Member Reviews

A YA graphic novel about high schoolers who come up with a supper club as an idea for friendship gathering/activity. The illustrations are captivating.

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This was a super cute coming of age graphic novel! It was a bit disorganized at times and felt like I needed a bit more structure or direction but I love how it highlighted a few of the darker less happy aspects of the high school experience intertwined with a story of friendship and the importance of your support network!

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This was really cute and such a fast read! I loved the art and all the food made me sooo hungry. They felt like such realistic friends and the ending made me cry. 🥹 I also love that it included recipes at the end!

My library didn’t have it available so luckily I was still able to request an ARC from NetGalley. Thanks to them and Image Comics for the copy in exchange for my review.

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This sweet story is about three friends heading into their senior year of high school. Nora, Lili, and Iris are besties who just want to spend more time together, even though none of their classes or extracurriculars line up. They create a supper club where everyone brings in a food dish that makes them happy. Despite drama within the friend group, at home, and with trying to figure themselves out before they leave for college, they have to be reminded of the importance of their bond. The art is awesome and fun and lively. But with the character development and the lack of resolved storylines, I was left wanting more. The three friends were introduced and we are shown the challenges they face, but I wanted more of them revealing their characters. I wanted an ending that tied up the storylines. I also wanted to the food to be more central, have a direct tie to the stories instead of just being chapter art.

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So, the first thing I'll say about this graphic novel is it is very short. To be expected from the format, but therein lies the issue.

The premise is a group of friends in their final year of high school before splitting up and flying away. They don't all share the same classes, they all have extracurriculars taking them away from each other. Nora, the more loud and extroverted of the group, is not taking this problem lying down, and decides they need an extracurricular of their very own. What's the main reason for joining a club?

Free food.

Thus is born the Supper Club, where the friends cook a dish and bring it (or cook the dish at the club itself), and they joke and laugh and dance.

There may be other activities done at supper club, but you wouldn't know.

Because the book is so. dang. short.

It's a genuine let down, really, because Supper Club starts with Nora making Italian Rainbow Cookies. They are part of her heritage, and she takes immense pride in showing the girls how it's done.

This really sets you up for failure, though, because this is the only time we see/understand what is being made or why the recipe or ingredients matter. The chapters are titled after food, but we're lucky if we even see them eating it.

Supper Club is the main story that the other events revolve around, but there isn't resolution to so many plot points.

This was really a let down, and I'm bummed about it. I just wanted more.

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3,5 Stars

I am glad that I got the opportunity to read this Arc.

The art was really cute! I haven't been reading many young adult novels lately, so it felt good to dive into this quick read. It is a Graphic Novel about the hardships of friendship when we start to grow up. It portrays that there comes a time in our lives when we have to make our friends a priority and work to nurture these relationships. It is not as easy as it was when we were children, this story shows us that. It also has some sprinkles of family dynamics and how to overcome hardships with the help of those around you.

Overall it was a very cute and cozy read. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a quick, comfy read.

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What a lovely graphic novel. Supper Club is a slice of life style read, with a focus on friendships and food.

The girls in the Supper Club are all their last year of high school and have no time in their schedules to hang out, so they make "Supper Club" - a club to hang out and cook/share various meals and foods. Each character also has some trouble going on in their lives with a pinch of your typical high school drama.

At times there was no dialogue and just imagery to tell the story, which is okay but at times I did find myself having to take a bit of time to process what was happening. I think this might have been nice as a small series rather than a standalone, so that it could have more of a chance to give more detail in these moments. I still really loved it though; the plots were lovely, the art style was quite charming and there was a nicely diverse cast of characters with their various food types, which was really fun to see.

There's also recipes at the end which I thought was a lovely touch!

Supper Club is a great cosy read that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Thank you to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review 💛

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Supper Club was such a cute graphic novel about the woes of growing up. It reminded me of titles like “Giant Days,” but with a little more angst at times. I loved the art style and I think adding recipes was a really nice touch.

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Such a relatable and adorable story. I enjoyed the art style immensely and the friend group reminded me so much of all the shows I watche don TV growing up. Felt very nostalgic for me.

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This book was adorable and heartfelt. It followed a trio of friends as they made their way through senior year of high school and all the challenges that presented. They stayed connected with a weekly Supper Club when they realized they didn't share any classes. There were ups and downs that felt very realistic of the high school experience.

I received an eARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Honestly I thought this would be more food centric but it was really just a story about a group of high school friends.

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A quick graphic novel which deals with growing up, teenage years, grief and anxiety. Shown in a very unique drawing style with lots of bright colour and loving the use of food through-out. Also love the fact that there are 3 recipes at the end to try.

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Food is my drug of choice, you know? That's one of the reasons I loved this little book so much. It's all about how hard it is, when you are teenage girl in particular, to be a good friend while still trying to be a good... everything else - a good daughter, a good student, a good musician or soccer player or whatever else. It is heartwarming, and the recipes at the end are a nice bonus.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the author for an ARC of this title

I laughed, I cried, I felt the gut wrenching pain of youth.

I would recommend this to all ages of readers. The idea of growing and changing and not wanting to is such an ever-present concept

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Loved it. Illustrations were nice, dialogue was modern without being cringey, and the story was sweet. The recipes at the end were a fun touch.

Thank you to Image Comics and Netgalley for this copy

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A heartwarming and relatable graphic novel about friendship, growing up and the power of food to bring us together. Nora and her friends struggle to maintain their close knit friendship group as they enter their senior year in high school. In order to try to keep the group together, Nora comes up with the Supper Club, a weekly chance to get together and share their favourite dishes.

This was a cosy read with some gorgeously drawn art in a style that will be recognisable to middle grade and teen fans of The Babysitter's Club, the New Kid series, and anything by Raina Telgemeier.

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I really liked the aspect of the story, but I was a little confused of how everything tied together in the end. This book really took me back to my middle and high school days, reminding me of how hard it was to juggle class work, extracurriculars, and to also maintain friendships through it all. I think that if you also had that view of middle and high school that you would enjoy this graphic novel. I really loved the art style and the way that they incorporated all different kinds of foods and recipes!

Thank you to Netgalley, The Author, and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was such a super cute comic. I love food comics, especially when recipes are included! This is definitely a slice of life and loved how each episode included an item that meant something to the characters. The story is the common story of growing up, growing apart, being a teenager and seemed a little all over the place at one point, but it did cover its bases with a cute ending and filling in plot holes.

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This was such a great, feel-good graphic novel. I related so much to the high school friendships, the connection through and love of food, and the ways the friendships and relationships evolved. I think this would be a great addition to any middle or esp. high school classrooms or libraries. Definitely recommend!

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This was a cute book all about friendships and changes life brings when you are (graduating) high school. I really enjoyed this and I found the recipes and the art to be incredibly engaging. I really appreciated the three recipes at the end of the book but I wish there were more!

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