Member Reviews

Well this was an interesting read!! I do feel like the blurb could have been written a little differently but the story was a quick read. I adored Claire's relationship with Tommy and her history kind of broke me. Claire's resilience of what she went through was inspiring. I do wish that we would have gotten to see more of her being a grandma. Everybody was so hung up on that fact yet we didn't see much of it. And Smith. What a wonderful person. He showed up. And I loved him for that. I struggled with Banks a bit. For being the oldest of the characters, his 5 year old managed to act more mature than him at times. Tragic plot lines for everyone but I'm happy with how things ended.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to ARC read this book.

I really enjoyed the plot of this story, and the love triangle was super fun! I also really love Tommy, and usually I'm not the biggest fan of the dad trope in books, but this story did it so well. I also loved the changing of the seasons and following this family and nanny through multiple holidays.

I also really enjoyed the depiction of grief, and the examples of how grief is not linear and there will be ups and downs in our lives when we lose someone we love.

I did find that the conflict climax was a bit quick to conclude, and it felt like the ending of the story was rushed and could have been drawn out a bit more. It felt like the characters should have had more conflict towards the end, given the journey they all went on during the book, and how drawn out the rest of the story was.
I also found that this wasn't the best love triangle because we kind of learn to dislike one of the MMC's, and in a true love triangle, I find it more effective when you really can't decide who you hope the FMC ends up with (but of course, this is personal preference.

Overall i really enjoyed this but I did feel like it fell a bit short for me! 3.5 stars.

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I will admit that I had a hard time getting into this. It wasn't a bad read by any means, but I don't know if I was the intended audience. The characters were funny and the writing was great...I just struggled to connect for whatever reason.

I think there is definitely a good chance that many other people will fall easily for this sweet story, so I say give it a chance!

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to receive this book for an honest review.

I loved this story especially because I could relate. I also suffered loss and grief. And learning to move on with your life I coul relate. It made me sad but happy at the same time.

I truly enjoyed this book.

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DNFing at about 20% (10 chapters)…..unfortunately I am not connecting with the characters or the storyline this far.
I think the writing is good, but the story itself isn't for me.
Thank you NetGalley for the ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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I haven’t laughed out loud while reading in a while! This book was sweet and kept me guessing. Definitely recommend!

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I enjoyed the whole vibe of the story. I liked how Claire got to enjoy babysitting for Tommy and was able to find a connection with the child. It was obvious who she would pick, but I still found it interesting as I was rooting for this person. I wish the author had shown more vulnerability with these characters as it would have significantly impacted the situation on hand: grief. But overall, the author did a great job ending the book. It was a light and enjoyable read! 🤍

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Claire Kehoe is a widow with three daughters, grandmother of one, who just became an empty nester at age 40. She is an accomplished painter but after her alcoholic husband died, so did the anger and emotions that fueled her creativity. With no art to sell, she's floundering for a way to pay the bills. Her friend suggests becoming a nanny for a businessman with a young son who recently lost his wife. She's immediately drawn to young Tommy, determined to help him get over his loss. The more time she spends at the Sexton home, the more Banks and his older son Smith start showing an interest in her but she's determined to never date again after her awful marriage. Especially when Banks is still grieving for his wife and Smith is ten years younger than her.
I love the relationship that develops between Tommy and Claire. He's such a sweet little boy that list his mommy too young. Banks just seemed too invested in his work and it was too soon in my opinion for him to be that interested in Claire. Her friendship and attraction with Smith was much more natural even though he was so much younger. I thought this was a sweet later in life romance showing that you're only a old as you feel and sometimes it's worth it to take a second chance.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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"The Second Time Around" by Mary Beesley is a heartwarming romance that beautifully delves into love, loss, and the magic of new beginnings. Beesley's storytelling is imbued with a genuine tenderness that makes the characters' journey of rediscovering love both captivating and relatable. As the protagonists navigate the complexities of their past and present, readers are treated to a story that is sweet, sincere, and a perfect reminder that second chances can bring the greatest joys.

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The Second Time Around by Mary Beesley. A standalone with a woman's midlife reawakening.

✔️ Love triangle
✔️ Wealthy billionaire
✔️ Multiple povs
✔️ Slow burn
✔️ Age gap
✔️ Nanny

Claire Kehoe, age 40, is an empty nester. Her three daughters are adults and doing their own thing, but Claire still has financial responsibilities. She's an abstract artist but isn't feeling inspired. Her BFF connects her with a nanny job watching a five-year-old boy named Tommy who recently lost his mother. Her boss is Banks Sexton (50), a wealthy businessman with a thirty-year-old son Smith. They are all grieving, but Claire's presence brings life back into their lives. The only problem is all the Sexton men fall in love with her.

The world building was great. Claire is alone after raising her kids, but the memories of a bad marriage keep her from opening up to love again. Banks misses his wife Helen, regretting how he didn't appreciate all the things she did for the family.

The characters- Claire loves being a mother and gladly takes on the role for Tommy. She is still very skittish around men after the abuse she suffered from her alcoholic husband Stevie. She's sworn off men for years believing they are all like Stevie. Banks is a workaholic with little time for family, but his attraction to Claire makes him confront his mistakes with his sons. Smith is instantly attracted to Claire but works slowly to gain her trust. He's the first to make a move hoping Claire will be the one to fulfill his dreams of a wife and child. Raven and Roger Char know both Claire and Banks, and kind of "hooks them up." Claire's daughters visit -Indi, Mona, and Edith. They all have their own personalities and know what their mother suffered because of their father.

I enjoyed the slow burn romance wondering who Claire would choose. I loved Smith's pining and the competition between Smith and Banks in Hawaii to get into Claire's good graces. Not much steam, it's all off page. Overall, a great contemporary romance/women's fiction.

Rating: 4⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for this ARC ❤️! I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions expressed are my own. Publication date is 10/31/23.

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An empty-nester widow rejuvenated: great story with love at its heart😍

I was enchanted and heartened by Mary Beesley's The Second Time Around. It was an effortless read thanks to good writing, a fascinating plot and thorough character development for the principals. I would definitely read more by the author.

Her central female character is Claire, a forty year old widow, mother of three grown daughters, who is looking for a way to stretch her income and falls into a nanny job for an adorable five year old who's recently lost his mother. Claire and young Tommy have an immediate connection and Claire is hired by his wealthy father. But the wrinkle in their situation is Tommy's thirty year old brother Smith and his secret rivalry with their father Banks for Claire's affection. It's a conundrum not readily resolved and Claire is caught desperate to "mother" Tommy but drawn to the younger man. And Claire's marriage was no picnic, with a heavy-drinking husband; she's not convinced she wants any man.

Of the main characters, Banks was the least appealing to me because he's somewhat judgmental and expects others to fall in with his plans, no questions, but then his bouts of reminiscence and grief for his dead wife caught me sympathizing with him.

The romantic bits are emotional connection with some passion but not graphic. Just the way I like it.

Thanks to Montlake and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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Thank you Montlake, NetGalley and Mary Beesley for allowing me to read this book and give honest feedback.

In the beginning, I was very excited. WHY CHOOSE? YES PLEASE!! I was thinking I was about to be in for a ride. But I was highly disappointed in the fact that there isn't any spice at all! I did love the book overall but I had to deduct stars for not having spice. Don't tease me with a MFM and not produce! Overall, it's a great story of a second chance but in a different way. Two people trying to move on from loss while someone else wants to help heal a heart.

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The Second Time Around by Mary Beesle is an emotional yet amazing story.
Beesle created characters which readers can empathize with and really feel like they are experiencing the story right along side them.
Captivating and heartfelt story of second chance at love. Thus story was truly an enjoyable read and I had a hard time putting my Kindle down.
A heartfelt and emotionally resonant novel that explores themes of love, forgiveness, and personal redemption. A second chance story that is beautifully moving with masterful storytelling.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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I actually really enjoyed this. It don't think it's a love triangle like people are saying. It's so obvious from the beginning that she's going to end up with Smith. He takes the time to get to know her and he just understands her. Claires relationship with Tommy is adorable and I'm so happy that she's in his life forever.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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I wanted to love and get into this book as it seemed tender and full of hope, but it just wasn't for me.

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Oh my goodness this book was so so good! I found myself getting lost in the pages and the story, and I didn’t want to put it down! I’m such a sucker for a second chance story and this one was so beautiful!

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The cover is what drew me into this book initially, and then the synopsis and hints of a love triangle. Execution was a bit lacking for me - I found it to be quite boring and I didn't care about the characters enough to continue. Likely just not my cup of tea!

Thank you Mary Beesley, the publisher, and NetGalley for allowing me to be an early reader!

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Thank you to Montlake and Mary Beesley for letting me have an arc review copy of The Second Time Around, which was published on 31st October.

I won’t say this type of book is my usual preference for a romance. Age-gap romances aren’t something I have read a lot of. But the cover and book description piqued my curiosity, a click later I was approved and getting stuck into reading a surprising story boosting a well-crafted plot, interesting character dynamics, and witty-off-the-cuff humour and cringe moment of pure hilarity that had me chuckling into my Kindle with the antics going on. A brilliant rom-com that focuses on a love triangle and age-gap romance as a father and son both fall for the same lady.

Written from Claire, Smith, and Banks' point of view, you get the full 360 angle of the story. The characters are a colour cast of personalities and driving forces. It’s a chaotic mix but a charming bunch that worms its way into your heart with each turn of the page. Despite tackling some very emotive and trigger warning issues (mentions of alcoholism, domestic abuse, death, and grief), a lot of warmth, hope, and joy are tucked into every page.

Claire steals the show as a character, I loved her authenticity, her strength of heart, and her steely inner power. Her life hasn’t been easy, but she comes through it a little bruised and wary, but the love and compassion in her brightens the page. Her evolution as a character across the story feels like watching a flower bloom again after enduring a winter slumber as she opens up, learns to trust her heart, and steps out of the shadows of fear and doubt from her past and the number of her age.

The names of the Sexton men made me laugh. Smith and Banks aren’t your normal run-of-the-mill first names. This father and son pair are very different men on the page, despite having the same taste in a woman. Banks felt a little old-fashioned and stuffy at times during the read – his workaholic nature made me glad Claire was there for his younger son Tommy. Smith’s artistic nature, humour, and relaxed sense of presence draw you in naturally with his openness and considerate nature.

Reading each chapter reflected the traits of each character for the pacing and style of writing. I thought this was cleverly done and showed more about the personality of each POV tied to the writing through each of the narrative styles like Banks's rushed, pushing-through vibe, Claire’s thoughtful, artistic vibe, and Simith’s reflective, patient, and noticing little details style.

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TW: a dog dies, loss of spouse/ parent, the grief from those losses, alcoholism.

3.75 stars! I thought this was a cute, second-chance-at-romance-and-life kind of story.

Ages played a lot into this story. The main character's ages were mentioned quite frequently. Banks is 50, Claire is 40, Smith is 30, Mona is 21, etc. It was a big aspect of the storyline so I get it. Other themes at the forefront of this story: loss, grief, growth. I enjoyed the character progression of Claire. She went from a closed-off, self-proclaimed spinster to someone that can trust and open herself to being cared for by others.

I definitely went back and forth on who I wanted Claire to choose, as we get deeper into the story we are exposed to more of each character's traits and it becomes clear who Claire should choose, and who just isn't meant to be for her. I feel like the story was wrapped up nicely.

would recommend if you like:
-age gap/ reverse age gap
-characters undergo a LOT of growth in the story
-healing from loss of spouse/ parent
-clean romance, no spice (sad face, lol)

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The Second Time Around is a deeply touching story about love, grief and second chances. This romantic story is told from the POV of Claire, Banks and Smith. Claire, a widow and empty-nester, is hired to be a nanny to Tommy, a five-year-old who instantly tugs on Claire's heartstrings. Banks Sexton is Tommy's father. He recently lost his wife and is trying to navigate through his tremendous grief. Banks also has a 30-year-old son named Smith, who is eager to settle down and have a family of his own. Upon meeting Claire, Banks and Smith each develop feelings for her. As the story progresses, Claire becomes close to the Sexton family and begins to wonder if she should give love a second chance.

I became very attached to the characters and really wanted all of them to find their “happily ever after.” Beesley excelled at writing in such a way that lets the reader get to know and empathize with all of the characters. She also creates vivid, artistic descriptions throughout the story. Beesley’s writing evoked so many emotions. I laughed during several scenes, and I cried during several scenes. Here are some possible trigger warnings that I want to mention: infertility, alcoholism, verbal/emotional abuse. If you love the slow-burn, love triangle and age-gap tropes, you will absolutely love this book!

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and Mary Beesley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Expected Publication: 31 October 2023

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