit better as a literary fiction like being a single mom, finding your own way after being with someone for so long, and while I liked that premise what I didn't like was the romance in itself.

The MMC felt flat and not really developed, he was like an adult Tarzan that didn't want to compromise in anything, the FMC was the one that did most of the things to make the relationship work, and it felt forced. They didn't have anything in common and the chemistry was barely there.

Other thing that bothered me was that the FMC, a grown adult called her mother G-Ma and stepfather Big Daddy which was so cringy and anticlimactic when some serious stuff was going on, and that made me not able to take the characters seriously.

What I enjoyed was the secondary character's dynamics, I loved reading about their sapphic romance and their struggles; and wish that instead we could get a book about them. Which is why even though I didn't enjoy this book as I hoped I would, I am excited for the author's next book which is being marketed as a sapphic romance.

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Did not read.
Unfortunately, I did not research this book enough before requesting a copy of it.
This is not my kind of book, and I could not even bring myself to start it.
However, I have agreed to give an honest review and therefore rank it neutrally as it is not the book or the authors fault but my own.
It’s just not for me.

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So, here's the thing: I am, at my heart, 100% a mood reader. That means that if a book doesn't strike the right chord from the get go, I'll usually end up putting it to the side. Unfortunately, in this case, that also meant it took me a good 6 tries (spanning actual months) before I could really delve into this story. There was just something about the first chapter or chapters that didn't seem to work for me - and I couldn't quite make myself push through it either.
Once I did, though - well, I finished this book within the span of hours. As soon as Hannah goes to meet up with her best friends, the author seemed to really have got going: the narration flowed better, the dialogue became so much more interesting, and most of all: the plot hit its stride. From the representation (so easy, so natural - almost as if, shocker - people of all preferences, sizes and backgrounds exist!) to the actual growth all of the characters went through: Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair gave me that feel-good, happy-yet-believable-ending that I absolutely needed from it!

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Hannah is a new mom and she is very relatable. She is not perfect, but fun and would do anything for her son. She talks about getting dressed up and how she is late for everything. There were so many moments throughout the book that I laughed out loud. When Killian tells her that he just wants to co-parent and co-live together, I was so glad that she left. She goes back to her parents and wants to help them get their vacation property fixed. Her parents help her take care of her son. I felt this as I went through something very similar.
When her friends come to visit and they see the scary decor, I laughed out loud again. I could literally envision the scene in my head. She meets the neighbor and ends up hiring him to help with the renovations. Hannah gets signed up for classes and she is trying to better her life.
You pull for her throughout the book and when Killian comes to his senses, she is faced with more decisions. The characters, good and bad, help her find herself.
The last few chapters were my favorite. When you get to the chaos of the Santa and his helpers, you will laugh. I could literally see so many parts of this book, as if I were there. My boyfriend kept looking at me and asking what was so funny.
I will be recommending this book for my library and for my patrons that love the fun romance books!

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I wasn't sure I was going to like this book because I felt what happened to the heroine wasn't something I could believe. But...having said that, she redeemed herself and gave us a sweet romantic second chance romance.

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While I'm not sure this belongs in the romance genre (I think it's more general fiction) I enjoyed it even though it wasn't what I expected picking it up. Overall, this was very cute and deals with a lot of relatable issues related to motherhood, breakups, coparenting, etc.

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Overall this was a very lighthearted, cute romance read. Some parts were predictable but it didn’t take away from the story. I love seeing strong character development in books & this one was full of it. I never wanted her to get back with Killian but I loved how good he became with her & Bowie. At times I didn’t really understand the feelings between Hannah & River, it felt like so much so fast & like I was missing parts. Also the way River is so disconnected from everything got frustrating very fast & because of this I was never really rooting for them to be together. I really liked most of the side characters & they added so much to the story. Except Madison, I couldn’t stand her as soon as she showed up. I did enjoy this book & would read more of this authors work.

Thank you to Netgalley & Berkley Publising Group for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Super cute! I loved the set up and the way the characters slowly started to open up to each other and reveal their true selves. I enjoyed the laugh out loud moments and was rooting for the romance right away! This is fun and swoony and will appeal to a large audience.

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I felt like this story was more women's literature than a true contemporary romance. As a mother myself, I am all about empowerment as a mother but I wanted more about their romance. I think this book is great however for a quick, small-town romance for lovers of HGTV and for those who want a burly, carpenter to swoon after. Thank you to the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review!

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