Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for the access to the audiobook!

"Congratulations, you are reading a book"

This was great fun to listen to! It hits the nail about the existential crisis of the young adults and all the struggles in juggling work, personal and social life and how, no matter what, there will never be a great path.
It presents all the subjects in a satyrical and clever way that is entertaining to listen to.

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A collection of different narratives towards saving yourself from the doom this world is headed to sarcastically!

Looks like someone worked in corporate culture and vomited all their fucking suppressed sarcastic thoughts into this. Oh don't worry, I am only implementing the Author's advice to use the F*** word into our resume to make an impression - well, let's see how strong and impressed they feel seeing it in their f***ing review!

I kept waiting for this book to redeem itself but, it was downhill trekking from the top on your 4s. It started with a wonderful topic, addressing the lesser-appreciated people across the world, but oh my God, it quickly transformed into a rant. So here I am with my version of it.

I gave this book a full chance, by not DNFing it in the first hour, so my thoughts are coming from putting in effort and wasting my time on a rantfull list of advice that you might rather keep in your head than put out loud. What made me furious was the advice it offers. Like yeah, the world sucks, but how are your suggestions making it any better?

The only part this book had good was what I understood to be the concept - of not letting yourself become a robot of survival diving deeper every day into a trap created by society and living your life for once, which deserves a star! And another one to the thought behind putting this topic up - I empathise with it.

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I’ve always gotten a kick out of Reductress, so when I saw that the audio of this short book was available for review on NetGalley, I jumped at the chance.

After finishing my listen, I’m underwhelmed. The endless cleverness and satire got repetitive, and I only liked one of the narrators. I know this is satire – and broad satire, at that – but I would have preferred the “bits” that make up the audiobook be read by actors – funny actors – instead of what sounds like professional narrators. I know, I get it – that’s part of the satire – but it was wearing.

Maybe I would’ve enjoyed it more in small bites instead of listening for an hour at a time. I did give it 3 stars, not so much for the funny factor as for the truth that sometimes makes itself very clear in spite of the witty monologues. It could also be that this might not translate well from printed page or screen to audo, for me anyhow.

Thank you to NetGalley and Reductress for the complimentary audiobook, which I used to write this honest review.

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This was a fun little romp into the millennial worker's headspace and I'm here for the laugh. Thanks for the reality of life with the chuckles of doom and insanity of the times.

The narration was great, especially Boomer Dad announcer voice - super appreciate the individual voice approaches and comedic timing.

Thank you to Andrews McMeel Audio, Andrews McMeel Publishing for the advanced audio copy for review, via NetGalley! I'm always up for an escapist way to view my generation!

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As a long time follower of Reductress on Instagram, I absolutely understood that this was going to be a sarcastic and snarky take on productivity. I love sarcasm (classic Brit) and deadpan humour, however, it just didn't work in this audiobook.
Some of the comparisons that are made were convoluted and went on far too long, to the point where I forgot the point that was being made.
This wasn't for me, but I absolutely get what they were trying to do and I respect that.

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First of all I love Reductress so I was really excited to listen to this book. As usual they do a good job of empathizing that burnout is something that happens to minorities at a much higher frequency and the struggles of class. However I don’t think there was any actual advice given in this book. The book felt like one of your friends ranting to you about burnout and virtue signaling by feeding you mass amounts of information about feminist outlooks on burnout. There wasn’t really anything to be gleaned about applying to your own life, rather just a mass amount of info that just felt like the author didn’t really want you to know, they just wanted you to know THEY knew it. Overall, I also couldn’t get over the tone with which the book was written. The narrator was fantastic but the tone of the book felt almost condescending at times and was tackling serious issues in a really unserious was of writing. Overall I wasn’t too happy with the book

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I love the satirical take on this book and I found listening to it as an audiobook added to the level of satire.

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As a cranky millennial, working in a corporate world, this book was just what I needed. Full of snark and sassy commentary on working life and the world as we know it right now, I found my personal laugh track on repeat as I listened to this book!

I listen to the audiobook before purchasing a physical copy of this book, because I liked it so much, and found myself easily ensconced in the main narration from Mara Wilson. Her fun and upbeat cadence provided the perfect Snark to go along with the material she was reading. Jay Aasen’s commentary on different side notes provided a good break up in the dialogue and contrast. Both narrators delivered a fun and very listenable reading to this sarcastic self help manual.

I had a lot of fun listening to this and relating to a lot of the issues. A lot of sarcastic, and biting commentary. Depending on your sense of humor, and even perhaps what you do for a living, this book will either be absolutely hilarious and relatable, or a complete flop.

I personally love this book and had a lot of fun listening to the narration and I’m looking forward to revisiting some of the finer points and sharing them with my friends and my physical copy.

How to Stay Productive When the World Is Ending by Reductress is avail now in all formats.

Thanks to Andrews McMeel Audio and NetGalley for my audio review copy.

#HowtoStayProductiveWhentheWorldIsEnding #Reductress

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“Congratulations, you are reading a book”
The snark was on point!
I got the audiobook through NetGally, I enjoy the multiple narrators- it make me wonder what the print version who look like.
I laughed and snorted several times- my only concern it that there may be readers who don’t recognize sarcasm and fear they may follow some of the “suggestions”. 🤷‍♀️😉😆

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If you enjoy the Reductress content, you'll enjoy this book. But be warned, it's not for everyone. I'd check out their social media accounts first, and if you find yourself agreeing with everything there, you'll not be dissapointed.

I was a little surprised how much (depressing) reality they could pack into a book with so much satire. It was on the nose in the same way their web content is on the nose, while simultaneously making me feel like their writers are lurking behind every lamppost and bush and using my own thoughts for their perfectly absurd headlines.

It was the perfect length, and the audiobook was very well done. I worried it may be a joke that's gone on too long by the time I was done, but I listened straight through and had a sensible chuckle to myself the whole time.

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I enjoy Satire, but I think if you don’t enjoy it or pickup on it, this would be hard to enjoy. It’s very heavily satirical about todays world.
I found it humorous and relatable.

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How to Stay Productive When the World is Ending
⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ⛧
do you ever get the feeling you’re doing too much, not accomplishing enough, while trying to look put together but not TOO together and wondering if you’re alone (besides everyone that also posts their existential dread online)? well. cozy. on. up. listening to this audio book has made me chuckle a fair few times. a collection of short blog like narratives and tweet length tips put your mind at ease that others really do think the idea of needing a side hustle to afford a bed in a flat with 3 other people to afford rent, is ridiculous, even if it isn’t far from the truth. quick read, we’ll narrated, laugh at life because it’s going to take you out anyways. #reductress #howtostayproductive #audiobook #audiobookstagram #newrelease #books #nonfiction #satire #women #pink

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How to Stay Productive When the World is Ending by Reductress begins in a quick witty format that makes you want to continue reading. However, the wit slowly dissolves and the entire book feels like an outdated joke book. This book is definitely more catered tord corperate sad girl millenials and pigeons itself into a very small niche.

Overall, not a book that is worth recommending but it is a short read and if you are a "corperate sad girl millennial" then this might hit closer to home for you.

Thank you to the publisher for providing an ALC of this book.

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“No thank you, I would not like to be hunted today.”

“Just work harder.”

Hilarious satire of the current state of our world. For real, it’s funny….and also a little sad & unfortunate but mostly funny.

My friend @spellboundreader recommended this book to me and I’ve never felt so attacked but in the best way. 😬

I’m guilty of so many of the stupid things humans do and which are discussed in this book. 🫣

While it is a little political (left leaning) it’s done in a way that I rather enjoyed. I hate when books are super political but I was here for it with this one.

Topics covered…

🌎 Prioritizing work over…well everything.
☠️ Ignoring illness and how it’s just something our culture does
🏫 College loan debt
💴 Work / Life Balance
🧠 Neurasthenia, Thanks Dr. Beard
⛅️ Climate Change

I learned a lot about stuff I already sorta knew but need to do better with. Work isn’t life. If COVID taught me nothing else…it’s that.

This book is laugh out loud funny and made me cringe. Let’s face it we are all guilty of some of the stuff in this book. Also the book format is great! Enjoy!

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2 ⭐️

I realize this is supposed to be satire, but it’s just a bunch of left-wing talking points jammed together. It is like a current SNL sketch where the audience claps instead of laughs. It’s not actually funny, it’s just regurgitating thoughts you have been told you are supposed to have in today's society.

They repeat several versions of a handful of jokes like they are dead horses they can’t help but beat. Yes, I am reading a book, you don’t need to remind me every chapter. Yes, I am aware there is fanfiction that is full of smut.

Look, I get it, I’m a millennial. I’ve heard variations of all of these jokes before. I’ve been known to make Boomer jokes on occasion. That being said I’m not so full of myself that I would write all these comments and “jokes” down, claim them as my own, and publish them.

So what you are telling me is that this audiobook is just hours of complaining with no solutions. What an unbelievable waste of time.

Narrators Mara Wilson has a perfectly condescending voice that goes right along with the tone of this voice whereas Jay Aaseng seems more like a character actor and feels off.

I’m sure current SNL fans would eat this book up. Most everyone else, not so much.

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Review forthcoming, just as soon as I’m done being productive and am ready to produce it.

I originally left that as a temporary placeholder this afternoon, as I finished the audiobook while out walking and needed to come back later to write my review. But, in keeping with the tone of this book, I’ve decided to leave it.

This is a quick and sometimes hilariously satirical commentary on the ever-present need for productivity in our late-stage capitalist society. It makes fun of our current world of work, and maintaining “work/work balance” in a time when one job often isn’t enough to make ends meet. This book was in turns funny, repetitive, annoying, a bit too close to home, and then funny again. I probably could have done with a bit less of it, but I did laugh out loud several times.

Mara Wilson and Jay Aaseng did a good job with the delivery in the narration.

Thank you Reductress, Andrews McMeel Audio, and NetGalley for providing this ALC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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If you have a good sense of humor and speak in sarcasm, this is a must read! I had to re read a few places because I couldn’t stop laughing. I really enjoyed this hilarious book. Thanks NetGallery!

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How to Stay Productive When the World is Ending, authored by the editors and popular writers of Reductress, offers a satirical take on the challenges of navigating modern life amidst various crises. With a collection of essays, how-tos, and sarcastic "inspirational" phrases, this book aims to provide humor and insight into the struggle to maintain sanity and productivity in a world rife with existential dread, climate catastrophe, pandemics, and social isolation.

One of the standout aspects of this audiobook is the excellent narration. The narrator's skill and delivery greatly enhance the satirical content, adding an extra layer of amusement to the already humorous material. The narrator's voice captures the intended tone and brings the witty and sharp writing to life, making it an enjoyable listening experience.

The book's strongest attribute lies in its ability to expose the absurdities and contradictions of late-stage capitalism. It effectively skewers the indignities, both major and minor, that arise from living in a commodified world. The essays offer witty commentary on topics such as the pressure to "do what you love" and the sacrifices made in prioritizing career over personal fulfillment. These satirical insights encourage critical thinking and may provoke thought-provoking discussions.

However, while the book succeeds in delivering its satirical message, it falls short in terms of depth and substance. The collection of essays and how-tos, although amusing, lacks a cohesive structure or a clear overarching theme. This lack of focus can make the book feel disjointed and leaves the reader wanting more substantial content and analysis.

Furthermore, the satirical nature of the book may limit its appeal to a specific audience. The humor relies heavily on a certain level of familiarity with contemporary issues and a willingness to engage with the book's cynical perspective. Readers who prefer a more straightforward approach or who may not be well-versed in the target subjects may find the humor inaccessible or miss the underlying message.

In summary, How to Stay Productive When the World is Ending earns three stars out of five primarily for its great narration and ability to highlight the absurdities of late-stage capitalism. While the book delivers on its satirical intent, it lacks a cohesive structure and may not resonate with all readers. Nonetheless, for those seeking a light-hearted and cynical exploration of contemporary challenges, this audiobook could provide an entertaining listening experience.

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Each short essay is sardonically funny and painfully relevant. Clearly the authors of the essay are dealing with the same world I live in! I will say that although it's a funny listen, after a short while it all starts to blend together in a dark reminder that the world is a sad place to live.

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This book GETS ME! I haven't slapped my thigh this hard while listening to a book in a while! For me this book reflects our post pandemic time where everything is normal and not normal at all so well. I may not be able to get the burnout vacation that I need but I can listen to this book again!

The narrator is hilarious and incredible!

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