Member Reviews

I recently read "The Adopted Daughter" by JJ Burgess, and I must say, it was an enjoyable thrill ride.
The story starts innocently enough with Alice and Richard's dream of sailing the Mediterranean. But then, Sally, who claims to be Richard's daughter, arrives, and that's when things take an unexpected turn. The mystery and twists in this book kept me engaged throughout. While I guessed one plot twist early on, the story had so many more to offer, and it kept me engaged through to the end.
The bummer for me was that the ending was such a let down after all the anticipation and build up. Still,, "The Adopted Daughter" is a solid 4-star read. Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to read and review this ARC

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Who is Sally, she says she is Richard’s daughter so
Richards wife Alice has no choice but to be welcoming.
Alice becomes unsettled when a number of strange incidents occur
And is left wondering who really is Sally and what does she want.
I took this book on holiday with me and it was a perfect holiday read.
Lots of mystery and twists.
Brilliant read.

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I really enjoyed reading this book, quick and easy read, perfect for by the pool on holiday.
It pulled me in straight away. I did guess one of the big plot twists fairly early, but there were so many more that it kept me engaged and absorbed in the book.
I've given it 4 stars, as part of the book repeats the story from another POV, but it also does literally repeat text for a big chunk.
Overall a good read, and really liked the ending.

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The Adopted Daughter was really good until I felt like the story started over. I got confused with the introduction of a character a little over halfway through the book; I could have sworn that character had already been in the story. Maybe time jumped around and I didn’t realize it. I was pleased with the ending, however. 3 stars

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A really grreat read from an author relatively unknown to me. It kept my interest and had plenty of twists and turns which kep the pages turning. I'd defintely recommend this one!

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An absolutely brilliant page turner that will have you completely engrossed. Full of twists and turns! Would totally recommend

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She says she's his daughter, but what does she really want?

Not what you'd expect from the beginning chapters of this book. Throughout this saga with Richard, Alice and Sally, you'll come to love some and hate others. Richard will remind you of a common garden slithering snake. Alice, though sweet, is not to be undone. And Sally? Let's jist say, you'll form your own opinion. Correct or incorrect? Interesting to find out where your gut feeling takes you with this one. Strong storyline with intriguing twists until you get to the end and feel a tad let down after all that anticipation that's built up! I cast really say much more without revealing spoilers but a solid 4 out of 5 star read and another great book from JJ Burgess! There were definitely nights I read until I fell asleep, book in hand and I promise you will too! Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read and review this ARC!

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She says she’s his daughter. But what does she really want?

Wellll...this is NOT the Bristol Lizzie Lane writes But boy, is it ever entertaining?!

Alice and Richard have been happily together for the past twenty years and are about to embark on their dream to sail around the Mediterranean for the next few years. They both took early retirement from their jobs at Bristol University and have just celebrated Richard's leaving do. With just over a week before they are due to leave, the couple are counting down until their new lives begin.

The following morning, as the couple are packing the doorbell rings, presenting a young woman named Sally who purports to be Richard's daughter from a fling he had with a previous lab assistant. Alice is immediately suspicious particularly when Richard uncovers some disturbing information about Sally. And the more she digs, the more unsettled she becomes. Because what she uncovers she would never have imagined happening in her wildest dreams. Who is Sally and what does she really want with them?

I really can't say much more without revealing spoilers but one thing is for certain - Richard is hiding a lot of secrets but Alice is not to be outdone either. It soon becomes clear about halfway through the direction the story is taking and where each person's loyalties lay. Part two is a little repetitive in its retelling of the same scenarios but through slightly different eyes...and it is very revealing.

It's hard to review this book...seriously. Let's just say it's a little less to do about an adopted daughter than we all first thought, and more about...well, I'll leave you to discover what. But you will totally love to hate Richard. The guy is a snake. And Alice? Well, she was a surprise and she will have you cheering her on as she learns to sail and uncovers the truth about Sally and thensome. I was totally invested in where this tale was going. I wanted to see Alice sail into the sunset and reach the Mediterranean. And I couldn't wait to see how it all unfolded.

But...and it is a big but. The ending. It just sort of petered out. The last two chapters (when I look back on it) just felt like fillers, fluffed out to make the word count. I felt a little deflated by the ending and it's for that reason I've totally dropped a star from my rating because aside from that, up until the end, it was totally going to be a 5 star read. But I was disappointed by the ending. Still, it was a good solid and entertaining ride that was fast paced throughout.

I would like to thank #JJBurgess, #Netgalley, #InkubatorBooks and #ZoolooTours for an ARC of #TheAdoptedDaughter in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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Bedtime? What’s a bedtime? Stayed up sooooo late reading this because it was just that good I could NOT put it down! It was thrilling, have you on the edge of your seat fantastic! The author JJ Burgess. Pure genius. The way he tied everything up and had no loose ends by the end was phenomenal. I always forget how much I love these kinds of books until I find one as good as this and it all comes rushing back! The Adopted Daughter was amazing! I received this ARC from NetGalley and am leaving my honest opinion and feedback!

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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This had me shooooook!! It was absolutely not what I was expecting from the premise and it took me on such a wild ride. Just nothing was what I expected and it went in such an unexpected direction. Even if you think the premise is similar to something you've read before, still pick this one up bevause I guarantee you have never read this plot before and will be amazed! The characters were well fleshed out and original and the plot moved forward at a good pace. I literally couldn't out it down

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I really enjoyed this book! The ending was very surprising and unexpected. I really enjoyed how unique this story is and that it didn't end the way I thought it would. 10/10 highly recommend! Special Thank You to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The Adopted Daughter, by J.J. Burgess

This was an enjoyable read. It’s not really about an adopted daughter, that is just a small part of the story. It mainly focuses on a retiring university professor, Richard, who has a gambling addiction which has caused him to go to any length to get his hands of money. He is a selfish and nasty character, especially when it comes to his partner of 20 years, Alice.

I felt that more character development was needed. I didn’t care for horrible Richard, weak Alice, or whiny Sally at all and the repetition of the exact wording from part one in the latter half of the book, with a few words changed to reflect the POV of someone else, was boring; I think I get what the author was trying to achieve here, but it needed something more, so that it wasn’t almost a copy and paste exercise.

The plot itself was good with a clever twist and Alice became more likeable towards the end, when she showed that she did have some grit and determination.

3 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, JJ Burgess and Inkubator for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Professor Richard Barnes, 56, is retiring from Bristol University yet feels as though he is being forced out. He and his partner, Alice, 46, have been working toward and planning to sail around the Mediterranean on their boat.

One morning, a young woman shows at their door calling herself Sally and saying she is Richard’s daughter. It seems that 25 years ago, Richard and Sally’s mother, Julie Long, had a relationship that resulted in a pregnancy. However, Sally ended up being adopted.

But read on and you will find a horrendous plot that will totally blow your mind. I thought this would be a mild book but it knocked my socks off and I could not put it down. What an evil plan. This is a book that will take the reader on a wild ride while chewing their fingernails. Cannot give out many other clues because that would lead to major spoilers. Suffice to say, this is a book you do not want to miss! Enjoy!\

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I enjoyed this book immensely. It was hard for me to put it down at times. It was a bit redundant and when it was it was confusing. There were lots of plot twists and turns which kept me guessing.
Not the best book I have ever read but I loved the characters and the storyline.

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I really enjoyed this book! The characters were well developed and the story was engaging. I recommend that others try this book as well. Well done!

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I found The Adopted Daughter to be just an OK read. It was a little drawn out and predictable in places and it didn't really hold my interest. I finished it as I don't give up on books but it just really wasn't my cup of tea.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ARC.

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I did enjoy this book although I found the first half a bit hit and miss, part II was a totally different story and I flew through it. So glad I persevered and a great ending.
Many thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC

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Alice and Richard have been together for 25 years and out of the blue, a woman named Sally shows up at their doorstep claiming to be Richard’s daughter from a relationship he had before Alice. The couple is about to leave their loved ones and their town to sail in their new boat for months to celebrate Richard retiring and Alice already being retired. You may think you know how this book will end… but the twists and turns will surprise you!

The Adopted Daughter was told in two point of views by the main characters Richard (first half) and Alice (second half). The book begins with a very fast-paced prologue that hooked my interest from page one. I appreciated J.J. Burgess’ writing each chapter with a bit of a cliff hanger as it kept me very engaged in the book. Alice’s character development was refreshing to read as she gained so much confidence throughout the book. Part of the second half of the book was redundant, but the information was needed for J.J. Burgess to share Alice’s point of view. Overall, I was invested in the plot and the characters and recommend anyone who likes books with lots of twists and turns to read The Adopted Daughter. Thank you NetGalley and Inkubator for the opportunity to read an advanced reader copy of The Adopted Daughter in exchange for my honest review!

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Reading this book was like riding the tilt-a-whirl at the county fair! I never knew what direction I was going to turn next. The description of the plot is very deceptive as it turned into so much more.
I knew Richard was a major scumbag after a few pages. I called him every name in the book and a few new names.
Alice isn’t as gullible and dense as Richard thinks she is.
And there’s one very pissed off Russian named Igor.
I cussed. I laughed and sucked my breath in a few times. I would have changed what Happens to Richard at the end, however.
A know what not to expect sort of read.

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