Member Reviews

I usually love Phillips' work, but this collection wasn't hitting the right notes for me. The poems themselves are very well-written, but I simply wasn't interested to keep reading at times.

This collection was steady, though topically, it did not draw me in. The style is contemporary formal, which doesn't often work for me consistently. While a good book, I do not think I was the right reader for it.

I am so thankful to FSG, Rowan Ricardo Phillips, and Netgalley for granting me advanced digital access to this riveting collection of prose before it hits shelves on March 5, 2024.

This collection of poems was great. Loved it!! Some of the.poetry confused me for a.bit. when you read it again , its like "oh I got it now!". I love this kinds of poetry. You really gotta think about it when your reading it. If you like deep thinking poetry then you would want to read this collection of beautiful poems.
I received a free copy of the book and is voluntarily writing a review

Ricardo Rowan Phillips is just a fantastic poet. Everything he writes comes with a new perspective, a new take on what poetry can do. It's difficult for me to say too much about his poems because I believe his poems have to be individually experienced by each reader. When you read one of his poems you'll want to read it again. There's so much in each line, stanza, word. I love how he reinterprets other admirable poet's work by including his thoughts within the context of his own poem. He does this with Stevens, Wordsworth, Auden, and Eliot. It's like listening to a great jazz composition, whereby there's these little phrases from other legendary jazz musicians included and riffed on in the new composition. The performance of the new piece re-generates and transforms the old into the new, while forging ahead, leaving us in awe.

A gorgeous collection with pulsive modern themes. Repetitive, though not in a way that bores; rather, cements. Reinforces.

I loved this collection of poems. I am still “new” to reading poetry but each poem struck me as beautiful and will stick with me. I plan to buy a physical copy of this collection as well.

I am a huge fan of poetry which transcends the words used to compose it. Such are these poems, collections of sounds, words and images wrought so perfectly together that they seem to burst forth from the page.

This is a fantastic poetry collection that focuses on existentialism, death, physics, and some wonderful, darker imagery. Definitely pick this up when it comes out in March!

I absolutely loved reading this poetry book. I was completely drawn into the topic of the human condition and could not stop reading it.