Member Reviews

This was fine! I wasn’t ever really invested and didn’t connect with the characters at all. Maybe that is because I have never been a mom or in Hannah’s situations for me to relate to. The writing was good, I enjoyed the jokes and laughs. But it just wasn’t for me. There was also definitely an over-use of the phrase “big daddy” that I could have gone without.

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This is a good book. The two main characters are Hannah and River. Hannah has just had a baby boy with her boyfriend, Who breaks up with her. She moves in with her mother and stepfather up in North Georgia. She meets River who is her parents’ next door neighbor. They each have issues it together they work them out and fall in love.

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Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair is such a wonderful book. First of all, it's so genuinely funny. I laughed out loud multiple times at Hannah's internal narrative and her interactions with her incredible family. I also found the themes of motherhood and identity relatable and compelling, and the romance was delightfully swoonworthy -- River is a treehouse-dwelling, man bun-wearing hunk with a heart of gold. Love it!

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A completely fun, fresh take on single parent rom-coms. I adored the Hannah and the realistic depiction of motherhood. This book reminded me of a rom-com version of Finley Donovan, which I love!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Union Square Press for the eARC!

I absolutely adored and devoured Hannah’s story. This book has it all: an endearing FMC who goes on a journey of emotional growth, fun humor and a delightful cast of characters, queer representation, and an insanely hot male love interest and spicy scenes!

This was relatable, hilarious, romantic, and goofy, an instant five star read for me. I cannot wait to see what the author puts out next! Go read this!

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I went into this book blind. I knew it was a home reno romance based on the cover, but that was all. And y'all, it was SO good! I loved seeing how Hannah slowly changed and realized who she was as a mom, a daughter, a friend, and a significant other. This story leaned a little women's lit, but I love that aspect in the romances I read!

Thanks to NetGalley, laura Piper Lee, and Union Square for this ARC

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Sensible Hannah is the ultimate responsibility sponge. Now, she’s moving home with a new baby and a broken heart. What she needs is a shoulder to cry on and a hug, instead, she gets to tackle a huge project. Ding! Ding! Instant relatability.

The cast of characters include an imperfect but sweet household of Hannah, her mom, and stepdad. The challenges they face are well portrayed and I soon found myself invested in their story. Mattie and Kiki enter as Hannah’s friends who are fun but flawed themselves. Adding another layer to the story is River, the contractor hired to save the day.

While there is romance, I would not label it as spicy. I feel it’s more of a relatable and heartwarming women's fiction book with a touch of romance. Watching Hannah find her way, grow, and create a life for her and her son while navigating challenging relationships kept me turning the pages. I’m impressed with the work of debut author, Laura Piper Lee and look forward to her next project.

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I really enjoyed this book! While reading it I realized that you don't often have a romance featuring a single mom of a baby, so that was really interesting to read. I thought Hannah's character was fun and she seemed very real. I felt that I could've used a bit more information on her relationship with her parents, because while I understood a bit about the tension with her mom, I didn't get the full scope of it. I kind of felt the same about River. I feel like his past was summed up once or twice and then forgotten, and I needed a little more to understand what compels a grown man to live in a treehouse. I'll also admit that it took me a little while to get used to Hannah always referring to her mother as "Mama", but I guess that it's typical for that part of the country. I loved the cast of characters, everyone was very unique and fun (and devious, in some cases). Thank you to NetGalley and Union Square & Co. for this ARC!

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Hannah Tate had some charming moments and I certainly felt for her, especially at the beginning of the book, but she was a little too much of a mess for me. I do think other readers will probably enjoy this one, but it just wasn’t for me.

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"Hannah Tate: Beyond Repair" had me hooked initially, but unfortunately, it became a Did Not Finish (DNF) for around 50%. The storyline lost its grip, and I found it challenging to stay engaged. However, the saving grace was the fantastic narration by Kelli Tager. The narrator's performance was captivating and added a layer of enjoyment, even though the story didn't resonate with me. Sometimes, a great narrator can significantly impact the overall reading experience.

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I'm a sucker for renovation mixed with romance and Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair did both perfectly. When Hannah and the father of her baby break up, she moves back in with her parents and helps them to redo their vacation rental cottage with the help of her new neighbor River. Hannah transforms the cabin from a horror movie setting to an adorable getaway and, along the way, changes her own attitude about love, family and what matters most.

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I really enjoyed this debut novel by Laura Piper Lee. She did a lovely job of capturing the difficulty of being a new, first-time mom with all the stress and insecurities that go along with it. Hannah, our "hot-mess" main character is struggling to get through each day and her unsupportive and critical boyfriend isn't helping her. She thinks he's planning to propose but it's just the opposite. When she finally realizes that their relationship has hit a dead-end, she packs up and moves to Blue Ridge, Georgia where her mother and step-father are to figure out her next move.

In Blue Ridge, Hannah is able to help with a remodeling project to get a rental up and going for her parents to help bring additional rental income in for them. Along the way, she meets their neighbor, River who lives in a high-level tree house on the property next to their's. He's not only handsome but extremely helpful and nice. Of course there is chemistry between him and Hannah because it's a romance so of course there is.

As I read this book, there were so many times where's Hannah's inner dialogue made me laugh out loud. There were also times that her feelings broke my heart. The things that had occurred in her past were painful for her and clearly had an impact on her ability to trust in relationships.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The audiobook was enjoyable with narration that truly felt like it properly depicted the characters. 4 stars

Overall, this is a well written book with solid character development from start to finish. My thanks to NetGalley for early copies of both the ebook and audiobook.

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Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair is a tale of betrayal, rediscovery and resolution. It follows Hannah, a new mother who is faced with being a single mother when her supposed partner ends up being a massive a**hole and leaves her in the lurch. He is the epitome of a bad human. Left with no other options, Hannah and baby Bowie move back with her mother and stepfather to regroup and figure out what she’s doing now she’s single and without a job after her boss tried to get her back to work in the middle of her maternity leave. As a way of finding herself, Hannah works on renovating a cabin to use as an Airbnb with the help of local recluse and mystery man River.
I think this book would have been better if it focused on Hannah solely. Her journey as a new, single mother navigating co-parenting etc, building a healthy relationship with her parents and generally just settling into her new life. I think the romance with River was unnecessary due to her complex life situation. It didn’t fit well.
It was a bit corny having to refer to her stepfather as Big Daddy and generally a few things that made me cringe. This would have been better as solely a women’s fiction or a romance with her character settled as a single mother.
Thank you for the eARC!

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This book is such a wonderfully entertaining read that also makes you think about how you treat others and they treat you in return. Tucked into this romcom is also a story of finding your own voice, loving yourself and standing up for what you believe rather than settling to be someone else's second best choice. I resonated with this so strongly. The characters are unique and quirky while being completely believable. I cannot recommend this book enough!

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From the beginning I was in love with Hannah Tate. As someone who feels like her life is slightly out of control, I emphasized with Hannah. With her feeling like somewhere along the way things ended up somewhere else. That her life had changed into something she never expected. So it was a love affair with Hannah In Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair we immediately are on her side as she has to figure out who she will be in the ashes of what she thought.

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Hannah Tate is not your usual main character which caught my eye. For one she is a baby mama but also the title tells you a lot but don't let that fool you.

I loved Hannah and was routing for her throughout the book and when she first met River I was praying to the Gods of Romance that this would have a happy ending i even was tempted to get down on my knees and pray but i can't.

Oh boy did this book make me laugh but also made me sob my little heart out too and Laura sure knows how to give me all them feels.

Then you have the amazing side characters which really make this book something special as well as the way Blue Ridge where Hannah moved to felt like a main character too.

For all the above reasons Hannah Tate Beyond Repair gets 4 Stars

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From the very beginning, I empathize with the character of Hannah. After having two children, essentially back-to-back, I felt overwhelmed, drained, and that I was no longer anything but “mommy”. Basic hygiene and self-care went out the window to make sure my kids were fed, happy, and healthy. Not to mention all the stress/anxiety and mom-guilt worrying if I was doing everything right.

I like the relationship that develops between Hannah & River. It isn’t perfect, but good communication and a little self-discovery make it work. I also enjoyed the familial relationship with her mom/stepdad and how it was repaired with a little understanding.

I may or may not have teared up at a certain point while reading this book…. 4.5 stars.

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I’m thrilled to be part of the release celebration for HANNAH TATE, BEYOND REPAIR by LAURA PIPER LEE! This was exactly the kind of romance that I enjoy - funny and warm, while also swoony and sexy.

Hannah is on maternity leave and coping with all the indignities of motherhood. She and baby Bowie live with her boyfriend Killian, who swoops in after work to coo at his kid before leaving again to perform with his band. Hannah is a mess - but no more than any other new mom - and shrinks under Killian’s critical eye. When they go out for a much needed date night, Hannah thinks Killian is going to propose. But instead of asking for her hand in marriage, he proposes “conscious co-parenting” where they are no longer romantic but still living together as a family.

Hannah furiously refuses this role as live-in nanny to her child. She leaves Atlanta and joins her mother and stepfather in Blue Ridge. And it’s there her new life begins.

Here’s what I loved about this book:
🐻Big-hearted characters
🐻Motherhood as a beginning, not an end goal
🐻Sexy man who lives in a treehouse and is skilled with his hands
🐻Lots of swoony, flirty, sexual tension
🐻Hannah’s constant witty asides
🐻LGBTQ+ rep
🐻”Y’all lesbians?…Y’all like ham?”
🐻Set in Atlanta and Blue Ridge, GA

If you are a fan of rom coms, character growth, well-developed supporting characters, and spicy scenes that don’t overwhelm the plot, this book was written for you!

Thank you to Union Square and NetGalley for this ARC.

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Sometimes my experience with a book is more about expectation than it is about the actual book. That is, I went into Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair - excited about a romance. What I found - was basically women's fiction. I lost patience SO quickly because I was dialed in for swoons and butterflies, but it was more about Hannah's personal journey through motherhood, failed relationship, and personal growth.

If I had gone into it expecting this, I likely would have been more patient with it (although, truth-be-told, I probably wouldn't have picked it up at all, because I am decidedly not in my women's fiction era). Unfortunately, I found myself not connecting with the story, impatient for the romance, and honestly - not really liking any of the characters.

In the end, this was a DNF for me at 20%.

I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to read and review! Unfortunately, this one just didn't work for me.

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4.5 stars! I finished this book a couple weeks ago and am still thinking about it. Hannah Tate is supposed to be a hot mess, but to me she was just very relatable. No one has their life together 100% and it can be a struggle. Watching Hannah learn how to stand up for herself and go after the things she wants made for many "yes, girl!" moments.

This did read more of a women's fiction novel instead of a romance, though there is romance and a (spicy!) love story.

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