Member Reviews

These Gone to the Dogs Mysteries are so good and I’ve enjoyed several. New Lease On Life by Kathleen Y’Barbo was an excellent read zeroing in on MWD ( Military Working Dogs) in one lost pup that Vet Lane nicknamed Pal. He and his girlfriend Nora believe he was trained in explosives. Nora’s newly acquired building next door to her restaurant blows up and starts a fire, all during a tornado. Now everyone’s on alert. What will happen next and where does Pal come from? The search for his owner takes them in all directions and then a second explosion in another location adds to the mystery. The author took me on a long mysterious ride where there were surprises galore. I love it when I’m totally shocked with the outcome of these mysteries and this one did that! The characters were delightful and fun to be “around”. A great story and author.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through Celebrate Lit but was not required to write a review.

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“New Leash on Life” has intertwined narratives of Nora and Lane’s developing romance and a small-town mystery set against the backdrop of threatening weather and strange crimes.

The characters are well-rounded, and the author’s descriptive writing put me right into the setting, from Nora’s bustling restaurant to the charming portrayal of animal rescue efforts. The focus on Lane and Nora’s relationship dynamics overshadows the cozy mystery aspect a bit—at least compared to the other books I’ve read in this series. That’s not a bad thing though…just different.

I like that Lane’s PTSD is addressed, giving the story depth and believability, and I understood why he’d feel the way he did about himself. That doesn’t mean I didn’t get a bit frustrated by him. I connected with Nora and her frustrations as well.

Overall, this fast read offers an enjoyable blend of mystery, romance, humor, and an unwavering love for animals. Pal the dog was a standout character, and I enjoyed the witty details and heartwarming ending.

First Line: The sun had just dipped behind the collection of buildings that made up the downtown district of Brenham, Texas.
Series: Gone to the Dogs book 6
Genre: Cozy Animal Mystery
Author: Kathleen Y’Barbo
Page Count: 256

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine.

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I have been enjoying this whole series, Gone to the Dogs Mysteries, but this one just might be my favorite yet. Nora already has her man, Lane, as they have been dating for a while. Unfortunately, it has been a while and Nora is ready to move on to the next logical step. Lane loves her, or at least that is what he says, he is just a little too busy and not good at keeping his promises. However, since it has been a while, Nora has been slowly moving on. Buying up some property and opening a restaurant and making other plans. If she can't have her dream of a family of her own right now, she will have her dream of her business. She has already broken up with Lane in her mind if not in her heart, she just needs to tell him.

Lane does love Nora very much and he wants to marry her. But he feels he is damaged goods with his PTSD. He is even too ashamed to tell her. So, he buries himself in his work and research all the while knowing that he is disappointing and hurting the woman he loves.

Then the town of Brenham gets really busy. First with a tornado that drops down with enough damage to keep everyone busy, but also with some suspicious fires. Nora's new shop is the target of that fire. What is going on for she would really like to get back to her property and cleaning it up.

This story had a lot of twists and turns and a dog and cat that show up unannounced. Who they are and where they are from adds to the mystery. I really liked Nora and her longsuffering with Lane. I completely understood how her patience was wearing thin with him. Lane was a good guy and I liked him, I just wanted him to open his eyes and see not only what he was missing out on but what he was making Nora miss out on too. The tornado thread really got to me too, especially since my town experienced one this summer for the first time ever!

I was provided a copy of this novel from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

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New Leash On Life
Gone To The Dogs, Book #6
Kathleen Y’Barbo
5 Stars


How Is a Missing Military Working Dog Related to Two Local Fires?

Snuggle with your trusty hound and settle into a small-town mystery in book 6 of the Gone to the Dogs series.

Air Force veteran Dr. Lane Bishop and Nora Hernandez’s romance has cooled. He is busy working as a researcher at the vet school, and she’s busy with her restaurant and opening an antique shop. What Lane hasn’t told her is his PTSD, which manifests mostly with nightmares, makes him believe he’s damaged goods. But that is about to change when he meets a stray pup that acts a lot like a military working dog.

When a tornado hits Brenham, there is damage in the downtown area and a fire is ignited in Nora’s new store. A Belgian Malinois dog is seen at the fire and later Lane sees him at a wedding venue where an explosion occurs. Not long after, a second explosion rocks Brenham and sends Nora and Lane on a hunt for the person responsible. Will the pair find the guilty party before more damage is done to the city’s landmarks? And will Lane find the words to tell Nora how much he loves her before it’s too late?

Gone to the Dogs series:
Book 1 - Off the Chain by Janice Thompson
Book 2 - Dog Days of Summer by Kathleen Y'Barbo
Book 3 - Barking Up the Wrong Tree by Janice Thompson
Book 4 - The Bark of Zorro by Kathleen Y’Barbo
Book 5 - Every Dog Has His Day by Janice Thompson
Book 6 - New Leash on Life by Kathleen Y’Barbo (Amazon)


The characters are well rounded and well developed. Nora and Lane are a couple but things have cooled down quite a bit. Nora is busy with her restaurant and her new store. When there is a tornado that hits Brenham, Nora and her friends have their hands full. When a lost dog is found running around, the gang has to catch him. When the dog gets attached to Lane and helps him with a problem he has, the rescuers want him to be Lane’s dog. They will have to solve the mystery of the dog and who is setting off explosions.

The author is very talented in her descriptive writing and these descriptions pulled me into the story from the very beginning. Whether I was reading about the animals or Nora’s restaurant I could picture it in my mind’s eye. The mystery was well plotted and there were enough clues to sift through and suspect to consider.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a mystery that has a lot of animals. This is a great mystery and I am looking forward to reading more.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, Barbour Publishing, and NetGalley, which I greatly appreciate.

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I loved this delightful cozy mystery and its series! Most of the friends are co-workers at Lone Star Veterinary Clinic in Brenham, Texas, and affiliated with Second Chance Dog Rescue. Mari and Parker, vet techs at Lone Star and now married, had worked together to start Mari’s dog rescue. Most of the main characters are Christians.

Nora co-owns a building with her best friend, Cassidy, the office manager at Lone Star. Nora’s restaurant is on the street level and Cassidy lives upstairs. Nora just bought the store next door and was deciding how to best use it. After escrow closed, she found a sweet orange tabby cat inside who wanted to go home with her. At first, she wanted to find the owner, and within a very short time, she was so attached that she hoped no owner came forward!

Nora and Lane have been dating for several years. Lane is a veterinarian and a veterinary researcher. He loves it, but working very long hours in another town keeps them apart. Nora does not know why Lane has not yet proposed. Lane has something going on he will not talk about, even with Nora. She is ready to break up with him. They love each other, but his absences and seeming unwillingness to commit are too frustrating.

One night when he was in town, a huge dog ran past them into the woods. It looked like a Belgian Malinois, a breed often used in the military. That night, a tornado tore through the town. The upstairs apartment in the building Nora just bought was on fire, thought to have been caused by an explosion. Nobody was renting the apartment, but the firemen saw that someone was living there and caused the explosion. Fortunately, she had no tornado damage.

Within days, the two veterinarians at Lone Star were getting married. Lane’s father, a retired vet, was going to fill in during their honeymoon. The evening before he was to start, he fell and broke his leg. Lane took time off from his research position to oversee his father’s care, be close to Nora, and take the two-week fill-in position. While he was at the clinic, he had the help of a paramedic picking up side jobs.

Lane began caring for the big, loveable pup when they found him running loose at the wedding venue. The dog had no chip or the required tattoo of a military war dog. Days later, an explosion at the wedding venue destroyed the cottage used by brides and their bridesmaids.

Nora, Lane, and their friends have attempted to find who was staying at Nora’s new building, who set the fires/ explosions, and searching for the dog’s owner. Lane and the pup, who he called Pal, quickly bonded, so he did not look forward to giving him up.

I loved being back with these friends! It was exciting to see them walk out their faith rather than just talk about it. I was torn, like Nora, about whether she should break up with Lane; I do understand why he kept his secret, though. Nora, Lane and their friends tried to find who was in the apartment and used the explosives, even after they ran out of suspects. I was only slightly surprised with who really did it as I had pointed a finger in that direction more than once. Part of the resolution totally surprised me, though. I was very pleased with the ending, and highly recommend this novel to teens and adults who appreciate well-written Christian cozy mysteries with strong friendships, dogs, and romance.

From a thankful heart: I received an uncorrected copy of this novel from NetGalley and Barbour, through Celebrate Lit, and this is my honest review.

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It’s amazing all the compelling plot ideas these authors have come up with for this fun series featuring veterinarians and animals, especially dogs. And although each book can stand on its own, but I suggest reading the former five in order since the continuing characters appear in each book. This novel also includes another type of vet—veterans, including one suffering with PTSD, along with a lost dog that appears to be ex-military too. In addition, the vet main character struggles with his love life, disappointing his hope-to-be fiancée. The story’s drama and the intrigue will draw readers in as it dishes up a fun read. By the way, there is a restaurant in the tale too. And why are there explosions in Brenham, where the series is set? The characters and setting seem so realistic. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own. #NewLeashonLife #NetGalley

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New Leash on Life is a very well written mystery romance. I throughly enjoyed the plot and characters. I definitely recommend this book. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance book. This is my unbiased review.

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Fires and explosions and tornadoes, oh my...

Brenham, Texas has gone to the dogs again and mystery is afoot – or should that be 'a-paw' – as not only does a tornado roar through town but there are explosions and a fire of suspicious origin. Add onto that a romance on the rocks and you have another fun Gone To The Dogs Mystery from Kathleen Y'Barbo.

I rather surprise myself by saying so, but I think that New Leash On Life may be my favorite book of the series. It had everything my cozy mystery enjoying heart could wish for including a pretty cool dog and even a surprise feline.

I really liked the mystery in New Leash On Life. There were multiple elements and more than one suspect to keep you guessing and trying to puzzle out things out alongside Nora, Lane, and the rest of the pet-loving crew. While I did figure out some of the who-done-it, Kathleen Y'Barbo did slip in a surprise or two for me in this sixth Gone To The Dogs Mysteries.

Honestly, if you haven't visited Brenham, Texas yet, New Leash On Life is only one of the books in a fun cozy mystery series. There are more Gone To The Dogs Mysteries to dive into from Kathleen Y'Barbo and the second author in the series Janice Thompson. Two very talented authors of a delightful series off pet-filled and paw approved cozies with a little dash of romance...

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)

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My thoughts: NEW LEASH ON LIFE is the newest book in this series set in Texas. I enjoyed getting to know Lane and Nora and the newest animal to arrive on the scene, Pal. Pal is a sweet dog and I really love how he reacts with Lane.

Lane and Nora seems on different sides of the dating totem pole. Are they serious or not? Nora is ready to break up and doesn't seem to be in love, but then again, Lane has his doubts and hesitations too. What will it take to work it out and resolve their differences?

If you like cozt mysteries and dogs and romance then you will love NEW LEASE ON LIFE and all the other books in this series.

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“Son, I have had arthritic hound dogs that move faster than you.”

I love these Gone to the Dog cozies! This one, by Kathleen Y’Barbo, called New Lease on Life, deals with MWD (military working dogs).

It would be hard not to like Nora, who has been waiting half of forever for her boyfriend to propose, or Lane, said boyfriend who refuses to propose for reasons he’s ashamed to admit. Of course, the scene stealer in this book is the beautiful Belgian Malinois, Pal, who has special abilities. Not only does he hint at problems, but he recognizes immediately when a person like Lane needs him most, and springs into action.

Suspects run rampant in this episode, and it was with relief that I reached the end of the somewhat complicated crime(s). Bravo, Ms. Y’Barbo, for sending the reader on such an extended hunt to find the culprits!

I loved to find that characters from previous stories were included, and we get to see even more of their lives. I especially loved the inclusion of Bitsy in this story. I sure hope that things calm down soon in Brenham… or maybe not, I’d love more Gone to the Dog stories!

I received a copy of the book from the publisher through Celebrate Lit via NetGalley. I also bought my own copy. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

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I have been enjoying the books in this series. I like that they are cozy mysteries with a dogs and has romance between the two main characters. I liked how in this book the author addressed PTSD and the effect that can have on an individual and on relationships. I liked how she showed that although it may not ever go completely away, there are things that can help to mitigate it. I liked how the dog was a big part in helping Lane and Nora to find healing in their relationship. I thought the story was entertaining and well done. I thought this book was a good addition to this series and I loved seeing characters from the other books in this story.

I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.

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If you haven’t read the first books in this series, stop everything you are doing and go read them. That way you become friends with the people in this quaint little town. Each character has a reason to be in the story and they enhance each other. I loved getting back to the town and getting caught up with all the people. I adored the setting and how much the community helps each other out.

This book focuses on Nora and Lane. These two have danced around a serious relationship for too long. Now it is time for one of them to step up and get this romance serious and moving forward. The author does give us quite a bit of information about them. I did like their story but some I think could have been left out.

The town is threatened by severe weather that has everyone on pins and needles. If you haven’t been in a tornado before, it not something you ever want to experience. As Lane and Nora figure out where they are going with each others there is also a mystery going on. The dog in the story was a highly trained dog and I really wanted to read more about him.

With everything going on in the book, I think it fell a little short on the cozy mystery feeling. There was too much focus on would Lane and Nora ever get together. It was a fun read but just missed the mark a little for me.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit . The review is my own opinion.

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New Leash on Life is book six in Gone to the dogs series. This story is written by Kathleen Y'Barbo. I have really enjoyed this series. It is written by multiple authors -and is tied together by the Lone Star Vet Clinic. While they can be read as stand alones - the series is best if read in order. This is Nora Hernandez's story.

Nora is office manager Cassidy's best friend. Nora has recently opened a farm to table restaurant which is thriving. She also recently closed on an antique shop. Her long time boyfriend, Lane Bishop is former Air Force. He struggles with PTSD. He loves Nora, but because of some of his issues, he has not taken the plunge and asked Nora to marry him.

Their is a tornado in Brentham - thankfully Nora's restaurant is ok - however there is a fire at her antique store. They are quick to realize that this is not because of the tornado. Then the town starts to experience some strange crimes. Along with a service dog and cat that appear out of nowhere.

It was great to see my friends from the Lone Star Vet clinic again - this has been one of my favorite series to date. Thank you to the author, publisher and Celebrate Lit for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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This novel is more about relationship difficulties than the previous novels in this series. I had a difficult time liking Lane. Yes, he did not want Nora to suffer through his nightmares due to his PTSD so he delayed asking her to marry him. That I can accept. What a shame, however, that he did not trust her enough to be honest about his nightmares.

What I really did not like about Lane was his assurance to Nora that he loved her yet missed time with her or was late because of his research work. If he really loved her, he would have dealt with his work to be with her. Like Nora, I would certainly doubt his love.

There is a dog in this novel and I would have liked more about him. I would have liked to see more personality put into the animal. This is a series about dogs and I would have liked more of a focus on him.

The mystery plot was mild and quite complex. I am not sure the locked apartments, the missing furniture, the blackmail, the people who were not who they said they were, and other elements all worked out to a suitable end.

I have enjoyed reading this series, especially the ones that focused more on animal rescue and the animals involved.

I received aa complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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This one took a while to get to. I got approved and then I realized I should probably read the other 5 books in the series first 😆 That was a chore in itself but I made it through!

I loved this series. The dogs, the faith, and the mysteries were great! I am sad that the series is over!
Thank you NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this wonderful book!

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Nora Hernandez thought Air Force veteran Dr. Lane Bishop might be the man of her dreams, but their romance has stalled. He spends more time at his lab than he does with Nora. So she buys the building next door (an old antique shop) to her restaurant. Nora has no idea when she’ll get around to sorting through the old merchandise, but when Lane backs out of another date, she decides to get to work.

She doesn’t expect the building to sound creepy, nor to have a cat adopt her. When a tornado sweeps through Brenham, Nora’s new building catches fire, and someone sees a Belgian Malinois dashing by. Nora, Lane, and their friends hunt for the mysterious dog, and when they find him, he has all the manners of a military working dog.

In addition to the mysterious Malinois, someone is blowing up buildings in and around Brenham. Nora and Lane believe the appearance of the dog and the explosions have something in common. Can they figure it out before someone gets hurt?

What I Loved About This Book

Readers will relate to Nora as she navigates living as an adult near her large, nosey family who can’t wait to see her settle down for happily ever after. Those who suffer from or know someone who suffers from PTSD will relate to Lane and his insecurities surrounding his horrible nightmares.

If you love cozy mysteries, dogs, and sweet romance, you’ll love A New Leash on Life!

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New Leash on Life is by far my favorite of the six books from the Gone to the Dogs series. I loved to once again to spend time in the charming town Brenham, Texas. This time the town is being destroyed from tornados to bombings. The two main characters, Nora and Lane, team up to find out who is to blame for the explosions. I thought it was a great mystery to solve that held my attention from start to finish.

I am giving New Leash on Life a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy reading clean cozy mysteries. I am hoping to see more books like this from Kathleen Y'Barbo in the near future.

I received a paperback copy of Kathleen Y'Barbo’s New Leash on Life from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

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This delightful cozy mystery is set in Texas and features Lane, a vet and Nora, a restaurant owner. Their relationship has cooled down - both busy at the respective jobs - and Lane has a secret to hide. But enter a runaway military dog and suddenly they find themselves in the midst of a mystery working together to puzzle it out. Two explosions rock their town and leave ATF and local police searching for answers while Lane and Nora lend a hand. You won't want to miss Book 6 in this doggone cute series!

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This book is a wonderful addition to the Gone to the Dogs series. It has just the right amount of suspense and drama as well as twists and turns as you try to solve the mystery. I loved everything about this book; the characters, the setting and the emotions. I highly recommend this book and the entire series.
I received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I love this idea of a dog-centered mystery series! I've been really trying to find something of the "cozy mystery" genre that hits my sweet spot.

That part was really interesting and I enjoyed Lane's perspective and seeing how Pal changed things for him.

As far as the rest...I kept feeling like I was missing something. I just could not get into Nora and Lane, mostly because of Nora. I know it was Lane's secret driving their inability to move forward, but I just...I wasn't sold on them as a couple. I never could really "root" for them, even though I WAS rooting for Lane to get his priorities right and head screwed on straight.

The mystery also just wasn't...what I was looking for, I guess. It kept feeling a touch convoluted for me. All in all, it was a quick read, and it kept my attention.

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