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Jude found a mysterious ruby dice on his parents' record store, and suddenly he always got lucky. Another thing about him is that he’s been hopelessly enamored to a popular girl in his school, Maya, for years. The lucky strikes he’s been getting made him have the courage to finally ask Maya out. But is she really the girl of his dreams, the one who’s right for him?

Amazing characters as usual, since this is a Marissa Meyer book so I expected nothing less. It’s rare to see contemporary YA romance using a boy’s 1st person POV. He’s a nerd and also tends to be dramatic sometimes, that makes his character developments even more interesting.

There’s a fantasy side-story in this book since Jude is a Dungeon Master and he’s also making their new D&D campaign into a comic. Not only that, the excerpts of that said comic is included throughout the book, with a total of 23 pages.

This isn’t a swoony-kinda romance but more like… an internal journey of defining Jude’s feelings and to discover what he truly desires. I slightly prefer Instant Karma to this, plot-wise. And it was fun witnessing Pru & Quint’s relationship through Jude’s eyes. TBH now I want to reread Instant Karma lmao.

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A big thanks to NetGalley and MacMillian for providing both an eARC and advance audio book in exchange for an honest review.

Screaming. Crying. Throwing up because I got a Marissa Meyer arc!

With a Little Luck by Marissa Meyer is a YA contemporary novel about Jude, who is determined to fly under the radar. He just wants to draw comics, host D&D night with his friends, work at his parents’ vinyl record store, and escape high school as unscathed as possible. That is, until the night he finds himself inexplicably gifted with a bout of supernatural good luck. Suddenly, everything Jude has ever wanted is within reach. His art is being published. He helps his friend’s song become a finalist in a songwriting competition. And he wins a pair of coveted concert tickets, which he can use to ask out the popular girl he’s been crushing on since elementary school. But how long can Jude’s good fortune last? And why does he find himself thinking about Ari, his best friend since forever? If Jude has been dreaming of the wrong girl this whole time, does that mean he's doomed to be unlucky in love forever?

I'm not the biggest fan of Meyer's contemporary novels, as I am a fantasy reader. But I really liked how we got an expansion on Instant Karma's story. I did also enjoy the splash of the nerdiness when it comes to contemporaries, as it's always love drawn. Overall, I liked this book and can't wait to have it as a physical copy to add it my ever-growing collection.

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Ahhh! I love Jude do happy he got his own book! He's such a nerd and I would have 100% loved to be be his friend. I loved seeing characters from Instant Karma and getting to know them more in depth

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I wasn’t quite in the mood for YA romance but wanted to read this near the publication date, and Marissa Meyer is one of my favorite authors, so I kind of pushed through the first part and then got completely sucked into the rest—I’m so glad I persevered!
This book follows Jude, twin brother to Pru, whose romantic journey can be found in the preceding book, Instant Karma. Jude has a big crush on Maya, and finally gets the opportunity to take her out when a lucky streak comes his way. But is Maya the girl for him, or does he actually have feelings for someone else? Of course I knew how the book would end, and it was as satisfying as any romance, but I didn’t know how much I would love the character development, the family dynamics, the D&D campaigns, and the heartwarming moments. Any book by this author is worth reading—I hope to one day read them all.
This can be read as a standalone, but Instant Karma is so good, you should look it up as well if you’re interested in YA romance, especially with realistic characters.
Thanks to the publisher for the advance copy!

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'With a Little Luck' by Marissa Meyer is an incidental sequel to 'Instant Karma' - meaning we're in the same world but focused on different characters. If you enjoyed the first or anything my Marissa Meyer this will be a winner too!

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WITH A LITTLE LUCK is the companion to INSTANT KARMA following Jude as he finds a 20-sided dice and ends up with all the luck he can imagine--including getting the girl he's crushed on since elementary school but been too shy to approach. The only problem is, he's coming to realize things aren't as great as they seem when everything goes his way. Marissa Meyer is one of my favorite authors, but her contemporary stories aren't quite up my alley. This was fun, and I enjoyed the touch of magic and luck that weave through the story, but it's not my favorite book by her. The music aspect is really enjoyable, especially because Jude's family owns a record store, and Ari (the love interest) is a singer-songwriter herself. This was definitely a fun read, and overall, I think I enjoyed it more than INSTANT KARMA.

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Another lovely book from Marissa Meyer! The DnD elements are so fun and it's nice to have a book of hers from a male perspective! I loved the characters and story and enjoyed seeing the characters from Instant Karma again. Always a good time with her books!

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Jude has always been a little superstitious and shy. He’d never dream of taking risks with his art or asking his dream girl out. That’s until he gets a dice that gives him only good luck. Before he knows it everything he thought was impossible is within arms reach. But when he loses his good luck charm is when he really finds out what he really wants and it isn’t all the things he dreamed of before he got lucky.

I really enjoyed the first book in the Fortuna Beach series, Instant Karma and the second installment didn’t let me down. First off I love that his family is Beatles obsessed and that translates into their names and their family vibe. I also enjoyed what a straight up nerd Jude was. A lot of times authors will just tell us that without making us believe it but she really showed us in this one and honestly I was here for it.

This is a lovely coming of age friends to lovers low angst YA romance. If you’re looking for a fun read that will keep you invested without upping the stakes too high then I think you’ll really enjoy this one too! I could see this being a fantastic beach read for the summer.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group for providing the ARC.

What an adorable book!

I am a huge fan of Marissa Meyer and her work, and this is no different. I didn't get a chance to read the first book, but honestly, it's not necessary reading to love this one.

Jude completely embodies the teenage experience. He doesn't want to stand out for fear of rejection - which is also the same reason he won't ask out the girl he's been crushing on since elementary school. He just wants to draw and play D&D with his friends. But when he has an inexplicable streak of luck that nets him basically everything his teenage heart desires, his whole life changes. He starts feeling a bit more confident, a bit more capable, and that maybe his relationship with his best friend isn't as platonic as he once thought. But when his luck runs out, he grows to understand how much of it is within his control and how much is due to luck.

This was a refreshing story, especially in the YA genre. I feel that too many times YA books in general get bogged down with overhanded plot and characters with the weight on their shoulders. But this was such a lighthearted reas that really just showcases the teen experience with a bit of a coming of age story.

Jude was delightful. I loved how scatterbrained he seemed, his relationship with his family and especially his relationship with Ari. He is sweet, nerdy, and painfully shy, but you can't help but root for him. There wasn't a bad bone in his body, even if he did make some questionable decisions.

A cute book. Lighthearted and fun.

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Thank you Netgalley and Feiwel & Friends for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

"With a Little Luck" by Marissa Meyer is a YA romcom that blends elements of romance, humor, and nerd culture in a light-hearted story centered around Jude DeSilva. The book follows Jude's journey as he navigates high school life, friendships, and unexpected twists of fate after stumbling upon a mysterious d20.

Meyer effectively captures the essence of teenage life, portraying relatable characters who act their age without veering into annoying immaturity. I absolutely loved the nerd culture aspect of the book; the incorporation of Dungeons & Dragons adds an extra layer of charm to the story. The references were really fun throughout the book, and it kept the story light and engaging. I really think younger readers would enjoy this book, especially the “nerds” who would appreciate the references. I’m not really a fan of Dungeons & Dragons, but Meyer made that aspect of the book as well as other “nerd” references so fun that I really enjoyed reading through the entire book.

Jude's family dynamics and his interactions with his siblings are heartwarming, and I really liked Jude’s development as a character. There was a bit of a lack in chemistry between Jude and the love interest, which was a little disappointing in a rom com, but the two really came together in the end. The humor and dialogue between the two really made their romance endearing to me.

Overall, the book provides a fun and entertaining read for fans of YA romcoms. I enjoyed this book more than Meyer’s previous rom com “Instant Karma,” which was a little young for me. "With a Little Luck" is sure to engage readers looking for a light-hearted escape into the world of teenage antics and nerd culture. I would definitely recommend this book to actual teenage readers as well as those who just want to enjoy a simple rom com with elements of magical realism.

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I was excited to see Marissa Meyer releasing a new book and this one did not disappoint.

With A Little Luck was a quick read with relatable, kind, funny, characters with real world teen problems. The spin on the story was the "magic". Jude must figure out if having good luck at all times is a good thing.

I enjoyed the intertwined graphics that were woven into the book, giving the reader that extra connection with Jude.

I highly recommend this book for middle school and up.

Thank you NetGalley and MacMillan children's Publishing for the ARC.

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Marissa Meyer is one of those authors where you know you will just love her stories. With a Little Luck is book 2 in the Fortuna Beach series. It follows Jude, the twin brother of Pru from Instant Karma, on his journey.
Jude is slightly nerdy, has friends, loves D&D and is just a great character. He doesn't want to be the center of attention. Music is a big part of this story, hence the name Jude from the Beatles. Pru's best friend Ari, is a songwriter. Jude and Pru convince her to enter a songwriting contest.
Jude has a crush on Maya, but it doesn't turn out like he thought it would.
Jude finds a lucky die and everything suddenly goes his way. But when it comes to his crush, he thinks maybe he isn't lucky when he starts seeing his friend Ari in a different way.
The author takes you on a journey of happiness, sadness and kept the reader engaged in this sweet romantic story. With a Little Luck is a heartwarming story about following your dreams and friendship.

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This book was super cute and I really did enjoy it, but I think unfortunately it was not the best match for me. As a YA book lover I feel like this one read a few years younger than the main character age was (more like middle school level instead of junior year in high school). The medieval moments and D&D talk were slightly distracting for me and I’m not sure why, also I really wanted more of the record store aspect of the book.

All and all the book definitely sticks very close to the synopsis/book blurb, WHICH IS A HUGE PLUS FOR ME, and the problem was definitely mine and not the books. Also while i read the book via audio and on my kindle I reallllllly loved the audiobook. I was able to listen at it at 2x speed and the narrator was impeccable and really embodied the role of the main character.

Book: 3/5⭐️
Audio: 4/5⭐️

⭐️WITH A LITTLE LUCK, comes out FEB 13TH⭐️

Special thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the review ALC and Feiwel & Friends for the eARC review copy in exchange for my honest review

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This book is such a cute YA rom com. It is delightfully nerdy (I wouldn't have understood half the references if my husband wasn't such a big nerd himself) and made me smile. It was cheesy at times and a bit predictable overall, but that isn't a bad thing, in my opinion. I know some people don't like pop culture references in books, but I really didn't mind them here; they fit quite well. Maybe it will seem dated in a few years, but I honestly don't think it will be that bad. I loved the characters, especially Maya. I really liked her development. The romance was cute, making this a perfect read for February and Valentine's Day! But of course, it is also good to read at any time of year. It's a fun, quick read, great for a palette cleanser or whenever you're in the mood for some sweet YA romance.

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With a Little Luck, Marissa Meyer’s second installment in the Fortuna Beach series. includes comic illustrations by Chuck Gonzales. These make the cute love story even more fun.
Jude enjoys drawing his comics, sketching creatures and heroes, and hosting regular Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) nights with his friends. He works at his parents’ vinyl record store and lays low during his junior year loving Maya from afar. On Open Mic night, Jude finds mysterious twenty-sided dice (a D20) that grants him amazing luck. He wins tickets to a sold-out concert that he knows Maya wants to go to. He promptly asks her out and the love story begins. Or does it? Is Maya really all Jude wanted, or has he put her on a pedestal she could never live up to? And what about his best friend Ari? How does she fit into this new, lucky life?

This is an adorable YA contemporary romance. I loved the nerdiness and the acceptance that girls are into D&D too. I liked Jude the most when he was being himself instead of when he was wooing Maya. This is an important point as the book moves along. Readers clearly see where this relationship is going. Whether it’s forever or it goes down in flames, I won’t tell. The whole book aims to discuss questions regarding the idea of luck. Is it real? And is fate? How much do we control in our lives if we are at the mercy of good or bad luck? The book has heart and makes you think keeping it from some just sappy love story.
I was unaware the book is part of a series. When I found out I had missed one, I felt nervous about getting into this one. But the book stands perfectly on its own. There was no missing information for this particular. The first book is about Jude’s twin sister meeting her boyfriend. I am sure reading the first one would expand on that, but I never questioned their relationship. Meyer did a great allowing new readers to jump into the series.
I had one negative that I hope was corrected for the actual publication. There has been some movement with the English language to make dice both singular AND plural, but it doesn’t work in this instance, There is a dice set for the game. He’s not carrying around his whole set just one special die. Also, the character doesn’t talk about his die like a gamer. Jude would refer to the object as his D20--is lucky D20. (Some might argue with that, but this isn’t just a me thing. Other players I know say the same). In the end this is minor but takes me out of reality Meyers is setting up.
The illustration/comic that Jude creates gives this With a Little Luck the upper hand against other YA love stories. After this, I am ready to go back and read Instant Karma (with or without drawings.

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Ok, this book was seriously cool.

So, we have this story from Jude's perspective, and he is seriously creative. I love living in his head. It's a little like Percy Jackson broke into a YA romcom. The way he randomly breaks the 4th wall is so good, I love it.

The best parts were possibly the D&D sections.
In the kindle copy, every time they play D&D it is in the form of a graphic novel. It's such a fun way to bring the game to life.

The story felt really long. When I thought it was going to end, it still had half the book left. The second half was good, the length just felt daunting.

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I think anyone familiar with my reviews knows I <i>love</i> Marissa Meyer stories and am far too excited to get my hands on just about anything that she writes. As per usual, unsurprisingly, this book was no different.

While I will freely admit that I have come to realize I do infinitely prefer Marissa Meyer’s fantasy work to her contemporary, I was thoroughly pleased to find that I enjoyed <i>With a Little Luck</i> as much as I did. It was a quick overall read and very reminiscent of stories like <i>Some Kind of Wonderful</i>, just with us more in the head of the unaware crushee.

It has, unfortunately, been so long since I read the companion novel <i>Instant Karma</i>, so I can’t quite determine which one I prefer. What I can say, however, is the vast majority of Jude’s story is quite adorable. He can be a little obtuse sometimes, but is throughout incredibly kind and cute.

I also absolutely loved the tiny little addition of “character-created” art that Meyer was able to include in Jude’s tale. Jude, as an artist, is writing a graphic novel throughout the entire book and Meyer teamed up with Chuck Gonzales to add in that little bit of story for her character. It was so much fun to see the neediness of Jude portrayed in multiple different ways that we could actually perceive instead of simply visualizing for ourselves.

This is definitely a fun read and one I’m so glad I was able to read a little early!

<i>I was provided a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</i>

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This book exceeded my expectations! Where as I enjoyed Instant Karma, I absolutely adored With a Little Luck. I just love how much depth we got from Jude’s character, he was more anxious and self conscious than what I thought he was in Instant Karma. My favorite part of this book was the D&D storyline along with the inclusion of Jude’s comic book drawings. It brought so much life and energy to Jude, to Maya and to the book as a whole. I also appreciated that this was a cute mostly clean rom-com that could easily be read by younger YA readers as well!

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Thank You, NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC of this book.

3.5 rounded up because although there were parts that infuriated me, I did stay up way past my bedtime to read this.

This is the second book in the YA rom-com Fortuna Beach series. This time it's nerdy Jude who is gifted with incredible luck. After winning VIP concert tickets, Jude asks out Maya, the girl of his dreams, but finds that good luck isn't all it's cracked up to be and can turn on you at any moment.

- I loved all the music references
- Positive message about being true to yourself and sticking up for your real friends
- Fandom references galore
- The evolution of Maya's character
- Comics! I would have liked to see more of Jude's art

- It's a first-person narrative from Jude's POV and every so often he breaks the fourth wall or writes like he's the DM. I wish this had been either dropped or included more because I felt it didn't work being used sporadically.
- It's so straight. There's a nonbinary side character that develops a relationship with another side character, but...I just wish Meyer was more diverse when it comes to LGBTQIA+.

- I both loved and hated Jude at times. He makes poor decisions, takes forever to realize obvious things, lies to himself about his feelings, but is also a huge adorable nerd with a heart of gold.
- The predictable ending that's so cute you don't care how improbable it is.

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This book was absolutely adorable. As a Beatles fan, I loved how everyone in Jude's family was named for a song and the big part music played in general. The illustrations, graphic novel excerpts, and song lyrics were an extra treat. The romance was just so charming. A total delight.

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