Member Reviews

A group of friends looking to spend more time together their senior year create the Supper Club, where food and friendship combine. This graphic novel follows the senior year of Nora, Iris, and Lili. Decision, grief, mental health and more are discussed amongst pages of good food and companionship.

I adored this slower paced graphic novel. The pacing worked beautifully and I loved that the girls came to good resolutions and discussed the bigger topics this book presented. A stunning and simple lovely read, along with some killer recipes in the back!

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Supper Club is a graphic novel about a group of friends in their senior year of high school who decide to create a club. The author tied the food aspect to the characters and their personal struggles very well. It's lighthearted while having serious topics being discussed. Reading this made me reminiscent of my high school journey and the feeling of growing up. I highly recommend giving this a read and bonus points for the author including recipes in the back of the novel.

Thank you to NetGalley and Image Comics for an e-copy of this novel.

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This was such a nice coming-of-age story about three friends who started a supper club in order to keep their friendship strong during their senior year of high school. This graphic novel follows their friendship while they go through the hardships of life such as the illness of a parent, mental health issues, the stress of school, as well as making the hard decisions teens face in their final year of high school.

The illustrations were engaging and the food all looked delicious. Each chapter heading was dedicated to the food that they made that week in their club.

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This was such a fun, short read about friendship and the power of good food. I loved how the chapters were named after different foods and the stories that went with the different dishes were really heartwarming.

The food looked amazing and there were recipes at the back which I loved!

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I really loved this one! It made me so nostalgic for my high school days and the friendships I had. I loved that it felt very slice-of-life, and even though the story was a little choppy at times, I loved that food was the thread tying it all back together. This just felt so true to life—the girls were caught up in stuff at school, drama that wouldn’t matter ten years down the road, but also more serious personal issues, too. The art was warm & charming, and I just had a really good time reading this. And the recipes included are begging me to try & cook something new! Definitely recommend if you’re looking for a heartwarming read!

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This was a sweet graphic novel that highlighted the way friendships can carry us through tough times. The story centered on a group of friends during senior year of high school with conflicting schedules and busy afternoons. With little time to spare, they needed to create a time they could be together. The answer is Supper Club, where their group comes together to make foods meaningful to them every Friday night. While scenes from Supper Club will make you hungry, it is the friendships and the way the three characters overcome difficulties that make the story. The art is well rendered with a lovely color palette. The illustrator manages to bring believable and interesting movement and impact to high emotion scenes. (Thank you to Netgalley and Image Comics for the ARC)

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2.5 stars!

this was okay. the art on the cover was kind of misleading as the art on the inside was very different!
Supper Club focuses on a small friendship groups going through difficult struggles, personal issues rather than it being about this Supper Club and them creating a safe place, it felt like this Club was rushed in a way as well.
going back to the issues that were going on in the characters lives it felt very swept under the carpet, and felt like not much thought was put into it e.g. one of the characters was suffering from anxiety/panic attacks and it was all resolved by someone giving her (respectfully) a rock.
the main issues with this graphic novel that upset me is how Iris' Dad is in hospital from having an aneurism, and her friends are getting annoyed that she's distancing herself and not feeling social like come on? if this graphic novel wanted to show the negative sides to a friendship they could have felt with it in a better way.

overall this all felt rushed and unfocused, also felt like I had to force myself through this, was a very close dnf.

positives: food art looked super yummy!

thank you NetGalley for the EArc

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A very sweet coming of age graphic novel about seniors who want to make their last year of high school memorable - by having their own club! A cozy read.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy!

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Loved all of the characters different personalities and the incorporation of food. The story is so cozy and relatable. A very cute read.

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This was a fun, cozy coming of age story. Not all the storylines were resolved, and some of the bigger plot points were left unsaid in a way that was slightly confusing. I think this would be a good read for any teenager,

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‘Supper Club’ with story and art by Jackie Morrow is a graphic novel about good friends about to graduate and go separate ways.

Nora, Lili, and Iris are in their final year of high school with increasingly different lives and pressures. They start a supper club for an extracurricular activity and it acts as a connection point for the friends. But life and pressure increasingly stresses individuals and friendships.

There was a point near the end where this book won me over. Before that point, I felt it was a pretty mediocre effort. It finishes well, so my advice is to stick with it.

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I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a cute book! The drawings are nice and I love that there's recipes included in the back of the book. We follow Nora, Lili, and Iris in their last year of high school as they realize they have different schedules and attempt to make time for each other with a Supper Club. We see how they all navigate the pressures of school and life and how it impacts their friendship. While the book doesn't go super in depth Morrow portrays how hard it is to find the words for your feelings and what teenage friendship is like as well as how food brings people together. Overall a nice read!

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The title and description of this book caught my attention. The cover was not that eye catching except the font of the title of the book.
I enjoyed this book. It was written in an interesting way. Each chapter title was a dish that could be made. The story about a group of friends. The chapters told the story, but not with lots of details. You need to put the details in yourself by looking at the pictures and reading the words. The concept of supper club is a great idea, I was a bit disappointed that they didn’t get the school involved and have an advisor help them. They could have made money and more friends. I did like the recipes that were shared at the end of the book.

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This was a cute graphic novel and I liked the illustration style and the main characters!
Thank you to Netgalley for the eARC.

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Supper Club discusses some of the worries and anxieties when graduating from high school and moving into a new chapter in life. A group of friends decide, at the beginning of their senior year, to continue to gather, despite their busy schedules, over shared food and conversation. As the group goes through various difficulties and changes throughout the year, they learn the importance of checking in with one another and supporting each other. This book also discusses the importance of reaching out for support when you are struggling. Content warnings: loss of a parent, mental illness, depression.

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Overall nice and warm teenage slice of life story! The art is beautiful and the food looks amazing!! I liked the cosy feeling of the teenage stories and it warmed my heart- quite charming I enjoyed it!

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This was a silly goofy sad time. It really brought me back to high school with friendship, working around schedules and sports, and just all the emotions of being that age. I thought making the supper club was sweet and very cute, I wish I had a supper club that sounds fun.

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Supper Club was an end of high school graphic novel that focuses on friendships as they change through different life events. This ones focuses on three friends Nora, Lili and Iris who all face their own dilemmas in relation to social anxieties, and family loss.
I enjoyed getting to see the journey each girl took throughout this book, and felt it did touch on some tougher subjects. I found this book hard to follow at times, but I did enjoy the colouring and graphic style used. There was some very sweet moments, that reminded me of both the joys and hardships teenagers experience during their high school years.
I felt with the storylines we got very little background, making connecting with the characters and truly understanding what was happening to them difficult.
Overall I rated this 3 stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and Edelweiss for this eARC in exchange of an honest review.

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Fun, realistic fiction. The gals seemed a little younger than high school seniors but I like how this book includes food and tough things kids go through. I enjoyed the recipes at the end of the book too. Good graphic novel!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the DRC.

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Anxiety Rep, realistic friendships, good food, and good vibes.

Kinda wish it didn’t skirt past a bunch of topics (ie. Iris‘ Dad, Danny’s drunk driving, the other friends.)

Made me want to start a „supper club“ of my own.

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