Member Reviews

This was a cute book all about friendships and changes life brings when you are (graduating) high school. I really enjoyed this and I found the recipes and the art to be incredibly engaging. I really appreciated the three recipes at the end of the book but I wish there were more!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Image Comics for the opportunity to read and review this graphic novel.This reminds me of Giant Days with a food aspect that was delicious looking. There are internal and external conflicts involved but there are moments when I lost the plot. Overall, I think this will be a story perfect for teens. Because of these points, I have to give this a 4 out of 5 stars.

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2.5 stars.

Overall the story was good! It follows the story of young girls in their senior year of high school who didn’t have classes together, dealing with personal/family problems, and start up a club in order to find the time to spend together.

I’ll admit, because of how the story had to be chopped up to fit within the school year, I lost track of where I was a couple of times.

The art style was quite amusing, loved the pop culture references, and I even let out a chuckle or two from how silly the character appeared through the story.

It all goes to show that nobody is perfect and we all are dealing with things that we don’t openly talk about. A great read if you’re looking for something short, sweet, emotionally driven, and enjoy pop culture references.

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"Supper Club" by Jackie Morrow is a captivating novel that masterfully weaves together the intricate lives of its characters, set against the vibrant backdrop of the culinary world. This book review delves into the author's unique storytelling, exploring the themes of love, friendship, and the power of food.
The story follows Liv, a talented chef struggling to maintain her late father's esteemed restaurant. As she faces financial difficulties, she is introduced to the concept of a supper club. With the help of her friends, Liv embarks on a journey to create an exclusive underground dining experience that showcases her culinary expertise.
Supper Club is a heartwarming and engaging novel that will resonate with foodies and those seeking a story about the power of human connection. Morrow's writing is infused with a passion for food, people, and the magic that happens when they come together.

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This graphic novel was fine. The art was colorful and appealing, and I think the concept of the book was good. However, I feel like it was rushed. Each of the three main characters had their own challenges to overcome, but they were just sort of briefly mentioned and then glazed over. It would have been nice for the author to dive into them more. I did like the book overall, and I love when there are recipes in the back for food that is made during the story.

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This was a cute and quick graphic novel surrounding the craziness of senior year from friendships and family to those extra-curriculars and applications. It was a fun story with colourful illustrations and some meaningful story arcs. Not a favourite but definitely would read more from this author as I enjoyed the portrayal of friendship!


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The Supper Club is the solution to three high school friends in their senior year whose schedules and extracurriculars do not intersect. They create a club and invite their friends to share food with one another throughout the year. Despite this, life and emotions strain their bonds.

I love seeing three teenagers with completely different interests and future aspirations have this tight friendship they feel the need to preserve amidst a big tipping point in their lives. Food is such a perfect bonding point to build this story around as they each bring something of their own to share at the table. They make sharing food an event or an intention rather than something to quick scarf down and get on with your day.

This, however, is not enough to secure their relationships with one another as each wrestles with their own personal struggles. They will have to part ways or come back to the table and share in each other's burdens.

The illustrations are clear and beautiful, and there are even a few of the recipes mentioned in the story at the end of the book!

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Supper Club by Jackie Marrow is a captivating and thought-provoking graphic novel that delves into the power of food, friendship, and rebellion. 🌟🍲

The story revolves around a group of women who form a secret supper club as a means of reclaiming their identities and breaking free from societal expectations. Through the beautifully illustrated panels, Marrow skillfully explores themes of body positivity, self-discovery, and the importance of embracing one's desires. 💪🌸

#SupperClub takes readers on an emotional journey, as the characters navigate their personal struggles and find solace in the act of cooking and sharing meals together. The illustrations vividly capture the mouthwatering dishes, making readers feel as if they are part of the supper club themselves. 🍽️😋

Marrow's writing is both poetic and raw, allowing readers to connect deeply with the characters and their experiences. The diverse cast of women adds depth and authenticity to the story, highlighting the importance of inclusivity and celebrating individuality. 🌍👭

#JackieMarrow ‘s Supper Club is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of food and the strength that can be found in community. It challenges societal norms and encourages readers to embrace their passions and desires unapologetically. 🌟🔥

Overall, Supper Club is a must-read graphic novel that will leave you hungry for more. It's a feast for the eyes and the soul, reminding us of the joy and liberation that can be found in breaking the rules and embracing our true selves. 🌈📚🍽️

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I think this graphic novel is perfect for young teenagers, the art is really appealing and it makes you hungry just by looking at the food drawn. The recipes are a must in this book as it is the main subject, I'm looking foward myself of making one or two. Don't hesitate to look this up if you want wholesome food vibes!

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Just fine. This graphic novel follows three best friends through their senior as they deal with various hardships and try to cling to their friendship as they know that college will pull them apart. As a result, they form a supper club where they cook recipes together.

This book tries to cover a lot of ground, and I think it needed a little more time to do it. Especially since the actual Supper Club gets sidelined a lot. I think the conceit was there but the execution struggled. As other reviewers have noted, the cover art is a different style than they interior panels. This is common in graphic novels, but it is a little disappointed because I would love to read a whole book with the carefully illustrated food scene from the cover.

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I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the concept. I LOVE when any book has recipes in the back. But I felt like it flowed TOO easily and didn’t really plunge any depths. It was very surface. It had serious things going on! But didn’t really offer anything below the introduction of the issues. It was great, but it could have dug a little deeper.

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I liked this graphic novel but thought it was a bit scattered. I think it needed another 50 pages or so to flesh it out. Still an enjoyable, quick read!

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I loved this book and I would have loved it even better as a teenager. This book is quite predictable in places and sometimes the art style was a little unpolished but these are not things I would have noticed at 14/15 years old.

This book also tackled some difficult themes well but I would have liked them to be more developed in sequels that I was but excited to pick up

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Dang it the ending got me 🥺💗

"Whenever I feel alone and scared I imagine I'm here, making food with my friends"

The story follows three friends - Iris, Nora and Lili - and their different journeys through high school. Afraid that they'll drift apart now that they were each going in different directions, the three friends decide to meet up and cook together each week, thus forming 'the Supper Club'.

I really appreciated how Jackie Morrow presented each of the girl's stories and tied it all together with the cooking club. I know the food isn't real but damn did it look good ✨ (I've personally saved the Italian Rainbow Cookies recipe to make later because they look DELIGHTFUL)

There were certain threads to the story that I wish had been tied off and given a better resolution, such as Iris' dad, Lili's relationship with Danny and Nora's anxiety - but I'm glad the girls were able to make up by the end at least.

'Supper Club' is a warm and colourful coming of age graphic novel that perfectly portrays the ups and downs of friendships and highschool life during a hard and turbulent age. If you're looking for a story with 'The Baby-sitter's Club' vibes then look no further!

— Thank you Netgalley and Oni Press for providing the eARC in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Image Comics for a review copy of this book.

Graphic novels are really popular in my school library, and I'm always on the lookout for new ones covering different areas of life to recommend to the students. The illustrations in this book are beautiful - I learnt a lot about different types of food from various cuisines, some of which I'm keen to try. It was also very touching in places - the friendships between the characters are central to the story and reflected in the food they share together. The portrayal of mental health is also sensitively done; the art design for the part where Nora is having a panic attack was very effective. I'm definitely going to look into getting a copy for the library.

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Nora, Lili, and Iris are seniors at Seaside High. Their differing schedules and mounting extracurriculars inspire the girls to form a secret club where they can hang without sacrificing their future aspirations.

Enter Supper Club, the delicious solution to their problems. When life starts to crumble like a cookie under the girls' feet, they rely on comfort food to hold it together. Can Supper Club endure life's most challenging recipes without burning to a crisp?- Goodreads

I loved this book and not only because of the recipes and all the food images. This was a well written, super easy to read and get into. Each character is going through something that affects their friendship and overall senior year. But the way that the author was able to tie everything together was fantastic. There wasn't any hiccups in the story; everything flowed.

The artwork was detailed, colorful, vibrant and the food was inspiring. The book was inspiring because it made me think of recipes that mean something to me and recipes that I want to make to mean something for my family.

I can't stress this enough but it is a buy for me to add to my collection.

4 Pickles

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A sweet and emotional journey that follows three friends through their last year of high school. Each of them is going through something, and their hobbies and activities are quite different, but they find time to be together through their mutual love of food.

I can recommend this graphic novel to readers who enjoy a cosy, atmospheric reading experience, coming-of-age stories, and female friendships

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I really enjoyed The Supper Club, it showed how food can bring people together even during difficult times. The storyline was very good and I loved the artwork. Easy to read and has a message of hope above all odds.

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This is a lovely graphic novel about the importance of friendships and chosen family. A group of kids all get so busy that they struggle to see each other, so they create what we come to know and love as the Supper Club. Each character we follow is going through difficulties in their personal lives that makes them feel isolated and alone. Not only does this go to show how important the people around us are, it shows the comfort food can bring too. Happy memories tied to some of your favourite childhood dishes, and then sharing those with your friends, creating bonds and making new memories. A fun and heartwarming story, mixed with some emotional scenes. You also get some of the recipes for their favourite dishes brought to the Supper Club, so you can become a member too!

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A heartfelt evocation of the last year of high school, where we struggle with uneven side jumps into quips and punchlines a la TV cartoons, very unnaturally-placed speech balloons for the worst reading order experience since the last one, and more, but come out of it with at least some enjoyment. The girls here want to have something on the CV to boast of, but all the extra-curricular groups have been found wanting, especially the sport-focused ones, so they invent a supper club for the half-a-dozen or so of them and nobody else to know about. There they can get in touch with their childhood food memories, and party while eating a touch more exotically than the usual basement blowout. Which is a good thing, when the club suddenly needs to be a very healing place indeed for one of the girls.

And unfortunately, that proves to be too huge a jump in tone, and equally unfortunately, it turns into something of little consequence as we then turn to all the lasses one after the other to see what's eating them, from exam anxieties to stifling parents to this to that. The whole loses all ground and love as it degenerates into something far too soapy. At least the loose art style and the low word count are on hand to make this a very quickly-read coupla hundred pages, which I never regretted turning to but didn't find that much from. But at times, it's "eugh – teenagers" indeed. At least we get some recipes...

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