Member Reviews

I was a little lost. Maybe I need to read the other Incal but this was still entertaining for what it was. Felt isolated enough I could enjoy it. The art was good throughout, no complaints there. I feel like I would have gotten more reading more of this series, but still the action was solid and the main lead interesting enough. Fans of this series will probably dig it even more.

Well I gave this a go, but unfortunately it really wasn't my kind of a way into this universe – the introduction makes one feel stupid not to have heard of any of these books before, until you open this one up and remember how you gave up on the Elric books as a teenager because they weren't anything like as good as they could have been. This certainly gave me Moorcock feels.

Thanks NetGalley and Humanoids, Inc for access to this arc!
2.5/5 Stars Rounded Up
I really wanted to like this one, but it was quite confusing right from the get go. The art was beautiful as always, but the story really just wasn't making sense to my brain, haha. I'm still definitely going to read more of this series, and maybe after reading more of it this one will make more sense to me later on!

The Incal: Kill Wolfhead combines stellar art with a relatively cool narrative style, but ends up having some pacing issues with scene transitions that make the whole story a little hard to follow. Disclaimer, I haven't read any instalments of The Incal prior to this one (and hadn't even heard of the series before), but as far as I know, this one can be read as a standalone, so I should still be able to understand everything clearly.
I do disagree with other reviewers saying it was totally bizarre or so confusing you didn't know what was going on - as I said, some transitions were jarring and disorienting, but ultimately, it's a clear-cut story if you accept that it largely takes place inside someone's mindscape. I actually enjoyed the narrator introducing chapters by saying "this is real" only to then go "okay, I lied, but only this once", right before doing the same thing again. It was a fun touch and actually helped me follow the flow of the story.
The art is really great, but the plot does end up a little bit formulaic (although I really really REALLY liked the ending). All in all, I enjoyed it and am interested in reading the original series, but I'm not sure it'll stay with me - time will tell.

The art is fantastic and the story is really weird! But a good kind of weird. I really want to read it again and I probably need time to fully get it. But I really loved what I read!

I did enjoy this graphic novel a lot. I liked the art style that was gritty. I think the reason I'm giving this book 4 stars instead of 5, is because for me it was very confusing. I had not read any of the Incal Universe previously, and wasn't aware that it was necessary before picking this up. I kinda thrusted myself in and tried to grasp at what everything meant. I think that it was confusing for me, because I didn't really understand who everyone was, and all of the connections. I do think things became clearer by the end, and I'm going to read the other books in this universe to help me understand better.

This is excellent. It left me somewhat confused in the way it twisted and turned but I understood most of it by the end. It is like one of those great orchestral pieces with lots of instruments and different parts, sometime with the noise of cymbals, other times with the quietness of a few notes from the piano. Although I have to say that once this started it banged and crashed most of the way!
Kill Wolfhead is the Galaxy’s Greatest Lover but he has left broken hearts and broken families in his wake, so what happens when the past comes for him and his only hope is in the hands of the children he's abandoned, who in turn have their own pasts and hurts to contend with?
The artwork is fab, the imaginative storytelling is excellent but I think I need to read it a few times in order to fully understand it. I did enjoy it though. It is weird but exhilarating!
Copy provided by Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

"Kill Wolfhead" is a bizarre, hallucinogenic fever dream of a book that will confuse, perplex, and , hopefully, delight, hard core fans of the "Incal" franchise. This book is recommended for anyone who enjoys a bit of literary whiplash from time to time. Read on, hold tight and enjoy !
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Humanoids Inc for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was absolutely bonkers. Would have been better had I read the other comics. Was very confused the whole time.

The Incal: Kill Wolfhead was visually wonderful. For me the story started off really interesting but soon veered off into odd, with things being unreliable as well. It is playful and sometimes weird, but overall lacked a bit for me because too much got thrown into the plot.
Note: arc provided by the publisher via netgalley in exchange for honest review

If I could use a one word review, that word would be bizarre. As soon as I opened the first page I thought, this is going to be good. The art was surreal, and the more I read, the crazier it got. I had no clue what was going on, but it did not stop me from reading, that desire made me carry on. However, after being unsure what was real and what was not, wondering what was going to happen, when the story began to stabilise, I felt my interest feigning. I was presented with a much more generic plot, buried underneath the alien art. Unfortunately that plot did not grip me enough, even within the great artwork which was full of imagination. So the word from the one word review would change to, disappointing.
There were aliens of all kinds, sharks, octopuses and others of weird shapes and colours. This was my first leap into the series and although the first page gave me hope, I just did not connect with the characters. The humour was perverse and not all quite developed and I felt let down by the plot.